MTD MTD-ERV 350, MTD-ERV 365 Operation Manual

MTD-ERV 350 / 365
Installation &
Operating Manual
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Foreword .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 CE Symbol ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Warranty and Liability ............................................................................................................. 1
1.3.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.3.2 Warranty Terms ......................................................................................................... 1
1.3.3 Liability ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Safety ........................................................................................................................................ 2
1.4.1 Safety Precautions .................................................................................................... 2
1.4.2 Safety Installations and Safety Measures ................................................................. 2
1.4.3 Symbols Used .......................................................................................................... 2
2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USER .................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Defi nition of Terms ............................................................................................................. 3
2.1.1 Balanced Ventilation ................................................................................................. 3
2.1.2 Heat Recovery .......................................................................................................... 3
2.1.3 Bypass for Free Cooling ........................................................................................... 3
2.1.4 Frost Protection ........................................................................................................ 3
2.1.5 Chimney Sweep Control ........................................................................................... 3
2.1.6 Moisture Recovery (Option) ...................................................................................... 4
2.2 Available Operating Aids ................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 CC Ease Operating Unit ........................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 3-position Switch (Option) ........................................................................................ 5
2.2.3 Bathroom Switch (Option) ........................................................................................ 6
2.3 Use of the CC Ease Operating Unit .................................................................................. 6
2.3.1 Setting Date and Time .............................................................................................. 6
2.3.2 Reading and Setting Comfort Temperature .............................................................. 6
2.3.2 Reading and Setting Ventilation Level ...................................................................... 7
2.3.4 Switching Extractor Hood On and Off (Option)* ....................................................... 8
2.3.5 Switching Supply and Exhaust Air Fan On and Off .................................................. 8
2.3.6 Setting Ventilation Programme ................................................................................. 9
2.3.7 Setting Additional Functions via the P Menus ........................................................ 10
2.4 Use of the Switch(es) (Option) ........................................................................................ 13
2.4.1 Setting Ventilation Using 3-position Switch(es) ....................................................... 13
2.4.1 Setting Ventilation Using Bathroom Switch(es) ....................................................... 13
2.5 Service by the User .......................................................................................................... 13
2.5.1 Cleaning or Replacing Filters ................................................................................. 14
2.5.2 Cleaning Valves (in the Home) ............................................................................... 15
2.6 Malfunctions ..................................................................................................................... 15
2.6.1 Malfunction indication on the CC Ease Display ...................................................... 15
2.6.2 3-position Switch with Malfunction LED .................................................................. 15
2.6.3 What to Do in the Event of a Malfunction? ............................................................. 16
2.7 End of Service Life ................................................................................................................ 16
Table of Contents III
3 FUNCTION OF THE SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Components of the Balanced Ventilation System ......................................................... 17
3.2 Controlled Ventilation System......................................................................................... 17
3.3 MTD-ERV 350 .................................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Additional Options ........................................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 Ventilation via Extractor Hood* ............................................................................... 19
3.4.2 Preheater in MTD-ERV 350 ................................................................................... 20
3.4.3 Post-heater* in Duct System ................................................................................... 20
3.4.4 CO2 Sensor* in the Home ...................................................................................... 21
3.4.5 RH Sensor* in the Home ........................................................................................ 21
3.4.6 Underground Geothermal Heat Exchanger* ........................................................... 22
3.4.7 Chimney Sweep Control ......................................................................................... 22
