Mitsubishi L3E, L2E, L3C, L2A, L3A Service Manual



This service manual is written to familiarize you with the maintenance of your L-series Diesel Engine. If the engine is carefully maintained, it will deliver a long productive life and efficient performance marked by power and economy.
Before attempting to inspect, disassemble, or repair the engine, read this manual carefully to learn more about the engine and how to care for it properly. All descriptions, illustrations, specifications and serial numbers in this manual are effective as of the date of printing of this manual.
The information contained in this manual applies to the engine model produced at the time of publication. It should be noted that specifications and design may change due to improvements made thereafter.
What this manual covers
This service manual covers standard specifications for the L-series Mitsubishi Diesel Engine, and describes
Maintenance standard
Disassembly, inspection and repair
In addition to the Summary of Manual Contents, a short summary of contents is found on the first page of each group of the manual.
Operation and periodic maintenance are described in the Operation & Maintenance Manual, component parts and ordering of service parts are described in the Parts Catalogue. Structure and function of the engine are described in the various training manuals.
How to use this manual
1. Parts in illustrations are numbered to correspond with references to those numbers in the disassembly sequence.
2. Items or conditions to be inspected during disassembly are enclosed in a box in the disassembled views:
3. Clogged oil hole
4. Maintenance standards for inspection and repair are described in text where they are relevant. For a quick summary of maintenance standards, refer to group 9 of this manual.
5. Tightening torque under wet conditions is indicated as “(wet)” in text, drawings and tables. When so indicated as (wet), apply engine oil to the threaded portion of the fastener. Unless indicated as such, the tightening torque is to be assumed in the dry condition.
6. Measurements are based on the International System of Units (SI), and they are converted to the metric and English system units in this manual based on the following conversion rates.
Pressure 1 Mpa = 10.197 kgf/cm
Torque N·m = 0.10197 kgf·m
Force N = 0.10197 kgf
Horsepower 1 kW = 1.341 HP = 1.3596 PS
Service Manual Mitsubishi L-Series diesel engines Version 08/2004 Copyright © 2004 MHI Equipment Europe B.V.
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The following safety related signs are used in this manual to emphasize important and critical instructions:
Indicates the most serious specific potential hazard which could result in serious personal injury or death.
Indicates a specific potential hazard which could result in personal injury.
Indicates operating procedures, practices, etc. which could result in personal
injury or damage causing destruction to the engine. Some of the CAUTION signs also indicate a specific potential hazard which could result in serious personal injury or death.
Indicates procedures, conditions, etc. which are important to highlight.
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Before reading this manual, note that the following special terms are used in dimensional and other specifications.
Assembly standard
Indicates the dimension of a part, the dimension to be attained at the time of reassembly or the standard performance. The value is rounded to the nearest number needed for inspection and is different from the design value.
Repair limit
A part which has reached this limit must be repaired.
Service limit
A part which has reached this limit must be replaced.
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Section Contents
1. General Engine model and engine number, external views, features, engine specifications, maintenance, troubleshooting
2. Engine main parts General, rocker arms and rocker shaft, cylinder head, valves and valve springs, inlet manifold and exhaust manifold, gear case and oil pump, timing gear, camshaft (valve camshaft and injection pump camshaft), piston and connecting rod, crankshaft, cylinder block
3. Lubrication system General, oil filter and oil pressure switch
4. Fuel system General, fuel injection pump, injection nozzle
5. Governor system General, torque spring
6. Cooling system General, fan and fan belt, water pump, thermostat, water temperature gauge unit and thermoswitch
7. Air cleaner Air cleaner
8. Electrical system General, starter, alternator and dynamo, glow plug, key-off stop system, glow timer system
9. Service
specifications and standard
Periodic service chart, specifications and standards, tightening torque chart and sealant chart, special tools
Table 1 Sections in the service manual
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1 ENGINE MODEL AND ENGINE NUMBER........................................................................ 12
1.1 Model, classification and use ................................................................................................. 12
1.2 Engine model embossment and engine number stamp......................................................... 12
2 EXTERNAL VIEW ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Engine L2............................................................................................................................... 14
2.2 Engine L3............................................................................................................................... 15
3FEATURES................................................................................................................................. 16
3.1 Aim of development ............................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Features of the new series..................................................................................................... 16
4 SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................................... 18
5 MAINTENANCE......................................................................................................................... 19
5.1 Engine oil and oil filter............................................................................................................ 19
5.2 Retightening the cylinder head bolts...................................................................................... 21
5.3 Adjusting the valve clearance ................................................................................................22
5.4 Adjusting the fan belt tension................................................................................................. 23
5.5 Bleeding air from the fuel system........................................................................................... 23
5.6 Replacing the fuel filter .......................................................................................................... 24
5.7 Checking and adjusting injection timing................................................................................. 26
5.8 Adjusting the engine speeds..................................................................................................27
5.9 Checking and adjustment of nozzles ..................................................................................... 28
6 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................................. 31
6.1 Hints on using the trouble-diagnosis chart............................................................................. 31
6.2 Hard starting .......................................................................................................................... 32
6.3 Knocking ................................................................................................................................ 33
6.4 Overheating ........................................................................................................................... 34
6.5 Black-smoky exhaust ............................................................................................................. 35
6.6 Unsteady idling ...................................................................................................................... 36
6.7 Low output ............................................................................................................................. 37
7GENERAL.................................................................................................................................... 40
7.1 Specifications......................................................................................................................... 40
7.2 Special Tools ......................................................................................................................... 41
8 ROCKER ARMS AND ROCKER SHAFT........................................................................... 42
8.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 42
8.2 Removal and installation........................................................................................................ 43
