128K x 36 Bit Pipelined
Bu rs t R AM Synchronous
Fast Static RAM
The MCM69P737 is a 4M bit synchronous fast static RAM designed to provide
a burstable, high performance, secondary cache for the PowerPC and other
high performance microprocessors. It is organized as 128K words of 36 bits
each. This device integrates input registers, an output register, a 2–bit address
counter, and high speed SRAM onto a single monolithic circuit for reduced parts
count in cache data RAM applications. Synchronous design allows precise cycle
control with the use of an external clock (K).
Addresses (SA), data inputs (DQx), and all control signals except output
enable (G
edge–triggered noninverting registers.
addresses can be generated internally by the MCM69P737 (burst sequence
operates in linear or interleaved mode dependent upon the state of LBO
controlled by the burst address advance (ADV
clock (K) input. This feature eliminates complex off–chip write pulse generation
and provides increased timing flexibility for incoming signals.
nous write enable (SW
to all bytes. The four bytes are designated as “a”, “b”, “c”, and “d”. SBa controls
DQa, SBb
writes SBx
or if all SBx
edge–triggered output register and then released to the output buffers at the next
rising edge of clock (K).
operate on a 2.5 V or 3.3 V power supply . All inputs and outputs are JEDEC standard JESD8–5 compatible.
4BADSCInputSynchronous Address Status Controller: Active low, interrupts any
4AADSPInputSynchronous Address Status Processor: Active low, interrupts any
4GADVInputSynchronous Address Advance: Increments address count in
(a) 6K, 7K, 6L, 7L, 6M, 6N, 7N, 6P, 7P
(b) 6D, 7D, 6E, 7E, 6F, 6G, 7G, 6H, 7H
(c) 1D, 2D, 1E, 2E, 2F, 1G, 2G, 1H, 2H
(d) 1K, 2K, 1L, 2L, 2M, 1N, 2N, 1P, 2P
4FGInputAsynchronous Output Enable Input:
4KKInputClock: This signal registers the address, data in, and all control signals
3RLBOInputLinear Burst Order Input: This pin must remain in steady state (this
2A, 3A, 5A, 6A, 3B, 5B, 2C, 3C,
5C, 6C, 2R, 6R, 3T, 4T, 5T
4N, 4PSA1, SA0InputSynchronous Address Inputs: These pins must be wired to the two
5L, 5G, 3G, 3L
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4ESE1InputSynchronous Chip Enable: Active low to enable chip.
2BSE2InputSynchronous Chip Enable: Active high for depth expansion.
6BSE3InputSynchronous Chip Enable: Active low for depth expansion.
4HSGWInputSynchronous Global Write: This signal writes all bytes regardless of the
4MSWInputSynchronous Write: This signal writes only those bytes that have been
4C, 2J, 4J, 6J, 4RV
1A, 7A, 1F, 7F, 1J, 7J, 1M, 7M, 1U, 7UV
3D, 5D, 3E, 5E, 3F, 5F, 3H, 5H,
3K, 5K, 3M, 5M, 3N, 5N, 3P, 5P
1B, 7B, 1C, 7C, 4D, 3J, 5J, 4L, 1R, 5R,
7R, 1T, 2T, 6T, 7T, 2U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U
ongoing burst and latches a new external address. Used to initiate a
READ, WRITE, or chip deselect.
ongoing burst and latches a new external address. Used to initiate a
new READ, WRITE, or chip deselect (exception — chip deselect does
not occur when ADSP
accordance with counter type selected (linear/interleaved).
DQxI/OSynchronous Data I/O: “x” refers to the byte being read or written
SAInputSynchronous Address Inputs: These inputs are registered and must
SBxInputSynchronous Byte Write Inputs: “x” refers to the byte being written (byte
NC—No Connection: There is no connection to the chip.
SupplyCore Power Supply.
SupplyI/O Power Supply.
(byte a, b, c, d).
Low — enables output buffers (DQx pins).
High — DQx pins are high impedance.
except G
signal not registered or latched). It must be tied high or low.
Low — linear burst counter (68K/PowerPC).
High — interleaved burst counter (486/i960/Pentium).
meet setup and hold times.
LSBs of the address bus for proper burst operation. These inputs are
registered and must meet setup and hold times.
a, b, c, d). SGW
Negated high — blocks ADSP
status of the SBx
being used, tie this pin high.
selected using the byte write SBx
are being used, tie this pin low.
and LBO.
is asserted and SE1 is high).
overrides SBx.
or deselects chip when ADSC is
and SW signals. If only byte write signals SBx are
pins. If only byte write signals SBx
Pin LocationsSymbol
85ADSCInputSynchronous Address Status Controller: Active low, interrupts any
84ADSPInputSynchronous Address Status Processor: Active low, interrupts any
83ADVInputSynchronous Address Advance: Increments address count in
89KInputClock: This signal registers the address, data in, and all control signals
31LBOInputLinear Burst Order Input: This pin must remain in steady state (this
32, 33, 34, 35, 44, 45, 46,
47, 48, 49, 50, 81, 82, 99, 100
36, 37SA1, SA0InputSynchronous Address Inputs: these pins must be wired to the two LSBs
93, 94, 95, 96
(a) (b) (c) (d)
98SE1InputSynchronous Chip Enable: Active low to enable chip.
97SE2InputSynchronous Chip Enable: Active high for depth expansion.
92SE3InputSynchronous Chip Enable: Active low for depth expansion.
88SGWInputSynchronous Global Write: This signal writes all bytes regardless of the
87SWInputSynchronous Write: This signal writes only those bytes that have been
15, 41, 65, 91V
4, 11, 20, 27, 54, 61, 70, 77V
5, 10, 17, 21, 26, 40,
55, 60, 67, 71, 76, 90
14, 16, 38, 39, 42, 43, 64, 66NC—No Connection: There is no connection to the chip.
DQxI/OSynchronous Data I/O: “x” refers to the byte being read or written
SAInputSynchronous Address Inputs: These inputs are registered and must
SBxInputSynchronous Byte Write Inputs: “x” refers to the byte being written (byte
ongoing burst and latches a new external address. Used to initiate a
READ, WRITE, or chip deselect.
ongoing burst and latches a new external address. Used to initiate a
new READ, WRITE, or chip deselect (exception — chip deselect does
not occur when ADSP
accordance with counter type selected (linear/interleaved).
(byte a, b, c, d).
Low — enables output buffers (DQx pins).
High — DQx pins are high impedance.
except G
signal not registered or latched). It must be tied high or low.
Low — linear burst counter (68K/PowerPC).
High — interleaved burst counter (486/i960/Pentium).
meet setup and hold times.
of the address bus for proper burst operation. These inputs are
registered and must meet setup and hold times.
a, b, c, d). SGW
Negated high — blocks ADSP
status of the SBx
being used, tie this pin high.
selected using the byte write SBx
are being used, tie this pin low.
SupplyCore Power Supply.
SupplyI/O Power Supply.
and LBO.
is asserted and SE1 is high).
overrides SBx.
or deselects chip when ADSC is
and SW signals. If only byte write signals SBx are