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NEC documentation describes all supported features of the user interfaces and the application programming interfaces
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This document is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, or
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The NEC Solutions (America), Inc. logo, Express5800/320Ma, and the Express5800/320Ma logo, are trademarks of NEC
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trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
Manual Name: Express5800/320Ma: Site Planning Guide
Part Number: NR573
Express5800/320Ma Software Release Number: 4.1.0
Publication Date: January 2006
NEC Solutions (America), Inc.
10850 Gold Center Drive, Suite 200
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
1. Welcome to Site Planning for Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz,
and Dual-Core systems1-1
Site Planning Overview1-1
Site Planning for Fault-Tolerant Systems1-2
Site Planning Checklist1-3
System Documentation1-5
2. Cabinet and Monitor Requirements2-1
Cabinet Requirements2-1
Monitor Requirements2-4
3. Space Planning3-1
Room Requirements3-1
Planning for Cables3-2
4. Electrical (AC) Power Planning4-1
Redundant Power Sources4-1
AC Power Service Requirements4-2
Power Outlet Requirements4-4
Connecting a System Directly to Two Separate Power Sources4-5
NEC-Supplied Power Cords4-6
System Power Cords4-7
PDU Power Cords4-8
Power Cords for Optional Components4-9
5. UPS Planning5-1
Qualified APC UPS Models5-1
Communicating with a UPS over a Network5-2
Connecting Power to Systems, PDUs, and a UPS5-3
Connecting a System Directly to a UPS5-4
6. Network and Telephone Line Planning6-1
Network Cable Requirements6-1
Telephone Line Requirements6-2
Site Planning for Systems in an ftGateway Group6-3
Figure 2-1.Rail Clearance2-3
Figure 4-1.Rack-Mounted System Connected Directly to AC Power4-6
Figure 4-2.Pedestal System Connected Directly to AC Powe r4-6
Figure 5-1.Power Cord Connections for Systems, PDUs, and a UPS5-3
Figure 5-2.Rack-Mountable Systems: A-Side Power Connected
Directly to a UPS5-4
Figure 5-3.Pedestal Systems: A-Side Power Connected Directly to
a UPS5-5
Figure A-1.Pedestal System - Front ViewA-2
Figure A-2.Pedestal Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz systems -
Rear ViewA-4
Figure A-4.Rack-Mountable System - Front ViewA-7
Figure A-5.Rack-Mountable Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz system -
Rear ViewA-8
Figure A-6.Rack-Mountable Express5800/320Ma 3.6 GHz or Dual-Core
System - Rear ViewA-9
Figure B-1.Star Ground ExampleB-2
Figure B-2.Power Input LabelingB-3
Figure B-3.Single-Phase 120-Volts AC Circuit ConnectionB-4
Figure B-4.Single-Phase 240-Volts AC Circuit ConnectionB-5
Figure B-5.Split-Phase 120/240 Volts AC Circuit ConnectionB-6
Figure B-6.Three-Phase 208-Volts AC, Y-, or
Connection, Phase-to-NeutralB-7
Figure B-7.Three-Phase 208-Volts AC, Y-, or
Connection, Phase-to-PhaseB-8
Figure B-8.Three-Phase 380V AC, Y-, or
∆-Source Circuit
∆-Source Circuit
∆-Source Circuit Connection,
Table 1-1.Ethernet PCI Adapters1-4
Table 1-2.Optical Fibre Channel PCI Adapters1-4
Table 1-3.Express5800/320Ma Documentation1-6
Table 4-1.AC Power Service Requirements4-2
Table 4-2.Worksheet for Determining A-Side Power Requirements4-3
Table 4-3.Worksheet for Determining B-Side Power Requirements4-3
Table 4-4.Worksheet for Determining External Power Requirements4-3
Table 4-5.Worksheet: A-Side External Power Outlet Requirements -
PDUs Used4-4
Table 4-6.Worksheet: B-Side External Power Outlet Requirements -
PDUs Used4-4
Table 4-7.Worksheet: A-Side External Power Outlet Requirements -
No PDUs4-5
Table 4-8.Worksheet: B-Side External Power Outlet Requirements -
No PDUs4-5
Table 4-9.System Power Cords to AC Power4-7
Table 4-10. Systems: Power Cords to a UPS4-8
Table 4-11. PDU Power Cords to AC Power4-9
Table 4-12. System Power (Jumper) Cables to a PDU4-9
Table 4-13. Po wer Cords for Optional Components4-9
Table 5-1.APC Symmetra Models for PDUs or for Multiple Systems5-1
Table 5-2.APC UPS Models for a Single Rack-Mountable System5-2
Table 5-3.APC UPS Models for a Single Pedestal System5-2
Table 6-1.Customer-Supplied Ethernet Cables6-2
Table 7-1.Current and Rack-Space Requirements7-2
Table 7-2.Calculating A-Side PDU and Rack-Space Requirements7-3
Table 7-3.Sample: Current and Rack-Space Requirements7-4
Table 7-4.Sample: Calculating A-Side PDU and Rack-Space
Table A-1.Pedestal System SpecificationsA-5
Table A-2.Cabinet DimensionsA-10
Table A-3.Rack-Mountable System SpecificationsA-11
Table B-1.Connectors for AC Power OutletsB-10
Table C-1.EMI StandardsC-2
Table C-2.Immunity Standards C-2
Table C-3.Safety Standards C-2
Table C-4.Noise StandardsC-2
viExpress5800/320Ma: Site Planning Guide
Purpose of This Manual
The Express5800/320Ma: Site Planning Guide documents the site requirements and
customer responsibilities related to preparing a site for the installation of
Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, or Dual-Core systems.
