Miele CS1011G, KM5840240V, KM5860240V, KM5880208V Guarantee booklet

AU, NZ Warranty BR Termo de Garantia CA Limited Warranty Garantie Limitée
MX Póliza de Garantía US Limited Warranty EXP Guarantee
M-Nr. 11 049 661
Warranty Card Australia / New Zealand
Miele products are subjected to rigorous testing and assessment as to their quality and fitness. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. Warranties and conditions as to the merchantability and fitness for purpose of Miele Domestic products are implied under consumer protection legislation in Australia and New Zealand. The Warranty in this clause is independent of, and does not exclude or limit, any non-excludable statutory warranties and conditions implied by such legislation. In the case of Domestic products Miele warrants that the product/s will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 24 months from: i. the date of delivery, or
ii. where applicable, settlement of the development (evidentiary documentation required), or iii. where applicable, six months following the practical completion of any development. In the case of Professional products Miele warrants that the product/s will be free from defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of 12 months from: i. the date of delivery, or
ii. where applicable, settlement of the development (evidentiary documentation required), or iii. where applicable, six months following the practical completion of any development. Miele does not make any further representation or warranties as to the merchantability of its product range.
Miele reserves the right to inspect and test the products for the purpose of determining the extent of any defect and the validity of any claim made under this Warranty. All defective parts and products replaced by Miele under this Warranty will be deemed to be the property of Miele. This Miele Warranty will not apply if the product is rendered faulty by a factor other than a defect in materials and workmanship. Such factors include but are not limited to: i. damage through misuse / neglect (including failure to maintain, service or use with proper care);
ii. use for a purpose for which the product was not sold or designed; iii. in the case of domestic appliances and vacuum cleaners, commercial use; iv. use or installation (where applicable) which is not in accordance with any specified instructions for use or
installation; v. use or operation after a defect has occurred or been discovered; vi. damage through freight, transportation or handling in transit (other than when Miele is responsible); vii. damage through exposure to chemicals, dusts, residues, excessive voltage, heat, atmospheric conditions or other
forces or environmental factors (i.e. vermin damage) howsoever outside Miele's control; viii. repair, modification or tampering with by the purchaser or any person other than Miele or an authorised Miele
Service Agent; or ix. use of parts, components or accessories (including but not limited to dust bags) which have not been supplied by
or specifically approved by Miele. This Warranty does not apply to consumables such as batteries, filters or globes.
The Miele Warranty provided under this clause is a transferable right. Customer must retain proof of purchase (receipt) in order to be eligible to make a Warranty Claim.
Warranty Card Australia / New Zealand
Conduct a basic check of the product i.e. to establish if it is appropriately connected. It is also a good idea to check the Miele user manual. If the problem persists follow our simple claims process:
1. Notify Miele to arrange Warranty, Repair or Service. In Australia call 1300 464 353 for Domestic appliances and 1300 731 411 for Professional appliances. In New Zealand call 0800 464 353 for Domestic and Professional appliances. In Australia and New Zealand e-mail service@miele.com.au for Domestic appliances and service.prof@miele. com.au for Professional appliances.
2. Provide and make available the Warranty card or a copy of the purchase receipt to show that the Warranty applies to the product at the date of the claim.
In the case of floor care products i.e. Vacuum Cleaners, please return the product to Miele or its nearest Chartered Agent or authorised Service Agent. Please note that Miele may engage other persons or parties to assist it in fulfilling its obligations under this contract. We always try to complete Repairs in the shortest amount of time possible.
While Miele will use reasonable commercial endeavors to have all necessary Spare Parts available for the purpose of Repair or Service, Miele is not liable for delays due to sourcing of unusual Parts which are required, or due to circumstances beyond the control of Miele. Miele has a policy of assuring the availability of Spare Parts and Service for all Miele products for a period of not less than five (5) years following the cessation of production of the applicable product. After this period, availability of Spare Parts and Service will depend upon the particular Miele product. Please contact Miele for more details in relation to availability of Spare Parts and Service. If a product is located outside of Miele’s service region, additional fees such as travel and transportation charges may be applicable in respect of the Service or Repair, details of which will be provided by Miele prior to any agreement being made in respect of a Service or Repair.
We take our customer service seriously and want to hear about any problems that you may have had or the level of service you have been provided. To notify us of these issues, please collect all the relevant information on your query and direct it to: The Complaints Manager Miele Australia Pty. Ltd. 1 Gilbert Park Drive Knoxfield VIC 3180 Or e-mail: contact@miele.com.au The Complaints Manager Level 2, 10 College Hill Freemans Bay Auckland 1011 Or e-mail: contact@miele.com.au
Miele will collect and deal with the customer's personal information (including name, address, telephone contact or personal details) only in accordance with Miele's Privacy Charter. A copy of the Privacy Charter is available from Miele or www.miele.com.au and www.miele.co.nz Miele may disclose personal information to its related companies and to organisations which provide services (including delivery services) to Miele or which assist Miele in providing services (including Repair / Warranty services) to its customers.
