Mitel sx-200 User Manual

Release 3.1
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
The information contained in this document is believed to be accurate in all respects but is not warranted by Mitel Networks™ Corporation (MITEL®). The information is subject to change without notice and should not be construed in any way as a commitment by Mitel or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. Mitel and its affiliates and subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document. Revisions of this document or new editions of it may be issued to incorporate such changes.
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SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
51009229, Revision B
Release 3.1
February 2006
® ™
Trademark of Mitel Networks Corporation
©Copyright 2006, Mitel Networks Corporation
All rights reserved
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 : Introduction
About this Handbook ............................................................................................3
Purpose of this handbook ................................................................................3
Who this handbook is written for......................................................................3
Where you can find more information ..............................................................4
Contacting Mitel
Symbols used in this handbook .......................................................................7
Important safety instructions ............................................................................7
About the SX-200
SX-200 ICP System Packages ........................................................................8
System configurations......................................................................................9
DSP Configuration Options............................................................................12
Cabinet Configuration Rules ..........................................................................14
Supported Peripherals ........................................................................................15
Default Database Configuration ..........................................................................16
Telephone related ..........................................................................................16
Voice mail related...........................................................................................17
Trunk related..................................................................................................17
System related ...............................................................................................17
ICP MX ..................................................................................8
Chapter 2 : Basic Installation
Before you begin .................................................................................................21
Quick Installation ................................................................................................22
SX-200 ICP MX Hardware ..................................................................................24
Hardware ports and connectors.....................................................................24
Controller components ...................................................................................25
Identify the required components...................................................................26
Installation checklist .......................................................................................27
Installation overview ............................................................................................30
Installing the SX-200 ICP MX Controller .............................................................31
Install an Ethernet Switch ...................................................................................32
Small installations (under 20 phones)............................................................32
Larger installations (over 20 phones) .............................................................33
Feeding Power to IP Phones ..............................................................................34
Installing Software Using an External CompactFlash Card
(Optional Initial Install) ........................................................................................35
Installing Optional Controller Hardware ..............................................................37
Precautions ....................................................................................................37
Removing the cover .......................................................................................38
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
Install the Analog Option Board (AOB).......................................................... 39
Installing Optional DSP Module(s)................................................................. 41
Installing the Optional Dual FIM Module........................................................ 43
Installing the Optional Quad CIM Module(s).................................................. 44
Installing the Optional Dual T1/E1 Framer Module(s).................................... 45
Installing a hard drive .................................................................................... 46
Installing the Stratum Clock........................................................................... 48
Wall or Rack Mounting ....................................................................................... 49
Wall mounting the controller .......................................................................... 49
Rack mounting the controller or NSU ............................................................ 53
Installing an NSU ................................................................................................ 54
Installing SX-200 Peripheral Cabinets ................................................................ 57
FIM Connectivity............................................................................................ 57
CIM Connectivity............................................................................................ 57
Cabinet installation and programming ........................................................... 58
Peripheral Cabinet Interface Cards and Modules.......................................... 59
Peripheral Cabinet Control and Digital Services Cards and Modules ........... 61
Peripheral Cabinet Configuration Rules ........................................................ 62
Installing an ASU ................................................................................................ 64
Connecting the Phones and Trunks ................................................................... 66
ONS/CLASS, DNIC and LS/CLASS ports ..................................................... 66
IP Phones ...................................................................................................... 67
Adding a PKM .................................................................................................... 68
Requirements ................................................................................................ 68
CDE programming......................................................................................... 69
Installation ..................................................................................................... 69
PKM to an Attendant Console ....................................................................... 71
Connecting Music on Hold, Paging and Door Phone/Door Opener ................... 72
Music-on-Hold (MOH) interface..................................................................... 72
Paging ........................................................................................................... 72
Door Phone/Door Opener.............................................................................. 73
Connecting a Night Bell and Alarm Device ........................................................ 74
CDE programming for a Night Bell ................................................................ 74
CDE programming for an Alarm Device ........................................................ 74
Setting up an FTP Server on a Maintenance PC ............................................... 75
CDE Programming......................................................................................... 75
System Health Check ......................................................................................... 77
Table of Contents
Chapter 3 : Basic Programming
Programming Overview ......................................................................................81
Preparing to Enter Customer Data ......................................................................82
PC requirements ............................................................................................82
Serial Connection to the Controller ................................................................82
Secure Telnet Connection to the controller....................................................83
Web Interface Connection to the Controller ...................................................84
