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First Printing — February 1999
Copyright 1999
NEC Computer Systems Division
Packar d Bell NEC, Inc.
1 Packar d Bell Wa y
Sacramento, CA 95828-0903
All Rights Reserved
Using This Guide
Text Conventions...........................................................................xiii
Related Documents........................................................................xiv
1 Reviewing System Features
Front Features............................................................................... 1-2
System Controls and Lamps .................................................. 1-4
The PowerMate ES 5200 Series User’s Guide provides a
comprehensive reference to infor mat ion about your
The guide contains the following informat ion:
Chapter 1, Reviewing System Featur es, provides a look at
the front, rear, internal, and periphera l featur es of the
syste m. It also gives a summary of the system’s hardware
and software, and secur ity features.
Chapter 2, Setting Up the System, explains how to set up,
start up, and shut down the syste m. It also pro v ides
information on installing applications, and tips on caring
for the system.
The chapter includes a quick-reference chart for finding
information described more fully later in the document.
Chapter 3, Configuring the System, describes how to use
the software utilities shipped with your system, including
the CMOS Set up Utilit y, the NEC OS Rest ore CD, and the
NEC Applicat ion and Driver CD. It also provides detailed
info rmation o n jumpering device s in the system.
Chapter 4, Managing System Reso u r ces, describes the
utilities t hat al low you to identify and control system and
networked reso urces. S ee th is chapter for infor mat ion
about LANDesk™ Client Manager, NEC WebTelligent™,
the NEC SNMP Agent, and the Cheyenne Backup utility.
Chapter 5, Installing Options, provides detailed
installation proce dures for int ernal o ption s .
Using This Guide xi
Chap ter 6, Solving System Proble ms , co ntains
troubleshooting tips fo r solving si mple proble ms a nd
describes how to find help when you cannot so lve a
problem yourself.
Chapter 7, Getting Services and Support, describes the
services avai lable t o you for info rmation and help, and
describes how to access the services.
Appendix A, Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment,
contains guidelines to help you use your computer
productively and safely. This appendix also instructs you
on how to set up and use your computer to reduce your
risk of developing nerve, muscle, or tendon disorders.
Prolonged or improper use of a c om puter
workstation may pose a risk of serious injury. To
reduce your risk of i njur y, set up and use your
computer in the manner described in Appendix
A, Setting Up a Healthy Work Envir onm ent.
Appendix B, System Specifications, provides a technical
description of your computer and its components.
xii Using This Guide
Text Conventions
This guide u ses t he following text convent ions.
Warnings, caut ions, and notes have the following
Warnings alert you to situations that could result
in serious personal injury or loss of life.
Cautions indi c ate situations that can damage the
hardware or software.
about the material being described.
Names of keyboard keys are printed as they appear on the
keyboard, for example,
Text or keystrokes that you enter appear in boldface type.
For example, type
File names are printed in uppercase or fixed-width letters.
Notes give important information
Ctrl, Alt
and press
, or
For example, AUTOEXEC.BAT.
Using This Guide xiii
Related Documents
In addition to this guide, the following printed documentation
ships with your computer.
NEC PowerMate ES 5200 Series Quick Setup/Quick
The Quick Setup shows how to quickly get the system
connected and powered on.
The Quick Reference briefly descr ibes t he do cumentat ion,
NEC CSD tools and utilit ies, so ftware applicat ions, and
services availa ble with t he NEC PowerMate® ES 5200
Series computer.
How Does Your Workplace Measure Up?
This brochure provides information for setting up and
using the computer productively and safely. Information
includes guidelines to reduce the risk of injury associated
with using a computer.
NEC PowerMate ES 5200 Series Release Notes
Release Not es pro vide addit ional information about the
computer that was not available at t he time the user’s
guide was printed.
Your system comes with the following online documentation
on the NEC Applicat ion and Driver CD:
NEC Help Center
The NEC Help Center is an online guide to PowerMate
computers. It prov ides information about your system
under the following t opics: System Tour, System
Information, System Upgrades, Service and Support, and
Healthy Environment
This is an online h elp file that c omple ments the “How
Does Your Workplace Measure Up?” brochure.
xiv Using This Guide
In addition to the documentation that ships with t he syst em,
the following documentat ion is available fro m NEC CSD:
NEC PowerMate ES 5200 Series Service and Reference
This manu al prov id es in fo r m ation fo r maint a in in g ,
troubleshooting, and repairing the computer. This manual
also includes hardware a nd interface information for
programmers, engineers, and others who need to know
how the system is designed.
