Muratec M840, M860, M880 User Manual

M840 / M860 / M880
Operating Instructions
As an
partner, Muratec has determined that this product meets
Copyright  1997 by Muratec/Murata Machinery Ltd.; all rights reserved.
is a registered trademark of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
guidelines for energy efficiency.
Well come to your Muratec fax machine!
We know you want to use your fax machine now, without first having to climb over a mountain of jargon.
So we’ve divided these instructions into six section.
“Getting Started” (see page 1.1)
covers only what you absolutely have to know to use your machine immediately.
“Beyond the Basics” (see page 2.1)
provides more details. When you have time, look through it to learn more about
your machine’s many features, as well as fax in general.
“SmartPort” (see page 3.1)
describes how your fax machine is used as an image scanner and printer for your computer.
“Answering Machine” (see page 4.1)
describes a high-quality answering machine built-in your fax machine.
It is available only for M860.
It is available only for M880.
Finally, “Just in Case…” (see page 5.1)
will help you decide what to do if you ever have a problem with your machine.
It also tells you how to give it the kind of easy, sensible care that should help keep troubles to a minimum.
The next two pages show the entire contents of these instructions.
Skim through them now if you’d like (they’ll prove more helpful as time passes),
or just go on past them to “Getting Started” and, well, get started!
And thanks for choosing Muratec.
What’s in these operating instructions
Each section also contains its own (more abbreviated) table of contents, as well.
Section 1 Getting Started
What’s inside in this section........................................................................................1.1
A Quick Introduction to Fax in General ................................................................1.1
Machine Layout...........................................................................................................1.2
Control Panel ( Control Panel (
Program Key..........................................................................................................1.8
You’re in Control...................................................................................................1.9
Setting Up.................................................................................................................. 1.10
Phone and Electrical Requirements .....................................................................1.10
Tips for Use......................................................................................................... 1.10
Connecting the Handset, Telephone Line Cord and Power Cord ........................1.11
Installing Paper....................................................................................................1.12
A Word about Paper ............................................................................................1.12
Adjusting Monitor and Ringer Volume...............................................................1.13
Attaching A Second Telephone or Answering Machine......................................1.13
Clearing Memory.................................................................................................1.14
Using EasyStart to Enter Initial Settings..............................................................1.14
Sending Faxes............................................................................................................1.15
Some Guidelines..................................................................................................1.15
How to Insert A Document..................................................................................1.16
Sending A Fax with On-Hook Dialing or A Handset...........................................1.16
Receiving Faxes.........................................................................................................1.18
Reception Mode...................................................................................................1.18
Tel Ready Mode...................................................................................................1.18
Fax Ready Mode..................................................................................................1.18
T/F Ready Mode..................................................................................................1.19
Ans Ready Mode..................................................................................................1.20
“Being Called” Display........................................................................................1.21
Low-Paper Warning.............................................................................................1.21
Telephone Features....................................................................................................1.22
On-hook Dialing..................................................................................................1.22
You can EasyDial regular phone calls, too..........................................................1.22
Caller ID..............................................................................................................1.22
Making Copies...........................................................................................................1.23
M840 / M860 Model M880 Model
) .......................................................................................1.6
Section 2 Beyond the Basics
What’s inside in this section........................................................................................2.1
Getting everything just the way you want it .................................................................2.2
Setting the Primary Resolution Mode....................................................................2.2
Setting the Number of Rings..................................................................................2.2
Set Silent Mode......................................................................................................2.2
Print User Settings.................................................................................................2.3
Autodialer ....................................................................................................................2.4
Autodialer basics....................................................................................................2.4
Using One-Touch Numbers ...................................................................................2.5
Using Speed-Dial Numbers....................................................................................2.6
EasyDial directory dialing......................................................................................2.8
Relay Broadcast Initiation......................................................................................2.9
Delayed Transmission................................................................................................2.10
Setting up A Delayed Transmission.....................................................................2.10
Reviewing or Canceling a Delayed Command.....................................................2.10
Printing a List of Delayed Command...................................................................2.11
Regular Polling....................................................................................................2.12
Database Polling..................................................................................................2.12
The Other Side of the Coin: Being Polled ...........................................................2.13
Limiting Polling Access to Your Fax Machine....................................................2.13
Special Features.........................................................................................................2.14
Cover Page...........................................................................................................2.14
Setting the Alarm Clock.......................................................................................2.15
Confirmation Reports...........................................................................................2.15
Set Activity Journal.............................................................................................. 2.16
Call Request.........................................................................................................2.16
The Passcode........................................................................................................2.17
TX Protection.......................................................................................................2.17
SecureMail Transmission.....................................................................................2.18