3.5 Technical Specifi cations ................................................................................................. 23
3.6 Dimension Sketch ............................................................................................................ 25
4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INSTALLER ...................................................................................... 26
4.1 Preconditions for Installation ......................................................................................... 26
4.2 Installation of the MTD-ERV 350 ..................................................................................... 26
4.2.1 Transport and Unpacking ........................................................................................ 26
4.2.2 Checking the Scope of Supply ................................................................................ 26
4.3 Wall Mounting ................................................................................................................... 27
4.3.1 Connection of the Air Ducts .................................................................................... 27
4.3.2 Connection of the Condensation Drain ................................................................... 27
4.4 Commissioning the MTD-ERV 350 ................................................................................. 28
4.5 Setting the Air Specifi cations ......................................................................................... 34
4.6 Maintenance by the Installer ........................................................................................... 34
4.6.1 Inspection of Heat Exchanger and Fans ................................................................. 34
4.6.2 Filter Cleaning, if Preheater is Fitted ...................................................................... 36
4.7 Malfunctions ..................................................................................................................... 37
4.7.1 Malfunction Indications on the CC Ease Display .................................................... 37
4.7.2 Malfunction Indications on the CC Ease Display Remedy ................................. 38
4.7.3 Malfunctions (or Problems) without Indications ...................................................... 43
4.8 Spare Parts ....................................................................................................................... 44
4.9 Wiring Diagram: MTD-ERV 350 – LEFT-HAND Standard Version ................................. 45
4.10 Wiring Diagram: MTD-ERV 350 – LEFT-HAND Luxury Version .................................... 46
4.11 Wiring Diagram: MTD-ERV 350 – RIGHT-HAND Standard Version ............................... 47
4.12 Wiring Diagram: MTD-ERV 350 – RIGHT-HAND Luxury Version .................................. 48
4.13 EC Declaration of Conformity ......................................................................................... 49
IV Table of Contents
Introduction 1
1 Introduction
This chapter contains general information on the MTD-ERV 350.
1.1 Foreword
Apart from this general chapter, this operating man­ual consists of:
• A section for the user,
• A section with technical specifi cations, and …
• A section for the installer.
-eb ylluferac launam gnitarepo siht daeR
fore putting the unit into operation.
- User Chapters 1 to 3.
- Installer Chapter 4. This operating manual contains all the information required for safe and optimum installation, opera­tion and maintenance of the MTD-ERV 350. In ad­dition, it should serve you as a reference manual during service work so that this can be carried out safely and responsibly. The unit is subject to ongoing improvement and further development. Your MTD-ERV 350 may therefore differ slightly from the descriptions in this operating manual.
This manual has been produced with the
greatest care and attention. However, no rights can be derived from this. Furthermore, the company reserves the right to change the contents of this operating manual at any time
without prior notifi cation.
1.2 CE Symbol
The unit is marketed under the name MTD-ERV 350. The MTD-ERV 350 is a balanced ventilation system with heat recovery for healthy, balanced and ener­gy-saving ventilation of living premises. The year of construction of the MTD-ERV 350 is shown on the identifi cation plate of the ComfoAir
1.3 Warranty and Liability
1.3.1 General
Our “General Terms and Conditions” in their latest wording apply to the MTD-ERV 350. The warranty period begins with commissioning, but not later than one month after delivery. This applies to ma­terial replacement and does not include labour. It applies only on proof of maintenance having been performed by a specialist company in accordance with our instructions.
1.3.2 Warranty Terms
The manufacturer's warranty on the MTD-ERV 350 is for a period of 24 months after installation, but up to a maximum of 30 months after the date of manu­facture of the MTD-ERV 350. Warranty claims can be made only for material fl aws and/or design errors discovered during the warranty period. In the event of a warranty claim, the MTD-ERV 350 must not be dismantled without the prior written authorisation of the manufacturer. The manufacturer's warranty covers spare parts only if these have been installed by an installer approved by the manufacturer.
The warranty will be voided if:
• The warranty period has expired;
• The unit is operated without fi lter;
• Parts not supplied by the manufacturer are in­stalled;
• Unauthorised changes or modifi cations are made to the unit.
1.3.3 Liability
The MTD-ERV 350 has been developed and manu­factured for use in "balanced ventilation systems". Use in any other way does not constitute an 'intend­ed use' and can result in damage to the MTD-ERV 350 or in personal injury for which the manufacturer accepts no liability. The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage or injury resulting from the following causes:
• Failure to observe the safety, operating and maintenance instructions contained in this op­erating manual.
• Installation of spare part not supplied by the manufacturer.
• The responsibility for the use of such spare parts lies solely with the installer.