Service and reference ma nuals are also available from the
NEC CSD website (see Chapter 7).
NEC CSD FaxFlash
NEC CSD FaxFlash is an automated service that sends the
latest information about NEC CSD and its products
directly to a fax machine. The service is available 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week.
Obtain product literature and technical information
bulletins with FaxFlash. By using FaxFlash, you can be
kept up-to-date on the latest technical information for your
See “NEC CSD FaxFlash Service” in Chapter 7 for
information about using FaxFlash.
Using This Guide xv
Reviewing System
Front Features
Rear Features
Inside Features
System Features
Prolonged or improper use of a c om puter
workstation may pose a risk of serious injury. To
reduce your risk of i njur y, set up and use the
computer in the manner described in Appendix
A, Setting Up a Healthy Work Envir onm ent.
This guide describes the PowerMate ES 5200 Series o f small
desktop, desktop, and minitower computers. This chapter
highlights system hardware and software, and describes
syste m secur it y.
For more information abou t using system features, see
Chapter 3, “Configuring the System” and Chapter 4,
“Managing Syst em Resources.”
Front Features
The following figures show the features on the front of the
small desktop, desktop, and minito wer models. A brief
description follows the figures.
Front features — small desktop models
– USB Port
– Headphone Connector
– Volume Control
– Disk Lamp
1-2 Reviewing System Features
– Sleep Button/Lamp
– Power Button/Lamp
– CD-ROM Drive
– Diskette Drive
Front features — desktop models
A – Device Bay CoverF – Disk Activity Lamp
B – Diskette DriveG – Sleep But ton/Lamp
C – USB PortH – Power Button/Lamp
D – Headphone ConnectorI – 5 1/4-Inch Devices
E – Volume Control
Reviewing System Features 1-3
Front features — minitower models
A – Power Button/LampF – USB Port
B – Sleep Button/LampG – 5 1/4-Inch Accessible Bays
C – Disk LampH – Chassis Foot
D – Volume ControlI – Diskette Drive
E – Headphone Connector
System Controls and Lamps
System contro ls let you se lect specific system operat ions.
Lamps let you know the status of system operation. The
figures in the previous sect ion show the co ntrols and lamps
on the front of each system. De scriptions of system controls
and lamps are provided below.
Power button
Press this button to turn on the system power. Press it
again to turn off the power.
1-4 Reviewing System Features
Power lamp
The round lamp in the po wer button is lit when system
power is on.
Do not power off the system whil e the system is
in sleep mode.
Sleep button
Press th is but t on to suspend system operation when you
plan to be away from your computer for a short t ime. Press
any key or move your mouse to resume system operation
at the point where you stopped it.
Sleep la mp
A green lamp in the sleep butto n indicates t hat t he syste m
is in a power-saving mode.
If you have a VESA-compliant monitor, your monitor also
goes into a power-saving mode.
Disk la mp
The green lamp tells you that the hard drive is reading or
writing data.
Do not turn off the system unless absolutely
necessary while the disk lamp is lit. To do so can
damage your hard driv e or data.
Reviewing System Features 1-5
Diskette Drive A
Use diskett e drive A to copy data files to and fro m a diskett e.
You can also use it as a bootable drive for loading and
starting pro grams from a diskette.
To prevent damage to your disket te drive and
data, do not turn off the system or remove a
diskette whil e the diskette drive busy lamp is lit.
Front Audio and U SB Access
The system featur es front access for audio and USB devices.
The following features are found on the front of the syste m:
Unive rsal Se rial Bus port
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) port allows you to add
new plug and play serial devices without opening up the
system. You simply plug the devices into the ports. The
USB determines syst em resources for each periphera l and
assigns them without user intervention. Up to 127 devices
can be daisy chained to the USB port.
Headphone jack
The headphone jack allows you to connect a headphone
set to th e front of the system.
Volume control
Th e volume co ntrol lets you adju st audio system volume.
