Motorola GP68 User Manual

Manual Number: 502-4501
Installation and Operation
SmarT runk II
Motorola GP68
Portable Radios
SmarTrunk Systems, Inc. • ST-865M3
Motorola P/N PMLN4066A
23278 Bernhardt Street • Hayward, CA. 94545
Phone: (510) 887-1950 • Fax: (510) 887-4011
Warranty Policy
ll SmarTrunk products are guaranteed to meet or exceed published
performance specifications and are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from date of purchase. Third party equipment such as radios, power supplies, antennas, etc., carry the factory warranty of their respective manufacturers.
All warranty repairs must be performed at the SmarTrunk factory in Hayward, California, or other factory authorized repair depot. Any unauthorized repair attempted by the customer, alteration or modification of the equipment, damage by external sources, or removal or alteration of the serial number label or date code, will void the warranty . Specifically excluded from this warranty are batteries, fuses, lamps, and damage caused by lightning, power surges, or mechanical abuse.
Equipment for repair may be returned to the factory without prior written authorization; however, a note must be sent with the packing list briefly describing the nature of the defect. Repairs must be shipped freight prepaid and will be returned freight prepaid. Shipments should be directed to:
SmarTrunk Systems, Inc.
ATTN: Repair Department
23278 Bernhardt Street
Hayward, CA 94545, U.S.A.
Quality Policy Statement
SmarTrunk Systems, Inc., has a continuing objective to enhance our worldwide reputation as a supplier of products and services which meet or exceed customer requirements.
With personal commitment and pride in everything we do, all officers, managers, and employees will work together for continuous improvement in the processes and procedures which affect SmarTrunk’ s product quality and customer service.
SmarT runkTM is a Trademark of SmarT runk Systems, Inc. Motorola Manual Number
INTRODUCTION ......................................... V I I
1  OPERATION .............................................. 1
1.1 Landline To Subscriber Call .................... 1
1.2 Receiving A Call ..................................... 2
1.3 Call Routing Codes For Subscriber
Initiated Calls ......................................... 2
1.3.1 Subscriber To Landline Call ................................ 3
1.3.2 Subscriber To Subscriber Call ............................. 3
1.3.3 Fleet Dispatch (Subscriber) To Group Call ........ 3
1.3.4 Conventional Mode............................................... 3
1.3.5 Mobile Operator Call ........................................... 4
1.3.6 Emergency Call ...................................................... 4
1.4 Originating A Call ................................... 4
1.4.1 Store And Send Dialing ........................................ 5
1.4.2 Memory Speed Dialing ......................................... 6
1.4.3 Programming Memory Speed Dial Numbers ...... 6
1.4.4 Redial ..................................................................... 7
1.4.5 Priority Call Override ........................................... 7
1.4.6 Clear Channel Alerting ......................................... 8
1.5 Call Termination ..................................... 8
1.6 Radio-Kill ............................................... 9
2  OPERATING MODES ............................... 11
2.1 Subscriber ID Numbers/Paging Code
Numbers ............................................... 11
2.2 Conventional ......................................... 14
3  INSTALLATION ........................................ 15
3.1 Disassemble Radio ................................15
3.1.1 Remove Battery .................................................... 1 6
3.1.2 Remove Radio Chassis ........................................ 1 7
Model ST-865M3 SmarTrunk II™ Logic Board
3.2 Installation of the Logic Board ............... 18
3.3 Reassemble Radio ................................ 19
3.3.1 Replace Radio Chassis ....................................... 1 9
3.3.2 Replace Battery and Antenna ............................ 2 0
3.4 Trouble Shooting ................................... 21
3.5 Portable Radio Programming ...................22
3.5.1 System Tone .......................................................... 2 2
4  LOGIC BOARD PROGRAMMING .............. 23
4.1 Entering The Program Mode ...................23
4.2 Programming Feature Descriptions ........ 23
