The information disclosed in this document, includin g all designs and related materials, is the
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and other proprietary rights to this document, including all design, manufacturing,
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to others.
The NECCSD product(s) discussed in this document are warranted in accordance with the
terms of the Warranty Statement accompanying each pr oduct. However, actual performan ce of
each such product is dependent upon factors such as system configur ation, customer data, and
operator control. Since implementation by customers of each product may vary, the suitability
of specific pr oduct configurations and applications must be determin ed by the customer and is
not warranted by NECCSD.
To allow for design an d specification improvements, the information in this document is subject to change at any time, without notice. Reproduction of this document or portions thereof
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NEC is a registered trademark of NEC Corporation, and NEC CS500 and NEC’s WebWay are trademarks of NEC
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MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
X2 and the x2 logo are trademarks of U.S. Robotics Corporation.
All other product, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective trademark owners.
First Printing — August 1997
Copyright 1997
NEC Computer Systems Division
Packard Bell NEC, Inc.
1414 Massachusetts Avenue
Boxborough, MA 01709
All Rights Reserved
About this guide.........................................................................ix
Who should use this guide?..............................................................ix
How should I use this guide? ...........................................................ix
What about text conventions?........................................................... x
Where else can I find information?...................................................xi
Get acquainted............................................................................. 1
Looking at the Merlin topics.............................................................2
This guide gives you an introduction to what you can do with your
Ready Multimedia Computer and how to do it.
Who should use this guide?
We’ve written this guide for anyone who wants to learn about using
the Ready Multimedia Computer.
How should I use this guide?
We suggest that you read :
“Get acquainted” for information on how to best start with
your system once you’ve set it up.
“Take shortcuts” to learn about NEC DirectLinks which take
you directly to the software applications that you’ll want to
use often.
“Find information quickly!” for an explanation of all the
electronic help and online books that come with the Ready
Multimedia Computer.
“Send a fax — in minutes!” for quick steps on sending a fax
from Ready fax/modem models.
“Stay in touch” for information on using the phone with
Ready fax/modem models.
“Hear the difference!” to become familiar with the many
sound options on your computer.
“Wander the Web” for an overview of NEC’s WebWay™
Internet home page.
About this guide ix
“Get customer services ’round the clock” for information
about the many services NECCSD provides for our products.
“Find answers to questions” for some typical questions about
using the Ready computer and their answers.
“Solve problems” for some ideas on how to handle common
problems with your Ready computer that may come up from
time to time.
“Ready product recovery CD to the rescue!” for some very
important information on what to do if you need to restore the
software that shipped with your Ready computer.
“Setting up a healthy work environment” to learn how to
prepare yourself and your work space for best results with
your computer.
What about text conventions?
This guide uses the following text conventions.
Warnings alert you to situations that could result in serious
personal injury or loss of life.
Cautions indicate situations that can damage the hardware
or software.
x About this guide
Warnings, cautions, and notes have the following meanings:
material being described.
Names of keyboard keys are printed as they appear on the
keyboard, for example,
Text or keystrokes that you enter appear in boldface type. For
example, type
Mouse input is a single click of the left mouse button unless
Notes give important information about the
and press
Ctrl, Alt,
indicated otherwise.
Want to know more?
This section appears at the end of some sections in this guide.
See it for other sources of information on the topic just
Where else can I find information?
Use the following documentation with this guide for information
about your computer.
NEC Help Library
The online NEC Help Library provides a shelf of electronic
books describing the software that comes with your Ready
computer. The shelf also contains the NEC Help Center
package described next. You can get to it by double clicking
the NEC Help Library icon on your desktop.
About this guide xi
NEC Help Center
The online NEC Help Center is your comprehensive source of
information about your system. Go to the NEC Help Center
for detailed information about your computer.
You can choose topics from categories such as System Tour,
The Basics, Advanced Topics, Questions & Answers, System
Upgrades, and Service & Support.