1-6 Reviewing System Features
CD-ROM Drive
Some systems come wit h a 32X or 40X Max variable
CD-ROM drive. Use the CD-ROM drive to load and start
programs from a compact disc (CD). Yo u can also use the
CD-ROM drive to play audio CDs.
CD-ROM drive with a bootable CD. To configure
the system to boot from the CD-RO M drive, see
“BIOS Features Setup” in Chapter 3.
The CD-ROM drive operates at different speeds depending
on whether the CD you are using contains data or music. This
allows you to get your dat a faster and to see smoother
animation and video.
Some models come with a DVD-ROM drive. The
DVD-ROM drive offers many improvements over the
standard CD-ROM technology including superior video and
audio playback, faster dat a access, and great er stor age
capacities. The dr ive uses t he latest DVD technology that
reads from specially designed DVD discs as well as standard
audio and video CDs.
PC Card Adapter
You can boot your system from the
If your system has a PC card adapter, you can add PC cards
to the system. Inserting a PC card into a PC card slot is
similar to inserting a diskett e into a diskett e drive. E ach type
of PC card has a different function. One PC card adapter lets
you can add a number of capabilities to your syst em with a
variety of PC cards.
Reviewing System Features 1-7
Tape Backup Unit
Some models come with a tape backup unit. If your system
has a tape backup unit, you can use it to quickly back up all
or part of your system’s files to a high-capacity tape
cartridge. Backup software helps you tailor the backup
process to protect your files and app lications. Files are
compressed during the backup process to conserve space and
to speed up the process.
Zip Drive
Some mode ls c ome with an A TAPI Zip® drive. Use the Zip
drive to back up work, archive old files, and transport your
work. Store up to 100 MB of data on a 3 1/2-inch Zip disk.
Rear Features
On the back of your computer, you’ll find external
connectors, power supply features, and expansion board slots.
The following figures show these features.
1-8 Reviewing System Features
Rear features — small desktop models
A – PCI SlotH – Keyboard Port
B – PCI/ISA Shared SlotI – Mou se Port
C – USB PortJ – Serial Port 2
D – Power SupplyK – Serial Port 1
E – Line Out JackL – VGA Monitor Connector
F – Microphone In JackM – Printer Port
G – LAN Connector
Rear features — desktop models
A – Expansion Board SlotsG – Keyboard Port
B – Power SupplyH – Mo use Port
C – USB PortI – Serial Po r t 2
D – Line Out JackJ – Serial Port 1
E – Microphone In JackK – Printer Port
F – LAN ConnectorL – VGA Monitor Connector
Reviewing System Features 1-9
Rear features — minitower models
A – Power SupplyG – Serial Port 1
B – Line Out JackH – VGA Monitor Connector
C – Microphone In JackI – USB Port
D – LAN ConnectorJ – Prin ter Port
E – Keyboard PortK – Serial Port 2
F – Mouse PortL – Expansion Board Slots
External Connectors
External connecto r s let you att ach peripheral devices, such as
a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and printer to your s ystem. Your
system has the fo llow ing exter na l co nnect ors:
Mouse port
Attach the mouse that co mes w ith your co mputer to this
port. The mouse port supports a PS/2-compat ible mouse.
Keyboard port
Attach the keyboard that comes with your computer to the
ke yboard port.
1-10 Reviewing System Features
The keyboard port supports a PS/2®-compatible (personal
system/2-compatible) 101-key or 104-key keyboard (in the
U.S. and Canada) or a 102-key keyboard (in the United
Kingdom and Germany) with a 6-pin mini DIN connector.
VGA mo nitor connector
The system supports the Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP)
standard, and comes with an external video graphics array
(VGA) connector. The connector support s an NEC
VistaScan™ monitor, NEC MultiSync® monitor, or other
VGA-compatible monitor with a 15-pin connector. Att ach
the signal cable from your monitor to the VGA connector
on the rear of the system.
Printer port
Use this port to connect a parallel printer with a 25-pin
connector to the system.
Serial ports (COM1 and COM2)
Attach a serial device with a 9-pin connector to each seria l
port. Serial devices include a pointing device, serial
printer, or a modem.
Unive rsal Se rial Bus port
This port adds a USB connection at the rear of the syst em
(see “Front Audio and USB Access”) .
