NETGEAR R6020 User Manual [nl]

Open Source User Guide
Open source Wireless-G Router - KWGR614
!!!! Opening The Router Housing or Putting In Any Customer Software on The Router Will Void The Warranty On Your Rout er !!! !
Hardware Specification
- CPU: Realtek RTL8651B (200MHz), embedded with a 5-port Fast Ethernet switch
- Wireless: Realtek RTL8185L / RTL8225 Total memory:
- Flash: 4MB
- SDRAM: 16MB Memory usage of the latest router firmware:
- Flash: 2MB used = 1,804KB (router firmware V1.0.1-10.17WW) + 192KB (Bootloader + BoardInfo + POT + Configuration)
- SDRAM: about 8.5MB (without including the dynamic memory allocation)
Module and Software Specification
KWGR614 is running Linux 2.4.26. The following table lists the functional modules of the KWGR614 router and the source and versions of the different modules.
More information on these functional modules can be obtained directly from the source of the packages.
Module Package Version Location (directory)
NAT/NAPT RIPv1/RIPv2 DHCP server/client
DNS Proxy Dynamic DNS Web Server UPNP Telstra's Big Pond Email Schedule PPP/PPPoE PPTP Client Ntpclient Miscellaneous
Wireless driver Copyright Realtek 1.12 linux-2.4.x/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8185 L2TP l2tpd 0.69 user/l2tpd Iptables iptables 1.2.7a user/iptables
RomeDriver-Realtek 3.6.3 linux-2.4.x/drivers/net/re865x/rtl865x Copyright 2005, DNI 1.0.0 user/ripd udhcpd/udhcpc of Busybox V1.00-pre2 Dnrd 2.17.2 user/dnrd-dnshijack ez-ipupdate 3.0.11b7 user/ez-ipupdate-3.0.11b7 BOA 0.94 user/boa Copyright 2005, DNI 1.0.0 user/upnp Bpalogin V2.0 user/bpalogin Smtpclient 1.0.0 user/smtpclient Crond of Busybox V1.00-pre2 1.0.0 user/busybox/miscutils/crond.c Pppd 2.3.8 user/pppd pptp-client 1.3.1 user/pptp-client Copyright 2005, DNI 1.0.0 user/ntpclient Copyright 2005, DNI 1.0.0 user/dniutil, user/init
0.9.10 user/busybox/networking/udhcp
Making a Console debug Interface for KWGR614
This section contains inst ructions on how t o make a cons ole interf ace to a NETGEA R KWGR 614 wireles s router for developer’s firmware de velopment and debugging.
KWGR Open Source Guide (Rev 2.0)
Provided below is an exa mple schematic using M AX3 232, the (TI), to make a console board.
(Datasheet of the MAX3232 can be found on TI web site at
The DB9 (Male) connector is wired as a DCE (thin k of t h is as a peripheral serial port), and can be conne cted directly to the serial port on a host PC. This gives you access to the built-in serial console on the router (using the protocol of 38400bps, 8 data bits, none parity, 1 stop bit, without flow control).
Connect the console board to the pin header (J303) on the router boar d.
RS-232 Line Driver/Receiver from Texas Instruments
KWGR Open Source Guide (Rev 2.0)
The pin-out of J303 on the KWGR614 board is as follows: Pin 1: VDDH (3.3V) Pin 2: TxD Pin 3: RxD Pin 4: GND (Ground)
There are 3 adapter kits at:
Make sure the adapter board is connected correctly to the corresponding pins of J303 on the router board.
party vendors who provide compatible console boards, such us the AD233AK/AD233B K RS232
KWGR Open Source Guide (Rev 2.0)
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