4.2.1 Number of Trunking Channels ........................... 2 4
4.2.2 Primary Code ....................................................... 2 6
4.2.3 Secondary Code .................................................. 2 6
4.2.4 Priority Subscriber Enable ................................. 2 6
4.2.5 Five Digit Access Code ....................................... 2 7
4.2.6 Return To Radio Default Values ......................... 2 8
4.2.7 Trunking System ID Number .............................. 2 8
4.2.8 Automatic PTT Mode ........................................... 2 9
4.2.9 Emergency Call Override ................................... 2 9
4.2.10 Clear Channel Alerting Mode ............................ 3 0
4.2.11 Radio-Kill ............................................................. 3 0
4.2.12 Memory Speed Dial Programming..................... 3 0
4.2.13 Conventional Operating Mode .......................... 3 1
T able 1-1 • Call Routing Codes ........................................................ 3
T able 1-2 • Dialing Modes ................................................................ 5
T able 2-1 • ST-852M Programming ............................................... 13
T able 2-2 • Mobile Programming .................................................... 14
T able 4-1 • Programming Options Summary T able .......................... 25
Figure 3-1 • Slide Battery Latch...................................................... 16
Figure 3-2 • Slide Battery Cover..................................................... 16
Figure 3-3 • Remove Radio Chassis................................................ 17
Figure 3-4 • Exploded V iew of Radio ............................................. 18
Figure 3-5 • Replace Radio's Chassis.............................................. 19
Figure 3-6 • Troubleshooting........................................................... 21
Appendix A • Programming W orksheet........................................... 33
Appendix B • Motorola P/N • HLN9247A & HLN3083A
SmarTrunk Systems, Inc. • ST-868M50
Cross Reference Chart ............................................ 35
Model ST-865M3 SmarTrunk II™ Logic Board
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he ST-865M3 SmarTrunk II Logic Board is a microprocessor based
radio trunking logic board designed for use with Motorola GP68 Radio. The ST-865M3 implements SmarTrunk II, an efficient radio channel allocation proto­col. The SmarTrunk II Logic Board controls all radio functions including channel scan, PTT, and all transmit and receive audio. In combination with the ST-852M SmarTrunk II Digital Trunking Controller, the Logic Board provides a complete multi-channel digital access radio trunking system.
The ST-852M is the heart of the SmarTrunk II system. Programming and opera­tion is performed by the System Operator/Manager. Many of the programmable features of the ST-865M3 require information unique to a specific system. These system specifics can only be obtained from the System Operator/Manager.
In addition to SmarTrunk II trunking operation, the ST-865M3 has a conventional operating mode. This mode allows the radio to operate as a conventional two way radio on the programmed radio channels. Conventional mode can be disabled by the dealer.
The ST-865M3 offers the user the following features:
Store and send dialing
10 number memory speed dial (user programmable)
Last number re-dial
Different ringing tones to distinguish the type of call
Clear channel alerting tells subscriber when a channel is available
Ten levels of priority call override
Two trunking modes: radiotelephone and fleet dispatch
Capability of operation on SmarTrunk and conventional non-trunked radio channels
Automatic acknowledgment eliminates wasted airtime
Five digit security code for dealer programming
Remote Radio-Kill to disable illegal and non-paying customers
This manual is presented in four sections:
Section 1, Operation, describes operational features.
Section 2, Operating Modes, describes the operating modes available in a SmarTrunk II system.
Section 3, Installation, provides instructions for programming of radio frequencies and installation of the ST-865M3 logic board.
Section 4, Logic Board Programming, provides the installing technician instructions to configure the ST-865M3 by programming the resident
Please read the entire manual before proceeding in order to take advantage of all the advanced features.
