Neff CircoTherm® Oven - Roasting Chart
Meat Oven Temp ˚C
(CircoTherm® oven)
Beef 160˚C Rare 20 mins per 0.5kg
Beef Filet 180˚C Medium rare 12 - 15 mins per 0.5kg Roast uncovered.
Lamb 160˚C Medium 25 mins per 0.5kg
Pork 160˚C
increase to 190˚C
Chicken 160˚C 25 mins per 0.5kg If stuffed, add weight of stuffing
Cooking time (approximate, see below*) Special instructions
Roast uncovered.
Medium 25 mins per 0.5kg
Well done 30 mins per 0.5kg
Well done 30 mins per 0.5kg
30 - 35 mins per 0.5kg Rub skin with oil.
Do not add extra fat.
Dry roast tender cuts only.
For tougher cuts pot roast.
Roast uncovered.
Sprinkle with salt.
Increase temperature for the last
20 minutes.
Or use Circo Roast for last
20 minutes.
to the weight of bird to calculate
Insert skewer between thigh and
breast to ensure juices run clear.
Pheasant 170˚C 30 - 35 mins per 0.5kg Place bacon on breasts to prevent
Remove bacon for the last
10 minutes to brown the top.
not stuffed
Duck and
160˚C 2 to 4kg cook as chicken
4.5 to 7kg 18 mins per 0.5kg
7.5 to 12kg 15 mins per 0.5kg
160˚C 25 - 30 mins per 0.5kg Roast uncovered.
Brush with melted butter if
Once brown cover with foil.
Uncover for the last half hour.
Insert skewer in the thickest part
of the thigh to insure the juices
run clear.
If stuffed, add weight of stuffing to
the weight of bird to determine
cooking time.
Pierce skin during roasting to allow
fat to run off.
Brush with water, sprinkle with salt.
When roasting place the meat on the wire shelf over the roasting pan – as one unit in an appropriate shelf position.
*Extra thick joints may take longer to cook than long thin joints. All times given above are for meats that are at room
temperature. Times given above are meant as a guide only and may vary according to personal taste.
All meats should be rested for 5 to 10 minutes before serving. This allows juices to settle.
During this time the internal temperature will increase slightly.