MV Agusta Brutale 910 Italia 2006 Owner's manual

© 2006 This document may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced without prior consent, in writing, from MV Agusta S.p.A.
Part No. 8A00A9730 - Edition No. 1 Printed in September 2006
MV Agusta S.p.A. is committed to a policy of constant improvement; therefore, you may find slight differen­ces between the information provided in this document and the vehicle you purchased. MV Agusta motorcy­cles are exported in several countries, in which different rules and regulations (concerning both the Highway Code and the homologation procedures) are in force. Relying on your understanding, MV Agusta S.p.A. deems it necessary to reserve the right to change its products and the related documentation at any time and without notice.
Respect and defend natural environment
Everything we do affects the whole planet as well as its resources. MV Agusta, in order to protect the interests of the community, awakens the Customers and the Technical Assistance operators to use the vehicle and dispose of its replaced parts respecting the laws in force con­cerning environmental pollution and waste disposal and recycling.
Use and maintenance manual
Il presente Manuale di uso e manutenzione è disponibile nelle edizioni in lingua sotto specificate:
This Manual is available in the languages listed below:
Le présent livret d’utilisation et d’entretien est disponible dans les éditions rédigées dans les langues spécifiées ci-dessous:
Die vorliegende Bedienungs- und Wartungsanleitung ist in folgenden Sprachen erhältlich:
Las ediciones del presente manual de uso y mantenimiento están disponibles en los siguientes idiomas:
Edizione Italiana
Italian Edition
Edition Italienne
Italienische Ausgabe
Edición en Italiano
Edizione Inglese
Edizione Francese
Edizione Tedesca
Edizione Spagnola
Edizione USA
English Edition
French Edition
German Edition
Spanish Edition
USA Edition
Edition Anglaise
Edition Française
Edition Allemande
Edition Espagnole
Edition USA
Englische Ausgabe
Französische Ausgabe
Deutsche Ausgabe
Spanische Ausgabe
USA Ausgabe
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Edición en Inglés
Edición en Francés
Edición en Alemán
Edición en Español
Edición USA
Dear Customer,
I wish to thank you for your preference and congratulate you on purchasing your new F4 Brutale 910 “Italia”.
All the elements that have always distinguished the vehicles created by MV Agusta throughout its glo­rious history, such as passion, technology, mechanical subtlety and high performances, which come from a design phylosophy that favours the constant research, the technological innovation and the love for details, gain an even more special meaning within the Brutale 910 R “Italia” version. I wanted to personally dedicate this model, which stands out as a symbol of the “Made in Italy” by having gained the most prestigious acknowledgements throughout the world, to one of the most important spor­ting events: the Football World Championship, that this year has been won by the Italian Football Team for the fourth time in its history. MV Agusta thus celebrates this memorable victory by creating a limited edition commemorative model, whose unique and exclusive graphical appearance is meant to recall the exciting deeds of Germany 2006. I suggest you to live your motorcycle passion in full freedom, being conscious to possess a unique object which represents, for its aesthetical and performance contents, a strong reference worldwide. This manual has been drawn up with a view to providing you with a clear and practical guide to operat­ing and maintaining your new motorcycle while safeguarding your warranty rights.
For further information, please feel free to contact the MV Agusta Customer Care Service.
Have a good time!
