NETGEAR is a trademark of Netgear, Inc.
Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporat io n.
Other brand and product names are registered trademark s or trademarks of their respective holders.
Statement of Conditions
In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, NETGEAR reserves the right to
make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
NETGEAR does not assume any liabi l ity that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or circuit
layout(s) described herein.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Compliance Notice: Radio Frequency Notice
This equipment has b een tested and found to co mply with the limits f or a Class B digital device, pursuant to
part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential inst allation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio freq uency energy and, if not insta ll ed and
used in accordance with the inst ructions, m ay caus e harmful inte rference to radio c ommunic ations. Ho wever, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
•Reorient or relocate the receiving an t enna.
•Increase the separation between the equip ment and receiver.
•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Radiation Exposure Stateme nt
This equipment complies with FCC radi ation exposure limits set forth fo r an uncontro lled environm ent. In order to avoid
the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less
than 20 cm (8 inches) during normal operation.
EN 55 022 Declaration of Conformance
This is to certify that the Model MR814 Wireless Router is shielded against the generation of radio interference in
accordance with the applic ati on of Co un c il Direc tiv e 89/ 336/E EC, Article 4a. Conformity is declared by the a pplic a tion
of EN 55 022 Class B (CISPR 22).
Bestätigung des Herstellers/Importeurs
Es wird hiermit bestäti gt, daß das Model MR814 Wireless Router gemäß der im BMPT-AmtsblVfg 243/199 1 und Vfg
46/1992 aufgeführten Bestimmungen entstört ist. Das vorschriftsmäßige Betreiben einiger Geräte (z.B. Testsender) kann
jedoch gewissen Beschränkungen unterliegen. Lesen Sie dazu bitte die Anmerkungen in der Betriebsanleitung.
Das Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation wurde davon unterrichtet, daß dieses Gerät auf den Markt
gebracht wurde und es ist berechtigt, die Serie auf die Erfüllung der Vorschriften hin zu überprüfen.
Certificate of the Manufacturer/Importer
It is hereby certified that the Model MR814 Wireless Router has been suppressed inaccordance with the conditions set
out in the BMPT-AmtsblVfg 243/1991 and Vfg 46/1992. The operation of some equipment (for example, test
transmitters) in accordance with the regulations may, however, be subject to certain restrictions. Please refer to the notes
in the operating instructions.
Federal Office for Telecommunications Approvals has been notified of the placing of this equipment on the market
and has been granted the right to test the series for compliance with the regulations.
Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Statement
This equipment is in the second categor y (information equipment to be used in a residentia l area or an adjacent area
thereto) and conforms to the standards set by the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Data Processing
Equipment and Electronic Office Machines aimed at preventing radio interference in such residential areas.
When used near a radio or TV receiver, it may become the cause of radi o i nt erference.
Read instructions for correct handling.
Customer Support
Refer to the Support Information Card that shipped with your Model MR814 Wireless Router.
World Wide Web
NETGEAR maintains a World Wide Web home page that you can access at the universal resource locat or (URL) A direct connection to the Internet and a Web browser such as Internet Explorer
or Netscape are required.
About This Guide
Technical Support ............................................................................................................ xv
Related Publications ........................................................................................................ xv
Congratulations on your purchase of the NETGEAR™ Model MR814 Wireless Router.
The Model MR814 router pro vides c ontinu ous, high-s peed 11 Mbps access between yo ur wi reles s
and Ethernet devices. Also, the Model MR814 router enables your entire network to share an
Internet connection through a cable modem or DSL modem that otherwise is used by a single PC.
Note: If you are un familiar with networkin g and routing, refe r to Appendi x B, “Network
and Routing Basics,” to become mor e familiar with the terms and procedur es used in this
Technical Support
For help with any technica l i ssues, contact Customer Support at 1-888-NETGEAR (in the USA &
Canada, see the Suppor t Info rmation Car d for phone numbers in othe r count ries ), or v isit us on th e
Web at The NETGEAR Web site includes an extensive knowledge base,
answers to frequently asked questions, and a means for submitting technical questions online.
Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We recommend you register your product online at:
Related Publications
As you read this document, you may be directed to various RFC documents for further
information. An RFC is a Request For Comme nt published by the Intern et Engineer ing Task Force
(IETF), an open organization that defines the architecture and operation of the Internet. RFC
documents are listed on the World Wide Web at and are mirrored and indexed at
many other sites worldwide.