Block Junk Fax....................................................................................................2.18
Scramble Feature.................................................................................................2.19
Section 3 SmartPort:
What’s inside in this section........................................................................................3.1
SmartPort: fax/computer connectivity..........................................................................3.2
SmartPort Requirements for Your Computer.........................................................3.2
A Preview of the Plug-in........................................................................................3.2
Making the SmartPort Connection.........................................................................3.3
To Turn the SmartPort On or Off:..........................................................................3.3
Scanning From Your Fax Machine to Your Computer..........................................3.3
Printing from Your Computer to Your Fax Machine.............................................3.3
Sending Faxes with Your Computer ......................................................................3.4
Section 4 Answering Machine
What’s inside in this section........................................................................................4.1
Setting up Your Answering Machine...........................................................................4.2
Storage Capacity ....................................................................................................4.2
Answering Machine Mode.....................................................................................4.2
Recording Your Outgoing Messages.....................................................................4.3
Playing or Erasing the Memo and Messages................................................................4.5
Playing the Memo and Messages...........................................................................4.5
Erasing the Memo and Messages...........................................................................4.5
Secure Memos: Voice Mail Boxes...............................................................................4.7
Creating Voice Mail Boxes or Changing Passcodes..............................................4.7
Recording a Message to a Voice Mail Box............................................................4.7
Playing Messages Stored in a Voice Mail Box......................................................4.8
Checking the Number of Messages........................................................................4.9
Printing Voice Mail Box List.................................................................................4.9
Erasing Voice Mail Box Messages........................................................................4.9
Accessing Your Voice Mail Box Remotely.........................................................4.10
Remote Access...........................................................................................................4.11
Creating or Changing the Remote Access Passcode............................................4.11
Remote Access Features ......................................................................................4.11
Accessing Your Fax Remotely.............................................................................4.11
Remote Access to Voice Mail Box System..........................................................4.13
Toll Saver.............................................................................................................4.14
If You Answer While the Fax’s Answering Machine is
Recording ICM / Playing OGM........................ 4.16
Playback Order....................................................................................................4.16
This feature is available only for Muratec M860
: This feature is available only for Muratec M880
Section 5 Just in Case…
What’s inside in this section........................................................................................5.1
Clearing Paper Jams.....................................................................................................5.2
If an Original Document Jams ...............................................................................5.2
If a Recording Paper Jam.......................................................................................5.2
Figuring Out Communications Problems.....................................................................5.3
LCD Error Messages..............................................................................................5.3
Error Codes............................................................................................................5.3
Caring for Your Fax Machine......................................................................................5.6
Cleaning Tips.........................................................................................................5.6
Corrective Cleaning...............................................................................................5.6
Common Questions......................................................................................................5.8
Section 1
Getting Started
A quick and friendly trip
through the basics
of your fax machine.
What’s inside in this section
A Quick Introduction to Fax in General
Unpacking............................................................................................................. 1.2
Machine Layout.................................................................................................... 1.2
Control Panel (M840 / M860 Model).................................................................... 1.4
Control Panel (M880 Model)................................................................................ 1.6
Setting Up........................................................................................................... 1.10
EasyStart............................................................................................................. 1.14
Sending Faxes..................................................................................................... 1.15
Receiving Faxes.................................................................................................. 1.18
What is a “fax document”?
Simply put, a “fax document” is anything a fax user wants to fax to someone else. It can be just one page or as many pages as you need. It can be text, a photograph or even your child’s latest drawing!
What is a “fax number”?
Because your fax operates on standard phone lines, a “fax number” is just a regular phone number and, because your fax is also a high-quality, full-featured t e le p h o n e , y o u r fa x n u m be r c a n be y o u r re g u l a r ph o n e n u mb e r . Y o u c a n ---- but this isn’t necessary---- dedicate a phone number to your fax machine, letting you use one number for ordinary voice calls and one just for fax.
Getting Started
Telephone Features............................................................................................. 1.22
Making Copies.................................................................................................... 1.23
What are resolution and greyscale?
Just as cars are measured by engine size and stereo systems are measured by watts per channel, so fax machines are measured by resolution and greyscale. So let’s talk about these for a moment. Resolution refers to the sharpness of a fax transmission. It’s expressed in lines per inch (lpi). An international agency has defined three specific levels of resolution:
•Normal (203 horizontal × 98 vertical lpi)
•Fine (203 × 196 lpi)
• Superfine (203 × 392 lpi).
Similarly, one can judge a fax transmission by its number of greyscale levels, or shades of grey ---- really, halftones such as you might see in a newspaper photo. It’s likely most of your fax documents will be dark text on white paper. However, when you want to send phot ographs and other shaded it ems, you can set your fax machine to transmit in 64-scale greyscale.
So why not always set your fax machine for superfine, or for greyscale?
Because these settings make your machine send more information, making transmissions last longer and (on long-distance calls) driving up your phone bills. That’s why, as you’ll see, we’ve made it easy for you to set your fax machine for the most efficient, and truest, transmission of the types of documents you send!
Getting Started
As you unpack your fax machine, check for the following items:
1. Fax machine 5. Paper spacer *
2. Handset and curl cord 6. Starter paper roll
3. Telephone line cord
4. Power cord *
* 1
7. Operating instructions (this manual)
(1/2 inch-roll, A4 15 m)
Machine Layout
Don’t worry if some of the terms used here are unclear to you right now!