Claudio Castiglioni MV Agusta Chairman
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chap. Subject covered page
1.1. Purpose of the manual 10
1.2. Symbols 11
1.3. Warranty Booklet and Service Coupons 12
1.4. Identification data 13
2.1. Safety 20
2.1.1. Note on tampering 20
2.1.2. Safety rules 21
2.1.3. Precautions for children 23
2.1.4. Installing accessories 24
2.1.5. Vehicle load 25
2.1.6. Modifications 27
2.1.7. Competitions 27
2.1.8. Recommendations for safe riding 28
2.1.9. Protective clothing 31
2.1.10. Suggestions against theft 32
2.2. Safety labels - Location 33
2.3. Safety - Visual and acoustic signals 37
3.1. Location of controls and instruments 38
chap. Subject covered page
3.2. Sidestand 40
3.3. Handlebar controls, left side 41
3.4 Handlebar controls, right side 43
3.5. Ignition switch and steering lock 44
3.6. Gear lever 50
3.7. Instruments and warning lights 51
3.7.1. Warning lights 52
3.7.2. Multifunction display 53
4.1. Using the motorcycle 54
4.2. Running-in 55
4.3. Starting the engine 57
4.4. Selecting and setting the display functions 59
4.4.1. Selecting the display functions 60
4.4.2. Setting the measurement units 61
4.4.3. Resetting the trip mileage counters 64
4.4.4. Setting the clock 67
4.5. Refuelling 69
4.6. Glove compartment 71
4.7. Parking the motorcycle 73
4.8. Preriding checks 75
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chap. Subject covered page
4.9 Riding 77
5.1. List of adjustments 78
5.2. Table of adjustments 81
5.3. Adjusting the front brake lever 82
5.4. Adjusting the clutch lever 82
5.5. Adjusting the rearview mirrors 83
5.6. Adjusting the front suspension 84
5.6.1. Spring preload 85
5.6.2. Rebound damper (front suspension) 85
5.6.3. Compression damper (front suspension) 86
5.7. Adjusting the rear suspension 87
5.7.1. Rebound damper (rear suspension) 88
5.7.2. High speed compression damper (rear suspension) 89
5.7.3. Low speed compression damper (rear suspension) 89
5.8. Headlight adjustment 90
6.1. Tables of scheduled maintenance and checks 92
chap. Subject covered page
6.2. Tools and accessories supplied 102
6.3. Table of lubricants and fluids 103
6.4. Checking the engine oil level 104
6.4.1. Topping up the engine oil level 105
Checking the coolant level
Topping up the coolant level
6.6. Checking the wear of the brake pads 110
6.7. Checking the brake fluid level 111
6.8. Checking the clutch fluid level 113
6.9. Checking and replacing the tyres 114
6.10. Checking and lubricating the drive chain 119
6.11. Checking the idle speed 123
6.12. Replacing parts - General information 124
6.12.1. Replacing the fuses 124
6.12.2. Replacing the low beam bulb 127
Replacing the high beam bulb
6.12.4 Replacing the front parking light bulb 130
6.12.5. Replacing the front turn indicator bulbs 131
6.12.6. Replacing the rear turn indicator bulbs 132
6.12.7. Replacing the rear light and brake light bulb 133
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107 108
chap. Subject covered page
6.12.8. Replacing the license plate light bulb 134
6.13. Battery 136
6.14. Cleaning the motorcycle 138
6.15. Prolonged inactivity 141
7.1. Engine problems 142
7.2. Electrical equipment problems 147
8.1. Motorcycle overview 150
8.1.1. Front brake circuit 152
8.1.2. Rear brake circuit 153
8.1.3. Clutch circuit 154
8.1.4. Engine lubrication 155
8.1.5. Coolant circuit 156
8.1.6. Fuel system 157
8.2. Specifications 158
8.3. Accessories 165
8.4. Clothing 166
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Accessories 165 – installation 24 Adjustments – clutch lever 82 – front brake lever 82 – front suspension 84 – headlight 90 – list 78 – rear suspension 87 – rearview mirrors 83 – table 81
Battery 136 Brakes – fluid level, check 111 – front brake circuit 152 – front brake lever, adjustment 82 – pads, wear check 110 – rear brake circuit 153 Bulbs, replacement of – front turn indicators 131 – high beam 129 – license plate light 134 – low beam 127 – parking light 130
– rear light and brake light 133 – rear turn indicators 132
Chain – check 119 – lubrication 121 Cleaning the motorcycle 138 Clutch – circuit 154 – fluid level, check 113 – lever, adjustment 82 Competitions 27 Controls and instruments, location 38 Coolant – level, check 107 – circuit 156 – topping up 108
Damper – compression (front suspension) 86 – compression (rear suspension) 89 – rebound (front suspension) 85 – rebound (rear suspension) 88
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Display, multifunction 53 – selecting functions 60 – setting functions 61
Electrical equipment, troubleshooting 147 Engine – lubrication 155 – oil level, check 104 – oil level, topping up 105 – serial number 13 – starting 57 – troubleshooting 142
Fuel system 157 Fuses, replacement 124
Gear lever 50 Glove compartment 71
Handlebar controls – left side 41 – right side 43 Headlight, adjustment 90 – high beam, bulb replacement 129 – low beam, bulb replacement 127
