NEC Express5800-320Ma Technical Reference Guide

Technical Reference Guide
NEC Solutions (America), Inc.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Software described in NEC (a) is the property of NEC and/or its licensees, (b) is furnished only under license, and (c) may be copied or used only as expressly permitted under the terms of the license.
NEC documentation describes all supported features of the user interfaces and the application programming interfaces (API) developed by NEC and/or its licensees. Any undocumented f eatures of these interfaces are intended solely for use by NEC personnel and are subject to change without warning.
This document is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, or translated, either mechanically or electronically, without the prior written consent of NEC Solutions (America), Inc.
The NEC Solutions (America), Inc. logo, Express5800/320Ma, and the Express5800/320Ma logo, are trademarks of NEC Solutions (America), Inc. ActiveService Network is a trademark of Stratus Technologies Bermuda, Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
Manual Name: Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide
Part Number: NR550 Express5800/320Ma Software Release Number: 4.1.0 Publication Date: January 2006
© 2006 NEC Solutions (America), Inc. All rights reserved.


Preface vii
1. ftServer Drivers and Services 1-1
ftServer drivers 1-1
Board Instance Driver 1-1 Fibre Channel Drivers 1-1 SCSI Port Duplex Driver 1-2 fIPMI Driver 1-2 ATI Video Driver 1-2 Virtual Technician Module (VTM) Mailbox Driver 1-2 VTM Dump Driver 1-3 srasata.sys Driver 1-3
ftServer services 1-3
2. Express5800/320Ma System Features 2-1 Administering an ftGateway Group Manually 2-1 Managing MTBF Statistics 2-3
Error Detection and Handling 2-3 MTBF Calculation and Effects 2-4 Displaying MTBF Information 2-5
Changing the MTBF Threshold 2-6 ftServer Manager Event Handling 2-7 ASN Connection Retry Cycle 2-7
3. ftSMC Component Properties and Actions 3-1 ftSMC Component Properties 3-1 ftSMC Component Actions 3-24
4. System Alarm Messages 4-1 SNMP Traps 4-3
Contents iii
Device State and Threshold Alarms 4-3 ftGateway Alarm Messages 4-10 Miscellaneous Alarms 4-10
5. BIOS Setup 5-1 Before You Change BIOS Settings 5-1 Starting the ftServer Setup Utility 5-2 Navigating and Using the ftServer Setup BIOS Setup Menus 5-2
Legend Bar 5-2
Menu Bar 5-3 Help 5-4 Restoring Default Values Feature 5-5 ftServer Setup Menus 5-5
Main Menu 5-6
Advanced Menu 5-8
Advanced Processor Configuration Submenu 5-9 I/O Device Configuration Submenu 5-10 PCI Configuration Submenu 5-13 Console Redirection Submenu 5-14
Monitoring Configuration Submenu 5-15 Security Menu 5-17 Boot Menu 5-19 Exit Menu 5-21 Summary Screen 5-22
Index Index-1
iv Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide


Figure 2-1. ftServer Manager Event Handling 2-7 Figure 5-1. ftServer Setup Menu Bar 5-3 Figure 5-2. Main Menu 5-6 Figure 5-3. Advanced Menu 5-9 Figure 5-4. Advanced Processor Configuration Submenu 5-10 Figure 5-5. I/O Device Configuration Submenu 5-11 Figure 5-6. PCI Configuration Submenu 5-13 Figure 5-7. Console Redirection Menu 5-14 Figure 5-8. Monitoring Configuration Submenu 5-16 Figure 5-9. Security Menu 5-18 Figure 5-10. Boot Menu 5-20 Figure 5-11. Exit Menu 5-21
v Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide


