SOJ Pin Locations Symbol
Type Description
11 K Input CLOCK – System clock input pin accepting a minimum 8 ns clock high
or clock low pulse at a minimum 20 ns clock cycle. All other
synchronous inputs excluding the test access port are captured on the
rising edge of this signal.
12 WE Input WRITE ENABLE – Write enable is captured on K leading edge. When
asserted this causes the input data D0 – D7 to be written into the RAM
address controlled by the write address counter and increments the
counter for the next write.
21 RE Input READ ENABLE – Read enable is captured on K leading edge. When
asserted increments the counter for the next read operation. This
causes a RAM read access from address controlled by the read
address counter to be inserted in the output register Q0 – Q7.
13 WR Input WRITE RELOAD – Write reload is captured on K leading edge. When
asserted this causes the write address counter to be initialized to the
contents of the write reload register or “cleared” as specified by control
register bit 3. See control register bit 3 for “cleared” description.
20 RR Input READ RELOAD – Read reload is captured on K leading edge. When
asserted this causes the read address counter to be initialized to the
contents of the read reload register or “cleared” as specified by control
register bit 5. See control register bit 5 for “cleared” description.
22 G Input OUTPUT ENABLE – When asserted low causes the outputs Q0 – Q7
to become active and when deasserted high causes them to High–Z.
This pin can be either synchronous with K leading edge or
asynchronous as specified by control register bit 7.
9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 D0 – D7 Input DATA INPUT – The levels on these pins are captured on the K leading
edge. The value captured will be written into the RAM if WE is also
asserted and the expand ID bits match the upper three bits of the write
address counter.
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Q0 – Q7 Output DATA OUTPUT – Data outputs are available from the read output
register < 15 ns from the rising edge of K when RE or RR
is asserted.
outputs are disabled when the upper three bits of the read address
counter do not match the three expand ID bits of the control register.
will also control the disabling of the outputs either synchronously or
asynchronously. See G
17, 32 RRF, WRF Output ROLL–OVER FLAG – These signals are asserted high on the clock
cycle where the address counters (write address counter for WRF and
read address counter for RRF) roll–over to 0000 during count down.
During count up these pins must be treated as don’t cares.
16, 1 RRR, WRR Input ROLL–OVER RESET – The level on these pins is captured on the K
leading edge. When asserted low, each will reset their associated
roll–over flag output.
TEST ACCESS PORT PIN DESCRIPTIONS (The Test Access Port Conforms with the IEEE Standard 1149.1. It is also Used
to Load Device Specific Registers Used to Configure the MCM62Y308.)
SOJ Pin Locations Symbol
Type Description
15 TCK Input
TEST CLOCK – Samples and clocks all TAP events. All inputs are
captured on TCK rising edge and all outputs propagate from TCK falling
edge. It also can take the place of K in device operation in certain test
18 TMS Input TEST MODE SELECT – Sampled on the rising edge of TCK.
Determines the movement through the TAP state machine (Figure 2).
This circuit is designed in such a way that an undriven input will
produce a response identical to the application of a logic 1.
14 TDI Input TEST DATA IN – Sampled on the rising edge of TCK. This is the input
side of the serial register placed between TDI and TDO. The register
placed between TDI and TDO is determined by the state of the TAP
state machine and what instruction is active in the TAP instruction
register. This circuit is designed in such a way that an undriven input
will produce a response identical to the application of a logic 1.
19 TDO Output TEST DATA OUT – Output that is active depending on the state of the
TAP state machine. Output changes off the trailing edge of TCK. This is
the output side of the serial register placed between TDI and TDO.