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for QFP Target Head Adapters A-17
Target MON08 Cable A-21
ICS08AB32 Parts List A-21
This chapter provides an overview of the Motorola M68ICS08AB in-circuit
simulator (ABICS) and a quick start guide to setting up a development project.
The ABICS board, a 107 ´ 109-mm PCB (printed circuit board), is a standalone development and debugging aid for designers using MC68HC908AB32
microcontroller unit (MCU) devices. The ABICS contains both the hardware
(the M68ICS08AB) and software (ICD08SZã) needed to develop and simulate
source code for, and to program, Motorola’s MC68HC908AB32
microcontrollers. Refer to the M68ICS08AB IN-CIRCUIT SIMULATORSOFTW ARE OPERATOR’S MANUAL for detailed information about the
ICD08SZ software.
The ABICS and the ICS08AB software form a complete simulator and limited
real-time I/O (input/output) emulator for the MC68HC908AB32 MCU
devices. When the ABICS is connected to a host PC and target hardware, the
actual inputs and outputs of the target system can be used during simulation of
The ABICS connects to the target machine via a Motorola M68CLB05C FLEX
cable. It connects to the software host via a single RS-232 connection and a
standard DB-9 serial cable.
Use the ABICS with any IBM Windows 3.x-, Windows 95-, or Windows 98based computer with a serial port.
1.1.1ABICS Product Components
The complete ABICS system includes hardware, software, and documentation.
Table 1-1 shows a list of the M68ICS08AB (ABICS) product components.
Table 1-1. M68ICS08AB Product Components
Part NumberDescription
ICS08ABSoftware development package
ICS08ABWICS Simulator
M68ICS08ABHardware board
•3.0-volt to 5.0-volt (VDD) on-board regulator for level shift.
•RS-232 to interface the ABICS to the host serial connector
•One 2 ´ 8-pin, 0.1-inch spacing connectors to connect to a remote
target via the MON08 debug circuit
Table 1-2 summarizes the M68ICS08AB hardware specifications.
Relative humidity0 to 95% (non-condensing)
Power requirement+5 Vdc, from included AC/DC adapter
Table 1-2. M68ICS08AB Specifications
0to 40C
–40to +85C
The ABICS includes a single 107 x 109-mm printed circuit board (PCB)
(M68ICS08AB). Figure 1-1 shows a diagram of the ABICS board. For an
enlarged view of this board, refer to Section A.8 BOARD LAYOUT ANDSCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS.
Figure 1-1. ABICS Board Layout
1.3.1Board Interface Connectors
The development system interface is via the single system connector P2, which
is a 9-pin, D-type, through-hole, female, right angle connector (Amp part
number AMP-9726-A) mounted on the top side of the PCB.
The ABICS user target interface is via the target header connector J1, J2, two
40-pin shrouded headers. J1, J2 are positioned to easily interface to a Motorola
M68CLB05C FLEX cable. The FLEX cable connects to the host system
through the appropriate target head adapter.
The ABICS board uses two supply voltages:
•Self-tracked +3.0-volt to +5.0-volt regulator supply for the ABICS and
level translation devices
•A +5-V supply for the remainder of the logic
The interface to the host development system uses +5-V TTL (transistor-totransistor logic) signaling levels. The interface to the target system uses
signaling levels based on the user-selected supply.
Figure 1-2 shows a functional overview of the system.
PC Host
ICS InterfaceMCU
Figure 1-2. ICS Functional Overview
1.3.2MCU Subsystem
The MCU subsystem consists of the MC68HC908AB32 microcontroller,clock
generation , monitor mode control logic that places and holds the ABICS in
monitor mode, the bus voltage level translation buffers, and processor
operating voltage variable regulator. Diagram of Simulator Board
Figure 1-3 shows a block diagram of the ABICS simulator board. The
individual blocks are described in the subsections following the diagram.
The MCU is an MC68HC908AB32 and is available in one package only:
•64-pin QFP
The QFP package mounts in a clam-shell socket.
The on-board MCU (the test MCU) simulates and debugs the MCU’s interface
to its peripherals and to other devices on the target board through a variety of
connections. Depending on the connection, the MCU is used in one of three
operating modes:
•In the ICS socket for programming and simple simulation
•In the socket and connected to the target for emulation
•On the target for MON08 debug operation
The ABICS contains a 4.1952-MHz crystal oscillator. When the remote target
connection is made, the user may opt to feed the output from the ABICS
crystal (SP-OSC) to the external clock input (OSC1) of the ABICS via W5, a
2-pin shunt. Reset
The ABICS includes two reset sources:
•An output from the POR (Power-On Reset) circuit via the host system
•An internal reset exception operation of the processor
The host system resets the ICS by cycling power to most of the ICS circuitry,
including the POR circuit. RS-232 handshake line DTR is used for this
The RESET function of the ABICS is both an input and an output. The ABICS
drives its RESET pin low after encountering several different exception
conditions. W3 is providedto allowyou to select whether the target system can
reset the MCU on the ABICS (jumper between pins 1 and 2) or whether the
target system receives a reset signal from the ABICS (jumper between pins 2
and 3).
RST* is not a bidirectional, open-drain signal at the target connectors.
Removing the jumper leaves the RST-IN* signal pulled up to MCU operating
voltage. Configuration Selection
The operation mode of the ABICS processor is selected at the rising edge of
the RESET signal. The ABICS requires that the processor operate in monitor
mode. To set monitor mode operation, the IRQ* line to the ABICS is level
shiftedtoapplyVHIto the processor on the rising edge of reset. The VHIis a
signal name that is specified as minimum VDD+ 2.5 V and maximum 9 V, with
the highest VDDof 3.3 V, which gives a range of minimum 5.8 V and
maximum 9 V.
The ABICS RST* pin is the main mode select input and is pulled to logic 0,
then logic 1 (processor VDD), to select MCU monitor mode. The host software
must communicate security bytes to the MCU to resume execution out of reset.
Communication to the monitor ROM is via standard, non-return-to-zero (NRZ)
mark/space data format on PTA0. The MCU maintains monitor mode and
disables the COP module through continued application of VHIon either IRQ*
or RST*.
Six commands may be issued by the host software in control of the MCU in
monitor mode: read, write, iread, iwrite, readsp,andrun. Each
command is echoed back through PTA0 for error checking. These commands
The MCU bus clock is CGMXCLK/2. Translation
The ABICS has an operation voltage range of +3.0 to +5.0 volts while the host
developmentsystem interface is an RS-232 (com) port. U2 on the ICS converts
5 V logic signals to RS-232 levels. Transistors Q9-Q10 translate 5 V logic
levels to the MCU operating voltage (3.0-5.0 V).
1-8M68ICS08ABUM/D Operating Voltage, Variable Selector
To provide the ABICS with power input that matches your target environment,
the ABICS includes a on-board regulator. The ABICS monitors the user’s
target system power via the EVDD pin of FLEX cable. EVDD pin is connected
to power supply of user’s target system via target adapter. If the EVDD pin is
floated, the regulator output 5.0Vdc. The ABICS doesn’t power the target
The on-board regulator is activated by the RS-232 handshake line DTR. To
activate the regulator mannually, set jumper W9. System Connector
The host system interface is via a 9-pin DB-9 serial connection plug DEKL9SAT-F.
CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION Interface Connector
The user target interface connector is two 40-pin shrouded headers (J1, J2).
Table 1-3 shows the target interface pins.