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EliteMail CTI
LX Lite
User’s Guide
To access your mailbox by computer
1.Launch Mailbox Manager.
2.When the system greets you, enter:
Host name
To access your mailbox by telephone from inside your organization
1.Call the voice messaging system.
2.When the system greets you, enter:
Personal ID
Security Code
For assistance, call:
Welcome to EliteMail CTI LX Lite User’s Guide, this is about a simple yet powerful voice messaging system that can
greet your callers and record your messages. You will find it quick and easy to use.
On the Telephone
The voice messaging system lets you control how your mailbox receives messages and plays them back. You can
change these settings whenever you like, from any telephone. The telephone options consist of:
Menu Conversation
The menu conversation leads you quickly to your destination. You will hear a menu of options. Enter the number
associated with the option to perform the particular task. The voice messaging system’s menu options are
diagrammed as “Syst em Menu s” on page 55.
1 for Yes, 2 for No
If you prefer, ask you system manager to set up your mailbox with the 1 for Yes, 2 for No conversation. This
conversation leads you step by step through all of your options with easy, yes-and-no questions. Just enter 1 for
Yes, 2 for No.
To perform routine tasks quickly, you can enter a sequence of numbers in advance of the conversation questions or
Rotary Telephones
If your system uses dial pulse detection, you can use a rotary dial (pulse tone) telephone to send and receive
messages and to change your feature settings.
When the system conversation asks you a question, enter 3 to hear a Help menu of options.
If equipped you can use the softkeys on your display telephone. The visual display of softkeys quickly leads you to
your destination. You will see a menu of options. Press the softkey associated with the option to perform the
particular task for your feature settings.
On the Computer
If your system has TeLANophy®, you can manage live telephone calls and all types of messages visually on your
computer screen. TeLANophy is a suite of unified messaging and call management modules. TeLANophy consists
All of your voice messages are brought together in one window with ViewMail. You can access and prioritize your
messages and respond to them by using your personal computer.
ViewMail for Microsoft® Messaging
You can access all of your messages — voice mail and e-mail — in your Microsoft Inbox, whether you are using
Exchange, Outlook 98, Outlook 2000, or Outlook 2003.
ViewCall® Plus
All of your inbound and outbound calls can be managed visually from your desktop computer. You can customize
your call control applications by integrating ViewCall Plus with other applications, such as Microsoft’s Office suite.
For more detailed information about TeLANophy, use the:
Online Help system (press F1 or use the Help menu)
“Introducing TeLANophy” tutorial
First, fill in the blanks on the inside front cover of this guide and perform the procedure To access your mailbox from
inside your organization provided on the inside front cover. This makes your mailbox ready to use and enrolls you on
the system as a subscriber.
The system will ask you a few simple questions to record your name, spell your name (if required), record a personal
greeting, and set your security code.
You should set a security code that only you know. This prevents someone else from hearing your messages and
changing your mailbox settings. You can change your security codes as often as you like.
After you have set up your mailbox by telephone, you can also begin using TeLANophy. Contact your system manager
to get TeLANophy set up on your desktop.
To set up your mailbox
1.Access your mailbox (see inside front cover).
2.Answer the system questions. Enter 1 for Yes, 2 for No. If you are not sure, enter 2. You can always change the
option later.
3.When the system asks you if you are satisfied with your settings, enter 1 to confirm.
Depending on your system, you can use a telephone or computer to:
Check new messages
Leave a message to one or more subscribers or guests
Leave a message to a group
Review messages
Redirect a message
Modify or cancel a message after leaving it
Archive a message
Record a conversation
Checking New Messages
Checking new messages by telephone
New messages are messages that you have not yet heard. The system notifies you when you have new messages.
The system plays all urgent messages first, then all regular messages. It also sorts your messages by sender. If the
system does not know who left a message, it says that the message is from your message box.
After you listen to the messages from a subscriber, you can reply immediately; you do not have to dial the subscriber’s
To check new messages by telephone
1.Access your mailbox.
2.Press the New softkey or enter 4 to check new messages. Follow the system instructions. Enter 1 for Yes, 2 for
Optional Playback Feature s
The system manager can set up special options for your mailbox to:
Play your new messages automatically each time you call the system.