This manual is intended for those responsible for pr eparing a site for the installatio n of
an Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, or Dual-Core system.
Notation Conventions
This document uses the notation conventions described in this section.
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Warnings, cautions, and notes provide special information and have t he following
A warning indicates a situation where failure to take
or avoid a specified action could ca use bodily harm or
loss of life.
A caution indicates a situation where failure to t ake or
avoid a specified action could damage a hardwar e device,
program, system, or data.
A note provides important information about the opera tion
of an Express5800/320Ma system.
Typographical Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in Express5800/320Ma document s:
• The bold font emphasiz es w ords in t e xt or indicates text that you type or the name
of a screen object. For example:
Before handling or replacing a PCI adapter, make sure that you are properly
grounded by using a grounded wrist strap.
In the System Properties dialog box, click the Hardware tab.
• The italic font introduces new terms. For example:
Many hardware components are custom er -r ep la cea b le un its (CRUs), which
can be replaced on-site by system adm inistrators with minimal tr aining or tools.
• The monospace font indicates message text. For example:
The operation completed successfully.
Getting Help
If you have a technical question about Express5800/320Ma hardware or software, try
these online resources first:
• Online support from NEC Technical Support. You can find the latest technical
information about an Express5800/320Ma through online product support at the
NEC Technical Support Web site:
• Online product support for Microsoft
products. Your primary source for
support is the computer manufacturer wh o provided your software, or an
authorized Microsoft Support Provider . You can also find the latest technical
information about Microsoft Windows
and other Microsoft products through online
product support at the Microsoft Help and Support Web site:
If you are unable to resolve your questions with t he help available at these online sites,
and the Express5800/320Ma system is covere d by a service agreement, please
contact NEC Technical Support (866-269-1239).
viiiExpress5800/320Ma: Site Planning Guide
• All regulatory notices are provided in Appendix C, “Standards Com pliance” of this
site planning guide.
• Although this guide documents modem functionality, modems are not a v ailab le f or
all systems. Ask your sales representative about modem availability.
• ActiveService Network (ASN) is not currently availa ble, but may be ordered in the
xExpress5800/320Ma: Site Planning Guide
Chapter 1
Welcome to Site Planning for
Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz,
For an overview of the information you need to know and of the tasks you need to
perform to prepare a site for a n Expr ess5800/ 32 0Ma 3.2 GHz, 3. 6 GH z, or Du al- Core
system, see:
• “Site Planning Overview” on page 1-1
• “Site Planning for Fault-Tolerant Systems” on page 1-2
• “Site Planning Checklist” on page 1-3
• “System Documentation” on page 1-5
Site Planning Overview
Site planning for fault-tolerant systems includes:
• Space planning
Provide adequate space for the system or cabinet and for a desk or table to
accommodate components outside a cabinet. Also provide enough space for
servicing the systems and components.
and Dual-Core systems
• Purchasing an appropriate cabinet and monitor
If you do not purchase a monitor from NEC Solutions (Amer ica) , Inc., provide a
monitor that meets the system’s requirements.
If you do not purchase the cabinet that NEC Solutions (America), Inc. references,
provide a cabinet that meets the system’s requirements.
• Electrical (AC) power planning
Provide electrical power sources that meet the system’s requirements, optionally
including the purchase of a qualified uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
• Network and telephone line planning
Provide sufficient network and analog telephone lines.