Identification data 13 Idle speed, check 123 Ignition switch and steering lock 46 Instruments and warning lights 51
Levels – brake fluid 111 – clutch fluid 113 – coolant 107 – engine oil 104 License plate light, bulb replacement 134 Location of controls and instruments 38 Lubricants and fluids, table 103
Maintenance and checks – tables 92 Motorcycle overview 150
Parking 73 Parking light, bulb replacement 130 Precautions for children 23 Preriding checks 75 Prolonged inactivity 141 Purpose of manual 10
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Rear light and brake light, bulb replacement 133 Rearview mirrors, adjustment 83 Refuelling 69 Replacing parts, general information 124 Running-in 55
Safety 20 – labels, location 33 – recommendations for safe riding 28 – rules 21 – visual and acoustic signals 37 Scheduled maintenance tables 92 Sidestand 40 Specifications 158 Spring preload 85 Suspensions – front, adjustment 84 – rear, adjustment 87 Symbols 11
Tampering, note 20 Tools and accessories supplied 102
Topping up – coolant 108 – engine oil 105 Troubleshooting flow chart – electrical equipment 147 – engine 142 Turn indicators – front, bulb replacement 131 – rear, bulb replacement 132 Tyres, check 114 – puncturing 115 – replacement 116
Vehicle – identification number 13 – load 25 – modifications 27
Warning lights 52 Warranty – Booklet, Service Coupons and Dealers’
Guide 12
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1.1. Purpose of the manual
In addition to providing directions on operation and mainte­nance, this manual contains important information about gen­eral safety: READ THE MANUAL OVER CAREFULLY
The manual describes the model with the maximum equip­ment at print time.
This manual must be considered as a part of your motorcycle. It must always be kept inside it, and it must be included with the vehicle even if this one is sold back to another owner.
The manual must be kept in the glove compartment placed under the passenger’s seat.
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1.2. Symbols
Sections of text that are particularly important in terms of personal safety or possible damage to the motorcycle are marked with the following symbols:
Danger - Failure to observe these prescriptions, even in part, may pose a serious hazard to the driver’s and other people’s safety.
Caution - Failure to observe these prescriptions, even in part, may result in damage to the motorcycle.
The following symbols give an indication of who is supposed to perform the different adjustments and/or maintenance operations:
Information on operations that can be carried out by the user.
Information on operations that
The following symbols are used to provide further information:
The “ ” symbol points out the requirement to use a tool or a special equipment in order to correctly perform the described operation.
be carried out
by authorized personnel.
§ The “ § ” symbol refers the reader to the chapter identified by the number that follows.
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1.3. Warranty Booklet and Service Coupons
Besides this Use and Maintenance Manual, the vehicle is accompanied by the following documents: a Warranty Booklet containing a Warranty and Pre-Delivery Certificate and recom­mended service coupons, and the MV Agusta Dealers’ Guide.
The copy of the Warranty and Pre-Delivery Certificate to be sent to MV Agusta must be filled in by the dealer and returned to the factory within 10 days from the date of registration.
Every time the vehicle is serviced by a dealer, the user must produce the Warranty Booklet so that the dealer can fill in the service coupon and return it to MV Agusta within 10 days from the date of the servicing.
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2) engine serial number
1.4. Identification data
1) vehicle identification number
2) engine serial number
3) homologation data
4) “limited series” number #
Motorcycle identification
The motorcycle is identified by the vehicle identi­fication number. When placing orders for spare parts, in addition to this number, you may be
4) “limited series” number #
3) homologation data
1) vehicle identification number
required to provide the engine serial number and the key identification. We recommend writing down the main numbers in the spaces provided below.
This motorcycle has been produced in a limited series. Each vehicle is identified by a serial number stamped on a 24-carat gold plate.
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Here below you can find a description of a vehicle identification number:
Manufacturer’s Letter Code
Motorcycle model
Progressive vehicle number
The vehicle identification number must be provided each time you need to contact the MV Agusta Technical Assistance Service, in order to guarantee the traceability of your motorcycle.