NEC Ready Series System Upgrade and Reference Guide
This printed guide provides information for adding system
upgrades to your Ready Computer. It includes a description of
your computer’s resources such as communication ports and
interrupts. You can also find jumper settings and hardware
xii About this guide
Get acquainted
Your new Ready Computer is full of state-of-the-art technologies that
add up to power and performance for you. Take a look at the many
interesting and exciting features. You can learn all about them by
taking the Ready tours.
Continue for directions to the following features:
Merlin topics
NEC Ready System Tour.
Get acquainted 1
Looking at the Merlin topics
Double click the Wizard hat icon on your Windows 95 desktop.
The Merlin Topics List appears. You can select topics that help
you learn the basics, review the NEC DirectLinks, and more!
Merlin and his cast of characters provide an easy and entertaining
way to get acquainted with your computer.
at the High Color (800 by 600 with 64,000 colors) video
Merlin appears his best when the system is set
2 Get acquainted
Merlin Topics List
When you click “Meet Merlin,” Merlin introduces himself and
explains his role on your Ready computer. He also describes the tours
you can take.
Merlin and his “colleagues” give you a series of quick tours around
your desktop. You’ll see the Start button, the taskbar, My Computer,
the Recycle Bin, and more. By the end of the tours, you should feel
more comfortable with your desktop. And you can also run the tour
or print a reference card anytime for a quick refresher.
Merlin topics
The topics are grouped into four areas.
The Basics
Just as it sounds, the Basics gets you started on your computer. Meet
Merlin, hear how to use the mouse, get around the desktop, start
programs, and understand Windows.
More Basics
More Basics takes you to the next level of concepts you need to
understand to efficiently use Windows. Learn what’s stored on your
computer, how to make and use folders, manage your files, create
shortcuts. Even if you’re not entirely new to computers, you might
pick up a tip or two that you didn’t know before!
Merlin explains your NEC Ready’s own shortcuts, DirectLinks. He
can get you doing what you want to do with your computer in a jiffy!
Want to play some music? Want to surf the Internet? Merlin can get
you started fast.
Get acquainted 3
Tips and Tricks
No matter what your level of experience with computers, it’s
worthwhile going through this topic list. Tips and Tricks addresses
areas that computer users often find confusing. Merlin and company
take some of the mystique out of using your computer and help you
learn to get the most out of your computer.
How to use Merlin
Once you are in the Merlin topics, click the topic title of your choice
and Merlin or one of his “colleagues” appears and talks about the
topic. Hearing how to use the computer can be an easier way to learn
and remember. It’s certainly more fun than just reading about it.
If you like, after listening, you can select and print out a quick
reference card on the topic to refer to as you actually try the task.
Just select View Reference Card. The reference card pops up.
For example, if you find your computer seems stuck, go to Merlin’s
Tips and Tricks topics list. Select “Your computer is stuck?” You can
play the video clip or, just click the button to the right of the topic for
the reference card. Here is the reference card that pops up.
4 Get acquainted
Merlin Reference Card
You can also select a link to the relevant Windows Help file for
further information by clicking the highlighted text. In this case, click
“Restarting your computer.”
NEC DirectLinks
Merlin tours the NEC DirectLinks that take you directly to Readyspecific shortcuts. DirectLinks launch software programs that you use
frequently and save you time. More about these later in this guide.
Taking the NEC Ready System Tour
The Ready System Tour takes you around your computer, pointing
out basic system components, your software, and many hardware
attractions. Take the tour to get familiar with your new Ready
Here’s how to start the system tour:
Double click the NEC Help Library icon on the Windows 95
From the shelf, select the NEC Help Center.
From the NEC Help Center screen, click the System Tour
button on the left side of the screen.
Get acquainted 5
Take shortcuts
NEC DirectLinks bring you instantly to the programs that let you get
things done quickly on your computer.
