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REV 1; SW:

1 General information 4
1.1 About the manual 4
1.2 About InCD Reader 4
2 Technical information 5
2.1 System requirements 5
2.1.1 Operating systems 5
2.1.2 Hardware 5
3 Installation 6
3.1 Installing InCD Reader 6
4 Accessing SecurDisc discs 8
4.1 SecurDisc context menu 8
4.1.1 SecurDisc - Options window 9
4.2 SecurDisc - Drive and disc features window 10
4.3 Opening a SecurDisc disc 11
5 Accessing InCD discs 15
6 Index 16
7 Contact 17
7.1 Contact details 17

General information
1 General information
1.1 About the manual
In order to make best use of this manual, please note the following conventions:
Symbol Meaning
Indicates warnings, preconditions or instructions that have to be
1. Start …
followed strictly.
Indicates additional information or advice.
A number at the beginning of a line indicates a request for action.
Carry out these actions in the order specified.
Indicates an intermediate result.
Indicates a result.
[…] Indicates keyboard shortcuts for entering commands.
1.2 About InCD Reader
With InCD Reader, all discs that were created with InCD can be read, even on computers
that do not have InCD installed. InCD Reader also assumes the function of the so-called
Remapper. The Remapper is necessary if you wish to read MRW-Disks (Mt. - Rainer-Disks)
in hard drives that do not support the MRW disc format.
In addition, InCD Reader provides read access to all discs that were created with SecurDisc
– even on drives without SecurDisc support.
Indicates text passages or buttons that appear in the program
interface. They are shown in bold face.
Indicates references to other chapters. They are executed as
links and are shown in red and underlined.
Page 4

Technical information
2 Technical information
2.1 System requirements
2.1.1 Operating systems
Windows® 2000
Windows® XP
Windows® 2003 Server
Windows Vista™
2.1.2 Hardw
CD/DVD recorder that supports write-once and rewritable discs.
Page 5

3 Installation
3.1 Installing InCD Reader
When InCD Reader is being installed, the SecurDisc reading feature is automatically installed simultaneously.The following requirements have to be fulfilled:
You must have administrator rights for the computer on which you want to install or
uninstall InCD Reader.
InCD Reader is a standalone application and can be downloaded free of charge from
www.nero.com or www.securdisc.net.
To install InCD Reader, proceed as follows:
1. Download InCD Reader from www.nero.com or www.securdisc.net to your PC.
Close all non-essential Windows
be running.
Double-click on the InCD Reader installation file.
Æ temporary
The required files are automatically unzipped and stored on the C:\ drive in a
folder from which they are automatically deleted once they have been used.
The start screen of the Nero InCD Reader Installation Wizard is displayed.
applications and close any anti-virus software which may 2.
Click on the Next button.
Æ The License Agreement screen is displayed.
Carefully read through the license agreement. If you agree to the terms of the license
agreement, click on ‘I accept
cept to install InCD Reade
Click on the Next button.
all terms of the preceding License Agreement’. You must ac-
Æ The Customer Details screen is displayed.
Enter your name in th
rate customer. A serial num
modify this number.
e text boxes, including the name of your company if you are a corpo-
ber has already been entered in the Serial Number box. Do not
8. Click on the Next button.
Æ The Setup Type screen is displayed.
9. Select the desired installation type. You can select a Norm
InCD Reader, there is no difference between the
10. ue with the installation.
Click on the Next button to contin
Æ The Start Installation screen is displayed.
11. Clic
k on the Install button.
InCD Reader is installed; you can follow the progress of the installa
Æ tion with the progress
The Settings screen is displayed at the end of the insta
se two options.
al or Custom installation. For
12. Click on the Next button.
Æ The final screen of the Installation Wizard is displayed.
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