This agreement is subject to the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia or to the laws of New Zealand, the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdictions of the Courts of these regions.
Warranty Card
For your reference, please enter the particulars of your purchase below and retain with your purchase documentation.
Model no.
Serial no.
Date of purchase
Store details
Installed by
Please visit www.miele.com.au or www.miele.co.nz to register your appliance warranty with Miele.
Condições Gerais de Garantia Brasil
Garantia para Produtos Miele comprados em território nacional (Brasil).
I. Condições da Garantia
A Miele do Brasil garantirá os produtos que:
1. tenham sido adquiridos diretamente da Miele do Brasil, em território brasileiro.
2. necessitem de instalação ou que tenham sido instalados por um agente dos serviços autorizados (quando necessário, segundo o respectivo manual de uso do produto).
II. Abrangência da Garantia
1. A Miele do Brasil substituirá, desde que devidamente comprovado, sem qualquer ônus, peças e componentes que apresentarem defeitos de fabricação e possam interferir no funcionamento de seus produtos, excluindo os custos de transporte para outros destinos diferentes dos registrados na data de instalação e outras despesas tais como taxas alfandegárias e custos de mão-de-obra não compreendidos nas Condições Gerais de Garantia.
2. As peças e componentes defeituosos, objeto de substituição por força da garantia, serão devolvidos à fábrica com os custos suportados pela Miele do Brasil, tornando-se automaticamente propriedade da Miele do Brasil.
3. A garantia de fábrica não cobrirá qualquer falha ou defeito causados por:
a) Instalação inadequada ou sem observância das instruções de instalação descritas nos respectivos manuais; b) Uso incorreto do produto, utilização para outro fim que não aquele para o qual o produto fora fabricado; c) Falta de limpeza e/ou manutenção adequadas, ou uso de produtos inapropriados de limpeza, tais como
detergentes e outros produtos químicos ou abrasivos não recomendados para uso em limpeza doméstica;
d) Necessidade de troca ou substituição de peças e componentes de desgaste normal decorrentes de uso, tais
como filtros, lâmpadas, peças de vedação e outras que se desgastam pelo uso;
e) Manuseio inadequado durante o transporte, que não seja de responsabilidade da Miele do Brasil e por outras
situações que não estejam sob controle da Miele do Brasil, devidamente comprovadas.
f) Reparos ou modificações executados por empresas que não sejam credendiadas pela Miele do Brasil ou não
façam parte do Serviço Autorizado da Miele do Brasil ou seus revendedores.
III. Termos da garantia e notificações de reclamações
1. Esta garantia é válida por 12 meses, sendo 3 (três) meses assegurados pelo Código de Desefa do Consumidor e mais 9 (nove) meses assegurados pela Miele do Brasil, e terá início a partir da data da entrega, que deverá estar, obrigatoriamente, anotada no Cartão da Garantia, pelo Agente de Serviços Autorizado da Miele do Brasil.
2. Nos casos em que houver impossibilidade de instalação, na data de entrega do produto, desde que devidamente comprovada e informada à Miele, durante o processo de aquisição, poderá ser concedido um prazo extra de garantia, iniciando-se na data da instalação definitiva do produto, neste caso, ficando limitada a seis meses adicionais, podendo assim resultar no prazo máximo de garantia de 18 (dezoito) meses da data de entrega do produto.
3. Após este período de 6 (seis) meses, não sendo autorizada a entrega do produto, o mesmo será encaminhado à depósito terceirizado, sendo que, neste caso, os custos, inclusive de transporte, serão de responsabilidade do comprador.
4. O consumidor deverá enncaminhar eventuais reclamações Agente de Serviços Autorizado da Miele do Brasil.
IV. Diversos
Reclamações posteriores por quaisquer danos não serão aceitas pela Miele.
Cartão de garantia
No. Modelo: No. Série da máquina:
O produto descrito foi desenvolvido e produzido visando proporcionar a mais elevada satisfação ao consumidor. A Miele do Brasil assegura a garantia de fábrica em conformidade com as “Condições Gerais de Garantia”.
Data da Compra:
Data de Entrega:
Instalado por: (Nome da empresa da instalação):
Carimbo da empresa
Data de Início de Funcionamento:
Assinatura Representante Técnico Miele
Visite nosso site: www.mielebrasil.com.br
Limited Warranty Canada
The following warranty conditions are valid in Canada only.
Miele Limited, (hereinafter "Miele") warrants to the original purchaser that this product, including all of it’s Miele authorized parts and accessories, is free of defects in material and workmanship.
1. Duration of Warranty
This warranty is valid during the following time periods:
a) Domestic appliances in normal, non-commercial, household use:
– One (1) year. Parts and labour. – RemoteVision® Modules: Please refer to Miele's "Limited Warranty - RemoteVision® Module - Canada". – Additional 5 and 10 Year Limited Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration Systems: The Warranty for the Sealed
Refrigeration System includes all original compressors, condensers, evaporators, driers, the original refrigerant and the original connecting tubing.
