MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
iv Figures
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
The MA4000Expense Management Cable Management User Guide
provides all the information needed to use the Cable Management
application. The following topics are included in this chapter.
Chapter Topics• How This Guide is Organized
• Exploring Cable Management
How This Guide is Organized
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Cable Management Tools
Chapter 3
Cable Management Wizards
Chapter 4
Setting Up Infrastructures
Product Functionality
This chapter outlines how to use the manual including the organization
and chapter layout of the MA4000 Expense Management - Invoice
Management Module User Guide.
This chapter defines the tools available within the application as well as
from the Cable Management main page.
This chapter describes the Wizards available to speed up the process of
setting up and documenting your infrastructures.
This chapter provides information on setting up the Geographical,
Companies, and Cabling infrastructures.
This chapter provides information for the Termination Hardware.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
1-2 Introduction
Exploring Cable Management
Exploring the Cable Management Environment
The Cable Management interface is comprised of several helpful
sections. In keeping everything uniform, the actual look of the software
will remain the same throughout the different sections of the
application. By reviewing the layout of the interface, one can see a
navigator, a spreadsheet view area, a detail section, a locator area, and
helpful links all from the uniform exploration view. This environment
was built to satisfy all your documentation needs while remaining easy
to use and navigate.
The Cable Management Main Page
When you login to Cable Management, the first screen will be the Main
Page. The Main Page is the entry page to access all of Cable
Management's features. Every additional page you view in Cable
Management has a link back to the Main Page to make it easy to
navigate between the application itself and Cable Management's setup
tools and reports. The Main Page link is located near the top right-hand
corner of all Cable Management screens.
Figure 1-1
Cable Management Main Page—Links
The Main Page links are located in a column of five menus along the
right side of Figure 1-1.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
Introduction 1-3
Cable Management Main Menu
The Cable Management Main Menu is on the right side of the Main Page
and consists of five submenus. A brief description of each menu link is
described below:
Cable Management menu:
• Launch Application - Launches the main Cable Management
function of documenting your network components.
• Help - Opens the online help feature.
• Report Creator - Opens a pop-up window from which you can
generate a variety of reports.
TOOLS menu:
• User Defined Fields - Opens a pop-up window allowing you to
view and edit user-defined fields that appear in Cable Management
component detail views.
• Custom Fields - Opens a pop-up window allowing you to add,
edit, and delete fields you've added for component tracking
• Security Log - Opens a pop-up window showing the user
transaction log.
• Each link opens the component-specific auto-numbering wizard.
This allows users to create multiple identifiers of documented
records with the same default information at the same time.
SETUP menu:
• Companies - Opens a pop-up window allowing you to add, edit, or
delete Companies in your documentation.
• Infrastructure - Opens a pop-up window allowing you to add,
edit, or delete items documented at the Campus, Outdoor Space,
Building, Floor, Indoor Space, Faceplate, and Port infrastructure
• General Settings - Opens a pop-up window allowing you to hide
or show certain sections of the application.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
1-4 Introduction
The Cable Management Environment
Navigator Tree
The Navigator Tree, displayed in the upper left pane of the Cable
Management application, shows the physical and geographical layout of
your infrastructure. It allows you to move around the infrastructure
quickly and efficiently, regardless of the complexity of your
infrastructure. For instance, you can go to a faceplate in a work area, or
to a telecommunication space.
The Navigator Tree functions similarly to Microsoft's Windows Explorer.
Click th
Campus level, is displayed. This convention is followed throughout the
Navigator Tree's hierarchy. Click the + sign (which changes to a minus
sign) to display the next level on the tree.
Click the CompList View and Detail View areas are populated with information
filtered according to the selected category.
e + (plus) sign at the Company level, and the next level, the
any icon or anywhere on the Company name, and the
For example: If y
selection in the drop-down field, all assets for your company are
displayed in the List View spreadsheet. Click a building icon or a floor
icon, and you will see assets specific to that building or floor.
The Navigator Tree is easy to set up, using the Company and
astructure setup functions on the Setup menu on the Cable
Management Main Page. Once the tree is set up, any change, move,
upgrade, or addition is easy to locate and perform.