Model ST-865M3 SmarTrunk II™ Logic Board
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ubscribers already familiar with the original SmarTrunk system will find the
SmarTrunk II digital system just as easy to use. There are also many additional features and enhancements. The ST-865M3 begins trunking operation as soon as the radio is powered on. Channel selection, transmit control, receiver audio, and other radio functions are all under the control of the ST-865M3. Radio channel access is tightly controlled. Unauthorized transmission and monitoring of trunking channels is not possible by SmarTrunk II equipped radios.
During keypad operation, the ST-865M3 provides audible alerts. These alerts are:
a. Short chirp is generated each time a key is pressed.
b. High frequency beep indicating a successful keypad entry sequence.
c. Low frequency beep indicating that improper data has been entered.
d. Three long low frequency beeps indicating all channels are busy or im-
proper keypad operation.
e. DTMF tones during DTMF over-dialing.
1.1 Landline To Subscriber Call
When the ST-852M is called from a telephone system, it answers the telephone line with two beeps. The caller then dials the subscriber ID number of the subscriber or group that they are trying to call.
If the subscriber ID number is valid, the ST-852M attempts to reach the subscriber over the air. If the subscriber ID number is for a radiotelephone subscriber unit that is powered OFF or is out of the operating, area the caller will hear a busy signal. If the subscriber unit is powered ON and is in the operating area the caller will hear a ring back and the ST-865M3 will start ringing. The subscriber answers the call by pressing the asterisk key (*) on the microphone DTMF keypad (Push-T o-T alk (PTT) is not pressed).
If the subscriber does not answer within the mobile answer time (programmable), the caller will get a busy signal for a few seconds and then the ST-852M will hang up. If the subscriber does answer, the caller will hear two beeps and can then begin talking.
Model ST-865M3 SmarTrunk II™ Logic Board
1.2 Receiving A Call
The subscriber is alerted to an incoming call by ringing of the subscriber equipment. This alerting takes four forms, related to the type of incoming call.
a. A long single high frequency ring is generated by the logic board,
then a low frequency dual tone ring is generated by the controller. This indicates an incoming landline call.
b. A short double high frequency ring is generated by the logic board,
then a low frequency dual tone ring is generated by the controller. This indicates an incoming call from another SmarTrunk II radio subscriber.
c. A short single high frequency ring is generated by the logic board,
then a double beep is generated by the controller. This indicates a manually dialed group call.
d. A short single high frequency ring is generated in the calling radios
logic board, then a double beep is generated by the controller. This indicates a (PTT) dispatch group call.
For items a and b, the subscriber must press * on the DTMF keypad to answer the incoming call (Push-to-talk (PTT) is not pressed). For items c and d, the subscriber may communicate with other members of the group by pressing PTT (no answer action is required).
1.3 Call Routing Codes For Subscriber Initiated
Call routing codes are used for initiating a call from a subscriber to the appropriate destination. Call routing codes are commonplace in PBX telephone systems. For example, to place a call to an outside telephone line through a PBX, a call routing code of typically 0 or 9 must be dialed first. The SmarTrunk II system operates in a similar fashion, however, the call routing code is placed at the end of the calling sequence.
The following table describes all the call routing codes. The subscriber needs to be familiar only with the call routing codes that apply to their application.
Table 1-1  Call Routing Codes
Routing Code Destination
1 Subscriber to Landline 1 2 Subscriber to Landline 2 3 Subscriber to Subscriber 4 Fleet-Dispatch/Group Call 5 Conventional Mode 9 Mobile Operator 0 Emergency
1.3.1 Subscriber To Landline Call
Routing codes 1 and 2 give the subscriber access to tele­phone line one or two respectively. A subscriber may be restricted from line 2, or there may not be two telephone lines connected to the ST-852M. In this case, routing code 2 is not valid.
1.3.2 Subscriber To Subscriber Call
1 • Operation
Routing code 3 allows the subscriber to place a call to an­other subscriber or group of subscribers. The call is routed through the ST-852M and does not use the telephone sys­tem.