– Five (5) Year Warranty - If a claim regarding a defect in material or workmanship relating to the Sealed
Refrigeration Systems used in Miele Refrigerators, Wine Coolers, and Freezers is received by Miele within five (5) years from the date of purchase, then any warranted failures of the Sealed Refrigeration System shall be repaired at no cost to you (including parts & labour).
– Ten (10) Year Warranty - If a claim of such a defect is received at any time during the period starting from
the sixth (6th) year and ending on the last day of the tenth (10th) year after the date of purchase, this Warranty shall cover the replacement or repair of all parts of the Sealed Refrigeration System covered by the Warranty that is found to be defective in material or workmanship but shall not include labour. Upon request, such labour shall be provided by Miele and at the customary charge to the Miele Customer.
b) Domestic appliances in commercial use:
– Six (6) months, for parts and labour.
c) Vacuums in normal, non-commercial, household use:
– One (1) year, upright and canister vacuums. Parts and labour. – Two (2) years, motor for S170 - S189 upright units. Parts and labour. – Seven (7) years, VortexTM motor for canister and upright units, except S170 - S189 upright units for which
the motor warranty is two (2) years. Parts and labour.
d) Vacuums in commercial use:
– Six (6) months, for products used commercially. Parts and labour. – One (1) year for motor for canister and upright models. Parts and labour.
e) Commercial appliances.
– One (1) year, parts and labour within Miele Direct Service Area (MDSA). – One (1) year, parts only outside Miele Direct Service Area (MDSA).
Contact Miele Professional to determine if you are within a MDSA.
2. Commencement Date
Warranty coverage begins on the date of purchase. If a product under warranty is replaced by Miele, the original
warranty period is not extended but continues from the date of original purchase.
3. Warranty Preconditions
3.1 Miele assumes warranty responsibility subject to the following preconditions having been fulfilled: a) You are the original purchaser and did not obtain the product through resale;
b) The product was purchased from Miele or an authorized Miele dealer in Canada; c) If applicable, the product was installed by a person designated by Miele as qualified to do so and in
accordance with applicable installation instructions; and
d) The product is located in Canada.
3.2 Warranty claims will only be honoured provided that any failure to conform to this warranty is reported in writing and the product is returned together with proof of purchase date to Miele or to a Miele authorized dealer, as applicable, within the time period stated in Section 1 above.
4. Extent of Warranty
In the event of defect in material or workmanship occurring within the time period stated in I. above, Miele will repair,
or at its option replace, within a reasonable period of time, the product or any Miele authorized part or accessory discovered to be defective in workmanship or materials. Defective products and parts become the property of Miele upon replacement.
Limited Warranty Canada
5. Exclusions
Warranty coverage excludes any product, including its parts and accessories, that:
a) was not installed according to Miele's installation instruction; b) was damaged by negligence, accident, abuse, misuse, improper or abnormal usage, maintenance or
c) contains non-authentic Miele accessories or replacement parts, including filters, dust bags and other non-
Miele products; and
d) was repaired, serviced, altered or modified by someone other than a Miele authorized service centre or
6. Ordinary Wear and Tear
Ordinary wear and tear shall not be considered a defect in workmanship or materials.
7. Limitation of Liability
7.1 Unless you purchase extended warranty coverage from Miele prior to the expiry of this warranty, this warranty
is the sole warranty offered by Miele to you. Miele disclaims any and all other warranties to the fullest extent permitted by law, whether express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular except as provided herein.
7.2 Your sole remedies under this warranty are those described herein. Unless otherwise stated, Miele's liability for
actual damage from any cause whatsoever is limited to the amount paid by you for the product. Miele disclaims any and all liability and consequential or other damage whether based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), product liability or any other legal theory. In no event will either party be responsible for any lost profits or savings, incidental damage or other economic damages.
8. Special Provincial laws
This warranty gives the purchaser specific legal rights. The purchaser may also have other rights which may vary
from Province to Province in Canada. Some provinces do not allow limitation or exclusion of implied warranties, therefore, certain limitations and exclusions may not apply.
9. Customer Care
9.1 For service under this warranty or for further information please contact Miele at:
Miele Limited Toll free: 1-800-565-6435 161 Four Valley Drive E-mail: customercare@miele.ca Vaughan, Ontario Canada L4K 4V8
9.2 Service may require that the appliance be removed and taken, by authorized Miele personnel, to an
authorized Miele Service Centre. If service is requested by you in a remote geographical area, as determined by Miele in its sole discretion from time to time, you will, at Miele's option, be responsible for either: a) the travel expenses incurred by Miele to attend your premises; or b) the cost of removal and shipment of the appliance from your premises to the nearest authorized Miele
Service Centre.
Miele Limited Headquarter and Showroom
161 Four Valley Drive Vaughan, ON L4K 4V8 Canada Phone: 800-643-5381 905-660-9936 Fax: 905-535-2290 www.miele.ca customercare@miele.ca professional@miele.ca (commercial enquiries)
MieleCare National Service
Phone: 800-565-6435 905-532-2272 Fax: 905-532-2292 customercare@miele.ca (general and technical enquiries)
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