See “Hierarchy Descriptions” on page 1-4 for further explanation and
navigation assistance.
ou click the Company icon, and then click the Assets
Hierarchy Descriptions
The hierarchy layout in the Navigator Tree is set up as follows:
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
Introduction 1-5
Company - The company is the highest-level component in Cable
Management. It's the starting point for managing your cabling
infrastructure. Even if you only manage the infrastructure for a single
company, you still need to define the company before setting up cabling
Campus - Your company may have only one location, and in that case
you would create only a single campus. But many companies conduct
business in a number of locations. The campus feature in Cable
Management makes it possible to manage infrastructure specific to each
Outdoor Space - You can also set up an outdoor space such as a
Manhole or a Utility Pole. After spaces are in place, you can start to
specify cabling and hardware.
Building - Each campus you set up will include buildings that contain
spaces that house components of the infrastructure. Your company may
have one building, or numerous buildings that can be interconnected by
cabling components.
Floor - Floors in buildings are the next level of geographical
infrastructure you create in Cable Management.
Indoor Space - In Cable Management, a Room, Telecommunications
Space, Cubicle, Hallway, Warehouse, Kitchen, or Office is considered to
be an Indoor Space.
Faceplate - While many elements of cabling infrastructure can be
added at any time after the geographical infrastructure is set up,
Faceplates should be set up first. Faceplates are usually attached to a
Work Area such as an office.
Whatever level of the Navigation Tree you select is highlighted. In
addition, when you let your cursor hover any item on the tree, a floating
box will open with the name and type of infrastructure item. If the item
is a Faceplate, the box will also include the ports connected with it.
Location Info
The Location Info section is directly beneath the Navigator Tree on the
left side of the Cable Management screen. No matter how elaborate
your infrastructure, the Location Info section displays where you are
according to your highlighted selection in the Navigator Tree. See
“Hierarchy Descriptions” on page 1-4.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
1-6 Introduction
List View
The upper half of the right pane is the List View. Also referred to as the
List View pane or List View area. The List View resembles a spreadsheet.
Clicking any category in the drop-down list in the upper left corner of
this pane displays a list of records in the chosen category for the
Navigation Tree level you're at. The drop-down list includes the following
infrastructure categories:
• All items
• Assets
• Termination Hardware
• Horizontal Links
• Backbone Cables
• Contacts
Your location in the Navigator Tree filters the records seen in the List
View pane.
For example: If you are at the building level in the Navigator Tree, and
have selected Horizontal Links in the drop-down field, you will see all the
records for Horizontal Links within that building.
Clicking a column heading sorts the records by that column in ascending
order; clicking on the column heading again will sort it in descending
For example: If you select Horizontal Link and then click on the Cable
ID column, the horizontal links are sorted in ascending order according
to Cable ID. An up-arrow appears next to the column heading indicating
that the list is sorted in ascending order. Click again and the arrow
points downward, indicating the records are sorted in descending order.
The first column of the List View pane consists of a clickable button that
allows you to display the detailed view for that component in a pop-up
window. This lets you have side-by-side views of components, which
you can minimize, expand, and move around on your screen. It also
allows you to move to another section of Cable Management while
keeping the detailed-view pop-up windows open.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
Introduction 1-7
1of 6]
The following table describes the user buttons along the top of the List
View pane (Table 1-1):
Table 1-1
User Buttons
The Copy button will allow you to duplicate the item being copied for
an easier way of building specific network components.
The Add button allows you to create a new record in whichever area
you have selected.
The Delete button allows you to delete a record.
The To Clipboard button copies whatever information is in the
current table to the computer's clipboard for pasting into any other
The To Excel button opens a browser window with the data in the
table formatted as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. You can print it or
save it as an Excel file.
The Print Details button enables you to print details of an individual
record (i.e., not everything in the list) as an HTML-formatted report
in your Internet browser.
The Search button opens another window containing the records
currently in the List View table, where you can enter a search string
and initiate a search of the records in the table.
The Previous and Next buttons allow the user to navigate between
pages of spreadsheet views.
This section also serves as a counter for the number of items
viewable within a selected area.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
1-8 Introduction
Detail View
When a List View category is selected, the Detail View in the lower half
of the window displays details of the selected record from the List View
table. You can change to a different record by selecting a different row
in the spreadsheet, either by scrolling down through the records using
the arrow keys or clicking on a record with your mouse pointer. The
Detail View display is linked to the selection chosen in the List View.