LAN connector
The rear panel contains an RJ-45-compatible port for
connecting the syste m to an Ethernet local-area network
(LAN). Some systems also have a network board installed
in a PCI slo t.
The system board has an Intel 82558 LAN controller and
supports 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet connections.
The controller also supports remote Wake-On LAN.
Reviewing System Features 1-11
Audio connectors
The following connector s co me integrated on the system
Microphone in jack
The microphone in jack lets you connect a microphone
for recording audio information in your data s ystem
Line out jack
The line out jack allows you to connect an amplified
output device, such as powered speaker s, a stereo tape
recorder, or an external amplifier for audio output. If
you ordered speakers, use t his jack to connect t hem.
Fax/modem ports
Some systems come with a 56-kilobytes per second
(Kbp s) v.9 0 fax/modem board. The fax/modem bo a rd
allows the connection of a phone line to the computer for
fax and data communications functions.
Dual fax/modem ports let you use a telephone line for the
fax/modem and your telephone.
Power Supply Feat ures
The power supply has the following features:
Pow er supply fan
The power supply fan cools system components and
prevents them from overheat ing. Keep the area near t he
fan clear for proper vent ilation.
1-12 Reviewing System Features
Voltage selector switch
This switch sets the system voltage to 115 or 230 volts.
Set the switch corr ectly for the voltage in your
area. Most wall outl ets in the United States and
Canada are 115 volts. O utlets in Europe,
Australia, and Asi a ( ex c ept T aiwan) are
230 volts. Taiwan uses 115-volt outlets.
Power socket
The power socket provides a connection for your power
Three-wire fan
The three-wire fan works with system software for fan
failure detection.
Power-on features
Power-on features include remote on/off, Wake-On LAN,
and Instant On ready.
Reviewing System Features 1-13
Inside Features
See the follow ing figures for the location of features within
the system. Feature descriptions follow.
Inside the system — small desktop models
A – Expansion SlotsD – System Board
B – Riser BoardE – Internal Hard Drive
C – Power SupplyF – Accessible Device Bays
1-14 Reviewing System Features
Inside the system — desktop models
A – Expansion SlotsE – Accessible Device Bays
B – Riser BoardF – Internal Hard Drive
C – Internal Hard DriveG – System Board
D – Power Supply
Inside the system — minitower models
A – Expansion SlotsD – Accessible Device Bays
B – Power SupplyE – System Board
C – Riser BoardF – Chassis Floor
Reviewing System Features 1-15
System Board
System memory, the processor, and the system battery reside
on the system board. The system board also comes with an
audio subsystem and a LAN controller, and it supports the
AGP standard.
See “Front Audio and USB Access” and “Exter na l
Connectors” for descriptions of external connector s.
The system board supports two diskette drives and up to four
IDE devices such as IDE hard drives, an IDE CD-ROM drive
or DVD-ROM drive, and an IDE Zip drive.
Riser Board
Most of the cable connectors in the system reside on t he riser
board. Riser board connectors include:
primary and secondary IDE co nnectors
diskette dr ive connector
front panel connector for lamp
the NLX connector for the syst em board
the external LAN connector
power connector s
additional connectors including the CD Audio In,
Modem In, Wake-On LAN, chassis intrusion (hardware
monitor), and fan connectors.
Expansion board connectors on the riser board are as follows:
S mall desk top models
one PCI connector
one shared PCI/ISA connector
1-16 Reviewing System Features
Desktop models
two PCI connectors
one shared PCI/ISA connector
one ISA connector
Minitower models
three PCI connecto r s
two ISA connector s.
Each model has a stat e of the art chassis de s ign. T he chas s is
provides the following featur es that make the system easy to
use, upgrade, repair, and secure:
a sturdy design
easy upgradeablilty, so internal devices can be installed
riser board with an NLX connector for signal and power
The chassis supports the following storage device
S mall desk top models
connector next to t he ISA connector. This
connector is not support ed and c annot be used.
Some minitowers have a fourth PCI
wit h only a screw d river
standardized size and dimensions to accommodat e NLX
form factor system boards
circuitry to keep the syste m board largely cable free.
Three bays accommodate an internal 3 1/2-inch hard drive,
a 3 1/2-inch diskette drive, and a 5 1/4-inch accessible
Reviewing System Features 1-17
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