8.3 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 43
9 CYLINDER HEAD ..................................................................................................................... 44
9.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 44
9.2 Removal................................................................................................................................. 45
9.3 Inspection and Repair ............................................................................................................ 46
9.4 Replacement of valve guide...................................................................................................46
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9.5 Repair of valve seat ............................................................................................................... 47
9.6 Installation.............................................................................................................................. 48
10 VALVES AND VALVE SPRINGS ......................................................................................... 49
10.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 49
10.2 Removal................................................................................................................................. 50
10.3 Inspection and repair ............................................................................................................. 50
10.4 Installation.............................................................................................................................. 51
11 INLET MANIFOLD AND EXHAUST MANIFOLD............................................................. 52
11.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 52
11.2 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 52
12 GEAR CASE AND OIL PUMP............................................................................................... 54
12.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 54
12.2 Removal................................................................................................................................. 55
12.3 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 55
12.4 Replacement of front oil seal ................................................................................................. 56
12.5 Replacement of governor shaft bushings .............................................................................. 56
12.6 Inspection of governor system ...............................................................................................57
12.7 Disassembly and reassembly of governor levers .................................................................. 57
12.8 Installation of gear case assembly......................................................................................... 58
13 TIMING GEARS ......................................................................................................................... 59
13.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 59
13.2 Removal................................................................................................................................. 60
13.3 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 60
13.4 Installation of timing gears ..................................................................................................... 61
14 CAMSHAFTS (VALVE AND INJECTION PUMP)............................................................ 62
14.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 62
14.2 Removal of Valve Camshaft .................................................................................................. 63
14.3 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 64
14.4 Installation.............................................................................................................................. 65
15 PISTON AND CONNECTION ROD...................................................................................... 66
15.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 66
15.2 Removal................................................................................................................................. 67
15.3 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 68
15.4 Installation.............................................................................................................................. 69
16 CRANKSHAFT........................................................................................................................... 73
16.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 73
16.2 Removal................................................................................................................................. 74
16.3 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 74
16.4 Replacement of crankshaft rear oil seal................................................................................. 76
16.5 Installation.............................................................................................................................. 77
17 CYLINDER BLOCK .................................................................................................................. 78
17.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 78
17.2 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 79
17.3 Reboring of cylinder ............................................................................................................... 79
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18 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................... 82
18.1 Specification........................................................................................................................... 82
18.2 Special tools........................................................................................................................... 82
19 OIL FILTER AND OIL PRESSURE SWITCH.................................................................... 83
19.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 83
19.2 Removal and installation........................................................................................................ 84
19.3 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 84
20 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................... 86
20.1 Specifications......................................................................................................................... 86
20.2 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 88
21 FUEL INJECTION PUMP........................................................................................................ 89
21.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 89
21.2 Inspecting the injection pump while operating the engine ..................................................... 90
21.3 Removal................................................................................................................................. 90
21.4 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 90
21.5 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 91
21.6 Reassembly of plunger .......................................................................................................... 91
21.7 Reassembly of delivery valve ................................................................................................91
22 INJECTION NOZZLE ............................................................................................................... 92
22.1 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 92
22.2 Removal................................................................................................................................. 92
22.3 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 93
22.4 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 94
22.5 Assembly ............................................................................................................................... 94
22.6 Adjustment ............................................................................................................................. 94
22.7 Installation.............................................................................................................................. 95
23 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................... 98
23.1 Specification........................................................................................................................... 98
23.2 Disassembly........................................................................................................................... 99
24 TORQUE SPRING................................................................................................................... 100
24.1 Installation of torque spring set ............................................................................................ 100
24.2 Assembling the torque spring set......................................................................................... 100