We’ll explain everything fully. Once you’re more familiar with these terms, this page will be an even handier reference to your Muratec fax machine.
*1: The telephone line cord and the power cord type may differ due to local
*2: The paper spacer is not present in some countries.
Be sure to save the box and packing materials for reshipment.
Control Panel
2. See page 1.4 or 1.6 for more details.
3. status and fax operation.
Document Guides
4. feeder.
Document Feeder
Document Hopper
---- Used for voice communication, just as with a telephone.
---- Locati on of the keys used to operate your fax machine.
---- One-line, 16-character liquid crystal display. It shows the system
---- Adjust to align your document in the document
---- Holds up to 10 pages for faxing or copying.
---- Supports the documents for straighter feeding.
Top Cover
7. jams within, your fax machine.
Top Cover Release
Original Document Exit
9. document (t he pages you i nsert into t he machine for faxing ) exit.
Printed Document Exit
---- Allows access for loading paper into, and correcting paper
---- Push to open the top cover of your fax machine.
---- Slot fro m which the pages of your original
---- Slot fro m which printed documents exit.
11. your fax mac hine’s telephone handse t .
Ringer Volume Control
12. settings: High, Medium, or Low.
---- Standard RJ-11 modular telephone jack for connecting
---- Adjusts the ringer volume to one of three
Getting Started
13. connectin g your telephone answering machine or your second telephone (including a cordless model).
14. fax machine to the phone line.
Monitor Volume Control
15. monitor speaker for more pleasant on-hook dialing.
AC Power Jack
On/Off Switch
---- Standard RJ-11 modular telephone jack for (optionally)
---- Standard RJ-11 modular telephone jack for connecting your
---- Controls the volume of your fax machine’s
---- Female jack for connecting AC power cord.
---- Turns power to your fax machine on and off.
Getting Started
Control Panel (
M840 / M860 Model
Here’s a brief description of the keys on your fax machine and what they do.
Getting Started
Some of the functions we’ll mention, here, are covered in the “Beyond the basics” section.
iquid Crystal Display) ---- A one-line, 16-character display which keeps you in touch with your fax machine’s status and its fax operations. Its messages vary,
depending upon what your fax machine is doing or how it is set.
---- When a document is in the document feeder, press this key to toggle among normal, dark, or light contrast settings. Otherwise, press t his key to
delete characters on the LCD and cancel commands.
speed dial
---- Press to scroll (move) through features and command options a s d isplayed on the LCD.
---- Press this all-purpose “Whoa!” key to stop the fax machine’s current operation; also feeds a document on through the feeder and kills alarms.
---- Press to make one copy of a document.
---- Press to start manual fax transmission or reception.
---- Changes your fax from manual to automatic reception.
---- toggles between letting you enter speed dial numbers and d isp laying speed dial entries (including names) on the LCD.
---- When a document is in the document feeder, press this key to toggle among the three resolution modes and the halftone (grayscale) mode. Otherwise,
press this key to confirm user settings, begin certain operations and move through command levels.
Numeric Keypad
---- Serves as a keypad for dialing numbers, and also teams with other keys for a variety of functions.
---- When you’re entering an autodialer number, pressing this key produces a variety of special characters which can be useful for long-distance nu mbe r s.
Otherwise, this redials the last number you dialed.
15. tone
---- Toggles between putting a caller on hold and returning to call.
One-Touch Keys (a
---- Lets you temporarily switch from pulse to tone dialing.
---- Press for hands-free dialing using the fax machine’s built-in speaker. During transmission, pressing this key activates call request.
Press during a call to send a “Flash” signal.
---- Used for one-touch dialing, in programming your fax machine.
Getting Started
Control Panel (
M880 Model
Here’s a brief description of the keys on your fax machine and what they do.
Getting Started
Some of the functions we’ll mention, here, are covered in the “Beyond the basics” section.
iquid Crystal Display) ---- A one-line, 16-character display which keeps you in touch with your fax machine’s status and its fax operations. Its messages vary,
depending upon what your fax machine is doing or how it is set.
pager lamp
alarm lamp
---- Lights up when you have acti vated the pager function.
---- If lit, indicates a problem has occurred during fax communication. (Also accompanied by several beeps at the beginning of the problem; but the alarm
lamp stays lit to notify you of the problem even if you’re out of hearing range of the time.)
---- Press to scroll (move) through features and command options a s d isplayed on the LCD.
---- When a document is in the document feeder, press this key to toggle among normal, dark, or light contrast settings. Otherwise, press this key to
delete characters on the LCD and cancel commands.
---- When a document is in the document feeder, press this key to toggle among the three resolution modes and the halftone (grayscale) mode. Otherwise,
press this key to confirm user settings, begin certain operations and move through command levels.
---- Built-in microphone to record yo ur memo and outgoing messages.