Welcome to Site Planning for Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, and Dual-Core systems1-1
Site Planning for Fault-Tolerant Systems
Use the “Site Planning Checklist” on page 1-3 to track your site preparation progress.
For a list of other documents related to your Express5800/320Ma system, see “System
Documentation” on page 1-5.
During the site planning and preparation processes, work closely with your facilities
group or contractor to determine space, power, and environmental requirements. Enlist
their help to provide a suitable location with sufficient alternating current (AC) power,
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) capabilities, and network and
telephone connections.
If your system is covered by a service agreem ent and you need help with site planning,
contact the NEC Technical Support. If you have a contract with the NEC Technical
Support to install the system, contact them after you have pre pared the installation site
and moved the system to the site. For more information about NEC Technical Support,
See Appendix A, “System Specifications” for Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz,
or Dual-Core system specifications and the Express5800/320Ma: Peripherals Site Planning Guide for specifications of other components.
Site Planning for Fault-Tolerant Systems
Consider the following specific fault-tolerant features of Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz,
3.6 GHz, and Dual-Core systems for site planning:
• Lockstep technology means that the Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz and 3.6 GHz
systems contain redundant hardwa re. The Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz and 3.6
GHz systemssystems contain two enclosures, each cont aining a full computing
environment that consists of a CPU element and an I/O element.
If a component in a CPU element malf unctions, the correspon ding CPU element in
the other enclosure, which is processing the same information in lockstep,
continues processing without interruption. If a component in the I/O element
malfunctions, the system fails operation over to the corresponding element in the
other enclosure and continues to operate normally. Th e only consequences are
that the system is less fault tolerant, and any I/O throughput distributed between
the enclosures may be reduced. To restore full fault tolerance , an enclosure can
be replaced without taking the system offline.
• Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz and 3.6 GHz systems can connect to the
ActiveService Network (ASN).
Connecting a system to the ASN allows the NEC Technical Support to remotely
diagnose, troubleshoot, and resolve problems online.
1-2Express5800/320Ma: Site Planning Guide
T o e nable connectivity to th e ASN, a modem can be attached directly to the system
and managed by Windows Server software or two partnered Virtual Technician
Modules (VTMs) in the system. The VTMs can also connect to the ASN through
their Ethernet ports, if the network to which they are attached has Internet access.
Systems that connect to the ASN using partnered VTMs provide the highest level
of availability. VTMs provide ASN connectivity even when the operating system is
not operational. VTMs also allow internal adminis trators to re mo te ly se rvice the
system over a t elephone line or IP netw ork, regardless of the state of the operating
Without VTMs, ASN connectivity is only possible if the operating system is
Site Planning Checklist
Referring to the information in this document, answer t he following questions:
Planning for ASN Connectivity
❏ Will your system use VTMs to connect to the ASN?
❏ If your system uses VTMs, will you connect them to a network so that you can
manage the server from a remote system? Are there mainten ance network
connections to which you can connect the VTMs?
Site Planning Checklist
❏ If your VTMs are connected to a netw ork, does the network have Internet
connectivity so that the system can connect to the ASN without a modem?
❏ If your system uses an ASN modem, do you have an external analog telephone line
available for the modem?
A dedicated phone line provides the most reliable service.
ASN calls routed through a PBX may be slo w due to load
on the PBX, or may not complete successfu lly due to
disconnections. If you must use a PBX, do not route the
telephone extension through a switchboard; instead,
provide a direct-dial analog number.
❏ Do you hav e an additional telephone line and telephon e near the operator’ s station
for voice communications when calling for support?
Planning for Optional Components
❏ The system contains four 10/100/1000 megabits-per-second (Mbps) Ethernet
ports. Will your system additionally include any of the following PCI adapters for
network communications? If so, indicate how many of each and plan network
connections for all Ethernet ports you will use.
Welcome to Site Planning for Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, and Dual-Core systems1-3
Site Planning Checklist
Table 1-1. Ethernet PCI Adapters
AdapterNumber of Ports
U575 Dual-Port Copper Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
❏ Will your system connect to an EMC® CLARiiON® AX100 ® storage system? If so,
the system requires one pair of U531 Optical Fibre Channel PCI Adapter s, which
are provided when you order the storage system.
❏ Will your system connect to EMC CLARiiON CX or to EMC Symmetrix
systems? If so, the syst em requires one pair of opt ical fibre channel PCI ad apters,
as described in Table 1-2.