Table 2-1. ftSMC System Inventory Component Actions 2-1 Table 2-2. Example MTBF Calculation 2-5 Table 2-3. Default Settings for Alarm Re-send Parameters 2-8 Table 3-1. ftSMC System Inventory Component Properties 3-1 Table 3-2. ftSMC System Inventory Component Actions 3-24 Table 4-1. Alarm IDs (30100 - 30413) 4-3 Table 4-2. Alarm IDs (30550 - 31863) 4-4 Table 4-3. Alarm IDs (30750 - 31155) 4-5 Table 4-4. Alarm IDs (31900 - 32263) 4-5 Table 4-5. Alarm IDs (30850 - 31453) 4-6 Table 4-6. Alarm IDs (32350 - 32663) 4-7 Table 4-7. Alarms IDs (32500 - 32713) 4-7 Table 4-8. Alarm Messages and Message Destinations 4-8 Table 4-9. ftGateway Alarm Messages 4-10 Table 4-10. Miscellaneous Alar m Me ssa ge s an d M essage
Destinations 4-10 Table 5-1. Legend Bar Keys and Functions 5-3 Table 5-2. Menu Bar Selections 5-4 Table 5-3. Main Menu Features 5-7 Table 5-4. Advanced Processor Configuration Features 5-10 Table 5-5. I/O Device Configuration Fea tures 5-11 Table 5-6. PCI Configuration Features 5-13 Table 5-7. Console Redirection Features 5-15 Table 5-8. Monitoring Configuration Featur es 5-16 Table 5-9. Security Menu Features 5-19 Table 5-10. Exit Menu Features 5-22
Tables vi
Purpose of This Manual
The Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide provides technical reference information for Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, and Dual-Core systems.
This manual is intended for those who adm inister or troubleshoot Expr ess5800/320Ma
3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, and Dual-Core systems.
Notation Conventions
This document uses the notation conventions described in this section.
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Warnings, cautions, and notes provide special information and have t he following meanings:
A warning indicates a situation where failure to take
or avoid a specified action could ca use bodily harm or
loss of life.


A caution indicates a situation where failure to t ake or
avoid a specified action could damage a hardwar e device,
program, system, or data.
A note provides important information about the opera tion
of an Express5800/320Ma system.
Typographical Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in Express5800/ 320Ma docu men ts:
Preface vii
The bold font emphasizes words in te xt or indicates te xt that you type , the name of
a screen object, or the name of a programming element. For example:
Before handling or replacing system components, make sure that you are properly grounded by using a grounded wrist strap.
In the System Properties dialog box, click the Hardware tab. Call the RegisterDeviceNotification function.
The italic font introduces new terms and indicates programmin g and command-line
arguments that the user defines. For example:
Many hardware components are custom er -r ep la cea b le un its (CRUs), which can be replaced on-site by system adm inistrators with minimal tr aining or tools.
copy filename1 filename2 Pass a pointer for the NotificationFilter parameter
The monospace font indicates sample program code and output, including
message text. For example:
#include <iostream.h>
Getting Help
If you have a technical question about Express5800/320Ma hardware or software, try these online resources first:
Online support from NEC Technical Support. You can find the latest technical
information about an Express5800/320Ma through online product support at the
NEC Technical Support Web site:
Online product support for Microsoft
support is the computer manufacturer wh o provided your software, or an authorized Microsoft Support Provider . You can also find the latest technical information about Microsoft Windows product support at the Microsoft Help and Support Web site:
If you are unable to resolve your questions with t he help available at these online sites, and the Express5800/320Ma system is covere d by a service agreement, please contact NEC Technical Support (866-269-1239).
The operation completed successfully.
products. Your primary source for
and other Microsoft products through online
viii Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide
All regulatory notices are provided in the site planning guide for your system.
Although this guide documents modem functionality, modems are not av ailab le f or
all systems. Ask your sales representative about modem availability.
ActiveService Network (ASN) is not currently available , but may be ordered in the
Preface ix
x Express58 00/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide
Chapter 1
This chapter provides technical reference information about ftServer drivers and
ftServer services.

ftServer drivers

This section provides technical reference information for the Board Instance driver,
Fibre Channel (FC) driver, SCSI port duplex driver, Intelligent Platform Management (IPMI) driver, ftServer ATI Video Driv er, sravtmmb.sys, sravtmdp.sys, and srasata.sys.