---- Press this all-purpose “Whoa!” key to stop the fax machine’s current operation; also feeds a document on through the feeder and kills alarms.
---- Press to make one copy of a document.
---- Press to start manual fax transmission or reception.
One-Touch Keys (a Numeric Keypad hold
---- Toggles between putting a caller on hold and returning to call.
monitor/call redial/pause
---- Changes your fax from manual to automatic reception. Lets you temporarily switch from pulse to tone dialing.
---- Used for one-touch dialing, in programming your fax machine.
---- Serves as a keypad for dialing numbers, and also teams with other keys for a variety of functions.
---- Press for hands-free dialing using the fax machine’s built-in speaker. During transmission, pressing this key activates call request.
---- When you’re entering an autodialer number, pressing this key produces a variety of special characters which can be useful for long-distance nu mbe r s.
Otherwise, this redials the last number you dialed.
---- Skips back to the beginning of a message when you’re playing it back on the answering machine.
---- Skips forward to the next message after the one you’re currently playing back on the answering machine.
---- Erases the currently-playing message from the answering message.
record play/stop answer
---- Press to record the answering machine’s outgoing message or a memo.
---- Starts or stops playback of a memo, incoming message and outgoing message on the answering machine.
---- Activates or cancels answering machine mode. When the answering machine is switched on and ready to function, the lamp shines constantly; and the fax machine will answer each call after 3 rings. When the lamp blinks, at least one voice message has been stored and your fax machine will answer all subsequent calls after one ring. (In HongKong, answer after four rings on the former and after two rings on the latter.) When the lamp is off, the answering machine is not switched on and cannot respond; whether the fax machine can respond the answering machine is switched on and ready to function; will depend upon the reception mode you’ve set.
speed dial
---- Toggles between letting you enter speed dial numbers and displaying speed dial entries (including names) on the LCD.
Press during a call to send a “Flash” signal.
Getting Started
Program Key
Any function can be started by first pressing desired function appears on the display.
1 2
3 4 5
and then enter the function number, or by pressing
Delayed Trans. Polling
1. Polling Doc. Set
2. Polling Rx
3. DB Polling
Relay Broadcast Secure Mail Review Command List Print
1. Print Settings
2. Print One-Touch
3. Print Speed-Dial
4. Print Journal
5. Print Commands
6. Print Coverpage
7. Print Voice Mail
8. Print Caller ID
01. Set One-Touch
02. Set Speed-Dial
03. Set Passcode
04. Set Fax Resol.
05. Set Fax Report
06. Set # of Rings
07. Set Silent Mode
08. Set Coverpage
09. Set Auto Journal
10. Set Remote Diag.
11. Block Junk Fax
12. Set Alarm Clock
(for M880)
Note 1
Note 2
List Print
(for M840 and M860)
1. Print Settings
2. Print One-Touch
3. Print Speed-Dial
4.Print Journal
5. Print Commands
6. Print Coverpage
7. Print Caller ID
Note 1 Note 2
Note 3
scroll key repeatedly until the
13. TX Protection
Set TX protect
Set passcode
14. User Install
Set clock
Set your TTI
Set phone type
15. Connect PC
Note 3
1. Scramble Copy
2. Unscramble Copy
3. Set Scramble RX
TAD Settings
Note 1
1. OGM1
2. OGM2
3. Set Access Code
Remote Access
Voice Mail Box
4. Set Rec. Time
5. Set Remote TAD
6. Set Pager Number
7. Set Pager
8. # of Pager Call
9. Voice Mail Box
: These functions are available only for M880. : Caller ID feature (see page 1.22) is available only for
HongKong and Singapore.
: “Connect PC” feature is available only for M860.
You’re in Control
We’ve worke d hard to make sure your fax machine is easy for you to use. You can control it ----- not vice versa. So we’ve also tried to make these operating instructions just as easy. In that spirit, let’s make sure there ’s no confusion about how to give your mach ine it s marc hi ng or d er s.
To press: 0 (zero), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, # or * Use: The numeric keypad.
To press: a, b, c, d, e Use: The one-touch key by the name.
Here’s an example. If we say “press
program, 7, mode/enter, 0, 8 mode/enter
…you’d press
… then … then … then … then
… and then (finally)
program 7 mode/enter 0 8 mode/enter
Getting Started
Please note that you would not be entering any comma or period
characters. Those typographical characters appear in our instructions merely to serve their usual separative functions and are not intended for actual entry from your machine’s control panel.
Getting Started
Setting Up
Phone and Electrical Requirements
Voltage requirements and power consumption
Voltage requirements: 230 V
Do place the fax machine near a wall outlet, so you can easily unplug it. Do use an electrical surge protector. This will shield your fax machine
from high-voltage elect rical surges that may damage it. Many surge protectors guard both telephone and electrical lines.
Do plug your fax machine into a standard three-pronged 230 V electrical outlet.
Do leave your fax machine plugged in so you never miss a fax. In standby, your fax machine uses only about as much electricity as a clock radio.