• Normal wear.
Danger of:
- Damage to the unit, or
- Physical injury to the user, or
- Impairment of the operating of the unit if the instructions are not correctly followed.
2 Introduction
1.4 Safety
1.4.1 Safety Precautions
Observe the safety precautions given in this operat­ing manual at all times. Failure to observe the safety precautions, warnings, comments and instructions can result in personal injury or damage to the MTD­ERV 350. Only an approved installer is authorised to install, connect, commission and service the MTD-ERV 350 in a way other than that described in this operating manual.
• The MTD-ERV 350 must be installed in accord­ance with the general local building, safety and installation regulations of the responsible pub­lic utility and other relevant safety authorities (such as the GIW - Dutch Institute for Certifi ed Builders).
• Follow the safety precautions, warnings, com­ments and instructions given in this operating manual at all times.
• Store this operating manual in the vicinity of the MTD-ERV 350 at all times during its whole service life.
• The instructions on the regular cleaning and/ or changing of the fi lters and air inlet/outlet valves must be strictly observed
• The specifi cations contained in this document must not be altered.
• All modifi cations to the MTD-ERV 350 are strict­ly forbidden.
• The MTD-ERV 350 is not suitable for connection to an AC power supply.
• In order to ensure that the unit is inspected at regular intervals, we recommend that the user concludes a service contract. Your supplier can provide you with the addresses of authorised installers in your vicinity.
1.4.2 Safety Installations and Safety Measures
• The MTD-ERV 350 cannot be opened without the use of tools.
• It must not be possible to touch the fans with your hand. An air duct must therefore be con­nected to the MTD-ERV 350. The minimum duct length is 900 mm.
1.4.3 Symbols Used
The following symbols are used in this operating manual:
Ensure that the comfort temperature
in winter is not set below the tem­perature you prefer.
2. Instructions for the User
This chapter describes how you should use the MTD-ERV 350.
Instructions for the User 3
Congratulations, you are now the owner of
the MTD-ERV 350,
the heat recovery unit from Zehnder Com-
fosystems. We wish you every comfort.
2.1 Defi nition of Terms
The MTD-ERV 350 has the following functions:
• Balanced ventilation.
• Heat recovery.
• Bypass for free cooling.
• Frost protection.
• Chimney sweep control.
• Moisture recovery (option).
These terms/properties are described in more detail briefl y in the following sections.
2.1.1 Balanced Ventilation
The MTD-ERV 350 is a balanced ventilation sys­tem. This is the most economical and balanced form of ventilation for homes. In a balanced ventilation system, polluted air from kitchen, bathroom, toilet and possibly even store room is drawn off and replaced by an equal volume of fresh air in the living room and bedroom. Air gaps under the doors ensure good air circula­tion in the home. This air circulation is literally balanced.
derevoc ton era spag eseht taht erusnE by, for example, rubber door seal strips or high-pile carpets. This would prevent the system from operating optimally.
2.1.2 Heat Recovery
Apart from ensuring the right balance between sup­ply and exhaust air, the MTD-ERV 350 also offers the advantage that the heat from the exhaust air is given off to the fresh, generally cooler outside air. This is made possible by the integral heat exchanger. In this way, roughly 95% of the discharged heat is re­covered. The supply air can enter the rooms almost at room temperature. Draughts are now a thing of the past.
2.1.3 Bypass for Free Cooling
Apart from transferring heat from the exhaust air to the fresh, generally cooler outside air, the MTD­ERV 350 also offers the possibility of discharging the warmer exhaust air directly into the atmosphere without passing through the heat exchanger. This is made possible by the integral bypass. The bypass is an additional circulating air duct that (temporarily) interrupts the heat transfer between the exhaust air and supply air. The cool outside air is then not pre­heated before it enters the dwelling. The bypass is used particularly on warm days dur-
ing the summer months. Admitting the cool night air on warm days allows the room temperature in the home to be reduced. The bypass functions auto­matically. You simply have to set your comfort tem­perature. See section 2.3.2 for further information. The MTD-ERV 350 then maintains this temperature as closely as possible.
si retniw ni erutarepmet trofmoc eht fI below the preferred temperature, it is possible for the heating to be switched on with the bypass open. That is a waste of energy.
