Data In (Pin 12)
Serial Data Input. The bit stream begins with the MSB and
is shifted in on the low–to–high transition of Clock. When the
device is not cascaded, the bit pattern is either 1 byte (8 bits)
long to change the configuration register or 3 bytes (24 bits)
long to update the display register. For two chips cascaded,
the pattern is either 4 or 6 bytes, respectively. The display
does not change during shifting (until Enable
makes a low–
to–high transition) which allows slow serial data rates, if desired.
The bit stream needs neither address nor steering bits due
to the innovative BitGrabber registers. Therefore, all bits in
the stream are available to be data for the two registers. Random access of either register is provided. That is, the registers may be accessed in any sequence. Data is retained in
the registers over a supply range of 3 to 6 V. The format is
shown in Figures 7 and 8. Information on the segment decoder is given in Table 1.
Data In typically switches near 50% of VDD and has a
Schmitt–triggered input buffer. These features combine to
maximize noise immunity for use in harsh environments and
bus applications. T his input can b e directly interfaced to
CMOS devices with outputs guaranteed to switch near rail–
to–rail. When interfacing to NMOS or TTL devices, either a
level shifter (MC14504B, MC74HCT04A) or pullup resistor of
1 kΩ to 10 kΩ must be used. Parameters to be considered
when sizing the resistor are the worst–case IOL of the driving
device, maximum tolerable power consumption, and maximum data rate.
Clock (Pin 11)
Serial Data Clock Input. Low–to–high transitions on Clock
shift bits available at Data In, while high–to–low transitions
shift bits from Data Out. The chip’s 24–1/2–stage shift register is static, allowing clock rates down to dc in a continuous
or intermittent mode. The Clock input does not need to be
synchronous with the on–chip clock oscillator which drives
the multiplexing circuit.
Eight clock cycles are required to access the configuration
register, while 24 are needed for the display register when
the MC14489 is not cascaded. See Figures 7 and 10.
As shown in Figure 11, two devices may be cascaded. In
this case, 32 clock cycles access the configuration register
and 48 access the display register, as depicted in Figure 8.
Cascading of 3, 4, and 5 devices is shown in Figures 12,
13, and 14, respectively.
Clock typically switches near 50% o f VDD and h as a
Schmitt–triggered input buffer. Slow Clock rise and fall times
are tolerated. See the last paragraph of Data In for more information.
To guarantee proper operation of the power–on
reset (POR) circuit, the Clock pin must NOT be
floated or toggled during power–up. That is, the
Clock pin m ust b e stable until the VDD pin
reaches at least 3 V.
If control of the Clock pin during power–up is not
practical, then the MC14489 must be reset via bit
C0 in the C register. To accomplish this, C0 is reset low, then set high.
(Pin 10)
Active–Low Enable Input. This pin allows the MC14489 to
be used on a serial bus, sharing Data In and Clock with other
peripherals. When Enable
is in an inactive high state, Data
Out is forced to a known (low) state, shifting is inhibited, and
the port is held in the initialized state. To transfer data to the
device, Enable
(which initially must be inactive high) is taken
low, a serial transfer is made via Data In and Clock, and
Enable is taken high. The low–to–high transition on Enable
transfers data to either the configuration or display register,
depending on the data stream length.
Every rising edge on Enable initiates a blanking interval
while data is loaded. Thus, continually loading the device
with the same data may cause the LEDs on some banks to
appear dimmer than others.
Transitions on Enable
must not be attempted
while Clock is high. This puts the device out of
synchronization with the microcontroller. Resynchronization occurs when Enable
is high a nd
Clock is low.
This input is also Schmitt–triggered and switches near
50% of VDD, thereby minimizing the chance of loading erroneous data in the registers. See the last paragraph of Data In
for more information.
Data Out (Pin 18)
Serial Data Output. Data is transferred out of the shift register through Data Out on the high–to–low transition of Clock.
This output is a no connect, unless used in one of the manners discussed below.
When cascading MC14489’s, Data Out feeds Data In of
the next device per Figures 11, 12, 13, and 14.
Data Out could be fed back to an MCU/MPU to perform a
wrap–around test of serial data. This could be part of a system check conducted at power–up to test the integrity of the
system’s processor, pc board traces, solder joints, etc.
The pin could be monitored at an in–line Q.A. test during
board manufacturing.
Finally, Data Out facilitates troubleshooting a system.
Rx (Pin 8)
External Current–Setting Resistor. A resistor tied between
this pin and ground (VSS) determines the peak segment drive
current delivered at pins a through h. Pin 8’s resistor ties into
a current mirror with an approximate current gain of 10 when
bit D23 = high (brighten). With D23 = low, the peak current is
reduced about 50%. Values for Rx range from 700 Ω to infin-
ity. When Rx = ∞ (open circuit), the display is extinguished.
For proper current control, resistors having ± 1% tolerance
should be used. See Figure 9.
Small Rx values may cause the chip to overheat
if precautions are not observed. See Thermal