24.3 Single spring type ................................................................................................................ 101
24.4 Inspection............................................................................................................................. 102
24.5 Removal and installation...................................................................................................... 103
25 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................. 106
25.1 Specifications....................................................................................................................... 106
25.2 Disassembly......................................................................................................................... 107
26 FAN AND FAN BELT............................................................................................................. 108
26.1 Fan belt inspection............................................................................................................... 108
26.2 Fan inspection...................................................................................................................... 108
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27 WATER PUMP ......................................................................................................................... 109
27.1 Removal and installation...................................................................................................... 109
27.2 Inspection............................................................................................................................. 109
28 THERMOSTAT......................................................................................................................... 110
28.1 Removal and installation...................................................................................................... 110
28.2 Inspection............................................................................................................................. 110
29 WATER TEMPERATURE GAGE UNIT AND THERMOSWITCH.............................. 111
29.1 Inspection of water temperature gage unit........................................................................... 111
29.2 Inspection of thermoswitch .................................................................................................. 111
30 AIR CLEANER ......................................................................................................................... 114
30.1 Disassembly......................................................................................................................... 114
30.2 Inspection............................................................................................................................. 115
31 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................. 118
31.1 Specifications....................................................................................................................... 118
31.2 Wiring diagrams ................................................................................................................... 120
32 STARTER .................................................................................................................................. 122
32.1 Structure .............................................................................................................................. 122
32.2 Inspection (assembly) .......................................................................................................... 123
32.3 Disassembly......................................................................................................................... 125
32.4 Inspection............................................................................................................................. 126
32.5 Assembly and adjustment.................................................................................................... 128
33 ALTERNATOR AND DYNAMO........................................................................................... 129
33.1 Structure .............................................................................................................................. 129
33.2 Dynamo................................................................................................................................ 130
33.3 Inspection of the alternator (installed on the engine) ........................................................... 130
33.4 Output inspection ................................................................................................................. 131
33.5 Removal............................................................................................................................... 131
33.6 Disassembly of alternator .................................................................................................... 131
33.7 Inspection............................................................................................................................. 132
33.8 Installation............................................................................................................................ 135
33.9 Alternator and regulator ....................................................................................................... 135
34 GLOW PLUG ............................................................................................................................ 137
34.1 Removal............................................................................................................................... 137
34.2 Inspection............................................................................................................................. 137
34.3 Installation............................................................................................................................ 137
35 KEY-OFF STOP SYSTEM .................................................................................................... 138
35.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 138
35.2 Control timer unit.................................................................................................................. 138
35.3 Fuel cutoff solenoid (ETS type)............................................................................................ 138
35.4 Fuel cutoff solenoid (ETR type) ........................................................................................... 139
36 GLOW TIMER SYSTEM........................................................................................................ 141
36.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 141
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36.2 Glow timer............................................................................................................................ 141
36.3 Glow relay ............................................................................................................................ 141
37 PERIODIC INSPECTION CHART....................................................................................... 144
37.1 Periodic service chart........................................................................................................... 144
38 SPECIFICATIONS AND MAINTENANCE STANDARDS............................................ 145
38.1 Engine Main Parts................................................................................................................ 145
38.2 Lubrication System .............................................................................................................. 148
38.3 Fuel System ......................................................................................................................... 148
38.4 Governor System ................................................................................................................. 149
38.5 Cooling System.................................................................................................................... 149
38.6 Electrical System ................................................................................................................. 150
39 TIGHTENING TORQUE CHART AND SEALANT CHART......................................... 152
39.1 Tightening Torque for Main Bolts......................................................................................... 152
39.2 Tightening Torque for Common Bolts and Nuts................................................................... 152
39.3 Tightening Torque for Common Plugs ................................................................................. 153
39.4 Sealant Chart ....................................................................................................................... 153
40 SPECIAL TOOLS .................................................................................................................... 154
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1.1 Model, classification and use