Port Usage .....................................................................................................85
Enabling MOSS Options .....................................................................................86
System Options to Avoid .....................................................................................87
Programming the Customer Data Entry (CDE) Forms ........................................87
Programming Features for each Phone ..............................................................88
Before you begin............................................................................................88
Programming Embedded Voice Mail ..................................................................93
CDE Programming for Embedded Voice Mail................................................93
Voice mail forms.............................................................................................94
Setting up RADs.............................................................................................96
Setting up Record a Call ................................................................................97
Using the Administrator’s Mailbox..................................................................99
Testing voice mail operation ........................................................................102
Programming Phonebook .................................................................................103
Programming an Attendant Console .................................................................104
Programming a Subattendant Set .....................................................................104
Programming a Printer Port ..............................................................................105
System Printer Port......................................................................................105
Dataset Printer Port......................................................................................105
IP Printer Port...............................................................................................106
Programming Stations/Sets Automatically ........................................................107
Deleting a Device and All Dependent Resources .............................................109
Deleting a range of devices and dependent resources................................109
Programming a Single Line Voice Station ........................................................110
Programming a Multi-Line Set ..........................................................................111
Programming an Analog Device to a SIM2 (DNIC Phones Only) .....................112
Programming an NSU or a PRI Card in a Peripheral Cabinet ..........................112
CDE programming .......................................................................................112
IMAT Programming......................................................................................117
Programming an Embedded PRI Trunk ............................................................ 125
Programming an Embedded T1 Trunk ..............................................................130
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
Programming Analog Trunks ............................................................................ 131
Non Dial-In trunks........................................................................................ 131
Dial-in trunks................................................................................................ 133
DISA trunks ................................................................................................. 134
Programming T1 and PRI trunks as DISA trunks ........................................ 135
Programming ANI/DNIS on an Incoming trunk............................................ 135
CLASS trunks .............................................................................................. 139
Running the Line Quality Test for LS Trunks............................................... 140
Programming Symbol MiNET Wireless Phones (Optional) .............................. 141
Install Symbol NetVision MiNET Phone Administrator Tool ........................ 141
Twinning the Symbol phone with a wireline (desk) phone........................... 142
Programming IP Sockets for Hotel/ Motel terminals and ACD Monitor ............ 143
Programming Voice mail and PMS Integration ................................................ 145
Requirements .............................................................................................. 145
SX-200 ICP programming............................................................................ 146
Setting up the Ether232............................................................................... 146
Programming the PMS Interface on the SX-200 ICP ....................................... 147
Requirements .............................................................................................. 147
SX-200 ICP programming............................................................................ 147
Programming for the 6010 Teleworker Solution ............................................... 151
Requirements .............................................................................................. 151
Installation and programming ...................................................................... 151
Testing IP Phone connectivity and voice quality.......................................... 152
Programming SpectraLink Wireless Telephones ............................................. 153
Requirements .............................................................................................. 153
Programming ............................................................................................... 153
Programming with MyAdministrator ................................................................. 158
Requirements .............................................................................................. 158
Programming Call Forwarding - External ......................................................... 159
Feature Limitations ........................................................................................... 160
CDE Cross Reference ...................................................................................... 164
Chapter 4 : Advanced Installation and Programming
Overview .......................................................................................................... 169
Planning your Installation ................................................................................. 170
Basic PC Networking ........................................................................................ 171
Enabling the (2nd) Port on IP Phones ......................................................... 171
Virtual LANs (VLANs) ....................................................................................... 172
Configuration 1: One DHCP server per VLAN............................................. 172
Table of Contents
Configuration 2: One external DHCP server for two VLANs ........................175
Configuration 3: Router on a Stick ...............................................................177
Programming the controller IP address and DHCP settings ........................178
Configuring a Windows 2000 DHCP server .................................................178
Networking Mitel IP-PBXs .................................................................................181
SX-200 ICP Programming............................................................................182
Uniform Numbering Plan..............................................................................184
Programming Unified Messaging .....................................................................185
Programming SMTP.....................................................................................185
Programming IMAP (Standard Unified Messaging) .....................................188
Chapter 5 : Routine Maintenance
Is the System Healthy? .....................................................................................193
System health checklist................................................................................193
Checking the System ........................................................................................194
Installing FRUs ..................................................................................................195
Precautions ..................................................................................................195
Power Down System....................................................................................196
Power Up System ........................................................................................196
System Reset...............................................................................................197
System Shutdown ........................................................................................197
Re-initializing the Controller .........................................................................198
Replacing the Hard Drive or CompactFlash .....................................................199