Don’t connect to a multi-line (PBX) office phone system without first checking with your PBX’s manufacturer or service representative.
Don’t plug your fax machine into an electrical outlet controlled by a wall switch; you’ll risk mi ssi n g fax messages.
Don’t plug your fax machine into the same outlet as a large appliance such as a refrigerator or air conditioner. High-consumption appliances can cause electrical “draw-downs” ---- temporary drops in power available for other equipment on the circuit ---- and could damage your fax machine.
, 50/60 Hz
Be sure that your fax machine meets the requirements referring the
indication of the ID label on the back of your fax machine.
Tips for Use
To keep your fax machine in perfect working order, be sure to install it away from:
Dust ---- Dust build-up can damage your fax machine.
Splashes ---- Keep your fax machine away from sinks, water fountains, and
other sources o f splash and spray.
Vibration ---- Keep your fax machine on a level, vibration-free surface to
improve performance and system life.
Overheating ---- Allow at least 30 cm (12 inches) of clearance around your fax
machine. Don’t install it in direct sunlight and never cover it with a cloth or dust cover.
Power consumption: 230 V
Standby 11 W Transmission 25 W Reception 123 W Copy 127 W Maximum 128 W
Connecting the Handset, Telephone Line Cord and Power Cord
Power cord
Plug the non-pronged end of the power cord into the back of the fax machine, as shown. Plug the pronged end of the power cord’s plug into a 230 V outlet (preferably on a surge suppresser, as mentioned on page 1.10).
Getting Started
Plug one end of the fax handset’s curl cord into the side of your fax machine. Place the telephone handset on the cradle.
connection on the left
Telephone line cord
Plug one end of the uncurled telephone line cord into the connector on the back of the fax machine. Plug the other end into a standard telephone wall jack or into a telephone line surge protector.
The telephone line cord and the power cord type may differ due to local regulations.
Second telephone
If you will be using a second telephone or answering machine with your fax machine, plug the jack from that other device’s telephone line cord into the Telephone or Answering Machine”, page 1.13, for more information.)
connector. (See “Attaching A Second
Getting Started
Installing Paper
To install paper in your fax machine:
1. Press the top cover release on the right side of your fax machine. Your cover will open.
2. Press forward with your thumb on the top cover latch, holding it in place while you gently lower the top cover until it rests in an open position.
3. Remove the wrapper from the roll of paper included with your fax machine. Please note the correct insertion of the paper roll.
4. Place the roll of paper in the cradle so that it unrolls over your fax machine as shown.
5. Thread the end of the paper through the cutter assembly as shown.
6. Lift up slightly on the top cover to release the top cover latch, then carefully close the cover. The fax machine will automatically feed out and cut the paper.
Correct Incorrect
If the roll paper is 210 mm wide, adjust a paper spacer: insert the paper
spacer in the ends of the paper roll.
Warning: Do not
top cover latch. This can break your fax machine.
attempt to force the top cover down without first releasing the
A Word about Paper
Your fax machine will work equally well with either the 30 m traditional thermal paper or the 20 m premium paper that feels like plain paper. Your starter roll is traditional thermal paper. Consult your retailer for details on getting paper for your fax machine.
Getting Started
Adjusting Monitor and Ringer Volume
For your convenience, your fax machine allows you to set the volume of the monitor speaker and of the ringer.
To setting monitor volume
1. Press
2. Adjust the volume with the monitor speaker dial on the back of your fax.
3. Press
To setting ringer volume
You may set the ringer volume to one of three levels: high, medium, or low. To do so, use the ringer volume switch, also at the left side of your fax machine.
your connections so far.
. You should hear a dial tone. If not, go back and re-check
once more to turn off the monitor.
Attaching A Second Telephone or Answering Machine
If you have an M880, do not connect the answering machine into your fax
machine. Because your M880 already has a high-quality answering machine built in (see “Section 4; Answering Machine” page 4.1), it is not designed to be used with another answering machine, connected or not. We strongly recommend that you use the fax machine as the only answering machine on its phone line.
To connect the other phone to your fax machine:
Plug the other phone’s telephone line cord into the your fax machine.
Do not plug your second phone into the wall jack. In order for your fax
machine and your second phone to work together, the second phone must be connected to the fax machine’s
jack, as shown.
jack on the back of
For information on how to use either an answering machine or a connected
second telephone with your fax machine, see “Receiving Faxes”, page beginning on page 1.18.
Getting Started
character choice
within set
character choice
within set
Your Muratec fax machine comes with EasyStart ---- a quick introductory program which makes it easy for you to enter the basic information necessary to get started right away.
You can
familiarize yourself with your fax machine and your fax communications needs. Also, be sure you have correctly plugged in your machine (see page 1.11) before proceeding.
Clearing Memory
Before you use EasyStart to enter information into your fax machine, it’s best to clear its memory. The fax machine’s user settings, protected by a long-life battery backup, store information such as your fax number and the date and time. Clearing the memory ensures that only your infor mation is stored.