1.1.1 Engine model
Model Application Use
L2A 11,12 - For Agricultural
L2B 31, 32 - For Industrial
L3C 61, 62 - For Export only
Table 1 Engine model and usage
1.1.2 Engine model and application codes
L 3 C – 11 A
L – Name of series (L: Lightweight engine)
3 – Number of cylinders (2: two, 3: three)
C – Cylinder bore
A: ø65, C: ø70,
E: ø76
11 – Application
11: Agricultural, 31: Industrial,
61: For export only
A – Subdivision of specification

1.2 Engine model embossment and engine number stamp

1.2.1 Embossment of engine model and cylinder volume
Figure 1 Engine model and cylinder volume
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The engine model and cylinder volume are embossed on the side of injection pump mounting portion of the cylinder block.
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Figure 2 Engine number
1.2.2 Engine number stamp
The engine number is stamped on the injection pump mounting portion of the cylinder block (on the upper side of the tie rod cover). It is a serial number beginning with 1001 shown as below.
Number Engine model
1001 - (ALL models)
Table 2 Engine number stamp
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2.1 Engine L2

Engine hangers
Air vent screw
Water pump
Fuel injection pump
Fuel injector
Air inlet cover
Stop solenoid
Fuel filter
Side oil filler
Coolant drain plug
Oil pressure switch
Oil filter
Thermostat housing
V-b elt
Oil drain plug
Top oil filler
Exhaust manifold
Flywheel housing
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Crankshaft pulley
Oil pan
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2.2 Engine L3

Fuel injector
Air inlet cover
Stop solenoid
Fuel filter
Coolant drain plug
Oil filter
Engine hangers
Air vent screw
Water pump
Fuel injection pump
Side oil filler
Oil pressure switch
Oil drain plug
Thermostat housing
Crankshaft pulley
Oil pan
Top oil filler
Exhaust manifold
Flywheel housing
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3.1 Aim of development

The L-series designs are compact, lightweight engines suitable for superseding gasoline engines to power lawn mowers, vehicles, etc. The high-speed (3600 min
continuous) engines are also available for generators, welders, and marine use. The L series are the smallest and the lightest water-cooled diesel engines in the world.

3.2 Features of the new series

3.2.1 Small and lightweight engine
The new L-series are 10 to 20% lighter in weight and 15 to 20% smaller in contour volume than the same class of competitor’s engines.
Figure 3 Injection pump
3.2.2 Low noise and economical fuel
Low noise and economical fuel consumption are attained by the well designed cylinder block construction (having curved side faces), the rearranged combustion chambers, and the compacted fuel injection system.
3.2.3 Easy starting
The engine can be started instantly only by keeping the starting switch key in the ON position for about 6 seconds to feed electric current to the glow plugs automatically (For engines with the automatic glow plug system). The new governor mechanism also contributes to easy engine start, by increasing the amount of fuel injection and delaying injection timing, without moving the throttle lever to the “full throttle” position.
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Figure 4 Nozzle holders and return pipe
3.2.4 Multipurpose engine
The L-series engine can be equipped with various kinds of optional devices.
Key-OFF stop system (Fuel cutoff valve)
Torque spring
Manual stop lever
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System Item
Type 4-cycle, water-cooled, vertical, overhead valve, diesel engine
Combustion chamber Swirl chamber type
No. of cylinders 2 3
Bore x Stroke (mm) 65x70 70x70 76x70 65x70 70x70 76x70
Total displacement (l ) 0.464 0.538 0.635 0.696 0.808 0.952
Compression ratio 23
Firing order 1 - 2 1 - 3 - 2
Dry weight (kg) 61 75
Lubricating method Forced lubrication
Oil pump Gear type
Oil filter Paper element type
Oil capacity: FULL level/EMPTY level (l ) (Exclusive of oil filter capacity 0.5 l )
2.4/1.4 3.0/1.5 or 3.6/1.8 or 4.8/3.0
Fuel injection pump Bosch type NC
Nozzle Throttle type
INTAKE SYSTEM Air cleaner Paper-element type or Oil-bath type
Fuel injection pressure 140 kgf/cm
Fuel to be used Diesel fuel; see chapter 7
Governor Centrifugal weight type
Cooling method Forced circulation of water
Water pump Centrifugal type
Coolant capacity (l) (Engine proper only)
Starter (V - kW) Solenoid shift type (12-1.2 or 12-1.6 or 12-1.7)
Alternator (V - A) AC generator (12-40)
Glow plug Sheathed type
Battery (capacity depends on application)
12V, 45 Ah or more 12V, 60 Ah or more
1.2 1.8
(1,991 psi) [13,729 kPa]
Table 3 Specifications
1 All specifications are subject to change without any prior notice.
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Figure 5 Checking oil level