Board Instance Driver

The Board Instance driver (srabid) computes the overall state of the element, including enclosed components, to determine whether the element ca n be safely brough t online or taken offline. It also gathers information about PCI devices and PCI functions in the system so that you can use ftServer Management Console (ftSMC) to view information about and control PCI adapters.

Fibre Channel Drivers

ftServer Drivers and Services

The Fibre Channel PCI Adapter requires the FC driver srau529.sys. The FC driver:
Supports dynamic insertion and removal of FC disks
Interfaces with Windows HAL, PnP Manager, and SCSI Port Duplex driver
Maintains information about the Fibre Channel PCI Adapter properties, including
the fault-toler ant state . It returns appropriate error codes to the SCSI port driver in case of hard disk and adapter failures.
Supports dynamic insertion and removal (hot-plug PCI) of I/O elements that
contain PCI adapters
ftServer Drivers and Services 1-1
ftServer drivers
For information about the drivers for EMC Fibre Channel (FC) st orage systems, see the EMC documentation supplied with your storage system. Also, refer to the EMC Web site for the latest driver updates approved and qualified by EMC for your Express5800/320Ma system.

SCSI Port Duplex Driver

The SCSI Port Duplex driver:
Provides redundant paths to disk devices on a Fibre Channel PCI Adapter ports.
Handles error recovery.

fIPMI Driver

The IPMI driver (sraipmi) is an Intelligent Platform ftServer Management device driver for the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC). This driver provides an interface between the BMC and the system management software.

ATI Video Driver

The ATI Video driver controls the video display on systems with embedded ATI video adapters and supports fault-tolerance at the software level. It comprises three files:
sra_atim.sys, the miniport driver
sra_atid.dll, the display driver
sra_ati.inf, the plug and play information file

Virtual Technician Module (VTM) Mailbox Driver

The sravtmmb.sys driver, the Virtual Technician Module (VTM) mailbox driver, is the Express5800/320Ma system’s primary communication interface with the VTM. The system typically uses the mailbox driver for firmware burns, device polling, and device configuration. Also, the ASN service uses the mailbox driver to configure parameters for system calls over the ActiveNetwork Service.
1-2 Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide

VTM Dump Driver

The sravtmdp.sys driver, the VTM dump driver , controls the process of g etting a dump of VTM adapter memory and registers. The host initiates a dump in the event of a heartbeat failure or other errors from the VTM. VTM initiates a dump of itself if it detects a fatal error. You can also request a dump from the VTM Homepage.

srasata.sys Driver

The srasata.sys driver controls the SATA internal disks. It does the following:
Supports dynamic insertion and removal of SATA disks.
Interfaces with Windows Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL), plug-and-play (PnP)
Manager, and the SCSI Port Duplex driver.
Maintains information about the SATA adapter's properties, including the
fault-tolerant state. It returns appropriate error codes to the SCSI P ort Duplex driver in the event of hard disk or adapter failures.

