HDX and iTunes (PC) Supplement
This document is intended to help users make an iTunes library on a computer running
Microsoft Windows visible to Naim and NaimNet hard disk player and music server
products (HDX, NS01, NS02 and NS03).
Note: Reference to the HDX throughout this document should be taken also to include the
NaimNet NS01, NS02 and NS03 music servers.
1 D o w nloa d and Inst a l l E x p o r t A p p lica t i o n
For iTunes music on a Windows PC to be visible to an HDX, an open source export
application must first be installed on the Windows PC. The application can be downloaded
from the following link:
A number of versions of the application are available. Download the “UI” version.
The application should installed on the PC in accordance with its accompanying
2 Sharing iTunes Music
iTunes music will normally be located on a PC in My Documents > My Music. The iTunes
folder in this location must be set up for sharing.
Right click on the iTunes folder to open its properties and click on the Sharing tab. Select
Share this folder and type an appropriate name, such as iTunesPC, in the Share name
dialogue box. Click on Permissions.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Naim Audio Ltd. cannot be held responsible for any consequences of installing or using
third party software.