5.1 Engine oil and oil filter

5.1.1 Checking and correcting the engine
oil level
1. Place the engine horizontally.
2. Check the oil level with the oil level gage. If the oil
level has fallen to the lower limit, add oil up to the upper limit.
3. Check the oil level before (everyday) operation of
the engine.
a. Whenever oil is added, check the oil level again
after waiting for about 1 minute.
b. When adding oil, use only the same engine oil as
used in the engine.
c. When checking the oil level in an engine which
has not been used for long time, check the oil level again after running the engine for a few minutes.
Figure 6 Oil level gage
5.1.2 Oil change intervals
Change the oil and the oil filter after initial 50 service hour of a new engine and, thereafter, every 100 hours of operation or once a year (whatever comes first). Except generator application, 250 hours or once a year (whatever comes first) can be applied for industrial and marine application.
5.1.3 Engine oil to be used
Engine oil must conform to the API classification and viscosity number specified in the table below.
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Class CF
or CF-4
Atm. temperature Viscosity
Above 20°C [68°F] SAE30
5° to 20°C [41 to 68°F]
Below 5°C [41°F] SAE10W-30
All seasons SAE10W-30
Table 4 API classification
5.1.4 Replacing the oil filter
When replacing the oil filter, use only the genuine replacement filter.
Figure 7 Oil filter
5.1.5 Changing the oil
To change oil, first warm up the engine and remove the drain plug to let oil drain completely. Put back the drain plug and refill the oil pan with fresh engine oil through the oil filler.
Tightening torque N·m (kgf·m) [lbf·ft]
Description Standard
Oil pan drain plug tightening torque
Table 5 Tightening torque
Oil capacity (Upper limit/Lower limit) (excluding 0.5 l of oil filter capacity) 1 []
49.0 to 58.8 (5.0 to 6.0) [36.17 to 43.40]
L2 L3
2.4/1.4 [0.6341/
Ordinary type 3.0/1.5 [0.7926/0.3963] Deep type 3.6/1.8 [0.9511/0.4756] or
4.8/3.0 [1.2682/
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Table 6 Oil capacity
5.1.6 Replacing the oil filter
1. Remove the oil filter with a filter wrench or the like.
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2. Thoroughly clean the filter mounting surface of the
filter bracket. Install the new filter with the O-ring coated with engine oil and tighten securely by hand.
Unit: N·m (kgf·m) [lbf·ft]
Tightening torque 10.8 to 12.7 (1.1 to 1.3) [7.96 to 9.40]
Table 7 Tightening torque
Be careful not to twist the O-ring.
3. Run the engine for several minutes and make sure
that no oil leaks.
4. After stopping the engine, check the oil level. If
necessary, add oil.
M10 bolt: 73.5 to 83.4 N·m (7.5 to 8.5 kgf·m) [54.25 to 61.48 lbf·ft]
M8 bolt: 19.6 to 29.4 N·m (2.0 to 3.0 kgf·m) [14.47 to 21.70 lbf·ft]
Figure 8 Cylinder head bolt tightening sequence
M10 bolt: 73.5 to 83.4 N·m (7.5 to 8.5 kgf·m) [54.25 to 61.48 lbf·ft]
5.2 Retightening the cylinder head
When retightening the cylinder head bolts, drain out coolant, loosen the bolts slightly, and then retighten the bolts to the specified torque in the numerical order illustrated at right.
M10 bolt 73.5 to 83.4 (7.5 to 8.5)
M8 bolt 19.6 to 29.4 (2.0 to 3.0)
Table 8 Tightening torque
Rocker stay
M10 bolt 73.5 to 83.4 (7.5 to 8.5)
Unit: N·m (kgf·m) [lbf·ft]
[54.25 to 61.48]
[14.47 to 21.70]
Unit: N·m (kgf·m) [lbf·ft]
[54.25 to 61.48]
M8 bolt: 19.6 to 29.4 N·m (2.0 to 3.0 kgf·m) [14.47 to 21.70 lbf·ft]
Figure 9 Cylinder head bolt tightening sequence
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Table 9 Rocker stay tightening torque
The rocker assembly (the rocker arms, shaft and stays) is to be kept removed when the cylinder head bolts are retightened.
M8 bolt 19.6 to 29.4 (2.0 to 3.0)
[14.47 to 21.70]
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5.3 Adjusting the valve clearance