2.1.4 Frost Protection
The MTD-ERV 350 also has a frost protection system. This protects the heat exchanger (or the optional combined heat and moisture exchanger, see sec­tion 2.1.6) from freezing. The risk of freezing exists in the winter months with moderate to heavy frost. The MTD-ERV 350 is equipped as standard with an automatically activated frost protection system that
- when there is a risk of frost - temporarily reduces the supply of outside air so that condensa­tion in the exchanger cannot freeze. A preheater can also be installed in the MTD-ERV 350 as an option. This has the advantage that the balanced ventilation then remains operational. The inlet of cold outside air then no longer needs to be reduced. In addition, this option offers greater comfort as the supply air is again preheated to more or less room temperature. If there is no preheater installed in your MTD-ERV 350, ask your installer about the possibilities.
2.1.5 Chimney Sweep Control
The MTD-ERV 350 also has a chimney sweep control system. This is a system that prevents the MTD-ERV 350 from creating an imbalance in the ventilation system, i.e. between the supply and exhaust air. The chimney sweep control system functions auto­matically. This system blocks or resets other ventila­tion control systems that could possibly create an imbalance in the ventilation system and that can be automatically switched on and off by the software. One example of this is that the supply and exhaust air fans cannot be switched off separately when the chimney sweep control system is active. The chimney sweep control system is employed in dwellings with open fi re, as here air can be drawn back by the draught of the chimney. If problems occur with the smoke discharge via the draught of the chimney, this situation must on no account be caused (or exacerbated) by the MTD-ERV 350. The chimney sweep control system then interacts with the existing ventilation control systems in such a way that the MTD-ERV 350 cannot (or can no longer) cause an imbalance in the ventilation system.
The next section describes briefl y what information can be read off.
4 Instructions for the User
2.1.6 Moisture Recovery (Option)
In addition to the heat transfer from the exhaust air to the fresh, generally cooler outside air, the MTD­ERV 350 also offers the possibility of transferring part of the moisture of the exhaust air to the fresh, generally dryer outside air. This is made possible by the (optional) integral moisture exchanger. The moisture exchanger is supplied as a combined heat and moisture exchanger and is not installed as an additional exchanger alongside the heat exchanger of the MTD-ERV 350. This exchanger then has an ad­ditional function, i.e. recovering moisture in addition to the recovery of heat. In this way, up to 65% of the moisture is recovered from the exhaust air. The sup­ply air can thus enter the rooms with an increased moisture content.
sa deppiuqe si 053 MTD-ERV ehT standard with only a heat exchanger. The exchanger with combined heat and moisture recovery can be ordered as an option.
2.2 Available Operating Aids
The MTD-ERV 350 is equipped with the following operating aids:
• CC Ease operating unit of the MTD-ERV 350.
• Position switch (option) for setting the ventila­tion levels.
• Bathroom switch (option) for temporarily set­ting the highest ventilation level.
These operating aids are described in more detail briefl y in the following sections.
2.2.1 CC Ease Operating Unit
The MTD-ERV 350 is operated using the CC Ease op­erating unit.
The CC Ease (= Comfort Control Ease) operating unit is installed on the wall in the living room and com­municates from there with the MTD-ERV 350.
This key is used to switch the extractor hood on or off.
- Press for less than 1 second! ON.
- Press for longer than 1 second! OFF.
This key is used to switch the supply and/or discharge of air on or off.
- Press once! SUPPLY OFF (and EXHAUST ON).
- Press twice! SUPPLY and EXHAUST OFF.
- Press three times! EXHAUST OFF (and SUPPLY ON).
- Press four times! SUPPLY and EXHAUST ON.
This key allows you to read off or set the comfort temperature.
- Press for less than 1 second! READ OFF.
- Press for longer than 1 second ! SET.
