System Release Notes
Server HV8600 System Release Notes
PN: 455-01524-001

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Second Issue — July 1999
Copyright 1999
NEC Computer Systems Division
Packard Bell NEC, Inc.
1 Packard Bell Way
Sacramento, CA 95828-0903
All Rights Reserved

These System Release Notes provide you with the latest up-to-date information
about your system. These notes also provide additional valuable information
about your server that was not included in the printed documentation.
The System Release Notes are written for knowledgeable users, trained
customer engineers, system analysts, service center personnel, and dealers.
Please read these System Release Notes in their entirety before starting.
General Notes
General Comments
System Start-Up ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Memory Test Acceleration ................................................................................................................ 3
Power Button Override...................................................................................................................... 3
Setting Up the Software ......................................................................................................................... 4
Setting Up Windows NT Enterprise Edition ..................................................................................... 4
HAL Installation .............................................................................................................................. 13
Registry Update ............................................................................................................................... 13
System Hardware ................................................................................................................................. 13
Interlocks ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Processor Serial Number ................................................................................................................. 13
Hot Plug PCI.................................................................................................................................... 14
ExpressBuilder ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Documentation Errata
Errata to Express5800 HV8600 User's Guide.................................................................................. 15

General Notes
These Release Notes about the server system cover the following topics:
General Comments
Documentation Errata.
General Comments
The following general comments apply to this server system:
Version of the Network Operating System tested and recommended is:
Windows NT
4.0 Server Enterprise Edition with Service Pack 4
This section contains advisories on System Start-Up, Setting Up the Software,
System Hardware, and E
System Start-UP
When turning on your system for the first time, you must prepare the system for
use. When the system is turned on or restarted a short program in ROM starts
the process of loading programs into memory and then executing these
programs. These start-up programs perform diagnostic tests that check major
hardware components, such as memory and interface circuits. It compares the
hardware it finds with parameters last saved by the Setup utility. This process is
the Power-On Self-Test (POST).
Memory Test Acceleration
To accelerate the memory test during POST press
Power Button Override
The system power button does not respond immediately during certain phases in
POST. However, the power button will respond if it is held down for at least 4
seconds. The system should power down on the 5th second.
Server HV8600 System Release Notes 3