ftServer services

Express5800/320Ma systems have a layer of software fault-tolerant services that run as Windows-based services. These services constantly monitor for, and respond to, hardware problems. The name of each service is listed, followed by its executable name (as seen in task manager) and a short description.
ftServer services
Alarm (Sra_Alarm.exe) sends notice of alarm conditions to various locations that
can include NEC Technical Support or your service representative, and a customer’s pager or email.
eService (eService.exe) copies BMC events into the Windows Application event
log. It also provides an interf ace to the BMC fo r environmental sensor related tasks .
Inventory (Sra_Inventory.exe) manages the inventory of hardware and software
on the system.
Maintenance and Diagnostics (Sramad.exe) monitors and controls hardware
and software modules that participate in th e added value functions. Th is service is required for Active Upgrade software to function. It performs the following:
– Automatically restarts devices after a transient fault – Computes safe-to-pull state of devices working in partnership – When possible, sets the LEDs of devices to indicate their state
ftServer Drivers and Services 1-3
ftServer services
Policy (Policy.exe) identifies alarm conditions by filtering and correlating
Express5800/320Ma hardware and software events.
Provider Manager (Srasvc.ex e) provides enhanced reliability of ftSMC monitoring
capabilities by isolating Express5800/320Ma system providers from faults in either Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) or third party providers.
RAS (Sra_Ras.e xe) hand les connections to the Activ eService Network (ASN) hub
for systems that do not have VTMs.
RPC Provider (Rpcprov.exe) stores and retrieves information to and from the
Sra_Ras service (for systems without VTMs) or to the VTM.
Software Availability Manager (sraSAMService.exe) monitors system
performance and critical ev e nts and sends alerts based on user-def ined threshold parameters.
SSN (Sra_Ssn.ex e). On Express5800/ 320Ma systems, the ActiveService Network
(ASN) service synchronizes VTM adapter settings with the host, enabling a communication path between VTM driv ers and host, and enabling ASN communication.
– Collects information about the system and generates state change inf ormation – Controls system hardware to bring up and bring down devices – Generates traces for use in troubleshooting problems. – Initiates PnP enumeration when required
Storage Manager (Srasvc.exe) monitors the fault-tolerant state of storage
subsystems and provides that information to ftSMC.
Storage Manager (Srasvc.exe -group local) provides system management for
storage devices.
Sysmgt Startup (Sra_SysmgtStartup.exe) initiates setup for System
Management services.
1-4 Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide
Chapter 2

Express5800/320Ma System Features

This chapter provides technical reference information for the following Express5800/320Ma 3.2 GHz, 3.6 GHz, and Dual-Core system features:
Configuring an ftGateway group manually
Managing mean time between failures (MTBF) statistics
ftServer Manager event handling
A detailed description of the ASN connection retry cycle

Administering an ftGateway Group Manually

Normally, you use the ActiveService Manager to configure a system’s relationship to an ftGateway group. This ensures that NEC Technical Support database will match the configuration of your Express5800/320Ma’s ftGateway. See the Express5800/320Ma ActiveService Network Configuration Guide for information about configuring ASN connectivity using an ftGateway Group.
However, under certain circumstances, yo u may be a sked by NEC Technical Sup port or your service representative to administer an ftGateway group manually. Refer to the information in this section to administer an ftGateway group manually.
Table 2-1 describes the four actions associated with the ftGateway Group node.
Table 2-1. ftSMC System Inventory Component Actions
Action Description
Create ftGateway Group
Join ftGatewa y Group
Leave ftGateway Group
Remove ftGateway Group
Express5800/320Ma System Features 2-1
Creates a new ftGateway group using a customer-supplied name for the group.
Adds a slave system to an existing ftGateway group.
Removes a slave system from an ftGateway group.
Removes an ftGatew ay group. You must remove all slave systems from the group prior to executing this action.
Administering an ftGateway Group Manually
To create a new ftGateway group
1. Access the system that is to be the gateway system. Start ftSMC.
2. In ftSMC, double-clic k the ftServer Configuratio n node to e xpand the child nodes beneath it.
3. Right-click the ActiveService Network icon and click Create ftGateway Group.
4. In the Create ftGateway Group on ActiveService Network dialog box, type the name you want to give the ftGateway group in the Group Name box.
5. In the Create ftGateway Group on ActiveService Network dialog box, type the password you want to use to access the ftGateway group in the Group Pass wor d box. Click Finish.
To add a slave system to an ftGateway group
1. Access the slave system that y ou want to add to the ft Gatewa y g roup . Start ftSMC.
2. In ftSMC, double-clic k the ftServer Configuratio n node to e xpand the child nodes beneath it.
3. Right-click the ActiveService Network icon, and click Join ftGateway Group.
4. In the Join ftGateway Group on ActiveService Network dialog box, type the name of the ftGateway group that you are joining in the Group Name box.
5. In the Join ftGateway Group on ActiveService Network dialog box, type the ftGateway group password in the Group Password box.
6. In the Join ftGateway Group on ActiveService Network dialog box, type the value of the gateway machine’s ftGateway IP Addresses[1] property in the Gateway IP Address 1 box.
7. In the Join ftGateway Group on ActiveService Network dialog box, type the value of the gateway machine’s ftGateway IP Addresses[2] property in the Gateway IP Address 2 box.
8. Click Finish.
To remove a slave system from an ftGateway group
1. Access the slave system that y ou want to remov e fr om the ftGate wa y g roup . Start ftSMC.
2. In ftSMC, double-clic k the ftServer Configuratio n node to e xpand the child nodes beneath it.
3. Right-click the ActiveService Network icon and click Leave ftGateway Group.
2-2 Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide
To remove an ftGateway group
1. Access the Express5800/320Ma gateway system. Start ftSMC.
2. Be sure to remove all slave systems from the ftGateway Group.
3. In ftSMC, double-clic k the ftServer Configuration node to expand the child nodes beneath it.
4. Right-click the ActiveService Network icon and click Remove ftGateway Gr oup.