Once you are in DirectLinks, a simple click takes you directly to the
program that lets you
play a video
listen to your favorite music CD
make or pick up phone calls
surf the World Wide Web using NEC’s WebWay™ for
boundless information and fun!
Take shortcuts 7
In this section, we’ll show you where you can find your shortcuts and
where they take you.
Locating NEC DirectLinks
You can find the NEC DirectLinks icon on the Windows 95 desktop.
Click the icon and a panel of pictures pops up.
Read on to see where each DirectLink takes you.
8 Take shortcuts
NEC DirectLinks
Using NEC DirectLinks
Click the NEC DirectLinks icons to quickly launch your multimedia
and communications programs.
Here’s a description of the NEC DirectLinks:
Video Player
Select Video Player to run video formats such as AVI, MPEG, and
video CDs. Play video clips from the Internet or you can even watch
movies on your computer!
Select Microphone to run Voyetra Recording Station. This is where
you go to record voice messages or original musical pieces using
sophisticated-looking recording station software.
Stereo System
Select Stereo System for a suite of programs to perform all of your
personal and professional audio tasks. Use your Stereo System to play
music CDs, adjust your sound system, create custom playlists of
sounds, and more!
Choose Communications to send and receive faxes (with fax/modem
models), and if you have speakers and a microphone, use your
hands-free speakerphone, use your answering machine, and more!
Take shortcuts 9
Click the globe to open NEC’s WebWay. Follow the screen
prompts and soon you’ll be on your way, cruising the information
10 Take shortcuts
Find information quickly!
Your system comes with documentation available at your fingertips.
No more hunting for printed manuals. Information about your system
is available right from your Windows 95 desktop.
There are three places you can go for quick information:
NEC Help Library
Merlin’s topics (described earlier in “Get acquainted”)
(question mark) or
button in any program you run.
Find information quickly! 11
Checking out the NEC Help Library
Double click the NEC Help Library icon on the Windows 95
desktop. A shelf of electronic books and the NEC Help Center are
Note: Your NEC Help Library might include other titles.
The following screen and list are representative of the
electronic books in your library.
The NEC Help Center is chock full of comprehensive information
about your Ready computer. See “Using the NEC Help Center” later
in this section for steps on using it.
12 Find information quickly!
NEC Help Library
The electronic book titles may include
ABC’s of Windows 95
Microsoft® Works
Microsoft Publisher 97.
Using electronic books
Each volume in the library is an entire guide that you can scroll or
jump through to find the information you need. The books have tabs
and arrows that make them easy to use. You’ll pick it up in no time.
To select an electronic book, click the title you want.
Here’s what to do once you’re inside an electronic book:
Click the tab you want. The first page of the section appears
in a window on your screen.
Click the chapter title you want. The first page of the chapter
Use the scroll bars on the right side of the page to move
through the information in the window.
Using the NEC Help Center
The NEC Help Center is easy to use. To get there:
Double click the NEC Help Library icon on your Windows 95
Click the NEC Help Center volume on the bookshelf. The
NEC Help Center screen welcomes you.
Find information quickly! 13
NEC Help Center
Click any topic on the screen and you’ll jump to the contents
for that topic.
Your NEC Help Center supports ActiveX script. If you disabled
ActiveX script, enable it to run the NEC Help Center. In Internet
Explorer, select View from the menu bar, select Options, and select
the Security folder. In the Active control box, check the “Enable
ActiveX scripts” box. Click OK.
14 Find information quickly!
To help you find the information you need, the Help Center is
organized by topic and the following categories:
System Tour
The System Tour takes you completely around the computer,
pointing out system features and areas of interest. This brief
introduction should get you familiar with your new Ready
Multimedia Computer.
The Basics
The Basics describes Ready computer features, procedures for
operating your computer, guidelines on system care, and tips
for getting the most out of your Ready computer.