Replacing the Analog Main Board................................................................200
Other FRUs..................................................................................................202
Performing Backups ..........................................................................................203
Backing Up a Database ...............................................................................203
Restoring a Database ..................................................................................204
Installing an Alternate Database ..................................................................205
Upgrading the System Software .......................................................................206
Upgrading from Release 1.x to Release 2.0 or later ....................................206
Upgrading from the External CompactFlash Card (Release 2.0 or later) ....207
Upgrading by FTP........................................................................................209
Upgrading the NSU or PRI Card Software ........................................................210
Migrating an SX-200 EL/ML to an SX-200 ICP MX ..........................................211
Parts Required .............................................................................................212
Migration Procedure.....................................................................................212
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
Replacing IP Phones ........................................................................................ 215
Restarting IP Phones ....................................................................................... 216
Upgrading Set Firmware .................................................................................. 216
Boot Codes.................................................................................................. 217
Firmware Revision Levels............................................................................ 217
Firmware Commands .................................................................................. 217
Measuring LS Trunks ....................................................................................... 218
Running the Line Quality Test ..................................................................... 219
Running the Distortion Test ......................................................................... 220
Running the Echo Test ................................................................................ 220
Maintenance Commands ................................................................................. 221
Maintenance Port Characteristics................................................................ 221
Telnet Requirements ................................................................................... 221
Entering Command Sequences................................................................... 221
Logging In.................................................................................................... 222
Logging Out ................................................................................................. 222
Switching between Maintenance and CDE.................................................. 223
Displaying the Card Configuration ............................................................... 223
Showing the System Identity ....................................................................... 223
System Commands ..................................................................................... 223
Report Commands....................................................................................... 227
Traffic Measurement Commands ................................................................ 229
Log Commands ........................................................................................... 230
Diagnostic Function Commands.................................................................. 231
Backing up Log and Trap Files using Kermit .................................................... 232
Sending Logs and other System Files to an E-mail Address or FTP Server..... 233
Retrieving Logs and other System Files using Kermit ...................................... 234
Maintenance Tips ............................................................................................. 234
Chapter 6 : Basic Troubleshooting and Repair
About this Chapter ............................................................................................ 237
Troubleshooting Tools ...................................................................................... 238
Before you Contact Technical Support ............................................................. 239
General Troubleshooting Steps ........................................................................ 240
Using the Phone Debug Option................................................................... 240
Checking the System LEDs .............................................................................. 241
Controller LEDs ........................................................................................... 241
NSU LEDs ................................................................................................... 243
ASU LEDs ................................................................................................... 245
Troubleshooting Phones and Peripherals Problems ........................................ 246
NSU/PRI Troubleshooting ................................................................................ 249
Table of Contents
PRI Debug Commands ................................................................................250
Troubleshooting Analog Trunks ........................................................................251
Basic Troubleshooting..................................................................................251
Troubleshooting Signaling Problems ...........................................................252
Troubleshooting T1 Trunks (D4 DS-1) ..............................................................263
Signaling Types............................................................................................264
Test/Verify (T1) ............................................................................................264
Troubleshooting Voice Mail ...............................................................................268
SX-200 ICP Property Management System Interface ......................................270
Property Management System Messages ...................................................270
SX-200 ICP and PMS Cannot Communicate...............................................273
Testing the PMS Interface of the PBX .........................................................273
Chapter 7 : Advanced Troubleshooting and Repair
About this Chapter ............................................................................................277
General Network Troubleshooting ....................................................................278
Check List ....................................................................................................278
Troubleshooting IP Phone Connectivity ............................................................280
Using a network analyzer to debug..............................................................280
Connectivity problems..................................................................................280
Troubleshooting IP Phone Registration .......................................................281
IP Phone Analyzer .......................................................................................289
Troubleshooting Phone Audio Quality ..............................................................291
Troubleshooting IP Trunks ................................................................................294
CDE Check List............................................................................................294
IP Check List................................................................................................296
Appendix A : Default Database Values
Default Database ..............................................................................................299
Default Database Values .............................................................................301
Appendix B : Part Numbers......................................................................351
Appendix C : System Cabling..................................................................365
Appendix D : Phones and Features.........................................................377
Appendix E : Handling Fiber Optic Cables
Guidelines for Handling Fiber Optic Cable ........................................................395
Operation .....................................................................................................396
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
Appendix F : Folio Views (E-Docs) Tips
About Folio Views ....................................................................................... 399
Chapter 1
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook

About this Handbook

Purpose of this handbook

This handbook provides
an overview of the system capabilities
installation steps
programming procedures
maintenance procedures
troubleshooting information

Who this handbook is written for

This handbook is for a qualified technician who has successfully completed the SX-200 course has two parts: basic and advanced.
SX-200 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course
You need to take the Basic I & M course if you are installing the SX-200 ICP as a voice system only.
This means that you are using the default settings for IP and you are not planning on implementing Virtual LANs (VLANs).
ICP Installation and Maintenance Course. The
The basic course is available in self-study format and you must have completed your LIGHTWARE™ 19 RELEASE 3.2 certification.
SX-200 ICP Advanced Installation and Maintenance Course
You MUST complete the Advanced I & M course if you are planning to
connect a PC to the PC port on the IP Phones (enable System Option 131)
connect the SX-200 ICP in an existing LAN (Local Area Network)
use an external DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server
implement VLANs (Virtual LANs)
implement IP (Internet Protocol) Trunking
network to a 3300 ICP via IP trunk or QSIG
The advanced course is available in a leader-led format. You must complete the Basic I & M course before attending the advanced course.
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook

Where you can find more information

The SX-200 ICP documentation set includes the following components:
Printed documents
- Technician’s Handbook
- Safety Instructions
Documents supplied on the SX-200 ICP software CD-ROM
- SX-200 ICP Technical Documentation in Folio (NFO) format.
- Technician’s Handbook
- Safety Instructions
- IMAT Online Help (installs with IMAT application)
- MyAdministrator Online Help (installs with MyAdministrator
- Symbol in the Documentation folder on the SX-200 ICP software CD-ROM)
- Telephone, Attendant, Subattendant, Voice Mail, Hotel/Motel Front Desk, and MyAdministrator User Guides
- Technical Bulletins (TBs) and Release Notes (RNs).
Netvision® MiNET Phone Installation Instructions (located
Accessing Documentation on the software CD-ROM
1. Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Navigate to the Documentation folder.
3. Double-click Setup.exe to install the Technical Documentation and
Folio Viewer, the application used to view the documentation.
4. To access user guides and other documentation, go to the appropriate Language subdirectory. Use the index.html file to locate the required guides.
Technical Training Materials
- SX-200 ICP Basic I & M Course Release 3.0
- SX-200 ICP Advanced I & M Course
Release Notes
Every software release is accompanied by Release Notes, which describe software changes, bug fixes, outstanding issues, and hardware compatibility considerations for the new software release. Read the
Release Notes before you begin a software upgrade.
Technical Bulletins
Technical Bulletins (TBs) are issued by Mitel
Technical Support to address frequently asked questions regarding software and hardware problems. Obtain the latest TBs from Mitel OnLine.
Mitel Knowledge Base
The Mitel Knowledge Base is a searchable database of problem-solving information on the SX-200 ICP and other Mitel products. The database is accessed through Mitel Online.
Accessing Mitel Online
You can access Mitel Online from the Web site.
Tip: You must be a registered user to access Mitel Online.
Access Product and Technical Documentation
1. Login to Mitel OnLine.
2. Navigate to Product Documentation (Technical Documents, User
Guides, and Installation Guides) OR Knowledge Base (Release Notes and Technical Bulletins).
View or Download a Document
To view a document:
Click on the name of the document.
To download a document:
Right-click on the name of the document and select Save Target As
When viewing a PDF document, click the disk icon.
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
Create Telephone User Guides with Manual Maker
1. Login to Mitel OnLine.
2. Navigate to Product Documentation.
3. Click Manual Maker.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen to register and use Manual
Accessing Your Mitel Options Password
You must obtain your Mitel Options Password through Mitel Online ( This password is required during the upgrade procedure, so you MUST keep a proper record of it. A new password is issued to you if you are purchasing new options. Before attempting the software upgrade, to confirm a current password or to purchase new options and receive a new password, call Mitel Customer Service during normal business hours.
Helpful websites
For definitions of technical terms
For networking information