1.3.3 Fleet Dispatch (Subscriber) To Group Call
Routing code 4 allows the subscriber to place a call to the subscriber’s own group. This functions as though the sub­scriber had used routing code 3 with the subscriber ID num­ber of the subscriber’s own group. When automatic PTT is enabled, operation of the PTT initiates a group call to the subscribers group using routing code 4.
1.3.4 Conventional Mode
Routing code 5 selects conventional mode. In this mode, radio channel switch positions not used by SmarTrunk II trunking channels may be programmed and used for con­ventional two-way radio operations. This feature is enabled or disabled during initial setup of the radio. A vailability of this mode is determined by the radio dealer supplying the radio, or the System Operator/Manager.
Model ST-865M3 SmarTrunk II™ Logic Board
1.3.5 Mobile Operator Call
Routing code 9 calls the subscriber that is preprogrammed as the Mobile Operator. This functions as though the sub­scriber had used routing code 3 with the subscriber ID num­ber of the Mobile Operator. The Mobile Operator is pro­grammed by the System Operator/Manager.
1.3.6 Emergency Call
Routing code 0 causes the ST-852M to access line 1 and dial the preprogrammed emergency phone number. The emer­gency phone number is programmed by the System Opera­tor/Manager.
See the ST-852M SmarTrunk II Digital Trunking Control­ler Manual for details on programming the emergency num­bers.
1.4 Originating A Call
This section describes the advanced SmarTrunk II dialing methods. Dialing has an automatic five second time-out. If the time between pressing keys in a dialing sequence exceeds five seconds, the ST-865M3 times out. A low frequency beep will be heard and the dialing procedure must be restarted. To clear out previously entered data and restart dialing, press the # key.
A busy tone will be heard by the subscriber if connection is not possible. This can occur if a radio channel is not available, or if the subscriber unit is out of range. The subscriber must then retry the call at a later time, when within range and a radio channel is available.
1 • Operation
Table 1-2 and the following paragraphs summarize the advanced dialing
modes available:
Table 1-2  Dialing Modes
Dialing Mode Procedure
Store and Send Dialing (number to dial) + (routing code) + * Memory Speed Dialing * + (memory location)
Programming Speed Dial Memory * (hold until beep) + (memory location) + (The ability to program speed dial (number to store) + (routing code) + * numbers can be disabled by the dealer).
Redial Mode * + * Priority Call Overide * + * (hold until beep)
1.4.1 Store And Send Dialing
This is the normal method of placing a telephone call.
a. Enter the telephone number, or subscriber ID number
on the radio front panel numberic keypad.
b. Enter the routing code for the destination of the call.
c. Press the * key.
d. Hear a beep followed by the phone system signal-
e. Wait for the called party to answer the call.
Example: To dial the telephone number 633-8899 on
Landline 1, enter the following sequence:
6 3 3 8 8 9 9 1 *
Up to fourteen digit telephone numbers may be entered.
Model ST-865M3 SmarTrunk II™ Logic Board
1.4.2 Memory Speed Dialing
This procedure is used for dialing a telephone number or subscriber ID number that is stored in the speed dial memory:
a. Press the * key. b. Enter the memory speed dial location (0-9). c. Hear a beep followed by the phone system signal-
d. Wait for the called party to answer the call.
Example: To call a telephone number from the speed dial
memory location 6, enter the following sequence: * 6.
1.4.3 Programming Memory Speed Dial
The following procedure is used for programming a tele­phone number or subscriber ID number into the ST-865M3 speed dial memory.
a. Press and hold the * key until a beep is heard. b. Enter a memory speed dial location. c. Enter the telephone number or subscriber ID number
that you wish to program into the speed dial memory .
d. Enter the routing code. e. Press the * key to complete the programming se-
Example: T o program the speed dial memory location 3
with the telephone number 555-6666 routed to landline one, enter the following sequence:
*(hold), after the beep, 3 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 1 *
Up to fourteen digit telephone numbers may be programmed. The ability to program speed dial numbers can be disabled by the dealer.
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