This key allows you to switch from AUTO to MANUAL ventilation.
- Press for less than 1 second ! Set ventilation programme.
- Press for longer than 1 second! Set date and time.
Type 1 Type 2
Type 3
Type 1 Type 2
Type 3
Instructions for the User 5
Day and time
Actual ventilation position
(with activated extractor
hood, if applicable)
Automatic or
manual ventilation
Warning to replace internal (I)
or external (E) Filter
Air supply and/or air
exhaust OPEN or CLOSED
Geothermal heat recovery,
post-heater and/or
bypass on
Comfort temperature setting
(also indicates whether
system is heating or cooling)
The CC Ease operating unit has various keys for operating and setting the MTD-ERV 350. These keys are explained below.
These keys allow two functions to be set:
- In AUTO ventilation Select the ventilation level.
- In MANUAL ventilation Enter the setting values.
2.2.2 3-position Switch (Option)
Ventilation with the MTD-ERV 350 can also be oper­ated by means of a 3-position switch.
A 3-position switch can be used to set the ventilation levels of the MTD-ERV 350. One or more 3-position switches can be installed in a home (for example, in the kitchen). The exact version may differ slightly from the images above. The following switch types are available:
• Type 1  Standard 3-position switch.
• Type 2  3-position switch with LED for mal- function and fi lter indication.
• Type 3  Wireless 3-position switch with:
-idni retl fi dna noitcnuflam rof DEL cation. Auxiliary switch: position 3 is acti­vated for a given time (2 possibili­ties for setting the time).
2. Wait until the day, e.g. "Sa", starts to fl ash.
3. Select with "
" or " " the correct day.
4. Press " " briefl y.
5. Wait until the hours, e.g. "
", start to fl ash.
6. Select with "
" or " " the correct hour.
7. Press " " briefl y again.
8. Wait until the minutes, e.g. "
", start to fl ash.
9. Select with "
" or " " the correct min-
10 Press "
2. Wait until the comfort temperature is displayed.
3. Press "
" briefl y now to quit the menu.
Without pressing the key, the menu is quit automatically after 30 seconds.
6 Instructions for the User
2.2.3 Bathroom Switch (Option)
Ventilation with the MTD-ERV 350 can also be op­erated by means of a bathroom switch. A bathroom switch can be used to temporarily set the highest ventilation level of the MTD-ERV
350. This switch can be installed in the bathroom, for example, for discharging excess moisture as quickly as possible after showering. As the bath­room switches can have very different designs, no switch is illustrated here. If desired, the user can also enter an activation and deactivation delay for the bathroom switch via the CC Ease operating unit (see section
2.3.7). This allows the user to specify, for exam­ple, that the MTD-ERV 350 switches to the high­est ventilation level 5 minutes after the bathroom switch is activated and then returns to the normal (or originally set) ventilation level automatically after 20 minutes. In many cases, however, no separate bathroom switch is installed and the bathroom ventilation control is integrated into the bathroom light switch. The MTD-ERV 350 then switches automatically to the highest ventilation level when the bathroom light is switched on. The MTD-ERV 350 then re­turns to the normal (or originally set) ventilation level as soon as the bathroom light is switched off. Here again, an activation and deactivation de­lay can be set via the CCE Ease operating unit.
2.3 Use of the CC Ease Operating Unit
The following functions can be set using the CC Ease operating unit:
• Reading off and setting date and time.
• Reading off and setting the comfort tempera­ture.
• Reading off and setting the ventilation levels.
• Switching the extractor hood on and off (op­tion)*.
• Switching the supply and exhaust air fans on and off.
• Setting an individual ventilation programme.
• Setting additional ventilation control func­tions/options in the P menus.
These functions are described in more detail briefl y in the following sections.
2.3.1 Setting Date and Time
Via the CC Ease operating unit it is possible:
• To set the date and time.
Proceed as follows:
1. Press for two seconds on "
" briefl y again to quit the menu.
2.3.2 ReadingandSettingComfort Temperature
Via the CC Ease operating unit it is possible: v To read off and set the comfort temperature.
