Microsoft Schematic Motherboard Headers and Connector Version 1.4
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
XBOX 360
Version 1.4
The information contained in this document was obtained from the public
domain and/or my own reverse engineering and is provided in good faith
but no warranty can be made for its accuracy. Any opinions expressed are
entirely those of myself and cannot be taken to represent the views of past,
present or future employers.
I do not support piracy or the illegal copying of copyright material. I'm only
seeking the ability to run custom software and push the hardware to it's
maximum potential. Remember that a profitable game industry will
guarantee us all amazing products for the future.
If you notice something incorrect or have any comment, please feel free to
contact me.
Most of the information was based on the top and bottom layers of a dechipped 360
motherboard and decapped chips, I will update the information once I gain full knowledge
of the inner layers of the motherboard.
For reference, I have also included some information I have gathered from images of
Development Hardware and XDK hardware found on the net.
Please double-check my information, I am human and I do make mistakes. I have also
attempted to give credit where credit was due. If you find any errors or omissions, please
let me know so that I can correct it on future versions.
Like most, I am doing this as a hobby in my spare time, so I will do my best to keep the
information up to date but I can not make any guarantees.
I am currently looking for a supplier/manufacturer for the following components;
Controller Headset Port
Both the Male and Female
Memory Card Port
Male Connector
(On Memory Card)
RF Module Port
Male Connector
(On RF Module)
Hard Drive Port
Male Connector
(On Hard Drive)
My current employment position will be changing in the near future, so I will be open for new
opportunities. I am a Canadian citizen living in Waterloo, ON, Canada with a background in
Electronics Engineering and Management. Feel free to contact me for more details.
V+ Starts at +5.4 VDC and climbs to +11.8 VDC within 30 sec of power on.
DC Power Port
1GND6+12 VDC
2GND7Power Enable
3GND8+5 VDC (Standby)
4+12 VDC9Shield (GND)
5+12 VDC10Shield (GND)
Pin 7 Turns Pins 4, 5, 6 on when it is tied to ground.
Power Supply is difficult to open up. I would not recommend it.
1) Remove rubber feet (they are glued in place). This will probably destroy them.
2) Dig out all the glue, including the glue in the head of the philips screws.
3) Remove the 4 screws.
4) Remove bottom cover.
5) Remove the two philips screws. One on each side of the heat sink.
6) Gently wiggle circuit board out of the top cover. The DC supply side should lift
up first. Heat sink grease is preventing the easy removal of the circuit board.
Continue to wiggle the circuit board until the grease bond is broken.
1+5 VDC (Standby)2GND
Manufacturer: Unknown
Part #: Unknown
XDK DC Power
This connector is used to supply power to the extra circuitry used in the XDK
(motherboard version 009).
The circuitry is located in the "Sidecar" that attaches to the hard drive side of the
xbox 360.
XDK Debug Header
4Connects to U2C1 pin 16B+3.3 VDC+3.3 VDCNo
6Connects to U2C1 pin 16C00No
7+3.3 VDC (Standby)+3.3 VDC+3.3 VDCNo