Mitsubishi PC30EK, PU24EK, PU30EK, PU36EK, PU42EK Brochure & Specs

Ductless Air Conditioning And Heat Pump Product Guide
33110000 AAVVAALLOONN RRIIDDGGEE PPLL.. SSTTEE.. 220000,,NNOORRCCRROOSSSS,, GGAA 3300007711 CCAALLLL:: 777700--661133--55884400 OORR 880000--443333--44882222 ((PPRREESSSS 33)),, FFAAXX:: 880000--888899--99990044
Mr. Slim systems are unlike any other products in the HVAC category. Actually they’re a category in themselves because Mr. Slim is probably the most unique innovation in air comfort in two decades and one that has made us the worldwide leader in ductless.
We designed Mr. Slim air conditioners and heat pumps to solve cooling and heating problems that other systems have never addressed, specifically spot or zone cooling and heating especially in retrofit situations. These are voids in comfort that central air and room air simply can’t fill economically and attractively.
Where Mr. Slim Fits.
You’ll often encounter a hot or cold spot in existing buildings that already have large central systems. Is the answer to remodel and make way for more ductwork? Obviously that’s a small fortune. Should you opt for room air? It’s unsightly at best, expensive to run, and a real security hazard.
Now you’re beginning to see how Mr. Slim fits in. It’s the ideal supplemental system for cooling or heating those smaller zones with absolutely no ductwork, no remodeling, and few disruptions to business and traffic.
Our system is energy
efficient and whisper quiet.
Its remote control keeps all
operating functions and
data within a glance and
in easy reach. And it
neatly tucks away into
corners, blending in
with the room’s decor.
How Mr. Slim Works.
Basically Mr. Slim is two units: an indoor air
handler and an outdoor compressor unit.
The two connect via refrigerant lines through a three inch diameter opening in the wall or ceiling. In fact that’s the toughest part of installation: one hole.
You can locate the compact outdoor compressor unit anywhere up to 164 feet away from the air handler on select models: in many cases. Many models have a front service panel that clearly exposes all connections.
The indoor air handler is as easy to install as a ceiling fan. And both the indoor and outdoor units are microprocessor controlled. Simple remotes let you control all functions.
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ffoorr llaarrggee aarreeaa ccoommmmeerrcciiaall aapppplliiccaattiioonnss
Highly advanced microprocessor technology is one reason why Mitsubishi leads the air comfort category. This ultrathin microprocessor remote controller with LCD display gives you a variety of functions and options to keep room comfort
• Computerized Dehumidification
• Operation Mode Setting (Heat, Auto, Cool/Dry)
• Temperature Setting (in units of two
degrees fahrenheit.)
• Self-Diagnostic Display
• Room Temperature Display
• Twenty-Four Hour On/Off Timer
• Fan Speed Indicator
• Auto/Swing Vane Operation
• Memory (for storing operation functions)
• Low Ambient Operation
• Whisper-Quiet Operation
• EMS Gateway Available To Management System
Via RS-232 Cable
Remote Controller
perfectly balanced. It lets you check Mr. Slim’s operating conditions with just a glance. In the rare case of a malfunction the self­diagnostic system even indicates specific problems for easy repair.
Mr. Slim heat pumps also feature automatic cooling/heating changeover for simple control and lower maintenance. You never have to readjust the unit.
Air Flow
These units offer a wide choice of air flow directions. In the heating mode the vanes automatically set the flow of warm air downward at an angle of seventy degrees cooling mode the vanes automatically set the flow of cool air outward (horizontally). But you can override the automatic setting to blend air flow. Four directions may be selected: one hundred percent downward, eighty percent downward and twenty percent horizontal, sixty percent downward, and forty percent horizontal or one hundred percent horizontal. Jumbo louvers automatically rotate right and left for uniform air distribution over your entire space.
. In the
Outdoor Compressor Unit
Mr. Slim outdoor compressor units are extremely efficient and reliable and true space­savers.
These models can be installed up to 164 feet away from the indoor unit. They connect simply through a single three-to-four inch opening in the wall or ceiling. No ductwork or remodeling is necessary. As many as ten units can be installed in a row for major space savings.
Outdoor units are designed with a front­access service panel that provides easy access to all maintenance points.
These units operate in outdoor temperatures as low as zero
when the optional wind baffle is installed. So you can cool spaces such as computer rooms year round.
degrees fahrenheit
Redi-Charged System
Mr. Slim “P” series features the industry’s first redi-charged refrigerant system. There’s no longer any need to adjust the amount of refrigerant to match the piping length on-site unless lines exceed one hundred feet. You’ll see a major reduction in installation time and labor costs. Plus you can always count on Mr. Slim’s reliability from day one because it’s thoroughly charged and tested at the factory. You know it’s going to work.
Hot Start System
Mr. Slim heat pumps provide warmth right from the beginning. At the start of heating and during defrosting, a very low fan speed prevents the unit from blowing cold air into the room. And a microprocessor-controlled booster heater speeds the warming process.
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