Contacting Mitel

Sending Feedback
If you have suggestions on how to improve this documentation, please contact us at
Order Desk
You can reach the Order Desk at 1-800-796-4835.
Repair Department
You must get a Return of Merchandise Authorization (RMA) form from the Repairs Department before sending equipment back to Mitel Network Corp.
You can reach the Repairs Department at 1-888-222-6483.
Technical Support - Mitel Dealers
Please contact Mitel Technical Support if you require technical assistance.
If you cannot resolve the problem by using the Troubleshooting chapter, please collect the required information listed in “Before You Contact Technical Support” on page 91 before calling Mitel Technical Support. You can reach Technical Support at 1-800-561-0860 or 1-613-592-2122.

Symbols used in this handbook

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in injury or death.
Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in damage to the equipment.
Identifies an important note or a useful tip.

Important safety instructions

Failure to follow all instructions may result in improper equipment operation and/or risk of electrical shock.
See the system Safety Instructions that are shipped with the system for complete safety information.
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook

About the SX-200 ICP MX

The Mitel SX-200 Integrated Communications Platform (ICP) provides the reliability and comprehensive features of a PBX, the ease of use and cost effectiveness of a key system, and the productivity-enhancing applications and networking efficiency of IP.
Tailored for small enterprises, the SX-200 ICP MX supports up to 248 IP phones, 12 LS/CLASS circuits, and 24 IP trunks for private networking.

SX-200 ICP System Packages

The SX-200 ICP MX controller is sold alone or as a package that includes the components shown in the table below. None of the packages include power supplies for the phones; they must be ordered separately. For part numbers, see Appendix B.
Table 1: SX-200 ICP MX System Packages
Basic Business -
Voice Only
LS/CLASS circuits 6
ONS circuits 2
DNIC circuits 2
Voice mail ports 4
DSPs 1 Dual DSP Module
IP Phones Seven 5207s
PKMs One 12-Button PKM
IP Phone Voice Mailbox TDM ACD Agent IP Channel
Software Options 1 Digital Link
One 5220
16 16
44 None None
Voice Mail Softkey
Premier Business
- Voice & Data
Four 5220s
8 8
5 2
1 Digital Link
Voice Mail Softkey
2nd Port on IP Phones
Record a Call

System configurations

The controller is configured at the factory as a square key telephone system (KTS). It can be reconfigured as a PBX or hybrid PBX/KTS by reprogramming the default database or by installing one of the alternate databases supplied on the software CD-ROM. For more information about alternate databases, see page 205. Both configurations are expandable through the purchase of additional components, including DSP resources (see “DSP Configuration Options” on page 12 for more information).
Table 2: SX-200 ICP System MX Configuration
How Expanded
6 LS/CLASS circuits (Controller)
2 ONS/CLASS circuits (Controller)
2 DNIC circuits (Controller)
0, 8, or 20 IP Phone licenses depending on system package
0, 4, or 8 IP Phones depending on system package
0, 4, or 20 ports of voice mail depending on system package
0 or 4 voice mail user licenses depending on system package
12 (Controller) More than 12
4 (Controller) More than 4
More than 2 Add Peripheral Bays (6
248 IP Phone licenses and 24 IP trunks
Maximum 248 IP Purchase additional
24 ports
More than 24
748 Purchase additional
Add Analog Options Card Add Peripheral Bays (6 max)
Add Analog Options Card Add ASU (2 max) Add Peripheral Bays (6 max)
Purchase additional licenses Expand Ethernet Switch
licenses and phones
Purchase Options and DSP resources (incremental) Add standalone voice mail system or Peripheral Bays with Mitel Express Messenger card(s)
licenses (incremental)
(Page 1 of 2)
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
Table 2: SX-200 ICP System MX Configuration (continued)
How Expanded
Approximately 5 hours of voice mail message
Depends on capacity of upgraded media
Install hard drive
Three 3-party conferences
21 3-party Conferences (total 21 conferees –
Purchase DSP resources.
can have up to 5 parties per conference)
256 MB of
Larger capacity media Install hard drive CompactFlash memory for database storage (inside controller)
Dual DSP MMC 2 dual DSP MMC or 1
Purchase modules dual and 1 quad DSP MMC or 2 quad DSP MMC
0 Links PRI-T1 4 Links PRI-T1 Purchase 2 NSUs or 2
Peripheral Bays with PRI
(Page 2 of 2)
Figure 1: Basic System
Figure 2: Expanded System
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook

DSP Configuration Options

The SX-200 ICP MX has six DSP configurations selectable in CDE Form 04:
Business Option 1
Business Option 2
Hospitality Option
Analog Option 1, 2, and 3
The table below lists the DSP requirements for each of the DSP configuration options. The requirements are guidelines only; the actual number of DSPs required depends on the intended use of the system.
Table 3: DSP Configuration Options
Option Type
Option 1
(see Note)
Option 2
Option 1
Base Dual DSP
(2 total)
3 conf x 3
4 voice mail
8 G.729
48 IP
12 LS/Class
8 conf x 3
8 voice mail
0 G.729
48 IP
8 conf x 3
8 voice mail
0 G.729 96 DNIC/ONS 12 LS/CLASS
2 conf x 3
6 voice mail
0 G.729
24 IP
48 T1 or 76 PRI
2 Dual DSP or
1 Quad DSP
(4 total)
8 conf x 3
12 voice mail
8 G.729
96 IP
12 LS/Class
24 T1 or 23 PRI
12 conf x 3
18 voice mail
0 G.729
96 IP
24 T1 or 23 PRI
8 conf x 3
12 voice mail
8 G.729
48 T1 or 46 PRI
8 conf x 3
18 voice mail
0 G.729
48 IP
72 T1 or 69 PRI
Add Quad DSP
(6 total)
12 conf x 3
18 voice mail
16 G.729
96 IP
12 LS/Class
48 T1 or 46 PRI
18 conf x 3
24 voice mail
8 G.729
48 T1 or 46 PRI
12 conf x 3
18 voice mail
16 G.729
96 IP
48 T1 or 46 PRI
12 conf x 3
24 voice mail
0 G.729
96 IP
72 T1 or 69 PRI
2 Quad DSP
(8 total)
12 conf x 3
24 voice mail
24 G.729
192 IP
96 T1 or 92 PRI
21 conf x 3
24 voice mail
16 G.729
192 IP
96 T1 or 92 PRI
12 conf x 3
24 voice mail
16 G.729
248 IP
96 T1 or 92 PRI
21 conf x 3
24 voice mail
0 G.729
192 IP
96 T1 or 92 PRI
(Page 1 of 2)
Table 3: DSP Configuration Options (continued)
Option Type
Option 2
Option 3
Quad DSP)
Base Dual DSP
(2 total)
2 conf x 3
4 voice mail
0 G.729
24 IP
48 T1 or 46 PRI
2 Dual DSP or
1 Quad DSP
(4 total)
10 conf x 3
12 voice mail
0 G.729
48 IP
48 T1 or 46 PRI
8 conf x 3
12 voice mail
0 G.729
96 IP
96 T1 or 92 PRI
Add Quad DSP
(6 total)
12 conf x 3
16 voice mail
0 G.729
48 IP
48 T1 or 46 PRI
2 Quad DSP
(8 total)
21 conf x 3
24 voice mail
0 G.729
96 IP
48 T1 or 46 PRI
(Page 2 of 2)
1. The number of conference, voice mail, and compression resources is fixed by the purchased option and the number of DSP devices available; the other values are adjustable.
2. The SX-200 ICP supports the G.711 and G.729a codecs.
- The G.711 PCM audio codec for 56/64 kbps generally
provides the best voice quality and is comparable to TDM­type connections.
- The G.729a audio codec for 8/13 kbps provides a good
reduction in bandwidth with only minor loss in voice quality.
- A purchasable MOSS option controls the number of G.729a
codecs available to IP devices in the system. Compression enables more devices to share available bandwidth.
- The option is purchasable in multiples of 8 to a maximum of
24. The default value is 0. The quantity entered must exactly match the quantity on the MOSS sheet.
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
3. Installation of a hard drive is strongly advised for systems that
have more than eight voice mail ports or when Record a Call is frequently used.
4. The MX controller can support 12 LS/CLASS, 2 DNIC, and 4 ONS on the internal analog boards in all option configurations.
5. All T1 trunk quantities include any combination of T1/D4 or T1/PRI.
6. The maximum system capacity is 672 TDM (ONS/DNIC) ports. In any option configuration, trunks may be added up to a maximum of 8 digital links (192 trunks) but only by reducing the number of digital bays (ONS and DNIC ports) connected, so that the total number of TDM ports does not exceed that shown in the table.
7. If System Option 82 is enabled (DSP Echo Cancellers), then one DSP device is removed from the available pool. The number of TDM resources (voice mail and conference) will be reduced. This option cannot be used in a base system with compression enabled (Business Option 1) or with a large number of TDM devices (Analog Options 1 and 2).

