•Keep the appliance far enough from wall and ready for use.
furniture, which might restrict air circulation,
necessary for cooling the unit. It is normal for
The use of the removable pot facilitates the
warm or hot air to flow from the lateral air vents.
production of two consecutive ice creams as well
The refrigeration process requires this.
as the cleaning operations. When you use the
Select the recipe and prepare the mixture, paying •Pour into the fixed pot 1 measuring cups (11)
attention to the following: (25ml) of a solution containing 5g salt and 20ml
•Handle the ingredients as required by the water or alcoholic solution above 40° or potable
hygiene standards applicable in your country alcohol.
(HACCP or equivalent). •Insert the removable pot (8) inside the fixed pot,
•For the preparation of ice creams and sorbets, pressing it all the way down; lift it and MAKE
do not introduce more than 1kg of mixture, in SURE THE OUTER WALL OF THE REMOVABLE
order to allow for proper volume increase while POT IS FULLY IMMERSED IN SOLUTION: this
mixing. operation is essential to ensure a proper
•It is recommended to pour the mixture at a circulation of cold air from the fixed pot to the
temperature between +10°C and +20°C. removable pot and, thus, successful ice cream
Higher temperatures may also considerably preparation.
increase the processing time. •Place the correct set of plastic inserts on the
mixing paddle (fig.1). For removable bowl use
the inserts (9) - you can recognize it by the letter
"A” moulded in the plastic.
machine has two types of operation:
•Insert the mixing paddle (5) in the container,
•Manual mode, the key (2) commands the mixing
turning it clockwise until it is correctly positioned
paddle start/stop, while key (1) Commands the
on the bottom.
operation of the cooling system.
•Fit the retainer (4) to ensure that the mixing
•Automatic mode, enabled via key (12). By
paddle is locked in position. The machine is
enabling the automatic mode you don't have to
ready for use.
care about anything. Once started, the ice
WARNING! if using salt solution, wash and dry the
fixed and removable pots thoroughly to prevent
processes the ingredients and when ice cream
corrosion. Once you have finished using the
reaches the right consistency or when the time
machine, do not leave the salt solution inside the
set by the manufacturer elapses, it
pot, under any circumstances.
automatically switches to preservation mode.
You just have to serve the ice cream to your MANUAL MODE
customers, always with the correct consistency. In manual mode, the user has full control over
machine functions.
The electronic control system of GELATO CHEF
•Before using the machine, carefully clean all
5L AUTOMATIC intervenes only if the paddle jams
parts that come into contact with the
for some reason.
ingredients. Warning: this operation must be
Proceed as follows:
performed with the device unplugged.
•Before introducing the mixture into the pot we
•Check that the voltage indicated on the data
recommend that you run a pre-cooling cycle by
plate corresponds to the local network.
pressing the key (1), 5 minutes before starting
•Place the pair of plastic inserts on the mixing
the production cycle. The lamp (13) will light up.
paddle (fig. 1). For fixed bowl use the inserts
•Pour the previously prepared mixture.
(10) - you can recognize it by the letter "L"
•Close the transparent lid (3) over the bowl.
moulded in the plastic.
•Press the key (2) to enable the mixing paddle
•Insert the mixing paddle (5) in the container,
movement. IMPORTANT: Movement of the
turning it clockwise until it is correctly positioned
mixing paddle is completely independent from
on the bottom.
the freezing system. A safety device stops
•Fit the retainer (4) to ensure that the mixing
automatically the paddle when the lid (3) is not in
paddle is locked in position. The machine is
closed position.
•The preparation time varies depending on the •Once you have finished, using the machine,
quantity, initial temperature of the mixture, unplug the machine from the mains.
product type (creamed or sorbet) and ambient
temperature. When ice cream reaches the
desired consistency, stop the machine by
pressing keys (1) and (2).
•Unscrew the knob (4) on the paddle, by turning it
anticlockwise and remove the paddle pulling it
•Serve the ready ice cream using the special
spatula supplied (7). Avoid using metallic tools.
•After a short wait (about 10 minutes) you can
prepare another ice cream, repeating the
operations described above.
•Once you have finished, using the machine,
unplug the machine from the mains.
WARNING! designed to be used as a display window for
•If the machine is turned off due to sudden and storage or cooling chamber.
temporary suspension of power supply or In order to make sure you always prepare a high
incorrect operation using the power keys of the quality ice cream, we recommend you do not
refrigerant, wait at least 5 minutes before exceed the recommended storage time.
restarting. IMPORTANT
•Should you press key (12), at any time, the •In automatic mode (key (12) pressed), paddle
machine switches to automatic mode and keys (2) and cooling unit (1) switches are disabled.
(1) and (2) are disabled. •You can exit the automatic mode at any time,
In automatic mode, machine functions are
controlled entirely by the sophisticated electronic
control system. GELATO CHEF 5L AUTOMATIC
starts the whipping cycle and when the ice cream
reaches the right consistency, it enables the
preservation phase. Proceed as follows: HOW TO MAKE AN EXCELLENT ICE-CREAM
•Before introducing the mixture into the pot we Making good, healthy, natural ice cream, with the
recommend that you run a pre-cooling cycle by right consistency, depends on the following
pressing the key (1), 5 minutes before starting factors:
the production cycle. •An appliance in good working order: leave
•Pour the previously prepared mixture. enough space on the sides of the unit so as to
•Close the transparent lid (3) over the bowl. allow air to circulate freely. This air is necessary
•Press key (12) to start the whipping cycle. to cool the compressor.
When the ice cream reaches the correct •Good, fresh ingredients.
consistency, the electronic control system •A good recipe: a perfect blend of ingredients
enables the preservation function. and perfect processing.
•To serve the ice cream, turn off the machine and
press key (12) again.
•Unscrew the knob (4) on the paddle, by turning it
anticlockwise and remove the paddle pulling it
•Serve the ready ice cream using the special
spatula supplied (7). Avoid using metallic tools.
•After a short wait (about 10 minutes) you can
prepare another ice cream, repeating the
operations described above.