NETGEAR Dark Web Intelligence
Cyber-Risk Management
Data Sheet
The Institute of Risk Management denes
cyber-risk as “any risk of nancial loss,
disruption or damage to the reputation of
an organization from some sort of failure
of its IT systems”.
As more and more small businesses
conduct advertising, customer support,
and transaction online, the risk of breach
and compromise multiplies.
Domain Protection
• Discovers fraudulent domains that
impersonate the legitimate web
sites of a business in orders conduct
advanced phishing campaigns,
spreading malware and capturing
visitor information which can later be
used for malicious purposes.
• Early warning to prevent data loss,
and damage to business reputation,
credibility and operations.
At the same time, the cost of staging
cyber-attacks and advanced persistent
threats continues to go down, making it
ever easier for cyber criminals to target a
wider set of victims. The most common
cyber-attacks on small businesses include
web site impersonation and spoong,
user credential, credit card numbers and
personal identity numbers theft.
Credit Card Number Theft Alert
• Discovers credit card number theft
before a fraudulent transaction
takes place.
• Early warning before a transaction
attempt, preventing costly transaction
review and fund recovery.
Email Credential Theft Alert
• Identifes leaked, stolen and sold
user credentials in real-time on the
open, deep and dark web, along with
information about relevant malware
used to steal it.
The NETGEAR Dark Web Intelligence
is a web based service, delivered and
managed by NETGEAR partnered
Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and
Managed Security Service Providers
(MSSPs) to small businesses who are
looking for a cost effective cyber-risk
management strategy and solution.
Personal Identication Number
Theft Alert
• Identies leaked, stolen and sold
personal identication numbers, such
as social security numbers and national
identication numbers
• Early warning to prevent criminal use of
personal identication numbers.
• Early warning to prevent inltration of
own web site, as well as masqueraded
fraudulent and criminal activities on
the Internet.
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Ordering Information
Product Number Product Name Description
DWPS03-10000S DWP Quarterly Subscription
Silver Package
DWPG03-10000S DWP Quarterly Subscription
Gold Package
DWPP03-10000S DWP Quarterly Subscription
Platinum Package
DWPS12-10000S DWP Annual Subscription
Silver Package
DWPG12-10000S DWP Annual Subscription
Gold Package
DWPP12-10000S DWP Annual Subscription
Platinum Package
Protection on
• 1 Domain name
• All email addresses under the protected domain
• 3x personal or external email addresses
• 3x credit card numbers
• 3x passport numbers or social security numbers or national identication numbers
Protection on
• 2 Domain name
• All email addresses under the protected domain
• 10x personal or external email addresses
• 10x credit card numbers
• 10x passport numbers or social security numbers or national identication numbers
Protection on
• 3 Domain name
• All email addresses under the protected domain
• 20x personal or external email addresses
• 20x credit card numbers
• 20x passport numbers or social security numbers or national identication numbers
Protection on
• 1 Domain name
• All email addresses under the protected domain
• 3x personal or external email addresses
• 3x credit card numbers
• 3x passport numbers or social security numbers or national identication numbers
Protection on
• 2 Domain name
• All email addresses under the protected domain
• 10x personal or external email addresses
• 10x credit card numbers
• 10x passport numbers or social security numbers or national identication number
Protection on
• 3 Domain name
• All email addresses under the protected domain
• 20x personal or external email addresses
• 20x credit card numbers
• 20x passport numbers or social security numbers or national identication numbers
Data Sheet
NETGEAR Dark Web Intelligence
NETGE AR and the NETGEAR Logo, are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc . in the United States and/or other countries. Other brand names mentioned herein are for identication
purposes only and may be trademarks of their respec tive holder(s). Information is subject to change without notice. © 2019 NETGE AR, Inc. All rights reserved.
NETGEAR, Inc. 350 E. Plumeria Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1911 USA, 1-888-NETGEAR (638- 4327), E-mail: info@NETGEAR.com, ww w.NETGEAR.com
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