Table 1-2. Optical Fibre Channel PCI Adapters
Attachment MethodPCI Adapter
Through a Storage Area
Network (SAN) or switch
Directly attachedU526 Optical Fibre Channel PCI Adapter, two of which are
U525 Optical Fibre Channel PCI Adapter, two of which are
provided in the AK415 Attachment Kit
provided in the AK419 Attachment Kit
❏ Will you supply your own monitor or will NEC Solutions (America), Inc. supply the
Use the USB keyboard and mouse supplied by NEC
Solutions (America), Inc..
❏ Will the components in a cabinet include a keyboard-video-mouse (KVM) switch?
Planning AC Power
❏ Will you provide power through a power distribution unit (PDU)?
❏ Will you provide power from a UPS?
❏ What are the AC power requirements of your system, including all optional
❏ Is the AC power service wired properly?
❏ What are the lengths and types of the power cords that are provided with your
system? What type of receptacles do you need to provide?
Planning Space for Your System
❏ Will your system and its external components fit where you plan to place them?
1-4Express5800/320Ma: Site Planning Guide
System Documentation
❏ If you are rack-mounting the system, what is the height of the cabinet you will use
and what is the total height of the systems and components that will be installed in
the cabinet? Will the items fit into the cabinet? What components will be located
outside the cabinet?
❏ What are the lengths and types of the cables that will connect to your system?
❏ Have you creat ed a sketch of how y ou plan to arrange the system at th e installation
site? Consider the av ailab le ca b le lengths , t he placement of e xt ernal devices , an d
the location of network and voice communication connections.
On the sketch, sho w the following:
• Location of the system and its external components
• Power cords, and telephone and interface cables
• Locations of AC pow er receptacles, phone jacks, Ethernet jacks, switches,
and/or hubs
Make sure that all cords and ca bles are long enough to
reach between their respectiv e components and
connectors. Route all cables out of the way of foot traffic.
Working with Other Groups
❏ Have you pr ovided y our f acilities gr oup and contractors with the sketch and cop ies
of the following?
• Tables 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4, worksheets for determining AC power requirements
• Tables 4-5 and 4-6 or Tables 4-7 and 4-8, worksheets for determining the
number of external power outlets required
• Appendix B, “Electrical Circuit and Wiring Information”
• Any notes you have about site planning
❏ Have you reviewed and discussed the requirements with the facilities personnel
and contractors to ensure that all site modifications are understood and
If you have any questions about the number and types of components, contact your
Express5800/320Ma account executive or distributor.
System Documentation
When you receive your system, you receive a printed copy of the Express5800/320Ma:
Installation Guide. The software installation program lets you install an online copy of
Welcome to Site Planning for Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, and Dual-Core systems1-5
System Documentation
this document, along with other Express5800/320Ma system documentation, on your
system. You also have the option to install documentation on a remote system. The
Express5800/320Ma Help and Manuals folder on the Windows desktop, contains
these documents.
To order additional documentation, visit the NEC Technical Support Web site:
Express5800/320Ma Express5800/320MaExpress5800/320MaTable 1-3 lists
Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, or Dual-Core system documents and the tasks
described in each document.
Table 1-3. Express5800/320Ma Documentation
Express5800/320Ma: Site Planning
Express5800/320Ma: Installation GuideInstall your system, including mounting the
Express5800/320Ma: Operation and
Maintenance Guide
Release Notes: Express5800/320MaLearn the contents of the latest
Prepare a site for installation of your
Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, or
Dual-Core system.
system in a cabinet
Find the part number of a customer-rep lac eab l e
unit (CRU)
Respond to Mini-Setup questions on your new
Express5800/320Ma system
Install Express5800/320Ma System software
and Windows Server on your new system
Start up, shut down, and operate your system
Troubleshoot system hardware
Remove and replace CRUs
Express5800/320Ma software release
Learn the latest information about the product
Learn about significant known problems and
Monitor the performance of critical system
components and the status of user applications
Install, configure, replace, or troubleshoot PCI
Consult technical reference information for
Express5800/320Ma systems
Change BIOS settings
† ActiveService Network (ASN) is not currently available, but may be ordered in the future.
Welcome to Site Planning for Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, and Dual-Core systems1-7
System Documentation
1-8Express5800/320Ma: Site Planning Guide
Chapter 2
For requirements related to supplying your own cabinet and monitor, see:
• “Cabinet Requirements” on page 2-1
• “Monitor Requirements” on page 2-4
Cabinet Requirements
If you are providing your own cabinet for an Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, or
Dual-Core systems, make sure the cabinet contains a rack that is 19-in. wide and that
meets the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) 310-D standard.
Make sure that:
• The cabinet contains two front and two rear v ertical EIA rails, one in each corner of
the cabinet, that have the EIA universal square-hole pattern as defined in the EIA
310-D specification.
