MSD Pro-Billet Ready-to-Run
Chevrolet V8 Distributor Kit
PN 8474
Important: Read these instructions before attempting the installation.
Parts Inclu d ed:
1 - Pro-Billet Distributor
1 - Rotor, PN 8467
1 - Distributor Cap, PN 8433
1 - Wire Retainer
2 - 1.5" Self Tapping Screws
2 - 10-32 x 3/4" Socket Head Screws
1 - Advance Kit
WARNING: Before installing the MSD Ready to Run Distributor, disconnect the battery cables.
When disconnecting the battery cables, always remove the Negative (-) cable first
and install it last.
Note: The terminals of this Distributor Cap require spark plug style terminals. You may need to change
the terminals and boots of your wires. MSD offers two kits, PN 8849 or PN 8848 that are supplied
with nine boots and terminals.
1 - 3-Pin Harness
1 - Gasket
1 - Tube of Gear Lubricant
2 - O-Rings
1 - Vacuum Advance Lockout Kit
1 - Coil Wire
1 - Blaster SS Coil, PN 8207
Note: If the gear is ever replaced, MSD Gear (PN 8531) is required for replacement due to the .500"
diameter shaft.
Before continuing with the installation, here are a few definitions you should be aware of:
Initial Timing: This is the base timing (also referred to as idle timing) of the engine before the
centrifugal advance begins.
Centrifugal Advance: The centrifugal (or mechanical) advance mechanism is made up of weights,
springs, advance cams, and an advance stop bushing. The amount and rate of advance that your
distributor is capable of is determined by the centrifugal timing. If you ever wish to lock out the
centrifugal advance, refer to the centrifugal advance section.
Total Timing: This is the total of the initial timing plus the centrifugal advance added together.
Example: 10° Initial + 25° centrifugal = 35° Total Timing. (When checking Total timing, disconnect
the vacuum canister and plug the vacuum source.)
Vacuum Advance: The vacuum advance will advance the timing up to 10° during partial throttle
driving (with 15 lbs of vacuum). The vacuum line should be routed to a ported vacuum outlet above
the throttle plates.
Note: MSD Distributors are supplied with the heavy (slow) advance springs installed. This is to prevent
detonation in certain applications. Review the information on pages 2-4 to determine the best advance
curve for your application.
M S D I G N I T I O N • ww w. msd ig ni tio n. co m • ( 9 15 ) 8 57 -5 20 0 • FA X (9 15) 85 7 -3 34 4

The function of the advance curve is to match the ignition timing to the burning rate of the fuel
and speed (rpm) of the engine. Any factor that changes the burning rate of the fuel or the engine
speed can cause a need for an ignition timing change. Figure 1 shows some of the factors that
will affect engine timing.
FACTOR Advance Timing Retard Timing
For For
Cylinder Pressure Low High
Vacuum High Low
Energy of Ignition Low High
Fuel Octane High Low
Mixture (Air/Fuel) Rich Lean
Temperature Cool Hot
Combustion Chamber Shape Open Compact
Spark Plug Location Offset Center
Combustion Turbulence Low High
Load Light Heavy
Figure 1 Ignition Timing Factors.
As you can see from the chart, most factors will change throughout the range of the engine operation.
The timing mechanism of the distributor must make timing changes based on these factors.
Example: An engine has 11:1 compression, a high energy ignition and turns 5,500 rpm. With the
specifications given, you will have to retard the timing for the high compression and high energy
ignition. By comparing the engine’s specifications against the chart, a usable timing guideline can
be found. Engines with a combination of items from both columns will require a timing that is set
in the mid range.
Obviously a full technical explanation of correct ignition timing would be very complicated. The best
way to arrive at a suitable ignition curve for your engine is to use the Ignition Timing Factors Chart
as a guide and compare it to the Advance Graphs in Figure 4 until a suitable curve is found. When
selecting your advance curve, use detonation (engine ping) as an indicator of too much advance,
and a decrease in power as an indicator of too little advance.
• Use as much initial advance as possible without encountering excessive starter load.
• Start the centrifugal advance just above the idle rpm.
• The starting point of the centrifugal advance curve is controlled by the installed length and tension
of the spring.
• How quickly the centrifugal advance (slope) comes in is controlled by the spring stiffness. The
stiffer the spring, the slower the advance curve.
• The amount of advance is controlled by the advance bushing. The bigger the bushing, the
smaller the amount of advance.
M S D I G N I T I O N • ww w. msd ig ni tio n. co m • ( 9 15 ) 8 57 -5 20 0 • FA X ( 9 15 ) 8 57 -3 34 4

The rate, or how quick the advance comes in
is determined by the type of springs which are
installed on the distributor. The MSD distributors
are equipped with two Heavy Silver springs
installed. These will give you the slowest
advance curve possible (Figure 2). The parts
kit contains two additional sets of springs which
can be used to match the advance curve to
your particular application. Refer to the Spring
Combination Chart (Figure 3) for combinations
that can be achieved.
To change the springs, remove the cap and
rotor and use needlenose pliers to remove the
springs. Be sure the new springs seat in the
groove on the pin.
Timing Curve From Factory
Figure 2 The Factory Equipped Curve.
2- Heavy Silver SLOWEST A
1- Heavy Silver B
1- Light Blue
1-Heavy Silver C
1-Light Silver
2- Light Blue D
1- Light Silver E
1- Light Blue
2- Light Silver FASTEST F
Figure 3 Spring Combination Chart.
Figure 4 Advance Curves.
M S D I G N I T I O N • ww w. msd ig ni tio n. co m • ( 9 15 ) 8 57 -5 20 0 • FA X ( 9 15 ) 8 57 -3 34 4