To clear the fax machine’s memory, press
Using EasyStart to Enter Initial Settings
1. Press
2. Press
3. Enter the date and time (in 24-hour format) using the numeric keyp ad, “typing over” the numerals displayed. If you want to change just one numeral in the date or time, press one-touch key a to move leftward in the line or one-touch key b to move rightward. To save the change, press
Be sure your fax machine has paper before proceeding with
EasyStart, since this procedure will print a settings list at the end.
program, 7, mode/enter, 1, 4
User Install
97 07 14 00:00
Set Your TTI?
to select the displayed setting.
of these settings later, as you
, 2,
Enter the name you want to appear at the top of your faxes. Make sure it doesn’t exceed 25 characters. (As you enter your TTI, you will only see the six most recent characters you entered.)
You can choose among uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numerals and symbols. Use the numeric keypad, as shown, to select character choices and enter characters. (For spaces, use the leftmost character in each line of choices.)
If you make a mistake, press
leftward. Then re-enter until the name is as you wish.
When done, press
5. Press
6. Press
7. To save the change, press
Use the numeric keypad to enter your fax number, up to 20 digits in length. (To put in a dash for easier reading, as shown here, press
If you make a mistake, just press
Then re-enter until the fax number is just as you want it.
To save the number, press
telephone system.
list of its settings
Set Fax #?
Tel Type: Tone
to select your fax machine’s dialer as required by your
to erase,
to enter a fax number.
. Your fax machine will now print a
to erase, leftward.
4. Press
to enter a TTI.
Sending Faxes
Some Guidelines
While you’ll probably be sending normal-sized documents the vast majority of the time, you can fax a piece of paper as small as a notepad sheet or nearly a meter long! To be precise, the acceptable dimensions (width × length) are:
Single-sheet transmission:
Maximum: 216 mm × 900 mm Minimum: 120 mm × 100 mm
Multiple-sheet transmission:
Maximum: 216 mm × 279 mm Minimum: 148 mm × 105 mm
Things not to put in your fax
To help avoid troubles ranging from paper jams to out-and-out damage to your machine, please don’t insert:
• Folded, curled, torn, wrinkled or very thin pages
• Documents carrying staples, glue, tape, paper clips or still-wet corr ectio n fluid
• “Sticky notes” (or documents with “sticky note” attached)
• Cardboard, newspaper or fabric
• Pages with duplicating carbon on either side.
• Credit cards or similar small, thick items
Some thoughts on resolution, grayscale and contrast
(Normal) resolution is suitable for most typed documents and simple
(Fine) resolution is ideal for maps, moderately complicated drawings,
floorplans or handwritten documents.
(Superfine) resolution reproduces the detail of extremely complicated
drawings or line art.
(Grayscale) resolution is used to capture halftones in photographs or
to select the proper resolution.
Getting Started
You can send in superfine mode to any fax machine with Group 3
superfine; other fax machines will receive a superfine transmission in fine mode. You can send in grayscale mode to any Group 3 machine, even those without grayscale transmission capabilities.
---- Suited to most documents.
---- Lightens overly dark, muddy originals.
---- Darkens weak, “washed-out” images.
Until becoming accustomed to using the Light and Dark settings, you
might tend to confuse them. Just remember what we say above ---- “Light lightens” and “Dark darkens” ---- to keep it straight!
to select the proper contrast.
Entering a pause character when dialing
Your fax machine provides special dialing characters which you may find useful. We’ll discuss most of them later (see page 2.4), but you may need to know now about the pause character. Some long-distance systems require dialing pauses, and pauses also can be useful when you’re dialing through special telephone exchanges.
To insert a pause character, just press one other character). -- ⁄ (the pause character) will appear on the display.
Each pause you enter lasts for a factory-set five seconds. For example, pressing 9, 9 [5-seconds] 123456789.
Each pause uses two of the characters you’re allowed in a number.
redial/pause, 123456789
(after you’ve dialed at least
Getting Started
How to Insert A Document
Your document feeder will hold up to 10 sheets of normal-weight copier paper. To insert a document into the fax machine:
1. For multi-page documents, fan the pages leading edges of the pages in your document. Each page of the stack should extend slightly farther than the page on top of it.
If the remote fax is busy, your fax will automatically attempt the call
again. See “Redialing”, next page.
Sending A Fax with On-Hook Dialing or A Handset
1. Insert the document. Adjust the contrast and resolution if necessary.
Fax Norm Norm
2. Adjust the document guides so that they slide along the sides of your document.
3. Insert the document face down into the feeder.
Here’s how to fax a document.
1. Insert the document. Adjust the contrast and resolution if necessary.
Fax Norm Norm
To adjust the resolution and contrast:
• Press
• Press
2. Enter the fax number using a one-touch key, speed-dial number, or the numeric keypa d .
For information on entering one-touch and speed-dial numbers, see
pages 2.5-2.7.
to change resolution.
to change contrast.