Be sure to retighten the cylinder head bolts before
adjusting the valve clearance.
Figure 10 Adjusting valve clearance
1. Set the cylinder to be adjusted to the top dead
center of compression stroke.
Mark on gear case
TDC mark on crankshaft pulley
Figure 11 Timing mark
M10 bolt 73.5 to 83.4 (7.5 to 8.5)
M8 bolt 19.6 to 29.4 (2.0 to 3.0)
Table 10 Tightening torque
2. The top dead center of compression stroke can be
obtained by aligning the TDC (Top Dead Center) mark (notch) on the crankshaft pulley with the mark on the gear case.
3. First align the TDC mark for the No. 1 cylinder.
Confirm that the valves do not move up and down when the crankshaft is turned about 20° in normal direction of rotation and in reverse direction.
4. When setting the top dead center for the No. 2
cylinder and that for the No. 3 cylinder, perform as follows: a L2 (Two-cylinder engine)
Turn the crankshaft 180° clockwise from TDC (Top Dead Center) of the No. 1 cylinder, to set the No. 2 cylinder TDC.
b L3 (Three-cylinder engine)
Turn the crankshaft 240° clockwise from TDC of the No. 2 cylinder, to set the No. 3 cylinder TDC. Further, turn the crankshaft 240° clockwise from No. 3 cylinder TDC and reconfirm the position of the No. 2 cylinder TDC.
Unit: N·m (kgf·m) [lbf·ft]
[54.25 to 61.48]
[14.47 to 21.70]
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Approx: 10 mm
[0.3937 in.] (98 N (10 kgf) [22 lbf] of thumb force)
Figure 12 Adjusting fan belt tension
Figure 13 Fuel filter air bleeding

5.4 Adjusting the fan belt tension

To check if the belt tension is appropriate, press the belt at a midpoint between the alternator pulley and crankshaft pulley with your thumb, and check that the amount of belt deflection is about 10 mm [0.3937 in.] (about 98 N (10 kgf) [22 lbf]).

5.5 Bleeding air from the fuel system

1. Loosen the air vent screw on the fuel filter.
2. For engine without feed pump, fuel flows down and
enters the fuel filter, wait for fuel to overflow from the air vent screw. Then tighten the air vent screw.
3. For engine with the electromagnetic fuel pump,
turn the starting switch key to the ON position to feed fuel to the fuel filter. Loosen the air vent screw on the filter and, after bleeding air, tighten the air vent screw.
4. Loosen the air vent screw on the fuel injection
pump to let air bleed from the fuel pipe and fuel injection pump.
5. Air in the injection pipes and nozzles is driven out
automatically by cranking the engine.
Figure 14 Fuel injection pump air bleeding
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5.6 Replacing the fuel filter