Managing MTBF Statistics

This section describes how the MTBF is calculated and how to display, clear, and set the MTBF threshold. For information about the hard and soft errors that trigger the system to evaluate the MTBF, see “Error Detection and Handling” on page 2-3.
The values stored in the registry are:
MtbfSerialNumber: Allows the system to detect if the board is new or di fferen t, and
to clear the MTBF. This value is used on a reboot and driver upgrade to maintain MTBF statistics if the same board is in place; for the board replacement case, the MTBF is cleared.
MtbfThreshold: In seconds, the value below which an event is triggered
MtbfCurrent: In seconds, the current MTBF value
MtbfTimeOfLastFault: The date an d time of the last fault
Managing MTBF Statistics
MtbfNumberOfFaults: The total number of faults for this device
MtbfThresholdStatus: Indicates if the disk has experienced disk errors for which
calls home were generated. Usually set to “Normal”. When the disk e xperiences an 01/5D or an 03/11 error, it is set to “Above critical threshold”.
MtbfFaultLimit: The numb er of errors that can occur bef o re an alarm is generated.
The default value is 1.
The system maintains MTBF statistics for these devices:
CPU elements
I/O elements
Virtual Technician Modules (VTMs)
Ethernet adapters

Error Detection and Handling

Hardware errors are detected by the har dware and then evaluated by the maint enance and diagnostic software. After a hardware error, the software directs the affected
Express5800/320Ma System Features 2-3
Managing MTBF Statistics
device to test itself. If the device fails the test, the error is a hard error and the device is taken out of service. If the device passes the test, the error is a soft error.
The system takes the device out of service and places it in the Broken state under these circumstances:
The error is a hard error.
The error is a soft error, and the MTBF is less than the MTBF threshold for the
If the error is a hard error and the MTBF is greater than the MTBF threshold, the system attempts to enable the device and return it to service.