11 AC Y V 000000
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Motorcycle key identification
A key is supplied in duplicate for both the ignition and all the locks. Keep the duplicate in a safe place.
It is essential to provide the key identification number if you place an order for a spare motorcycle key. We recommend writing down this number in the space pro­vided below:
KEY No.:
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key identification number
9 6
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Bodywork parts reference colours
Bodywork parts are painted with the following reference colours:
1. - Rear side fairing, right-hand;
2. - Rear side fairing, left-hand;
“Italia” Metal Clear Blue Painting (Code Palinal 928D264) + “Italia” Pastel Blue Painting (Code Palinal 929D263)
3. - Fuel tank right-hand side fairing;
4. - Fuel tank left-hand side fairing;
5. - Tail piece;
6. - Air box side fairings;
7. - Ignition switch cover:
“Senna” Metal Matt Black Painting (Code Palinal 925XV414 + Palinal 923MAT.3)
8. - Front mudguard;
9. - Fuel tank:
“Italia” Metal Clear Blue Painting (Code Palinal 928D264) + “Italia” Pastel Blue Painting (Code Palinal 929D263)
10. - Dashboard cover;
11. - Right-hand rearview mirror;
12. - Left-hand rearview mirror:
“Senna” Metal Matt Black Painting (Code Palinal 925XV414 + Palinal 923MAT.3)
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Frame parts reference colours
Frame parts are painted with the following reference colours:
1. - Frame;
2. - Rear frame;
3. - Silencers clamp:
Brutale Metal Anthracite Grey Painting (Code Palinal 211XH893)
9. - Engine covers:
MV Tamburini Metal Grey Painting (Code Palinal 211.R129)
4. - Rear swingarm;
5. - Right-hand frame plate;
6. - Left-hand frame plate;
7. - Steering base;
8. - Handlebar counterweights:
10. - Engine head cover:
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F4 AGO Frame Matt Grey Painting (Code Palinal 211.A704)
“Italia” Metal Clear Blue Painting (Code Palinal 928D264)
2.1. Safety
Tampering with the noise control system is pro­hibited. In particular, the law prohibits the follow­ing acts:
1. The removal or rendering inoperative, other
than for purposes of maintenance, repair, or replacement, of any device or element of design incorporated into any new vehicle for the purpose of noise control prior to its sale or deliv­ery to the ultimate purchaser or while it is in use.
2. The use of the vehicle after such device or ele-
ment of design has been removed or rendered inoperative.
Acts presumed to constitute tampering include:
1. The removal or piercing of the exhaust
silencer, the diaphragm, the manifolds, or any other components involved in the transmission of exhaust gases.
2. The removal or piercing of any part of the
intake system.
3. Poor maintenance.
4. The replacement of any movable parts of the
vehicle or of any intake or exhaust compo­nents with parts or components other than those prescribed by the manufacturer.
If you notice a progressive increase of the noise level of your motorcycle, MV Agusta recommends to have your noise control system controlled and if necessary replaced. Otherwise, riding with a defective muffler can subject you to the penalties prescribed by state and local provisions.
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Before riding, carefully read this manual so as
to familiarize yourself with the controls, characte­ristics, working and limits of the motorcycle. The manual is aimed at providing information on some of all the possible techniques and methods requi­red for safe riding.
Do not attach a sidecar, a trailer or any other
accessory to the motorcycle. Failure to observe this warning may make the vehicle unstable and cause serious accidents.
To ensure maximum reliability and maintain
the vehicle in perfect working order, it is essential to perform the servicing detailed in the Scheduled Maintenance Table and to follow all the instruc­tions provided in this manual. For further infor­mation, speak with your dealer, who will have the necessary technical skills and information to assi­st you.
MV Agusta continually strives to improve the
quality of all of its motorcycles. Therefore, modifi­cations that improve the performance of the bike are made as soon as they are developed. Therefore, your motorcycle may not be described exactly by the illustrations and text contained in this manual.
If you find difficulties in understanding any pic-
ture or information contained in this manual, con­tact your MV Agusta dealer to obtain the neces­sary explanations.