The comfort temperature is the temperature at which the MTD-ERV 350: (a) Uses the heat exchanger for heat recovery; (b) Switches on the bypass (hence bypassing the heat exchanger) to (temporarily) interrupt the exchange of heat between the exhaust air and the supply air.
You can read off the comfort temperature, but also set the desired temperature. The MTD-ERV 350 will then automatically maintain this tem­perature as closely as possible after setting. The comfort temperature generally corresponds to the temperature that you have set on the room thermostat (of your central heating).
Reading off the comfort temperature
Proceed as follows:
1. Press "
Setting the comfort temperature
Proceed as follows:
1. Press for two seconds on " ".
2. Wait until the comfort temperature, e.g. " 20.0 ",
starts to fl ash.
3. Select the desired comfort temperature with "
" or " ".
4 Press "
" briefl y now to quit the menu.
Setting the ventilation level
You can also set the ventilation level by hand and thus increase or decrease the level. You have a choice of 4 ventilation levels. These are:
• Level A ! Absent.
- Use during absence.
In level A, the dwelling is ventilated with the prescribed minimum air volume.
If level A is set on the CC Ease operating unit, the 3-position switches cannot be used.
Position 1 ! Low.
- Use for a low ventilation require ment.
Position 2 ! Normal.
- Use for a normal ventilation re­quirement.
Position 3 ! High.
- Use this level during cooking, showering and when additional ventilation is desired..
" to increase the ventilation level.
2. Press "
" to decrease the ventilation level.
During ventilation set by hand, the indication "MAN- UAL" appears on the CC Ease display.
3. Press "
" to quit the menu.
Instructions for the User 7
2.3.3 Reading and Setting Ventilation Level
Via the CC Ease operating unit it is possible:
To read off and set the ventilation level.
Reading off the ventilation level
The currently set ventilation level, e.g. “2”, is shown as standard on the CC Ease display. The MTD-ERV 350 normally regulates the necessary ventilation level automatically. During automatic ventilation, "AUTO" is shown on the CC Ease display.
,denrecnoc si noitalitnev eht sa raf sA the MTD-ERV 350 adjusts to the highest ventilation level set in the dwelling, un­less otherwise set in the automatic soft­ware control.
The ventilation level can be set as follows:
1. Press "
2.3.4 Switching Extractor Hood On and Off (Option)*
Via the CC Ease operating unit it is possible: To switch the extractor hood on and off.
Proceed as follows:
4. Press for two seconds on "
5. Wait until the symbol for the extractor hood ap-
6. Select with "
" or " " the ventilation
level, e.g. “ 3”.
7. Press " " briefl y to switch off the extrac-
tor hood.
After switching off the extractor hood, the symbol for the extractor hood disappears again from the CC Ease display.
2.3.5 Switching Supply and Exhaust Air Fans On and Off
Via the CC Ease operating unit it is possible: To switch the supply air or exhaust air fan on and off.
Proceed as follows:
1. Press "
" once to
to switch off the supply air fan.
This level can be used in the summer when the windows are open. The fresh air is then drawn into the house through the open windows and not via the supply air valves.
2. Press "
" twice to
switch off the exhaust air fan (and at the
same time switch on the supply air fan
3. Press " " three times to
switch on the supply and exhaust air fans again.
Note that by switching off the supply or exhaust air fan, you temporarily have no balanced ventilation with heat and (if in­stalled) moisture recovery in your home.
Never leave the fans switched off for longer than 12 hours.
8 Instructions for the User
The ventilation programme can be set/changed as follows:
1. Press simultaneously for two seconds on "
" and " ".
This functions only with ventilation set to "AUTO".
2. Wait until the day appears.
3. Program the desired days or a sequence of
Select the desired day/days with "
" or "
You have the following choices: – Sequence of days: “SaSu”. – Sequence of days: “MoTuWeThFri”. – Sequence of days: “SaSuMoTuWeThFri”. – Individual days: “Sa”, “Su”, “Mo”, “Tu”, “We”,
“Th” and “Fri”.