Provide additional security by always requiring both a personal ID and a security code to play messages.
Identify you automatically when you are using your assigned extension. This option is turned on by default.
Tell you how long it will take to play your messages.
One or more of these features may not be available at your site.
“Modifying a Message” on page 16
“Canceling a Message” on page 17
“E-Mail Integration Package *” on page 54
Checking New Messages by Computer
If your system uses ViewMail or ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, you can check messages visually from your
Information about each message is provided on the screen. When available, names, telephone numbers, and a
subject are included with messages. ViewMail also provides the length of the message and the time it was sent.
You can listen to messages either with a computer sound device or a telephone.
To check new messages from your computer
1.Double-click the message to open it.
2.Use the VCR-style buttons to play and respond to the message.
New Message
Figure 1. New Message Check
Urgent Message
Leaving a Message by Telephone
The system lets you leave voice messages for subscribers, groups, or guests. If you call a subscriber’s extension and
the call is unanswered, your call is automatically routed to the subscriber’s mailbox, where you can leave a message.
You can also leave messages directly from a subscriber’s mailbox.
Directory Assistance
Your system may use automatic directory assistance, numeric directory assistance, or both, to help callers find
subscribers’ extension numbers.
Callers with letters on their telephones can use automatic directory assistance, which identifies subscribers by their
last names. All callers can use numeric directory assistance, which groups subscribers by department, location, or
other categories.
Special Delivery Options
When you leave a subscriber message, you can mark it with one or more of these special delivery options:
UrgentThe message is played first, before regular messages.
PrivateThe message cannot be redirected.
Return ReceiptThe system tells you when a subscriber has heard the message.
Future DeliveryThe message is delivered at the time and on the day you specify.
“Modifying a Message” on page 16
“Canceling a Message” on page 17
“E-Mail Integration Package *” on page 54
To leave another subscriber a message
1.Call another subscriber. When the subscriber does not answer, the call is forwarded to voice mail.
2.Leave a message.
3.Follow the system instructions. Enter 1 for Yes, 2 for No.
To leave a message directly in a subscriber’s mailbox
1.Access your mailbox (see inside front cover).
2.Press the LVMSG softkey or enter 5 to leave any messages.
3.On the telephone, you may be asked spell the subscriber’s name or enter the extension number. You can
alternate between name and number by pressing the # key twice.
When spelling a subscriber’s last name, use a “wild-card” number (typically 0 or 1) for any letter in the last name
you do not know.
4.Enter 2 until you hear the name of the subscriber you want, then enter 1.
5.Record your message at the beep. The message must be at least three seconds long to be delivered.
6.Enter # to start over or , to stop recording.
Sending a Me ssage by Computer
Depending on the optional TeLANophy applications on your system, you can use ViewMail or ViewMail for Microsoft
Messaging to send voice messages by computer.
To send a message by computer
1.If you are using ViewMail, click Send. If you are using ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, click New voice
2.Click To and then use the address book to select recipients’ names.
3.Type in a subject and set delivery options as needed.
4.Use the VCR-style buttons and your telephone or a sound device to record the message. You can also add
sounds from the clipboard or from a WAV file.
5.To send the message, choose Send.
For composing and sending a message
With ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, you can send a ViewMail message to another subscriber by using the
ViewMail address book.
You also can send a ViewMail message to someone outside the voice messaging system. When you use the Microsoft
Messaging address book, the ViewMail message is sent as an e-mail message with an attached WAV file.
For selecting special
delive ry options
Figure 2. Sending a Message
For compos ing
and sending a
For selecting
an address
For addressing a new
message to multiple
subscribers or
message groups
Figure 3. Sending a Message via Microsoft Messaging
Leaving a Group Message
You can leave a message for more than one subscriber by:
Leaving the message for a message group.
Adding names to the address list.
A message group is a mailing list of subscribers and/or guests. Your system manager can create message groups or
you can create your own message groups.
To leave a group message by telephone
1.Access your mailbox (see inside front cover).
2.Press the LVMSG softkey or dial 5 to leave a message.
3.Spell the group name, or enter the special group ID and group number. Enter 2 until you hear the name of the
group you want, then enter 1.
4.After the beep, record your message. The message must be at least 3 seconds long to be delivered.