If you find difficulties in reading any information
contained in this manual, contact your MV Agusta dealer.
In order to avoid compromising handling and
stability of your motorcycle, you should obey the following warnings:
• do not attach any object to the vehicle;
• do not remove any part and/or component;
• do not modify the vehicle in any way;
• do not wear garments that could adversely affect control and handling of the motorcycle.
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Do not ride this motorcycle if you do not pos-
sess a regular driving licence. Failure to heed this warning constitutes a breach of the Highway Code, besides posing a serious hazard to the dri-
ver’s and other people’s safety.
Do not try to service or repair this motorcycle if
you do not possess the necessary skills.
Motorcycle riding demands your complete
attention. Do not ride if you are ill, in poor physi­cal condition, or because of worry, etc., unable to concentrate on the task at hand.
Always wear a helmet, even on short rides.
Always wear suitable clothes, especial-
ly when travelling by night (e.g. garments with fluorescent bands).
When refuelling, switch off the engine and
refrain from smoking.
Since petrol is highly flammable, avoid spilling
the fuel onto the tank and the exhaust pipes when refuelling.
When refuelling, stay away from the vehicle to
avoid inhaling harmful fumes. Should the fuel come into contact with the skin or clothes, imme­diately wash with water and change the contami­nated garments.
When travelling during the day, use the low
Do not start the engine in closed places.
Exhaust gases are toxic and can quickly saturate the air and cause fainting or even death.
Before starting the engine in a closed place,
ensure that the area is well ventilated.
While the vehicle is in motion, always rest the
feet on the specially designed supports.
While riding, always keep both hands on the
Do not cover your motorcycle with a canvas
soon afterwards riding. Before covering your motorcycle, wait until the engine and the exhaust pipes have thoroughly cooled.
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If your motorcycle has been involved in an accident, check all levers, wires, hoses, brake calipers and
other main parts for damage. Do not use the vehicle if you detect a damage that could adversely affect safety. Have all the main parts checked by an authorized MV Agusta dealer, in order to verify the absen­ce of defects and/or damages that the owner could not be able to detect.
• Park the vehicle where it is unlikely to be bumped into or damaged. Even sli­ght or involuntary bumps can cause the vehicle to topple over, with subsequent risk of serious harm to people or chil­dren.
• To prevent the vehicle from tipping over, never park it on soft or uneven ground, nor on asphalt strongly heated by the sun.
• Engine and exhaust pipes become very hot during riding. Always park your motorcycle where people or chil­dren can not easily reach these parts, in order to avoid serious burns.
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Parts at high temperature
MV Agusta provides a range of accessories spe-
cially designed for your vehicle. It is essential that
these accessories are installed by an MV Agusta dealer.
WARNING Use only MV Agusta original acces­sories. The use of non-genuine acces­sories can make the vehicle unsafe by reducing its handling, stability and the effectiveness of the braking system. For this reason, the installation of any non­genuine accessory makes the warranty null and void and relieves MV Agusta of all responsibility.
Every time you apply accessories that affect
the weight and/or the aerodynamic characteristics of your motorcycle, they must be assembled on its lower side and near to its center, as much as it is
possible. The brackets and the anchor bolts must be carefully checked after the assembling, to ensure a stable framework and an unmovable support for the accessory. In fact, an eventual breaking of these stands could cause dangerous situations during riding.
Verify that the assembling of the accessories
does not cause a reduction of the minimum ground clearance and of the inclination of your motorcy­cle. Moreover, verify that the assembling of the accessories does not cause any interference with the handling of the steering system, with the travel of the suspensions and/or with the movement of any other component involved in driving.
Any accessory positioned on the handlebar or
on the front fork can reduce the handling and adversely affect the stability of the vehicle. Therefore, the choice of the accessories should be accurate and restricted to components of light weight and small dimensions only.
Your motorcycle could undergo lightening or
other instability effects in case of wind blowing
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sideways and transversely; this may also happen when your motorcycle runs into or it is overtaken by vehicles of great dimensions. Under these con­ditions, the accessories adversely affect your dri­ving safety, especially if they are incorrectly assembled or of the wrong type. It is therefore necessary to pay great attention in choosing and assembling any accessory.