About This Guidexv
Reference Manual for the Model MR814 Wireless Router
Typographical Conventions
This guide uses the following typographical conventions:
italicsBook titles and UNIX file, command, and directory names.
courier fontScreen text, user-typed com mand-line entries.
Initial CapsMenu titles and window and button names.
[Enter]Named keys in text are shown enclosed in square brackets. The notation
[Enter] is used for the Enter key and the Return key.
[Ctrl]+CTwo or more keys that must be pressed simultaneously are shown in text
linked with a plus (+) sign.
ALL CAPSDOS file and directory names.
Special Message Formats
This guide uses the following formats to highlight special messages:
Note: This format is used to highlight information of importance or special interest.
Caution: This format is used to highlight information that will help you prevent
equipment failure or loss of data.
Warning: This format is used to highlight information about the possibility of injury or
equipment damage.
Danger: This format is used to alert you that there is the potential for incurring an
electrical shock if you mishandle the equipment.
xviAbout This Guide
Chapter 1
This chapter describes the features of the NETGEAR Model MR814 Wireless Router.
About the Router
The Model MR814 Wireless Router provides continuous, high-speed 11 Mbps access between
your wireless and Et her net devices. Also, the Model MR814 router enables your ent i re net w ork t o
share an Internet connection through a cable modem or DSL modem that otherwise is used by a
single PC. With minimum setup, you can install and use the router within minutes.
The Model MR814 router provides multiple Web content filtering options, plus e-mail browsing
activity reporting and instant alerts. Parents and network administrators can establish restricted
access policies based on time-of-day, website addresses and address keywords, and share
high-speed cable/DSL Internet access for up to 253 personal computers. Network Address
Translation (NAT) protects you from hackers.
Key Features
The Model MR814 router provides the following features:
•802.11b Standards-based wireless networking
•Easy, web-based setup for installation and management
•Ethernet connection to a wide area network (WAN) device, such as a cable modem or DSL
•Extensive Internet Protocol Support
Reference Manual for the Model MR814 Wireless Router
These features are discussed below
802.11b Standards-based Wireless Networking
The Model MR814 router includes an 802.11b-compliant wireless access point, providing
continuous, high-speed 11 Mbps access between your wireless and Ethernet devices. The access
point provides:
•802.11b Standards-based wireless networking at up to 11 Mbps
•64-bit and 128-bit WEP encryption security
•WEP keys can be generated manually or by passphrase
•Wireless a ccess can be r estricted by MAC address.
Content Filtering
With its content filtering features, the Model MR814 router prevents objectionable content from
reaching your PCs. Its content filtering features include:
•Content filtering by domain or keyword
The Model MR814 router uses content filtering to enforce your network’s Internet access
policies. The ro uter allo ws you to con trol acces s t o Int ernet conte nt by scree nin g for keywo rds
within Website names or newsgroup names.
•Logging of inappropriate use
You can co nfi gur e t he Model MR814 router to log access to Web sites and to e-mail the log to
you. You can also configure t he router to send an immediate alert e-m ail message to you
whenever a local user attempts to access a blocked Web site.
The Model MR814 router is equipped with several features designed to maintain security, as
described in this section.
•PCs Hidden by NAT
Network address translation (NAT) opens a temporary path to the Internet for requests
originating from the local network. Requests originating from outside the LAN are discarded,
preventing users outside the LAN from finding and directly accessing the PCs on the LAN.
Reference Manual for the Model MR814 Wireless Router
•Port Forwarding with NAT
Although NAT prevents Internet locations from directly accessing the PCs on the LAN, the
router allows you to direct incoming traffic to specific PCs based on the service port number
of the incoming request, or to one designated “DMZ” host computer. You can specify
forwarding of single ports or ranges of ports.
•Encryption of the Wireless Link
For security agai nst eavesdrop ping of the wir eless sign al, the route r supports W ire d Equivalent
Privacy (WEP) data en cryption with Shared Key auth entication . You can also restrict acces s to
the wireless network by MAC address.