To leave a message to several subscribers by telephone
1.Leave a message for the first subscriber.
2.Enter , to stop recording.
3.Follow the system instructions to add a subscriber as a message recipient.
4.Repeat step 3 for each subscriber you want to receive the message.
To find out who has not heard a gr oup message by telephone
1.Start to leave a new message to the group.
2.The system says that some members have not heard your last message. Enter 1 to review the message.
3.Listen to the message or enter 2 to interrupt it.
4.Enter 2 to avoid canceling the message.
5.Enter 7 to list who has not heard the message.
6.Enter , to stop the list.
Sending a Group Message by Computer
With ViewMail and ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, you can either choose more subscriber names or a group name
from the ViewMail address book.
For addressing a message to multiple
subscribers or message groups
Figure 4. Sending a Group Message
Reviewing Messages
You can review old messages and archived messages by telephone or by computer.
Reviewing Messages by Telephone
After you have heard a new message, the system saves it for a set amount of time (for example, until midnight).
To review messages by telephone
1.Access your mailbox.
2.Press the Old softkey or dial 6 to review old messages.
3.Follow the system instructions. Enter 1 for Yes, 2 for No.
Press the Next softkey or dial * to skip a message. Press the ARCHV softkey or dial 3 7 to archive a message
Online Help
ViewMail, Opening messages
ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, To set preferences for saving sent
voice messages
Reviewing Messages by Computer*
ViewMail and ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging list all of your opened (old) messages in your mailbox until the system
deletes them at the set time, usually at midnight every night.
To review an old message by computer
1.Double-click the message.
2.Use the VCR-style buttons to play the message.
* This feature may not be available at your site.
Opened Message
New Message
Figure 5. Reviewing Messages via Computer
Redirecting a Message
The system lets you:
Redirect a message to another subscriber.
Record an introduction to the message.
Use special delivery options.
The system does not let you redirect messages that are designated as private by the original sender, otherwise enter
the extension number.
To redirect a message by telephone
1.While listening to a message press the ">>>>" softkey to get to more options, then press the REDIR softkey.
2.Spell the last name of the subscriber to whom you are redirecting the message or press # twice to enter the
extension number.
3.Enter 1 to confirm the recipient of the redirected message.
Note:A message that is marked Private by the sender cannot be redirected.
To redirect a message by computer*
You can redirect a message to other subscribers using ViewMail and ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging. When you
redirect a voice message, the New Message form opens as follows:
The subject contains “FW:” to indicate the message is being redirected.
The original voice message is included.
* This feature may not be available at your site.
“Leaving a Message by Telephone” on page 6
“Changing Message Delivery Options” on page 37
Online Help
ViewMail, Redirecting messages
ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, Forwarding a voice message
To redirect a message by computer
1.Select the message.
2.Click Redirect.
3.Click To and then use the address book to select recipients’ names.
4.Type in a subject and set delivery options as needed.
5.Use the VCR-style buttons and your telephone or a sound device to record an introduction.
6.Choose Send to send your message.
Note:A message that is marked "Private" by the sender cannot be redirected.
For redirecting the message to other subscribers, groups, or guests
For redirecting a message
Figure 6. Redirecting Messages via Computer
Modifying a Message
Depending on system settings, you can use one or more of these message options after you record a message:
Modify the message.
Modify its delivery options.
Mark it for special delivery.
Redirect it to others.
To modify a message by telephone
1.Record a message.
2.Enter , 4 to stop recording.
3.While modifying, you can enter 4 to add to the end of the message or 5 to listen to it. If you have a touchtone
telephone, you can enter 6 to rerecord the message.
4.Enter , when you finish modifying.
“Leaving a Message by Telephone” on page 6
“Redirecting a Message” on page 14
“Canceling a Message” on page 17
Online Help:
ViewMail, Changing or revoking sent messages
ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, Revoking a voice message you have sent
To modify a message by computer*
With ViewMail, you can modify a voice message you have sent if the recipient has not opened it.
ViewMail displays the message in your ViewMail mailbox until the person has opened it. If the message is still in your
mailbox, simply open and modify it.
With ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, you can modify the message by telephone or delete it and send a new
* This feature may not be available at your site.
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