The reliable fit for component, material
and vehicle testing
At Moog, we understand that your investments in structural test systems are
high. That’s why you need a dependable, proven Moog Test Controller to setup and
develop your test efficiently, based on a small modular architecture.
The Moog Modular Test Controller incorporates our unique control loop
technology to handle simple and complex tests. Its design allows for easy
integration into your test machine on your network.
Driven by proven technology this controller has all conditioners on board designed
to quickly interface with all commonly used sensors used for movement of one
single axis.
• Proven controller reliability—thousands
of control channels installed and used
daily in test labs around the world
• All connectors accessible from the
same interface panel
• Ideal solution for integration within
test machines such as load frames
• Supports Moog Integrated Test Suite
• SDK open interface to develop
customized user interfaces or connect
to your existing software
• Advanced safety checks are built-in to
ensure your test article and test data
are always protected
• Material tests
• Component tests
• Vehicle tests
The Modular Test Controller is designed
based on input from customers at leading
material, automotive and aerospace test
laboratories, making it the ideal choice
for simple, efficient operation in an array
of testing applications: shock absorber
tests, single axis test systems, vibration
and performance evaluation tests.
The Modular Test Controller can
transparently integrate itself into a
test machine or be accessible from
the operators' desktop. It includes the
Moog unique control loops for force,
displacement and acceleration control
with bumpless transition identical to
the other products available in the Test
Controller family.
• Unique control loops (e.g. force,
displacement and acceleration) reducing
set up and run time
• Built-in data-acquisition, integrated
data storage capability on a embedded
disk card
• Flexibility with any hydraulic, electric or
pneumatic actuators
• Plug and play with all connectors for
cost-effective, immediate integration
Servo controller
Manifold Output/
Standard Inputs
Standard Outputs
Optional Items
• 250 x 250 x 90 mm (L x D x W)
• Fanless housing
• Up to 10 kHz control loop frequency (software selectable)
• Moog unique control loop
• Three feedback control possibilities (Force, Position, Acceleration)
• Bumpless instant mode switching between force and position mode
• Frequency range 0.01 to 1000 Hz
• Function generation with user defined “mixer” functions (e.g. mix a low
frequency offset with a higher frequency load)
• Waveforms: sine, sawtooth, block/square, ramp, rounded ramp, exponential
• Analog input can be used as command
• Complex simulation spectrum support including spectral density (psd
frequency definition)
• Constant amplitude and phase matching
• Operating System on Modular Test Controller: RTAI Linux
• Application software: Moog Integrated Test Suite
• Open interface : Moog Test Controller SDK (for connection to Matlab®,
LabVIEW ®, and other programming environments)
• 4x 24 VDC protected output, 2 A per output for pump switching, Pilot, Low
and High pressure
• 1x pressure switch input
• 2x high resolution (0.03 %) with selectable gain and bridge excitation.
• Pot meter input (0.03 %) (± 5 V 5 mA) or LVDT input (0,03 %) with LVDT
excitation (5 V RMS @ 3.5 kHz)
• Encoder, absolute (SSI) maximum 32 bit or relative 10 bit
• 16 bit input (± 10 V)
• Isolated digital input (± 24 VDC)
• 16 bits ± 100 mA valve driver output, with a limit in software
from 0 to 100 % or (hardware selectable) +/- 10 V output
• 2x 16 bit D/A converters, ± 10 V
• EtherCAT interface for additional digital- and analog I/O
• Add on board for 3-stage servo valve
• Pseudo channels capability allowing
the user to create online calculated
channels using formulas and other
inputs, offering greater flexibility and
cost savings for the lab.
• Online adaptive controls for amplitude
and phase saves set-up time.
• Integrated controls for activating a
pump and switching pilot/low/high
Moog has offices around the world.
For more information or the office
nearest you, contact us online.
e-mail: test@moog.com
Moog is a registered trademark of Moog Inc. and its
subsidiaries. All trademarks as indicated herein are the
property of Moog Inc. and its subsidiaries.
MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.
LabVIEW® is a registered trademark of National
Instruments, Corporation.
©2010 Moog Inc. All rights reserved. All changes are
Modular Test Controller
Moog/Rev.1, September 2010, id. CDL29911-en
This technical data is based on current available
information and is subject to change at any time
by Moog. Specifications for specific systems or
applications may vary.