5.6.1 Cartridge type
Replace the cartridge type filter as an assembly if accumulation of dust or water is in its element. Regular replacement interval is every 500 service hours of engine operation. Check the filter every 100 service hours and, if necessary, replace early.
5.6.2 Separate type filter with cock
Close the filter cock, remove the ring nut, and take out
Figure 15 Cartridge type filter
the element from the inside of filter. Clean or replace the element.
5.6.3 Fuel pump
The following three types of fuel pumps are available. Which type of pump is to be used for an engine depends upon engine specification.
Figure 16 Plunger type (common) fuel pump
1. Plunger type electromagnetic pump
The plunger-type pumps are classified as the com­mon, large-sized pump having a filter element or as the compact lightweight, low-priced pump with­out filter element. Regardless of classification, check the plunger-type pump for normal function and make sure that it does not leak fuel. Only on the pump with filter element, remove the cover and clean or replace the filter element.
Figure 17 Plunger type (compact) fuel pump
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Figure 18 Diaphragm type fuel pump
Camshaft, fuel injection pump
Fuel pump
Primer lever
2. Diaphragm type electromagnetic pump
The diaphragm type electromagnetic pump should not be disassembled. Like the compact plunger­type pump mentioned above, check the pump for functions and fuel leak.
3. Mechanical type fuel pump
This type of fuel pump is installed with an adapter on the rear-end side of the fuel injection pump camshaft. As the camshaft rotates, the fuel pump cam pushes the tappet to actuate the diaphragm of the fuel pump. This type of fuel pump is provided with a priming lever to allow manual feed to fuel. Check the fuel pump for normal function and make sure that it does not leak fuel or make unusual noise.
Pump type Delivery flow
Figure 19 Mechanical type fuel pump
Plunger type (common)
Plunger type (compact)
Diaphragm type
Mechanical type
0.9 l [0.24]/ min or more
0.4 l [0.11]/ min or more
0.37 l [0.10]/ min or more
0.255 l [0.06]/ min or more
0.03 MPa (0.35 kgf/cm2) [4.98 psi]
0.03 MPa (0.35 kgf/cm [4.98 psi]
0.01 MPa (0.15 kgf/cm [2.13 psi]
0.01 MPa (0.15 kgf/cm [2.13 psi]
Table 11 Fuel pumps at 12V (electromagnetic
pumps only) and at 20°C [68°F]
5.6.4 Draining water from the water sedimentator
For engine provided with a water sedimentator, remove the filter ring nut involved and take out the cup. Wipe off water and dust accumulated in the cup.
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5.7 Checking and adjusting injection timing

To check and adjust injection timing, use the following procedure:
1. Disconnect the No. 1 injection pipe.
2. Remove the No. 1 delivery valve from the injection
pump. Put back the valve holder only.
Figure 20 Removing delivery valve
Be sure to shut off the fuel feed before removing the delivery valve.
3. Remove the tie-rod cover and disconnect the tie-
rod from the control rack.
4. Set the control rack to a midway position in the
working range.
5. Open the fuel feed pipe and make sure that fuel
flows from the delivery valve holder.
6. Turn the crankshaft in the direction of normal
rotation (clockwise) and find an instant that fuel stops flowing from the delivery valve holder. This instant is the real injection timing.
Mark on gear case
IT mark on pulley
Figure 21 Injection timing mark
Figure 22 Adjusting shim thickness
TDC mark
The standard injection timing differs with engine specification and engine speed. Check to see whether the real injection timing coincides with the standard injection timing (whether the IT mark on the crankshaft pulley aligns with the mark on the gear case).
7. If they do not coincide with each other, adjust
thickness of the injection pump mounting shim. Increasing or decreasing shim thickness by 0.1 mm [0.0039 in.] causes the real injection timing to vary about 1°.
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Figure 23 Removing injection pump
8. To remove the injection pump, first disconnect the
injection pipes and fuel feed pipe from the injection pump. Then, remove the tie-rod cover and tie-rod. Dismount the pump assembly. Reassembly sequence of the pump is the reverse of disassembly.
9. In the dusty place or when the engine is dirty,
removal of a delivery valve may cause dust to enter into the injection pump. Under such circumstances leave the delivery valve installed and check injection timing using the following procedure: a Remove the tie-rod cover and disconnect the
tie-rod from the control rack.
b Set the control rack to a midway position in
the working range. Disconnect the injection pipe from the No. 1 nozzle. Turn the crankshaft gradually in the direction of normal rotation until swelling of fuel is found at the open end of the injection pipe. This instant is the real injection timing, which will come approx. 1° later than standard injection timing.
LOW-SPEED set bolt
set bolt
Figure 24 HIGH-SPEED and LOW-SPEED set bolts
Less than 2000 BTDC 15° BTDC 15°
200 to less than 3600
3600 or more BTDC 19° BTDC 19°
Table 12 Standard injection timing
Model L2 Model L3
BTDC 17° BTDC 17°

5.8 Adjusting the engine speeds

To adjust engine speed, remove the cooling fan and install the safety cover over the fan to reduce the risk of injury.
1. The upper limit of engine speed can be adjusted
with the HIGH-SPEED stopper bolt. This stopper bolt has been set properly and sealed in the factory before shipping of the engine. Never attempt to open the seal unless it is necessary.
2. The lower limit of engine speed can be adjusted
with the LOW-SPEED stopper bolt.
3. Never remove the sealing cap unless it is
necessary to adjust the torque spring set.
Service Manual Mitsubishi L-Series diesel engines Version 08/2004
Warm up the engine (until coolant temperature rises up to 60°C [140°F] or above) before adjusting engine speeds.
4. During running of the engine for speed adjustment,
check the engine for gas leak, water leak, oil leak and fuel leak.
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5. After adjustment, perform engine acceleration and
deceleration test to confirm that the engine is free from hunting and smoking.

