Naim HDX Quick Reference

HDX Hard Disk Player – Networking Quick Reference
Recommended Configuration
It is strongly recommended that the HDX is used in DHCP mode. Under most conditions DHCP mode is suitable and there is no need to adjust the networking settings. Changing network settings should only be attempted by those with a good understanding of networking principles and the implications of using static addressing mode.
Incorrect settings can result in the unit failing to work correctly and it may be
necessary to return the unit to Naim for recovery.
Ensure only the latest versions of the Naim Set IP tool and NetStreams Dealer
Setup are used to change the HDX IP address. Do not attempt to use older
versions of the Naim Desktop Client application to set the IP address.
Configuring a Static Address
Refer to the document ‘Naim Audio HDX Hard Disk Player – Network Setup.pdf’ for more information regarding when it is recommended to use static addressing mode. If Static Addressing is to be used then the following points must be carefully noted:
You must set aside a “static range” on your network for the HDX. For instance: – 200 = DHCP – 255 = Static
You must check that no other device is using the address(s) allocated to the HDX. This can be determined by ‘pinging’ the addresses you intend to use and checking that there is no reply from any device on the network (firewall dependant).
The HDX consists of 2 network devices internally (front panel and player), thus 2 unused static IP addresses are required. These addresses must lie within the same subnet.
The Netmask must be correct for the network. i.e.
Class A = Class B = Class C =
When used in a NetStreams setup the HDX must use static addressing mode. Ensure that the HDX and associated front panel are both set to Static mode using the dealer setup application. Do this by ticking the ‘Enable Staitc IP’ checkbox in the configuration page for the HDX and associated ‘touchscreen’. Note that the HDX does not support NetStreams “AutoIP” mode.
Certified Installers should use the latest available Digilinx Dealer Setup application to configure this device. This is available from For domestic users, an alternative SetIP Tool is available on the CD-ROM that shipped with the HDX and also from the Naim Audio website.
For more information on configuration of other network devices (e.g. routers and switches) refer to the user documentation shipped with the product.
Tech Support Doc – Networking Quick Reference 7 November 2008 Page 1 of 1