•Additional security features include the following:
–Parental control of web browsing and newsgroup access using We b Address (URL)
keyword blocking
–Auditing and e-mail reporting of web browsing activities
–Blocking can be scheduled by day and time
–Network A ddress Translation (NAT) hides local PCs from the Internet
–Incoming port forwarding and DMZ for
hosting specific Internet services without
sacrificing unauthorized access to your private network.
Autosensing 10/100 Ethernet
With its internal, 4-port 10/100 switch, the Model MR814 router can connect to either a 10 Mbps
standard Ethernet network or a 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet network. The local LAN interface is
autosensing and is capable of full-duplex or half-duplex operation.
Also, there is a built in 4-port 10/100 Mbps Switch which provides the following features:
•Allows LAN connections at 10 megabits per second (Mbps) or 100 Mbps
•Autosensing for Ethernet (10BASE-T) or Fast Ethernet (100BASE-Tx) transmissions
•Half-duplex or full-duplex operation
Reference Manual for the Model MR814 Wireless Router
Extensive Internet Protocol Support
The Model MR814 router supports the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
and Routing Information Protocol (RIP).
For further information about TCP/IP, refer to Appendix B, “Network and Routing Basics.”
•IP Address Sharing by NAT
The Model MR814 router allows several networked PCs to share an Internet account using
only a single IP address, which may be statically or dynamically assigned by your Internet
service provider ( ISP) . Thi s t ec hni que, known as Network Address Translation (NAT), allows
the use of an inexpensive single-user ISP account.
•Automatic Configuration of Attached PCs by DHCP
The Model MR814 router dynamically assigns network configuration information, including
IP, gateway, and domai n name ser ve r (DNS) add res se s, to at tac hed PCs on the LAN using the
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). This feature greatly simplifies configuration
of PCs on your local network.
•DNS Proxy
When DHCP is enabled and no DNS addresses are specified, the router provides its own
address as a DNS server to the attached PCs. The router obtains actual DNS addresses from
the ISP during connection setup and forwards DNS requests from the LAN.
•PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
PPP over Ethernet is a protocol for connecting remote hosts to the Internet over a DSL
connection by simulating a dial-up connection. This feature eliminates the need to run a login
program such as Enternet or WinPOET on your PC.
–IP routing
–Network Address Translation (NAT) for operation with a single static or dynamic IP
–Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server for dynamically assigning
network configuration information to PCs on the LAN
–DHCP client for dynamically obtaining configuration information from the Internet
Service Provider (ISP)
–DNS Proxy for simplified configuration
–PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) support
Reference Manual for the Model MR814 Wireless Router
•The Model MR814 router supports login capability which automatically executes user login
–PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) accounts
–PPTP service (for European service providers)
–BigPond service (for Telstra Australia)
Easy Installation and Management
You can install, configure, and operate the Model MR814 Wireless Router within minutes after
connecting it to the network. The following features simplify installation and management tasks:
•Browser-based management
Browser-based configuration allows you to easily configure your router from almost any type
of personal computer, such as W indows, Ma cintosh, or Linux. A user -friendl y Setup W iz ard is
provided and online help documentation is built into the browser-based Web Management
•Smart Wizard
The Model MR814 router automatically senses the type of Internet connection, asking you
only for the information required for your type of ISP account.
•Visual monitoring
The Model MR814 router’s front panel LEDs provide an easy way to monitor its status and
•Front panel LEDs for easy monitoring of status and activity.
•Flash memory for firmware upgrades.
Reference Manual for the Model MR814 Wireless Router
Chapter 2
Setting Up the Hardware
This chapter describes the Model MR814 Wireless Router hardware and provides instructions for
setting it up .
Package Contents
The product package should contain the following items:
•Model MR814 Wireless Router
•AC power adapter
•Model MR814 Resource CD, including:
— This guide
— Application Notes and other helpful information
•MR 814 Cable/DS L Wireless Rout er Installati on Guide
•Registration and Warranty Card
•Support Information Card
•Vertical Stand
Keep the carton, including the original packing materials, in cas e you need to return the router for
Setting Up the Hardware2-1
Reference Manual for the Model MR814 Wireless Router
Local Area Network (LAN) Hardware Re quirements
The Model MR814 Wireless Router is intended for use in a network of computers that are
interconnected by 802.11b-compliant wireless adapters or twisted-pair Ethernet cables.