Advanced Topics
Advanced Topics gives you information on controlling system
functions such as power management, system security, and
video drivers. It provides an overview of key features, system
specifications, and system board jumper settings.
Here you can also find NEC utility information including NEC
BIOS Setup utility topics.
Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers lists the most commonly asked
questions about using the Ready Multimedia Computer and
provides their answers. This is a good place to look for
answers to your own questions about the system.
System Upgrades
System Upgrades guides you through choosing and adding
expansion options such as memory, boards, and drives to your
system. It has a quick tour of what’s under the system cover
with plenty of photo-like illustrations.
Find information quickly! 15
Service & Support
Go to this category to discover the many 24-hour information
and support services available to you. You can also find
solutions to problems here.
Keeping help handy
To keep your online Help Center handy while you are in other
applications, click the minimize button (-) in the upper right corner of
the window.
minimize button
Minimize button
Clicking the minimize button puts the Help Center in the taskbar.
Anytime you want to switch to it, click the Help Center title in the
taskbar. The Help screen will reopen again.
To exit the NEC Help Library, click the Windows close button (x) in
the upper right corner of the screen.
16 Find information quickly!
Getting help on everything
The Ready Multimedia Computer provides online help for just about
everything on your system. In addition to Merlin and the NEC Help
Library, you can find help for:
the many application programs that come with your Ready
your Windows 95 operating system.
Help in your applications
Most of your application programs provide extensive online help at
the touch of a button (usually the
Help on the operating system
Windows 95 provides extensive online help and “wizards” to guide
you through procedures. Click the
choose from the several tours and help files listed.
or ? button).
button, select Help, and
Find information quickly! 17
Send a fax — in minutes!
If you have a fax/modem model, you can use NEC Connections to
send a fax message. Here’s how to do it. Look at your electronic help
in NEC Connections for more details.
In the following sections, you’ll see quick steps for:
checking your fax banner
sending the fax
receiving a fax.
Send a fax — in minutes! 19
Checking your fax banner
By law∗ you must provide identifying information on any fax you
send. This information goes in a fax banner. NEC Connections
provides an easy way to check or create your fax banner.
the first time you launch NEC Connections. You might have
already entered your fax banner information.
If you haven’t yet provided this information or you want to change
any existing information, use these steps.
Click the NEC DirectLinks Communications icon.
In NEC Connections, select the Fax messages tab on the main
The Microsoft InBox Setup Wizard appears
Click the
Select the Global tab and then the User tab.
Click the
information you want to appear in the fax banner. (This
information stays in memory until you edit it through the Fax
messages tab.)
The telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for any
person to use a computer or other electronic device to send any message
via a telephone fax machine unless such message clearly contains in a
margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page
of the transmission, the date and time it is sent and an identification of the
business or other entity, or individual sending the message, and the
telephone number of the sending machine or such business, other entity, or
20 Send a fax — in minutes!
Change Fax Settings
button. A series of windows appear.
button. Enter or edit the
Sending the fax
NEC Connections Quick Fax is a quick and easy way to send a onepage fax. Accessed from the NEC Connections main screen, it is a
standard fax cover page containing the text of your message.
To send a quick fax:
Select the Fax messages tab. The Fax message screen appears.
Fax message screen
Click the
Quick Fax Wizard
button. The Compose New Fax
window appears.
Accept the default location or change the dialog properties
and click the
Enter the name and fax number of the recipient. Click the
Select a cover page type and click
Send a fax — in minutes! 21
Compose New Fax screen
Enter the title in the Subject field and then click on the large
field and type the text of your message (limited to one page of
text). Click
To receive faxes automatically, your Ready Multimedia Computer
must be powered on and NEC Connections must be open. NEC
Connections stores received faxes in the default mailbox. You can
view, print, copy to another mailbox, save to file, or delete the
received fax.
22 Send a fax — in minutes!
to attach a file.
when you are ready to send the fax. The
+ 79 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.