For example: If Termination Hardware is selected, the Detail View shows
tabs Termination HW Info and Port/Pos. Details. The tabs shown in the
Detail area will change according to the category selected in the dropdown field, and sometimes will even change in the same category but
with different types. This will occur throughout the application as the
tabs are associated and used for each category and for the different
types of items in those categories.
When an item in the List View area is selected, the Info tab in Detail
View always gives detailed attributes of the selected record. The
remaining Detail View tabs usually show information about how that
record is connected to other cabling elements.
For example: When selecting a record on the Horizontal Links (HL) dropdown list in the List View, the Detail View tabs have specific data about
the horizontal link:
• The Hardware Sequence tab shows the hardware sequence for the
selected cable.
• The Connected Backbone tab lists backbone cables connected to the
HL and permits the user to connect backbone cables to that horizontal
• The Pathways Used tab does the same for Pathways containing HLs.
• The Notes and Attachments tab shows all associated notes to the
selected cable and all attached items.
• If the horizontal link is a voice link, an extra tab exists called Key
Sheet that contains data input by the user about the phone
• If the Horizontal Link category is selected, and you change to a
different space on the Navigator Tree, the information populating the
List View and Detail View will change as you move to the different
space. If, for example, you move up to a higher level on the tree, all
the horizontal links for that level and space are shown in List View.
Detail View will contain details of the first record in that group by
default, or the last record you highlighted.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
Introduction 1-9
Cable Management has attachment capability that can be found
throughout the application. This capability can be found at every level of
your infrastructure, along with everything being tracked about your
infrastructure, down to each individual component. An attachment can
be added at any level to better enhance your documentation needs.
An attachment may be any file needed to better illustrate needed
on about your network. These attachments may be network
drawings, digital photos, MS Excel documents, MS Word documents, and
more. By using this capability and using it correctly, your
documentation, network drawings, photos, and all other needed files are
stored in one easy-to-reach location.
Adding an Attachment
Step 1In the Attachment area, click Add.
Step 2In the Attachment pop-up window, click Browse to locate your
You may type specific comments within the pop-up window.
Step 3Click OK to close the Attachment pop-up window. Once the pop-up
window closes, the attachment will be located in the Attachment area
with a Time/Date/User stamp on it. A message stating "Attachment
successfully attached " will appear. Click OK.
Step 4Click the Save button so all attachments and changes will be saved
If an attachment is given an identical name of one already added in the same section
of Cable Management, the second attachment will not be saved, even if the first
attachment has been deleted. If this occurs, choose a different name for the
attachment file.
Viewing an Attachment
Step 1Locate your attachment within Cable Management.
Step 2Click on the View link next to your attachment. The file will launch in an
HTML-formatted window.
Step 3Close the HTML window when you have finished viewing the file.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
1-10 Introduction
Deleting an Attachment
Step 1Locate your attachment within Cable Management.
Step 1Click on the Delete link next to your attachment for complete deletion of
the file.
Step 1Click OK on the pop-up message that appears when you are positive
that deletion of the selected note is needed.
Step 1Click the Save button once deletion has completed to save and update
all components.
Deleting an attachment does not delete the file from the Cable Management server;
it only deletes its connection to the Cable Management component.
Cable Management has Notes capability located throughout the
application. This capability can be located at every level of your
infrastructure and also within the Notes and Attachments tab in the
Detail pane for every component being tracked. Beyond these areas of
the application you can also attach notes down to the port level of a
piece of hardware and also down to the strand level of a cable for
example. With this capability, individuals can relay information to others
and save specific needed notes for future use. By using this
functionality, your notes can assist all users in recalling needed
information and also better document your network by providing
additional space for valuable information.
Adding Notes
Step 1Within the Notes area of the application, type your notes into the given
Notes box.
Step 2Click Save in order for your notes to be saved properly. After the Save
button has been clicked, the note will move below the Notes box. The
newly created line with your entered notes will also contain a Time/Date/
User stamp.
Adding additional Notes to the Port or Strand Level
This capability can be found in both the hardware or backbone cable
on of the application.
• In the Termination Hardware area under the Port/Position tab this
ility will be found down to the Port/Strand level.
• In the Backbone Cables area under the Pair/Strand Details tab this
ility will be found down to the Pair/Strand level.