5.9 Checking and adjustment of nozzles

To check and adjust the injection nozzles, use the following procedure:
5.9.1 Injection start pressure
1. Remove the nozzle assembly to be tested from the
cylinder head and set the nozzle on the nozzle tester. Perform air bleeding by moving the tester handle up and down.
Figure 25 Testing injection start pressure
2. Operate the handle at a rate of one discharge a
second or more and read the gage pressure of fuel injected from the nozzle.
H25 to 29 N m (2.5 to 3.0 kgf m) [18.08 to 21.70 lbf ft]
Figure 26 Installing nozzle assembly
Injection start pressure 13.7 MPa
- 0 +10
(140 kgf/cm
- 0 +142
[1992 psi]
- 0
Table 13 Start pressure
3. If reading of gage pressure exceeds the specified range, disassemble the nozzle and adjust by using the adjusting shim. Increasing or decreasing shim thickness by 0.1 mm [0.0039 in.] will cause injection pressure to vary about 0.98 MPa (10 kgf/cm2) [142 psi].
4. When reassembling the nozzle, use the following values of tightening torque:
Nozzle Tightening torque
Nozzle tightening (to cylinder head) torque
Nozzle retaining nut tightening torque
Nozzle union collar tightening torque
49.0 to 58.8 N·m (5.0 to 6.0 kgf·m ) [36.17 to 43.40 lbf·ft]
34.3 to 39.2 N·m (3.5 to 4.0 kgf·m) [25.32 to 28.93 lbf·ft]
25 to29 N·m (2.5 to 3.0 kgf·m) [18.08 to 21.70 lbf·ft]
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Table 14 Tightening torque
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Version 08/2004
5.9.2 Chattering test
Operate the tester handle at a speed of about one stroke per second.
1. Needle valve oscillation If the fuel spray shows good atomization, making intermittent sounds, and oscillations of the needle valve are transmitted to the handle, then the noz­zle is considered as normal.
Figure 27 Chattering test
Figure 28 After-spilling
2. Shape of fuel spray The nozzle should inject fuel spray straight in the direction of its axis. A nozzle is defective if it does not inject steadily or it injects fuel in several sepa­rate stripes. A nozzle is defective if it spills fuel accumulated on the bottom of the nozzle after chattering test. How­ever, a very small drop of fuel remaining on the tip of nozzle after chattering test may be regarded as normal.
5.9.3 Injection Test
1. Operate the tester handle at a speed of 4 to 6 strokes per second.
2. A nozzle should inject fuel spray uniformly in the shape of a cone.
5.9.4 Checking the compression pressure
Make sure of the following:
1. The engine oil level, air cleaner, starting motor, and battery are well-conditioned.
Figure 29 Testing compression pressure
Service Manual Mitsubishi L-Series diesel engines Version 08/2004
2. Warm up the engine to the coolant temperature of
Measure the compression pressure using the following procedure:
1. The following are the conditions to perform test.
2. Pull the stop lever to the “non-injection” position.
3. Remove the glow plug from the cylinder to be
Engine speed 250 to 280 min
Compression pressure
Pressure difference between cylinders
2.84 to 3.14 Mpa (29 to 32 kgf/cm2) [413 to 455 psi]
0.29 MPa (3 kgf/cm [43 psi] or less
Table 15 Conditions to perform test
50°C [122°F] or more.
tested. Set the compression gage adapter to that cylinder and install the gage.
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Special tool name Part No.
Compression gage adapter
Table 16 Tools
4. Crank the engine with the starting motor until a stable reading of the compression gage is obtained.
5. After reading the gage, remove the compression gage and adapter. Put back the glow plug.
6. Check all cylinders using the same procedure described above.
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Version 08/2004
+ 125 hidden pages