The number of the switching moment fl ashes in the bottom right-hand corner.
Select the switching moment by pressing "
" or " ".
Press "
" to confi rm the switching mo-
4. Program the starting time for the desired
ventilation level.
Press "
Select with "
" or " " the desired
time in hours.
Instructions for the User 9
Weekday fan position
Weekend fan position
2.3.6 Setting Ventilation Programme
Via the CC Ease operating unit it is possible: To set an individual ventilation programme.
A standard ventilation programme was set on the MTD-ERV 350 during manufacture. This ventilation programme offers a suitable ventilation pattern for most homes. If you wish, you can adapt this standard ventilation programme to your own ventilation requirements. For example, for a week and a weekend programme.
Press " " again. – Wait until the minutes, e.g. "
" start to
fl ash. – Select with "
" or " " the desired
time in minutes.
Press " " again. – Wait until the ventilation symbol starts to fl ash. – Select the desired ventilation level with "
" or " ".
– Press " " to store the switching moment.
5. Program the next ventilation programme, if required. – Then perform steps 1 to 5 for the next venti
lation programme.
2.3.7 Setting Additional Functions via the P Menus
Via several P menus of the CC Ease operating unit you can:
• Read off the status of various ventilation
• Activate or deactivate time delays for various
ventilation functions;
• Set time delays for various ventilation func-
In the P menus the user may:
- only set the additional functions P1, P2 and P9. The remaining P menus P3 to P8 are re­served for the installer.
Access to the P menus
Proceed as follows:
1. Press "
" and " " simultaneously.
2. Wait until "P menu" appears on the display.
3. Select the desired P menu with "
" or "
", e.g. " 2 ".
4. Press " " to confi rm the P menu.
5. Select the desired P sub-menu with "
or "
", e.g. " 23 ".
6. Press "
" to confi rm the P sub-menu.
Making settings in the P menus
The minimum and maximum values for the available ventilation functions are stored in the software.
7. Select a new value for the function with "
" or " ".
8. Press "
" to save the value.
9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 to set several P sub-menus in turn in the same
P menu.
Return to the P menu; press once on
" and possibly start again at step 3.
Return to the main window
Press " " twice.
10 Instructions for the User
Menu P1 ! Status of the functions
Ventilation functions
Sub-menu Description Activated / not activated
P10 Menu 20 currently active? Yes (1) / No (0) P11 Menu 21 currently active? Yes (1) / No (0) P12 Menu 22 currently active? Yes (1) / No (0) P13 Menu 23 currently active? Yes (1) / No (0) P14 [Not available] [Not available] P15 Menu 25 currently active? Yes (1) / No (0) P16 Menu 26 currently active? Yes (1) / No (0) P17 Menu 27 currently active? Yes (1) / No (0) P18 Menu 28 currently active? Yes (1) / No (0) P19 Menu 29 currently active? Yes (1) / No (0)
Instructions for the User 11
Menu P2 ! Set time delays
Time delay values
muminiMnoitpircseDunem-buS Maximum Default
Deactivation delay for extractor hood function.
• 'x' minutes after pressing the extrac­tor hood switch, the MTD-ERV 350 returns to the previously set level.
0 Min. 180 Min. 30 Min.
Only for systems with wired switch and only if your system is equipped with a second position switch in the bathroom.
Activation delay for the bathroom switch (to switch to the HIGHEST LEVEL).
• 'x' minutes after turning on the bathroom switch, the MTD-ERV 350 switches to the HIGHEST LEVEL.
0 Min. 15 Min. 0 Min.
Only for systems with wired switch and only if your system is equipped with a second position switch in the bathroom.
Deactivation delay for the bathroom switch (to switch to the NOR­MAL LEVEL).
• 'x' minutes after turning on the bath­room switch, the MTD-ERV 350 re­turns to the NORMAL LEVEL.
0 Min. 120 Min. 30 Min.
Only for systems with a wired position switch.
Deactivation delay for ventilation position 3.