Within these tabs, to the far right of each row will be a Notes col
Step 1Click on the selection button for the item needed to receive a Notes pop-
up window.
Step 2Type in the needed notes and click OK to close the pop-up window.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
Introduction 1-11
Step 3Click Save in order for your notes to be saved properly. Once you have
clicked the Save button, a check mark appears in the selection box
illustrating a saved note for that item.
At this level, notes can be deleted or changed by going through the same steps (Step
1 thru Step 3), as stated above. No additional links will be found at this level, since all
capability is specific to the level being reviewed for the component in question.
Deleting Notes
Step 1Locate your Notes within Cable Management.
Step 2Click on the Delete link next to the Note(s) you want to remove for
complete deletion of the attached Note file.
Step 3Click OK on the pop-up message that appears to complete deletion of
the selected note.
Step 4Click Save to save and update all components once deletion has been
Revision Log
At every level of the infrastructure, each component's Detail View lists
the user name of the individual who added the component to the
structure and the date/time stamp of when it was added.
Any changes made to this component's documentation in Cable
are tracked, and the last change made is also noted by
user name and date/time stamp on the Detail View.
The Revision Log is view
-only for an administrator level access; no
fields can be changed.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
1-12 Introduction
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
Cable Management Tools
The following topics are included in this chapter.
Chapter Topics • Cable Management Tools Available Within the Application
• Cable Management Tools Accessed from the Cable Management Main
Cable Management Tools Available Within the Application
Multi-View Multi-Task Capability
Cable Management has the ability to allow for multi-viewing and multitasking while navigating throughout the application. Within the
application launch and in the spreadsheet view, each row will have a
button to the far left of each row in every single area of the application.
If this button is selected, a pop-up window will appear displaying the
Detail area for the item selected. The User can then open another item
for side-by-side comparisons as needed. You are not limited to the same
area, as a user may open a piece of hardware, minimize that screen,
and then open a backbone cable using the same technique for
comparison viewing of those two items.
Pop-up windows are an essential part of Cable Management and will not
limit but instead enhance your working capability. When any pop-up
window appears that may be needed a short while later, you can
minimize the screen and continue working and then restore the screen
again without having to return to where the screen was originally
accessed. For example, you can go to the home page and click on
Report Creator, then minimize the creator screen and then launch the
application to continue working. After a while you may need another
report, so you simply restore the screen to create the report without
having to go back to the home page to gain access to this tool. This
Cable Management feature saves time and makes the application easier
to use.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
2-2 Cable Management Tools
Window Sizing
Cable Management allows for the different areas of the main screen
within the normal application view to be resized as the user sees fit.
After clicking on the Launch Application link on the Cable Management
home page, the screen will be divided into four key areas: the Navigator
Tree, the Location Info area, the List area, and the Detail area. The user
can utilize Cable Management's grab-and-drag capability by placing the
mouse pointer over any of the dividing lines between these areas and
holding it down. Many users enjoy viewing several items in a
spreadsheet view and can do so by grabbing the dividing line between
the List and Detail areas and dragging it down to multiply the number of
items accessible in the spreadsheet view.
These areas can be resized repeatedly and manipulated according to user need.
Search Function
Records shown in the List View table of the Cable Management window
can be searched across multiple fields, using whatever search text you
Using the search function
Step 1In the Navigation Tree, highlight the level of the records you wish to
search for (for example, Company, Building, Floor, and so forth).
Step 2 In the List View, select from the drop-down category list to choose the
records to search.
Step 3Click the Search button above the table.
Step 4A separate window will appear containing the records of the
infrastructure level and category you already chose. In the Search Text
box, enter your search string.
Step 5Click the Search button. The data in the table will change to display only
those records containing your search text. (If there are no records with
that text, a message box will alert you.)
From the search window, you can change the component category from the dropdown list and perform another search. However, to change the level on the Navigator
Tree, you must return to the Cable Management window and highlight the new
location on the Navigation Tree.
From the search window, you can also do the following:
• Copy the table data to the clipboard for pasting in another application.
• Export the table data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
• Print the detail report for the currently highlighted item in the table.
• Use the standard table sorting and it
all Cable Management tables.
• Click the box in the first column by any item to open the Detail View
for tha
t item and make any changes.
em section features available on
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
Cable Management Tools 2-3
Quick Set/Quick Insert Buttons
Throughout Cable Management where you choose a location for a
component or, in the Cable Path, where you insert a component, you will
find shortcut buttons (Quick Set and Quick Insert) that allow you to
quickly choose a location.
