Pro Cap Rotor Tip
PN 7411
A new, modified Rotor Tip is supplied with the Pro Cap Kit, PN 7455, and the Pro Cap Rotor, PN 7423.
This Rotor Tip must be used when the ignition timing of the Pro Mag is being retarded.
The modified Rotor Tip has a
90° corner on one side and a
rounded edge on the opposite
sid e. Installati on of the Tip
depends on the rotation of the
Pro Mag. The rounded edge
of the rotor must point in the
direction of the mag's rotation
(the rounded edge is always the
leading side). Note that there is
also an arrow designating the
rotation stamped on both sides
of the new Tip.
The reason for this modification
is because voltage will travel
to and from the sharpest point
of the rotor tip. By rounding
the leading edge of the Tip,
the voltage will jump from the
sharp point (trailing edge) of
the tip which will be closer to
the spark plug wire terminal
when the timing is retarded.
This will produce proper spark
distribution even when the timing
is retarded (which alters the rotor
The Figures show the Rotor Tip
Note: Torque the over-molded plastic hex screws to 30-32 in-lbs. When
installing the rotor, each screw should be equipped with an O-ring
and belleville washer (dome facing upward).
M S D • W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M • ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0 • F A X ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4
© 2012 Autotr onic Controls C orporation
FRM28561 Revised 10/12 Printed in U.S.A.