• When position 3 (HIGHEST LEVEL) is switched on briefl y (< 3 seconds), the MTD-ERV 350 remains at this position for the time set in this menu.
If, within the run-down time, the posi­tion switch or the radio remote control is activated, the MTD-ERV 350 switches immediately to the set ventilation level.
0 Min. 120 Min. 30 Min.
P24 Filter warning
• Here the user can select when "FILTER DIRTY" is to appear on the CC Ease display.
1 week 26 weeks 16 weeks
Only for systems with a remote control switch.
Deactivation delay for ventilation position 3 (with "
• When "
Time delay values
Sub-menu Description
Minimum Maximum Default
Menu P9 ! Status of the functions (from menu P5)
Ventilation functions
Sub-menu Description Activated / not activated
P90 Chimney
sweep control active?
Yes (1) / No (0)
P91 Bypass open (=yes)
/ closed (=no)?
Yes (1) / No (0)
Valve of the geothermal heat exchanger open (=yes) / closed (=no)?
Yes (1) / No (0)
Post-heater active? Yes (1) / No (0)
0 – 10 V control active? Yes (1) / No (0)
P95 Frost protection
(standard or preheater) active?
Yes (1) / No (0)
Extractor hood control active?
Yes (1) / No (0)
P97 Moisture control active? Yes (1) / No (0)
12 Instructions for the User
Only for sys­tems with a remote con­trol switch.
Deactivation delay for ventilation position 3 (with "
When "
" is pressed BRIEFLY (< 2 sec.), the MTD-ERV 350 switches to the HIGHEST LEVEL for ‘x’ minutes and then switches back automatically to the set level. ‘x’ can be set between 1 and 20 minutes.
1 Min. 20 Min. 10 Min.
" is held depressed (> 2 sec.), the MTD-ERV 350 switches to the HIGHEST LEVEL for 'x' minutes and then switches back automatically to the set level. ‘x’ can be set between 1 and 120 minutes.
1 Min. 120 Min. 30 Min.
Setting the Levels for the Extractor Hood.
When the extractor hood is switched on, the ventilation levels for the extractor hood can be set a few percent higher than the corresponding 'normal' ventilation levels.
1% 99% 10%
2.4 Use of the Switch(es) (Option)
You can set an activation and deactivation delay for the bathroom ventilation control in P menus P21 and P22. For further information, see section 2.3.7.
If these measures are not performed (regularly), there is a danger that the ComfoAir 350 will cease to function correctly.
dna gnikooc retfa emit emos rof noitisop tsehgih eht ta 053 MTD-ERV eht evaeL
showering to remove excess moisture and odours as quickly as possible.
stsujda 053 MTD-ERV eht ,tnemtrapa eht ni dellatsni era sehctiws noitisop lareves fI as far as the ventilation is concerned to the highest ventilation position unless other values are set in an automatic software control.
2.4.1 Setting Ventilation Using 3-position Switch(es)
A 3-position switch allows 3 ventilation levels to be set.
• Position 1 Low.
- Use for a low ventilation requirement.
• Position 2 Normal.
- Use for a normal ventilation requirement.
• Position 3 High.
- Use this level during cooking, showering and when additional ventilation is re­quired.
Instructions for the User 13
eb ot ,level ecnesba eht ,level noitalitnev lanoitidda na swolla tinu gnitarepo esaE CC ehT
set in addition to these 3 ventilation levels. For further information, see section 2.3.3.
2.4.2 Setting Ventilation Using Bathroom Switch(es)
A bathroom switch allows the MTD-ERV 350 to be temporarily set to the highest ventilation level (position 3):
Actuate the bathroom switch for maximum ventilation.
Actuate the bathroom switch again to return to the normal (or previously set) ventilation level.
.hctiws thgil moorhtab eht otni detargetni eb osla nac lortnoc noitalitnev moorhtab ehT
2.5 Service by the User
As user you have to service the MTD-ERV 350 as follows:
• Clean or replace the fi lters.
• Clean the valves (in the home).
These measures are described in more detail briefl y in the following sections.
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