To adjust the resolution and contrast:
• Press
• Press
2. Pick up the handset or press
3. Enter the fax number using a one-touch key, speed-dial number, or the numeric keypa d .
For information on entering one-touch and speed-dial numbers, see
pages 2.5-2.7.
4. When you hear fax tones from the remote unit, p ress
If a person answers the phone, tell him or her you’re trying to send a
fax. When his/her fax machine sends you fax tones, press
5. If you’re using the handset, hang up after pressing
If you’re using the monitor, your fax machine will do the rest.
If the remote fax is busy, see “Redia ling”, next page.
to change resolution.
to change contrast.
and listen for a dial tone.
As you can see, you enter any access codes along with the number. If you need not dial any codes, enter only the remote fax number.
3. Press
. (If you use a one-touch key, there’s no need to press Your fax machine simply dials the other fax. When it makes cont act, your machine feeds the document through, scanning and transmittin g it as it goes.
Getting Started
Automatic redial
If the call fails, your fax machine will automatically attempt to redial the number if you tried to transmit using a one-touch key, a speed-dial number, or a number entered on the numeric keypad.
The fax machine will wait 3 minutes before automatically redialing. If unsuccessful, it will attempt a total of 6 automatic redials at 3 minutes interval.
If you used either on-hook dialing or a handset, redial manually.
Redialing manually
You always can redial fax or voice ca lls manuall y; and, again, you must redial manually if you dialed by using either on-hook dialing or a handset.
To redial a fax call manually without using on-hook dialing or a handset:
1. Confirm that the document is still in the feeder and that your d esired resolution and contrast settings are still correct.
2. Press
To redial a fax call manually by using on-hook dialing or a handset:
1. Confirm that the document is still in the feeder and that your d esired resolution and contrast settings are still correct.
, then
Canceling automatic redial
To cancel an automatic redial, press
You’ll use the Review Command function. If you wish to review or cancel the command, here’s how:
1. Press
2. Press
3. When you wish to erase the command, press
For more information on t he Review Command funct i on, please see page 2.10.
program, 5
In the example above, the fax machine is holding a command for a delayed transmission to phone number 123-4567. Also, if a “right-now” transmission attempt to the same number has been blocked by a busy signal, you’ll see the above one.
If you decide not to cancel the command, press
Review Command
COM1 : 123-4567
COM1 : Erased
2. Obtain a dial tone: either press
3. Press
4. When you hear fax tones from the remote fax unit, press
If a person answers the phone, tell him or her you’re trying to send a
fax. When his/her fax machine sends you fax tones, press
or lift the handset.
To redial a voice call manually:
1. Obtain a dial tone: either press
2. Press
. When the other person answers, speak to him/her on the
or lift the handset.
Getting Started
Receiving Faxes
Reception Mode
Your fax machine has four different reception modes, each of which we’ll explain in a moment ---- along with giving you an idea of which one you should use, depending upo n yo ur set-up .
Answering calls manually ---- for all reception modes
In any reception mode, you can always answer calls manually. Just pick up t he fax handset.
If you hear someone speaki ng to you … … go ahead and have a normal phone call.
If you hear distinctive fax tones … … press handset. Your fax machine will begin receiving fax.
and hang up the
Do not attempt to answer a call by pressing
function is only on-hook dialing. Your fax machine does not have a speaker phone.
. The monitor
Tel Ready Mode
Use it if: • You intend to use the same line for both fax and phone calls
• You’re using, on that line, at least one other phone which is not connected to your fax machine.
In this mode: Your fax machine never answers calls automatically; you must
answer each call manually using the fax’s telephone handset or another telephone in your home or office.
To select Tel Ready:
1. If you have an M880 and the red answer lamp is lit, press answering machine mode.
2. If there isn’t a document in the feeder, skip to step 3. If there is a document in the feeder, press
3. Press
until the following display is shown.
Tel Ready 20:30
so it will fed out.
to turn off
Fax Ready Mode
Use it if: You have your fax machine installed on a “dedicated” line (one it
doesn’t share with either an answering machine or second phone).
In this mode: Your fax machine answers each incoming call after a certain
number of rings (see page 2.2) and attempts fax reception.
To select Fax Ready mode:
1. If you have an M880 and the red answer lamp is lit, press answering machine mode.
2. If there isn’t a document in the feeder, skip to step 3. If there is a document in the feeder, press
3. Press
until the following display is shown.
Fax Ready 20:30
so it will fed out.
to turn off
Getting Started
T/F Ready Mode
Use it if: You’re using the machine as not only your fax machine but also a
In this mode: Your fax machine answers each incoming call and, if you receive a
voice call, alerts you with a special ring.
As its name implies, the T/F Ready reception mode is sort of a hybrid of the Tel Ready and Fax Ready modes.