MTBF Calculation and Effects

The system does not calculate the MTBF until the total error count eq ual s a minim um number, and then it uses the recorded times of the last minimum number of errors to calculate the MTBF. If the MTBF has not yet been calculated, the system considers the MTBF value unreliable and acts as if the MTBF is greater than the threshold.
For each error that occurs, the system performs certain calculations. For each hard error, the system records the time of the error and increments the total error count. Then the system takes the device out of service and places it in the Broken state. Finally, the system calculates the MTBF and compares it with the threshold. One of two actions occurs:
If the MTBF is less than the threshold, the system leaves the device in the Broken
If the MTBF is equal to or greater than the threshold, the system attempts to enable
the device and return it to the DeviceReady state.
2-4 Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide
Managing MTBF Statistics
MTBF Calculation The calculation of the new the MTBF is as follows:
CurrentMtbf * (FailureCount - 1) + TimeSinceLastFailure
For the MTBF to be below the threshold, the FailureCount must be equal to or greater than 3, and the calculated the MTBF must be below the threshold. For example,
Table 2-2 shows the progression of failures causing recalculation of the MTBF. The
MTBF threshold in this example is 600, so the device is removed from service when the new MTBF is less than 600, or 517 in the example.
Table 2-2. Example MTBF Calculation
Current MTBF Failure Count Time Since Last Failure New MTBF
1000 3 500 833 833 4 300 700 700 5 200 600 600 6 100 517

Displaying MTBF Information

To display the current MTBF information for a device in t he details pane, you can select the device in the console tree of ftSMC. The following example shows the time of the last fault, the MTBF Threshold, the number of faults, and the current MTBF value.
MTBF: Type Use Threshold MTBF: TimeOfLastFault May 30, 2004 15:07:24 MTBF: Threshold 300 seconds MTBF: NumberOfFaults 2 MTBF: Current 532220 seconds
An out-of-service hardware device remains out of service until you clear the MTBF or change the MTBF threshold. Inserting a new device clears the MTBF.
A value of 0 (Unknown) for MTBF: Current indicates t hat the device has not failed enough times to be able to calculate the MTBF.
Express5800/320Ma System Features 2-5
Managing MTBF Statistics

Changing the MTBF Threshold

The MTBF threshold is expressed in seconds. If a device’s MTBF falls beneath this threshold, the system takes the device out of service and changes the device state to Broken.
Express5800/320Ma presets the MTBF thresholds. You should not modify them unless instructed to do so by NEC Technical Support or your service representative.
If you change the MTBF threshold for a device, the d evice is not affected until a nother failure occurs. For example:
If you increase the threshold f or a device whose state is currently Broken, y ou must
enable the device so that it can return to service. The system will not change the state of the device automatically.
If the device’s actual MTBF is less than the new threshold (meaning that failures
occur more often than the threshold allows), and the device is enabled, the system will not recalculate the MTBF and take the device out of service until another failure occurs that causes the new, actual MTBF to be below the threshold.
To change the MTBF threshold for a device, right-click the device, click Set MTBF Threshold, and enter a new threshold value in seconds.
2-6 Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide

ftServer Manager Event Handling

As shown in Figure 2-1, when a hardware device fault or event occurs, the device’s driver sends those events to the Express5800 /320Ma Policy service, which determines whether the events are significant or not. Significan t events are forwarded to the Alarm service for processing. The dotted lines around the Maintenance and Diagnostic Service box in Figure 2-1 indicate that the service does not manage all devices. It does manage, for instance, CPU elements, DIMMs, processor s, I/O elements, and PCI adapters.
Figure 2-1. ftServer Manager Event Handling
Hardware Device
Event or Fault
ftServer Maintenance and Diagnostics Service
ftServer Manager Event Handling
Policy Service
Alarm Service
Forwards Event
RAS Service
Event Log
(pager or email)
Call home
NEC Technical Support

