Mitel SX200 EL, SX200 ML User Guide

ACD TELEMARKETER® Supervisor / Senior Supervisor Guide for the Superset™ 4025/4125
Trademark of MITEL Corporation.
Copyright 1998, MITEL Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Getting Started
Introduction 6 Using a Headset 7 Logging In/Out 10
Queue Status
Queue Status at a Glance 12
Displaying a Group’s Queue Status 13 Displaying Reports 14 Scrolling Through Reports 16 About the Shift Key 17
Agent Status
About Agent Status Keys 20 Agent Status at a Glanc e 21 Displaying an Agent's Status 22 Displaying Agent Status Reports 23 About the Shift Key 24
Agent Monitoring
About Agent Monitoring 28 Agent Help 30
Reports and Indicators
Queue Status Reports 32 Agent Status Reports 33 Status Indicators 34
Additional Features
Some Additional Features 36
Getting Started
This guide provides instructions for using ACD supervisor and senior supervisor features on SUPERSET 4025 telephone. Refer to your SUPERSET 4025 User Guide for a description of your telephone and non-ACD features.
Some of the personal keys on your set are programmed as QUEUE STATUS keys or AGENT STATUS keys, and one may be programmed as a SHIFT key. You use thes e key s to moni tor the sta tus o f ag e nts and agent gro ups .
Supervisor or senior supervisor?
Supervisors monitor agent groups. Senior supervisors monitor supervisors and possibly agent groups as well. An agent group can be monitored by either a supervisor or a senior supervisor, but not both. As a supervisor or senior
supervisor, you can’t answer ACD calls from your set.
One or more agent groups?
You’ll have one QUEUE STATUS key programmed on your set for each of your agent groups. If you only have one QUEUE STATUS key (i.e., one agent group to supervise), you can also have AGENT STATUS keys programmed on your set.
AGENT STATUS keys are not available on senior supervisor sets.
You have easy access to information
A QUEUE STATUS key allows you to access information for an agent group and for the agents within that group. An AGENT STATUS key displays information for individual agents within a group.
Once you’ve accessed information, you can display the same type of information for other agent groups or agents by pressing other QUEUE STATUS keys or AGENT STATUS keys.
You can exit an information display at anytime by pressing SUPERKEY.
Using a Headset
Note: Your system administrator may have enabled full-time headset operation on your telephone. Telephones with full-ti m e he adset operation enabled must be operated only with headsets.
A headset can be used either in regular answer mode or with the Auto Answer feature progr ammed.
Most headsets are installed using the same jack that the handset plugs into.
MITEL’s Headset with Feature Control Switch (PN 9132-800-500-NA) plugs into the dedicated headset jack (the jack nearest the front of the set).
To Install a Headset (no feature control switch)
To install the headset for your use, perform the following tasks:
1. When the telephone i s not in use, lift the handset from the cra dle and carefully turn the set upside down.
2. Unplug the handset cord where it connects to the telephone.
3. Plug in the headset cord in the same place.
4. Store your handset in a safe place.
To return to handset operation, perform the following tasks:
1. When the telephone i s not in use, lift the handset from the cra dle and carefully turn the set upside down.
2. Unplug the headset cord where it connects to the telephone.
3. Plug in the handset cord in the same place.
4. Set the telephone upright and return the handset to the cradle.
5. Store your headset in a safe place.
To Install a Headset with Feature Control Switch
IMPORTANT NOTE: MITEL’s Headset with Feature Control Switch (PN 9132­800-500-NA) must be installed in the dedicated headset jack (the jack nearest the front of the set). Installation will disable your handset microphone. Disconnecting the headset at the jack or at the quick­disconnect plug restores handset operation.
To install the headset for your use, perform the following tasks:
1. When the telephone i s not in use, lift the handset from the cra dle and carefully turn the set upside down.
2. Plug the headset cord into the headset jack (the jack nearest the front of th e set).
3. Set the telephone upright and return the handset to the cradle.
To return to handset operation, perform the following tasks:
1. When the telephone i s not in use, lift the handset from the cra dle and carefully turn the set upside down.
2. Unplug the headset cord where it connects to the telephone.
3. Set the telephone upright and return the handset to the cradle.
4. Store your headset in a safe place
Enabling/Disabling Headset Operation:
To enable or disable headset operation for headsets on telephones that are not program m ed for full - ti m e he adset operation:
Press the HEADSET feature key.
Connect or disconnect the headset at the quick-disconnect plug
(Headset with Feature Control Switch only).
Handling Calls with a Headset (no Feature Control Switch):
To answer a call (when Auto Answer is disabled):
Press the flashing Line Select key.
To hang up:
Handling Calls with a Headset with Feature Control Switch:
To answer a call (when Auto Answer is disabled):
Quickly press and release the Control Switch.
To mute the headset microphone (Headset with Feature Control Switch only):
Press and hold the Control Switch.
To hang up:
Quickly press and release the Control Switch.
Logging In / Out
Your system administrator should have assigned you an identification number. Your identification number allows you to access the ACD system. Check with
your system administrator if you don’t have an identification number. Note that you can’t program your set’s personal keys while you’re logged in.
To log in:
1. Ent er the Login/Logout acc ess code.
2. Enter your identification number. If you’ve logged in successfully, you hear dial tone and ACD LOGIN
appears in your set display. If you’re unsuccessful, you hear error tone (continuous beeps) and
INVALID, NO ACCESS, or INVALID KEY appears on your set display. Contact your system administrator if you can’t log in.
3. Press SPEAKER.
To log out:
1. Ent er the Login/Logout acc ess code. If you hear dial tone you have logged out successfully. ACD LOGOUT
appears in the display.
2. Press SPEAKER.
Queue Status
Queue Status at a Glance
The indicator beside a QUEUE STATUS key shows the current status of the call waiting queue for the associated agent group. Refer to Table 5 in the Reports and Indicators section for information on how to interpret the queue status indicator fl ash rates
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