To select T/F Ready mode:
1. If you have an M880 and the red answer lamp is lit, press Auto Answer.
2. If there isn’t a document in the feeder, skip to step 3. If there is a document in the feeder, press
3. Press
4. Let your fax answer al l calls. Pick up the fax handset onl y when you hear the
special ring telling you a person is calling.
until the following display is shown.
T/F Ready 20:30
so it will fed out.
Silent fax operation in T/F Ready mode
Use silent T/F Ready if you want your fax machine to receive faxes silently and alert you only when there’s a voice caller. You won’t hear the initial ring your phone makes. If a caller sends a fax, your fax machine will receive it silently unless there is an error. If a person wants to speak with you, however, the fax machine sounds the special ring for ab out 30 seconds. If you hear t his special ri ng, you know it’s a voice caller.
to turn off
What if you answer a fax call?
With your fax machine in T/F Ready mode, you can easily use your fax machine on the same line as the other telephone(s) already in your home or office.
Now, Let’s deal with the two possible ways your phone(s) and your fax can live happily together on one line:
• A phone connected directly to your fax machine
• A phone, or phones, connected elsewhere in your home or office
Using a phone connected directly to your fax machine
If you answer a connected phone and hear fax tones, simply hang up handset. Your fax machine will go ahead and receive the fax call.
Using a phone not connected to your fax machine
Let’s say you have another telephone connected to the same line (”branch connected”) as, but not physically to, your fax machine. If you answer a call on such a phone and hear fax tones, here’s what to do to receive the incoming fax:
Don’t hang up the line!
• Put the telephone handset down (but --- again --- don’t it hang up)
• If the telephone has a “hold” feature, put the phone on hold and then hang up the handset.
2. Go to your fax machine.
3. Lift the fax machine’s handset or press
4. Press
5. Return to the telephone. If you didn’t put the phone on hold in step 1, hang up
its handset.
. If you lift ed the fax machine’s handset in step 3 , hang it up now.
Instead either:
1. If you have an M880, make sure the fax is not in answering machine mode by pressing
2. Set the fax machine for T/F Ready, as previously described.
3. Turn on the silent mode (see page 2.2).
Of course, turning on the silent mode will not turn off the ringers on
other telephones in your house or office, nor will other phones distinguish between fax and voice calls.
until the red answer light is not lit.
Getting Started
Ans Ready Mode
If you have an M880, the Ans Ready mode is not available because your
M880 already has a high-quality answering machine built in. See page 4.1 for information on answering machine.
Use it if: You’re using an answering machine which is connected directly to
your fax machine; or you’re using second telephone which is connected directly to your fax machine.
In this mode: Your fax machine wait until the phone has rung a certai n number of
times (see “Using a answering machine with your fax machine ”, below) before it attempts fax reception. This gives your answering machine (or you, in the case of using a second phone) a chance to “grab” the line when someone calls.
To select Ans Ready:
1. If there isn’t a document in the feeder, skip to step 2. If there is a document in the feeder, press
2. Press
until the following display is shown.
Ans Ready 20:30
Using an answering machine with your fax machine
Here are a few additional steps you’ll need to follow if you’re connecting your answering machine to your fax machine:
This feature may not work properly with all answering machines. Some answering machines are unable to co-exist with fax machines.
so it will fed out.
Detection of “silent” fax machines
Some older fax machines do not send out fax tones when transmit ting. If you’re using your fax machine in Ans Ready mode, this might be a problem: under these circumstances, your fax machine would fail to recognize the device calling it as a fax machine, thus causing your fax’s answering machine to record silence and use up part of its storage capacity. However, your Muratec fax machine can accommodate these “silent” fax machines without disrupting your answering machine operation.
With silent fax detection activated in Ans Ready mode, your fa x machine gives the caller six seconds to begin speaking after the answering machine starts recording. If there’s no voice response, your fax will attempt reception. Ask for information on activating this capability in your Muratec fax, at your authorized Muratec facsimile dealer.
1. Set fax machine for Ans Ready mode, as previously described.
2. Use your answering machine to create a new outgoing message.
Here’s a suggested message:
Hello. This is (your name or telephone number). If you would like to leave a message, wait for the beep. To send a fax, press start now.
Due to the way fax machines work, your message must be no
longer than 10 seconds to avoid causing problems.
“Being Called” Display
When your fax machine answers a call, you will see the following display:
Being Called
If the call is from a fax, the LCD tells you you’re receiving a fax message.
Low-Paper Warning
When your fax is nearly out of paper, a “low-paper” line (usually reddish-pink in color) will begin to appear on the underside of the page as it feeds out of the machine. The closer your fax gets to the end of the roll, the deeper in color the line will appear. Of course, your fax machine cannot print fax messages without paper.
When your fax machine runs out of paper, it beeps and shows the following message on the display:
Check Rec. Paper
(“Rec.” is industry shorthand for receive.)
Getting Started
Fax paper replacement
Your fax uses either regular, 30 m thermal paper or a 20 m roll of the premium paper that feels like plain paper. Consult your retailer for information on fax paper.
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