Cabinet Configuration Rules

The MX controller can be expanded to include:
up to seven SX-200 Peripheral cabinets which provide 672 TDM ports for ONS, OPS, DID, T1, PRI/T1
up to four Universal NSUs which provide eight PRI Links (192 PRI/T1 trunks)
up to two offboard ASUs which provide 48 ONS/CLASS circuits

Supported Peripherals

Note: The SX-200 ICP (R2.1 or later) also supports the Dual Mode (or DPLite)
5215 and 5220 IP phones. The Dual Mode phon es look the same as the original 5215 and 5220 phones. Check the label on the underside of the phone to determine which type it is. The originals are identified as 5215 or 5220 “Dual Port.”
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook

Default Database Configuration

The CDE Forms are factory-set with default values that make it easier and faster to program the system. The defaults allow you to install the SX-200 ICP in a square KTS (key telephone system) configuration with up to 20 IP phones and two analog terminals (phone, fax, or modem) and make extension-to-extension calls without doing any programming. You will also be able to receive fax and modem calls, but will have to program ARS to make external calls from ONS devices.
Two alternate databases are provided on the SX-200 ICP software CD: a blank database that has no programming and a Premier database for the SX-200 ICP Premier system. A database programmed with 4-digit extension numbers is also available on Mitel Online. See page 205 for more information about the alternate databases and how to install them.
The default database includes the following:

Telephone related

3 digit extension numbers that start at extension 100
IP phone extensions that start at extension 102
Ports on the Controller
- 2 ONS (extensions 201 and 202)
- 2 DNIC (extension 198 is the SUPERCONSOLE 1000
the sub attendant.)
7 default classes of service (COS 1 – 7). They are for IP Phones, ONS, Subattendant, Attendant Console, LS/CLASS, Voice Mail, and IP trunks.
default key programming on the sets for a 6-line square system
default ring cadences
all phones assigned to paging group 1
the handsfree microphone is not automatically turned on when
receiving a page (auto-latched).
and 199 is

Voice mail related

4 Voice mail ports (Business 1 Option with Dual DSP); 8 ports
(Business 2 and Hospitality Options with Dual DSP)
20 Voice mail mailboxes are assigned with the same extension
numbers as the
- first 20 IP phones (extension 100 to 119)
- Attendant Console (SUPERCONSOLE 1000; extension 198)
- Subattendant (extension 199)
- 2 ONS ports (extensions 200 and 201)
Hunt Group for Voice mail ports with pilot number 300
- COS 6 and
- reserve extension 301 to 304 for voice mail port extensions
system-wide Call Forward No Answer to voice mail for all calls.

Trunk related

trunks in form 14 are non-dial-in to the CO line keys
LS trunk circuit descriptor defaulted as CLASS
one LS trunk programmed to Key 1 on IP Phones
no ARS, no dial 9 for trunk access

System related

default system options
default feature access codes
the default music port (located on the analog mainboard) is ON
the default paging port (located on the analog mainboard) is ON
the night bell extension is 340
SMDR/CDE Print default to ON
default DHCP settings and a SX-200 ICP Controller default IP address
( to match (factory-set).
Note: See Appendix A for a list of default values in the programming forms.
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
Chapter 2
Basic Installation
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
+ 396 hidden pages