ASN Connection Retry Cycle

After a failed attempt to connect with the ASN, the system will make repeated attempts to call the ASN until it is successful. If your system is located in an area where North American toll-free numbers cannot be used, this can result in costly phone bills. You
Express5800/320Ma System Features 2-7
ASN Connection Retry Cycle
can adjust the parameters described in Table 2-3 to increase the time between phon e calls, and thereby reduce the number of attempted calls.
If an attempt to establish an ASN connection fails, ftServer Manager can attempt to send the alarm over the Internet if the Send Alarms By property is configured for Internet backup. ftServer Manager also continues to attempt to establish an ASN connection. All of the parameters in Table 2-3 work together to control how many attempts ftServer Manager makes to establish the ASN connection. The y also control the length of time between attempts. Table 2-3 shows the default values for these parameters.
Table 2-3. Default Settings for Alarm Re-send Parameters
Parameter Default
Short Idle Time Between Re-sends 600 (10 minutes) Short Idle Re-send Count 3 attempts Medium Idle Time Between Re-sends 14400 (4 hours) Medium Idle Re-send Count 6 attempts Long Idle Time Between Re-sends 88000 (24 hours, 26 minutes, and
40 seconds)
Long Idle Re-send Count No limit on number of attempts
The following example illustrates the ASN connection retry cycle with default parameter values:
Initial attempt to establish connection fails. Retry 1: Wait 10 minutes, and then try again. This is the 1st 10-minute wait.
Retry 2: Wait 10 minutes, and then try again. This is the 2nd 10-minute wait. Retry 3: Wait 10 minutes, and then try again. This is the 3rd and last 10-minute
Retry 4: Wait 4 hours, and then try again. This is the 1st 4-hour wait. Retry 5: Wait 4 hours, and then try again. This is the 2nd 4-hour wait. Retry 6: Wait 4 hours, and then try again. This is the 3rd 4-hour wait. Retry 7: Wait 4 hours, and then try again. This is the 4th 4-hour wait. Retry 8: Wait 4 hours, and then try again. This is the 5th 4-hour wait. Retry 9: Wait 4 hours, and then try again. This is the 6th and last 4-hour wait.
Retry 10: Wait 24 hours, and then try again. This is the 1st 1-day wait. ftServer Manager continues to make connection attempts every 24 hours.
2-8 Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide
ASN Connection Retry Cycle
If an additional alarm condition occurs during one of the Medium Idle Time Between Re-sends or Long Idle Time Between Re-sends periods, ftServer Manager interrupts the current cycle. ftServer Manager then attempts to establish an ASN connection according to the settings of the Short Idle Re-send Count and Short Idle Time Between Re-sends parameters. If these attempts are not successful, ftServer Manager resumes making attempts according to the settings of the Medium-Idle or Long-Idle Re-send Count and Medium-Idle or Long-Idle Time Between Re-sends parameters.
For example, suppose that ftServer Manager fa iled to establish a call-home connection and that the next attempt is scheduled to occur three hours from now, due to either a 24-hour or 4-hour wait period. If an add itional alarm condition occurs, ftServer Manager immediately attempts to establish an ASN connection three times with a 10-minute wait between attempts. If still unsuccessful, the original cycle resumes at the point it was interrupted with the next dial attempt occurring three hours later.
Express5800/320Ma System Features 2-9
ASN Connection Retry Cycle
2-10 Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide
Chapter 3
ftSMC Component Properties and
This chapter describes a number of the properties and actions associated with ftSMC system inventory components.

ftSMC Component Properties

Table 3-1 describes many of the properties of ftSMC system inventory components.
For component properties not described in the following table, use What’s this? Help in ftSMC details pane for information.
Table 3-1. ftSMC System Inventory Component Properties
Property Description
ActiveCompatibilityFlag Specifies whether the I/O element is active (True) or inactive
(False). The active element is the one that contains the active device of a pair of devices, the other of which is installed on the inactive I/O element.
ActiveRDRPlex The address of the path that is the current active RDR plex.
AdapterDeviceName Express5800/320Ma part number and description of PCI adapter. ASN For Call-home Displays the numerical designation of the current active ASN
configuration. VTMs and ftSMC obtain the parameters for a call home by reference to this property. The parameters in the active ASN configuration are then used to establish a connection to the active ActiveService Network (ASN), whether it is the NEC Technical Support. The default active ASN configuration is 1. See the Set as Active ASN action in Table 3-2.
AutoBringUpEnabled Brings a new CPU element in the system into service immediately if
this is enabled. The valid choices are True or False, with True (enabled) as the default.