Computer Requirements
To install and run the Model MR814 router over your network, each computer must have the
•An installed 802.11b-compliant wireless adapter
•An Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC).
For interconnecting your wired Ethernet devices, the Model MR814 router provides a 4-port
switch capable of either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps operation. Links operating at 100 Mbps must
be connected with Category 5 cable.
Access Device Requirement
The cable modem or DSL modem must provide a standard 10 Mbps (10BASE-T) Ethernet
interface. The router does not support USB modems.
2-2Setting Up the Hardware
Reference Manual for the Model MR814 Wireless Router
The Router’s Front Panel
The front panel of the Model MR814 Wireless Router (Figure 2-1) contains status LEDs.
Figure 2-1.MR814 Front Panel
You can use some of the LEDs to verify connections. Table 2-1 lists and describes each LED on
the front panel of the router. These LEDs are green when lit.
Table 2-1.LED Descriptions
WirelessOnIndicates that the Wireless port is initialized.
LANOn (Green)
Blink (Green)
On (Amber)
Blink (Amber)
Power is supplied to the router.
Power is not supplied to the router.
The system is initializing.
The system is ready and running.
The Internet port has detected a link with an attached device.
Data is being transmitted or received by the Internet port.
The Local port has detected link with a 100 Mbps device.
Data is being transmitted or received at 100 Mbps.
The Local port has detected link with a 10 Mbps device.
Data is being transmitted or received at 10 Mbps.
No link is detected on this port.
Setting Up the Hardware2-3
Reference Manual for the Model MR814 Wireless Router
The Router’s Rear Panel
The rear panel of the Model MR814 Wireless Router (Figure 2-2) contains port connections.
Figure 2-2.MR814 Rear Panel
Viewing right to left, the rear panel contains the following features:
•Wireless antenna
•Factory Default Reset push-button
•Internet Ethernet port for connecting the router to a cable or DSL modem
•Four Ethernet LAN ports for connecting the router to the local computers
•AC power adapter outlet
Connecting the Rout er
Before using your router, you need to do the following:
•Prepare your wireless devices as described below.
•Connect your local Ethernet network to the LAN port(s) of the router (see page 2-5).
•Connect your cable or DSL modem to the Internet port of the router (see page 2-5).
•Connect the pow er adapter (see page 2-6)
Note: The Resource CD included with your router contains an animated Installation Assistant to
help you through this procedure.
Preparing Wireless Connections
Rotate the antenna to a vertical position.
2-4Setting Up the Hardware
Reference Manual for the Model MR814 Wireless Router
Detailed instructions on configuring your wireless devices for TCP/IP networking are provided in
the next chapter. However, if you already ha ve a fu nction ing wir eless networ k and you wis h to us e
a wireless PC to initially configure the router, you will need to change the settings of that PC to
match the default settings of the router:
•The SSID should be Wireless (note t he capitalization).
•WEP encryption is disabled.
•Your IP address must be in the range of to, with a netmask of
See Chapter 5 Wireless below for full details o n setting up wireless connections.
Connecting to Your Ethernet LAN
Your Ethernet network will attach to the four LAN ports on the router shown in Figure 2-2. The
LAN ports can operate at ei ther 10 Mbps (10 BASE-T) or 10 0 Mbps (100BASE-Tx), d epending on
the Ethernet adapters in th e attached compute rs, hub, or switch. You must use a Category 5 (CAT5)
rated Ethernet cable, such as the cable included with the router, for any connection which will
operate at 100 Mbps.
The Model MR814 router i ncorpo rates a fo ur -por t swit ch for c onnect ion to yo ur l ocal n etwork. To
connect the router to your LAN:
•Connect up to four computers directly to any of the four LAN ports of the router using
standard Ethernet cables.
•To connect more than 4 computers on the Ethernet LAN, you wil l need t o con nect your router
to another hub or switch.
–Connect any Local port of your router to the Uplink port of an Ethernet hub or switch
using a standard Ethernet cable.
–Connect any Local port of your router to any normal port of an Ethernet hub or switch
using a crossover Ethernet cable.
Connecting to Your Internet Access Device
Using the Ethernet cable already attached to your cable modem or DSL modem, connect the
router’s Internet p ort to the Ethernet por t o n the modem. Turn the modem of f f or ten seconds, then
on again.