• The front vertical rails extend at least 0.5 in. (1.27 cm) beyond the inside edge of
the accessory leg, if present, to allow the mounting rails to be fit ted. See Figure 2-1.
Cabinet and Monitor Requirements
• The distance between the front and r ear vertical rails is between 24 .5 in. and 30 in.
(62.23 cm and 76.20 cm).
• The vertical mounting rails accept 10-32 cage nuts and mounting hardware.
• The distance between the front vertical rails and the inside of the front door is at
least 3.0 in. (7.62 cm).
• The distance between the rear of t he system chassis and the inside of the rear do or
is at least 6.0 in. (15.24 cm).
• The vertical mounting rails are plated or some other method is used to ensure
continuity for g rounding between installed equipment.
• Cable management brac kets are pro vided to support and constrain data and power
cords so that the cables do not interfere with air flow out of the rear of the
enclosures, and so that the connectors do not disconnect or break.
• The cabinet provides enough stability so that system components pass T elcordia
GR-63-CORE Section 5.4.2 regulations for operational vibration.
Cabinet and Monitor Requirements2-1
Cabinet Requirements
• To prevent stray voltages, all components are grounded together through the
vertical mounting rails to the cabinet frame, and then to local building ground. To
ensure signal quality , us e a grounding cable pr ovided by NEC Solutions (America),
Inc. for local building ground.
• There is a plan for maintaining cables and wires to the cabinet by either running
them under the floor or placing them overhead in an overhead cable tray.
• Air flows through the cabinet from f ront to back.
• Filler panels cover any unused rack space to prevent air recirculation.
• V ents are evenly distributed on the front and rear doors and comprise at least 63%
of the surface area.
Figure 2-1 shows the required rail clearance between the front vertical rails and the
inside edge of an accessory leg.
If your cabinet does not ha v e ve nted front and rear doors,
you can remove the doors from the cabinet while your
Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz or 3.6 GHz system is
2-2Express5800/320Ma: Site Planning Guide
Figure 2-1. Rail Clearance
Cabinet Requirements
0.5-inch minimum
1Front vertical EIA rail
2Accessor y leg
3Front of cabinet
Cabinet and Monitor Requirements2-3
Monitor Requirements
Monitor Requirements
If you are using a monitor that is not supplied by NEC Solutions (America), Inc., make
sure that:
• The monitor accepts universal 100–240 VAC, 50/60 Hz power.
• The VGA cable has a 15-pin D-sub connector.
• The power cord for the monitor is long enough to reach the power source.
• The plug type on the power cord is compatible with the external power source at
the site.
Use the keyboard and mouse provided by NEC Solutions (America), Inc..
2-4Express5800/320Ma: Site Planning Guide
Chapter 3
For information about planning sufficient space for your Exp ress5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz,
3.6 GHz, or Dual-Core system, see:
• “Room Requirements” on page 3-1
• “Planning for Cables” on page 3-2
Room Requirements
To ensure that the installation site provides a properly equipped, cooled, and sized
environment, make sure that the site:
• Provides clearances for air circulation and servicing the system
Locate the front and rear of the system at least 2.5 ft (0.76m) a w a y from w alls an d
other obstructions.
• Maintains reasonable temperat ure and humidity lev els and has a thermometer and
humidistat to monitor room temperature and humidity
Space Planning
• Is as free of dust as possible
Dust buildup in the system can impede air circulation and heat transfer, causing
components to become less reliable as the ambient t emperature rises.
• Provides a table or desktop for external devices such as a telephone, keyboard,
and mouse
• Provides cutouts in the floor for routing cables, if the site has an elevated floor
Do not place the system in an area of high electrostatic
discharge. Static electricity may damage components.
Do not locate components near transformers or other
electromagnetic devices.
See Appendix A, “System Specifications” for the dimensions of system components.
Space Planning3-1
Planning for Cables
Planning for Cables
To accommodate cables from your Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz o r 3.6 G Hz system,
make sure to provide:
• Two telephone lines:
– One telephone line for use when calling for service
– One telephone line for the ASN modem
• Ethernet jacks, switches, or hubs, as needed
• Two electrically separate grounded AC wall outlets, or a UPS and a wall outlet,
within reach of the power cords f rom the system or PDUs and addition al outlets f or
any components that do not connect to a PDU
Make sure that cables you plan to connect to the system are long enough to reach
between the system and external comp on e nt s or co nn ections. S
3-2Express5800/320Ma: Site Planning Guide
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