ftSMC Component Properties and Actions 3-1

ftSMC Component Properties
Table 3-1. ftSMC System Inventory Component Properties (Continued)
Property Description
AutoBurnEnabled If enabled for a CPU element, matches a new CPU element’s BIOS
with that of the existing element when you insert a partner CPU element that has a different BIOS version than the existing element. The valid choices are True or False, with True (enabled) as the default. Insert new elements only while the system is running. See also Update Firmware in Table 3-2. You can check the BIOS versions in ftSMC. For a VTM, specifies if automatic burning is enabled. If so, the existing firmware revision will be burned to a new VTM that is added to the system. Set to false by default.
Availability The availability of the device. For the Express5800/320Ma
embedded 7174 SATA controller, possible states are running with full power (value of 3), warning (4), test (5), degraded (10), power save (13-15 and 17). See What’s this? Help in ftSMC for more detail.
BackplaneCfg The storage enclosure’s backplane configuration (joined-bus or
split-bus). BIOS: Version The BIOS version assigned by NEC Solutions (Amer ica), Inc. BIOS: VendorVersion The BIOS version assigned by the BIOS vendor. Brand A description of the type of processor in the CPU element. Call-home Enable Determines whether the system is enabled to generate call-home
messages (True) or not (False). If this is disab led, the system does
not send any messages or system inventory reports to the ASN.
Enabled by default. Call-home IP Address Displays the ASN IP address after the connection is made (for
example,; otherwise, it is a null value ( Call-home Licensed Indicates whether the system has a valid license to generate
call-home messages. Valid values are True or False. Call-in Enable Indicates whether VTM accepts calls from the ASN. If this is
disabled, VTM does not answer the telephone. Enabled by default.
Valid values are True (enabled) or False (disabled). Capacity The data capacity of a physical disk drive (or plex in RDR) or of a
virtual RDR disk, usually expressed in gigabytes (GB). Caption A short textual description of the object. Chipset: BusNumber[1] The numerical designation of the bus. Chipset: BusWidth[1] The data width of the bus in bits.
3-2 Express5800/320Ma: Technical Reference Guide
ftSMC Component Properties
Table 3-1. ftSMC System Inventory Component Properties (Continued)
Property Description
Chipset: Mhz66Capable[1] Indicates whether the PCI bus operates at 66 MHz (True) or not
(False). Chipset: NumberOfBuses The number of buses. Chipset:
TotalSystemMemoryMb Chipset: Type The type of chipset used in the CPU element. City City or town where your company is located. Class Code The type of device or adapter in this location. Company Name The name of the company that owns this system. ConfigData Specifies whether ESCD data should be cleared on the next reboot
ConfigManagerErrorCode The Win32Configuration Manager error code. Use What’s this? help
ConfigManagerUserConfig Indicates whether the device is using a user-defined configuration. ConfigState State information of an RDR virtual disk plex. An RDR disk can be
Connection Status Status of the ASN connection. Values are Off, On, and In process. Connection Timeout Maximum amount of time, in seconds, that ftServer Manager waits
Total amount of system memory.
of the system.
in ftSMC for details.
Configured/Unconfigured. If it is configured, it could be active or
inactive, imported or deported.
for a system to make each dial-out attempt. Default is 180 seconds
(3 minutes). When a system attempts to make a connection to the
ASN, ftSMC waits a period of time, defined by Transmit Timeout, for
the system to signal the status of the connection. Country Country where your company is located. CpuBringUpPolicy Specifies whether CPU bringup is enabled, disabled (deferred) and
simplex CPU operation is allowed, or disabled and simplex CPU
operation is not allowed. This property is set by means of the
Schedule CPU BringUp Options action, which is described in
Table 3-2.
CreationClassName The name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an
instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this
property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be
uniquely identified.
ftSMC Component Properties and Actions 3-3
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