Setting Up the Hardware2-5
Reference Manual for the Model MR814 Wireless Router
Note: Your cable or DSL modem must provide a standard 10BASE-T Ethernet connection for
connection to your network. The router does not support USB modems.
Note: The Ethernet cable supplied by your ISP for connecting to your cable or DSL modem may
be an Ethernet crossover cable rather than a straight-through cable. It is important to use the
existing cable to connect the modem to your router, not to connect your PCs to your router.
Connecting the Power Adapter
To connect the router to the power adapter:
1.Plug the connector of the power adapter into the power adapter outlet on the rear panel of the
2.Plug the other end of the adapter into a standard wall outlet.
3.Verify that the Power LED on the router is lit.
Verifying Power
After connecting the power adapter to the router and a power source, the router powers on
automatically. Complete the following steps to ver ify that power is correctly applied to the router:
1.When power is first applied, verify that the Power LED c omes on.
2.During the first 10 secon ds, all LEDs will be tested.
3.After approximately 10 seconds, verify that:
a.The Test LED is not lit.
b.The LAN port LEDs are lit for any local ports that are connected.
c.The Internet port LED is lit.
If a port’s LED is lit, a link has been established to the connected device. If a LAN port is
connected to a 100 Mbps de vice, veri fy that th e port’s LED is green. If the port is 10 Mbps, the
LED will be amber.
You are now ready to begin configuration of your network, as described in the following chapter.
2-6Setting Up the Hardware
Chapter 3
Preparing Your Network
This chapter describes how to prepare your PC network to connect to the Internet through the
Model MR814 Wireless Router and how to verify the readiness of a broadband DSL or cable
modem account from an Internet service provider (ISP).
Note: If an ISP technician configured your PC during the installation of a broadband
modem, or if you configur ed it us ing inst ructions provided by your IS P, you may need to
copy the current configuration information for use in the configuration of your router.
Write down this information before reconfiguring your PCs. Refer to “Obtaining ISP
Configuration Information for Windows Computers” on page 3-10 or “Obtaining ISP
Configuration Information for Macintosh Computers” on page 3-11 for further
Preparing Your Computers for TCP/IP Networking
Computers access the Internet using a protocol called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/
Internet Protocol). Eac h comput er on your network must have TCP/IP installed and sel ect ed as its
networking protocol. I f a Net work I nterf ace Ca rd (NI C) is al ready inst alled in y our co mpute r, then
TCP/IP is probably already installed as well.
Most operating systems include the software components you need for networking with TCP/IP:
•Windows 3.1 does not include a TCP/IP component. You need to purchase a third-party TCP/
IP application package such as NetManage Chameleon.
•Macintosh Operating System 7 or later includes the software components for establishing a
TCP/IP network.
Preparing Your Network3-1
95 or later includes the software components for establishing a TCP/IP network.
Reference Manual for the Model MR814 Wireless Router
•All versions of UNIX or Linux include TCP/IP components. Follow the instructi ons provided
with your operating system or networking software to install TCP/IP on your computer.
In your TCP/IP network, each computer and the router must be assigned a unique IP addresses.
Each computer must also have other TCP/IP configuration information such as a subnet mask, a
domain name server (DNS) address, and a default gateway address. In most cases, you should
install TCP/IP so that the computer obtains its network configuration information automatically
from a DHCP server during bootup. For a detailed explanation of the meaning and purpose of
these configuration items, refer to “Appendix B, “Networks, Routing, and Firewall Basics.”
The Model MR814 router is shipped preconfigured as a DHCP server. The router assigns the
following TCP/IP configuration information automatically when the computers are rebooted:
•PC, Macintosh, or workstation IP addresses— through
•Subnet mask—
•Gateway (the router) address —
Configuring Windows 95, 98, and ME for TCP/IP Networking
As part of the PC preparation process, you need to assure TCP/IP is installed and configured on
each networked PC. Before starting, locate your Windows CD which you may need to insert
during the TCP/IP installation process.
Installing or Verifying Windows Networking Components
To install or verify the necessa ry Windows components for TCP/IP net wor kin g foll ow the se st eps:
1.On the Wi ndows taskbar, cl ick the Start bu tt on, poi nt to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2.Double-click the Network icon.
The Network window opens, which displays a list of installed components:
3-2Preparing Your Network
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