When you click on the Quick Set or Quick Insert button, the Navigator
Tree is highlighted (its background turns blue), and you can simply click
on the location on the tree to incorporate the information for that
location into the component's detail record.
View Most Recently Added Items
Many fields in the Detail View in Cable Management have a Recent
button next to them. When you place your cursor over this button, a
floating window will appear that displays the following:
• The 10 most recently modified items in that component category, and
the date each was modified.
• The 10 most recently added items in that component category, and
the date each was modified.
This information is particularly helpful when adding or modifying
component information.
Copy Capabilities
Cable Management provides several options for copying existing data to
other locations in Cable Management or to entirely separate
applications, such as Microsoft Excel and Word. These copy capabilities
are always available in the List View pane and can be used by clicking on
any of these three buttons:
•To Excel
• To Clipboard
Copy Button
Cable Management's Copy capability is a great time saver available
throughout the application. This feature is always located in the List
View pane and can be used by clicking on the Copy button. If used
properly it will minimize typing time and user errors. The Copy
capability allows a selected item to be completely copied into the Detail
View area, where you can then modify any information. This is
especially helpful for creating new components that closely resemble
already-built components.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
2-4 Cable Management Tools
Using the Copy function
Step 1In the List View, select the component you wish to copy.
Step 2Click the Copy button.
Step 3A **new record** row will be added to the List View table, and the data
Step 4When you've finished with your changes, click the Save button above the
Ensure that before saving the newly duplicated item, you change all fields that must
be unique from the copied original. Cable Management will display messages above
the Detail View when you save the copied data without making the necessary
changes to those fields, and you cannot add the new record until you make the
required changes.
To Excel Button
The Copy to Excel feature allows you to export the entire spreadsheet in
the List View directly to Excel.
you copied will be displayed In the Detail View pane, where you can now
make the necessary changes in the specific fields.
Detail View pane. The component information you just copied and
modified will fill in the **new record** row on the List View table.
Using the copy to Excel:
Step 1With the information you want to copy displayed in the List View table,
click the To Excel button.
Step 2An Excel file will open with all the List View data displayed just as it is in
Cable Management. You can now modify it, save it as an Excel
spreadsheet, print it from Excel, and so forth.
To Clipboard Button
The Copy to Clipboard feature allows you to copy the entire spreadsheet
in the List View to your computer's clipboard, from where you can
paste it into any other application.
To copy to the clipboard
Step 1With the information you want to copy displayed in the List View table,
click the To Clipboard button.
Step 2Open the application (for example, Word, Lotus, and so forth) you wish to
paste the information into.
Step 3In the application, choose the Paste function. All the data in the current
List View spreadsheet will be copied as rows of text in that application,
and you can save it in that file format, modify it, print it, and so forth.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
Cable Management Tools 2-5
Circuit Trace Tool
About the Circuit Trace Tool
Cable Management's Circuit Trace Tool allows you to view, in both text
and graphic format, all the components of an individual circuit. Circuit
tracing is especially helpful in identifying the source of a problem in the
network or in viewing a circuit in diagram form.
With the Circuit Trace Tool, you can:
• Choose a port or pair/strand and view a table listing details of its
circuit infrastructure.
• View a modifiable graphical diagram of the circuit infrastructure.
• Click to change the trace point, and thus the table and diagram
• Print the detailed information and graphical diagram.
Accessing the Circuit Trace Tool
The Trace Tool is accessible from four Detail View screens within Cable
• Ports tab of the Assets Detail View
• Port/Position tab of the Termination Hardware Detail View
• Pair/Strand Details tab of the Backbone Cables Detail View
• Cross Connects tab of the Backbone Cables Detail View
To access the Circuit Trace Tool
Step 1From the Cable Management Main Page, click Launch Application.
Step 2Highlight the trace point component in the List View.
Step 3In the Detail View for that component, click the appropriate tab:
—Assets: Ports tab
—Termination Hardware: Port/Position tab
—Backbone Cables: Pair/Strand Details tab or Cross Connects tab
Step 4Click the box in the Trace column for the component whose circuit you
wish to view. A separate window will open displaying the details in table
and graphic formats.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1
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