9: Lo g in to Repeater 2Log in to Re pe at er 2
10: Select Wireless Settings > Setup access list > Add the MAC addresses of your laptops / wireless PCs
11: Select Advanced Wireless Settings > Enable Wireless Bridging and Repeating >Repeater with Wireless
Client Association > Fill in MAC address details of MASTER ROUTER ONLYMA ST ER ROUTER ONLY> Apply
12: Select LAN IP Setup > Set IP address to > untick "Use Router as a DHCP Server" > Apply
13: Turn all routers off
14: Turn on the Master Router
15: Turn on Repeater 1 and Repeater 2
16: You are now done.
To set up wired devices: IE plug a wired PC into a repea te r upstairs in order t o us e a wirelessTo set up wired devices: IE plug a wired PC into a repea te r upstairs in order t o us e a wireless
connection downstairs:connection downstairs:
0: Follow the steps above, then:
1: Plug in the wired device to one of the repeaters
2: Manually configure the interface:
IP Address: - choose a high number to avoid any DHCP clashes
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway: (The master repeater)
DNS: (The master repeater)
Things t o note:Things t o note:
1: Most wireless clients will automatically connect to the strongest signal available, whether this is the master
or one of the repeater routers. Some clients will need to be manually connected, usually by disabling and reĀenabling their WIFI card.
2: The Channel, SSID, WEP and MAC Authentication settings MUSTMUST be the same across the master and
repeater routers. If you change one, you must change them all.
3: You can plug wired devices into the Master router or the repeaters.
4: The MAC addresses for each router are printed on the bottom of the router.
5: Repeating the signal halves the bandwidth available on your WLAN - not a problem if you're just
downloading stuff from the internet as your ADSL is unlikely to be faster than your WLAN - but worth noting
if you transfer a lot of files between machines over your WLAN.
6:This system uses MAC authentication. Before a laptop or other device can use the network, its MAC address
needs to be added to the MAC tables on ALL THREE routers.
7: You can use WEP or not, it's up to you, but the WDS repeating protocol mustmust use MAC authentication.
WPA encryption is not currently supported - it might be in a later firmware release. 14/05/09 Apparently
WPA/2 is supported in v3 and v4 latest firmware - although I haven't tested this.
8: Only v3 and greater DG834Gs support WDS. Most vendors are selling v4 and v5 these days so this
shouldn't be a problem unless you have a really old router.