Some accessories force the rider to drive in an
unnatural position. This may obviously restrict your freedom of movement and cause loss of con­trol of the vehicle.
Additional electric accessories can cause an
overload of the electrical system of your motorcy­cle; this could damage the wires, causing danger of short circuit and electric shock.
Your motorcycle is designed for use by the rider and it can also seat a passenger. To use the vehi­cle in complete safety and in accordance with the Highway Code provisions, it is compulsory that the following maximum load conditions are never exceeded:
BRUTALE 910 Italia 370 kg
This value comes out from the sum of the follow­ing weights, according to the European standard CEE 92/61:
• weight of the motorcycle;
• weight of the driver;
• weight of the passenger;
• weight of the load and all the accessories.
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WARNING Since the load can strongly affect hand­ling, braking, performance and safety characteristics of your motorcycle, you should always keep in mind the fol­lowing warnings.
• NEVER OVERLOAD YOUR MOTOR­CYCLE! Driving an overloaded motorcy­cle can cause damage to the tyres, loss of control of the vehicle and serious injury. Verify that the total weight (including the weight of the motorcycle, the driver, the passenger, the load and all the accesso­ries) does not exceed the maximum load values specified for your vehicle.
• Before riding, always check the wear and the pressure of the tyres.
• Never carry any incorrectly fastened object on your motorcycle, because it could move from its position during riding.
• Steadily fasten the heaviest objects near the center of the motorcycle, and equally divide the load on both sides of the vehicle.
• Do not insert any object or accessory in the spaces on the frame trellis, in order to avoid interferring with the movable parts of the motorcycle.
• Adjust the suspensions according to the load.
• Even if the motorcycle is correctly loaded, drive with caution and never exceed 130 km/h when you carry a load.
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MV Agusta suggests neither to remove any origi-
nal device, nor to modify the motorcycle in any way that could change its shape or its working.
WARNING Any modifications made to the vehicle (e.g. alteration and/or removal of com­ponents) can make the vehicle unsafe or unlawful. MV Agusta cannot be held responsible for any damage to people and objects subsequent to eventual modifications made to the original con­ditions of your motorcycle. Modifying the vehicle immediately voids the war­ranty and relieves MV Agusta of all responsibility.
WARNING: Riding the vehicle in compe­titions requires considerable skill and experience as well as an accurate setup of the motorcycle.
CAUTION: The high temperatures caused by the use of the vehicle on race circuits could compromise the efficien­cy of the catalytic converter and of the exhaust system; therefore, we suggest assembling a special exhaust system when using the vehicle on race circuits.
MV Agusta has designed a number of special
components for use in competitions and/or sport­ing events. The use of such components is strict­ly limited to areas closed to traffic. Failure to observe this restriction constitutes a breach of the Highway Code for which MV Agusta cannot be held responsible.
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Besides being a means of transport, your motor-
cycle is a source of recreation and excitement. However, the configuration of the vehicle does not exclude a certain amount of risk. To ensure maxi­mum safety, in addition to scrupulously observing the warnings and instructions provided in the pre­vious paragraphs, it is essential to take a few additional precautions. In particular:
Before starting off
Follow all the directions given in the section “PRE­RIDING CHECKS”. Conduct an overall check of all safety-related aspects of the motorcycle.
Familiarizing with the vehicle
The rider’s ability and his mechanical skills form the basis of riding safety. It is advisable to practise riding in areas without traffic until you have become familiar with the vehicle and its controls.
Being aware of one’s limits
When riding, never exceed your limits nor those imposed by law. Being aware of your limits and acting accordingly will help you avoid accidents.
Adverse weather conditions
Be very careful when riding in adverse weather conditions. On wet roads, for example, the brak­ing distance increases as a result of reduced tyre traction. It is therefore necessary to travel at mod­erate speed and avoid abrupt braking and accel­eration. Pay particular attention when riding on slippery surfaces such as road markings, man­holes, level crossings, bridges, gratings, etc. Considering that a motorcycle cannot provide the same degree of shock protection as a motor vehi­cle, it is essential to adopt a “defensive” riding atti­tude, particularly in the adverse weather condi­tions described above.
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