MicroE Mercury II 6000V User Manual

6000 & 6000V
MicroE Systems - World Headquarters: 125 Middlesex Turnpike, Bedford, MA USA 01730-1409
IM-Mercury_II_6000_6000V Rev D
www.microesys.com info@microesys.com T. 781-266-5700 F. 781-266-5112 ©2010 MicroE Systems
Installation Manual and Reference Guide
Section- A
MicroE Systems was founded to advance encoder technology to a level never before achieved. Our objective was to design encoder systems that would be small enough to fit into densely packed OEM equipment designs, affordable enough for cost-sensitive applications and easy enough to enable installation, setup and alignment by assemblers with little training. We are pleased to say that all of these goals have been realized with the introduction of the original Mercury
family of encoder systems. Now, the Mercury II series offers all of that
plus improved performance, ease of use and versatility.
Covered by the following patents: US 5,991,249; EP 895,239; JP 3,025,237; US 6,897,435; and EP 1,451,933. Additional patents and patents pending may apply.
Follow standard ESD precautions. Turn power off before connecting the sen­sor. Do not touch the electrical pins without static protection such as a ground­ed wrist strap.
Do not touch the glass scale unless you are wearing talc-free gloves or finger cots. Please read this installation manual for full instructions.
This product is sold solely for use as a component (or replacement) in an electronic product; therefore it is not required to, and does not comply with, 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 which pertain to complete laser products. The manufacturer of the complete system-level electronic product is responsible for complying with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 and for providing the user with all necessary safety warnings and information.
MicroE encoders contain an infrared laser diode or diodes. Emitted invisible laser radiation levels have been measured to be within the CDRH Class 1 range, which is not considered hazardous; however, to minimize exposure to the diverging beam, the encoder sensor should be installed in its operational configuration in close proximity to the encoder scale before power is applied.
• Invisible laser radiation; wavelength: 850 nm
• Max power 2.4 mW CW (4.8 mW CW for Mercur
y II™)
• CAUTION – The use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye hazard. DO NOT VIEW DIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS (MICROSCOPES, EYE LOUPES OR MAGNIFIERS).
• All maintenance procedures such as cleaning must be per
formed with the MicroE encoder turned off.
• Do not inser
t any reflective surface into the beam path when the encoder is powered.
• Do not attempt to ser
vice the MicroE encoder.
Mercury II models are CE and RoHS compliant.
Page 3

System Overview

Encoder with PurePrecision™Tape or Glass Scales
A1.0 Mercury
System View
Expanded View
Mounting Screws
Double Shielded Cable
Shown mounted on a linear bearing using a mounting bracket
Tape Scale
Shown mounted on a fixed (non-moving) substrate
Sensor Mounting Holes
Sensor Benching Pins
Bracket Mounting Holes
15 pin Male D-sub Connector
Typical User Supplied Sensor Mounting Bracket
Left Limit Marker
Scale Mounting Surface Reference Edge (Benching Surface)
Right Limit Marker
Index Marker
Section A - System Overview
Alignment Tool
Page 4
Section A - System Overview
System Overview
PurePrecision™Tape Scale
Items Required for Mercury IITMEncoder Installation Using Tape Scale
In addition to the items in the System Views, you will need the following items available:
Index and Limit Marker sheet
Hex Wrench for Sensor Mounting Screws
Tape Applicator T
(not required for some installations)
Finger Cots or talc-free gloves
Acetone or isopropyl alcohol
Lint-free cotton cloths or wipes
Two-part epoxy (Tra-Con Tra-Bond 2116)
Stick and disposable surface for stirring epoxy
Stick and disposable surface for stirring epoxy
Page 5
Section A - System Overview
System Overview
Encoder with Linear Glass Scale
Items Required for Mercury IITMEncoder Installation Using Glass Scales
In addition to the items in the System Views, you will need the following items available:
• Index and Limit Marker sheet
• Hex Wrench for Sensor Mounting Screws
• Finger Cots or talc-free gloves
• Acetone or isopropyl alcohol
• Lint-free cotton cloths or wipes
• Two-part epoxy (Tra-Con Tra-Bond 2116)
• Stick and disposable surface for stirring epoxy
• Silicone adhesive
Section B - Sensor Head Installation, Alignment and Calibration
Page 6
Sensor Head Installation
Install the sensor on the mounting surface referencing the appropriate datum surface as shown on the Interface Drawing. Use two M-2 screws to loosely affix the sensor.
Benching pins may be used to locate the sensor if the system's mechanical tolerances are adequate. Refer to the Interface Drawing for recommended locations and heights of pins.
Sensor Alignment Tolerances
Axis Alignment Tolerance
X Direction of Motion
Y ± 0.20mm
Z ± 0.15mm
± 1.0°
± 1.0°
± 2.0°
Verify Sensor Mounting Surface Height
Verify that the vertical distance between the reference surface of the sensor and the top of the scale is as follows:
Tape scale after blue protective film is removed:
3.09 mm +/-0.13
Linear or rotary glass scales: 2.93 mm +/-0.13
Check the height at a location on the scale where there are no index or limit markers.
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Section B - Sensor Head Installation, Alignment and Calibration
Sensor Head Alignment -
Mercury II™6000 Models
Access to Cal. button

SmartPrecision Alignment Tool

Installing the MII6000 requires sensor alignment and setup using the MII5000 SmartPrecision Alignment Tool.
The Alignment Tool can perform sensor alignment, calibration and setup by two methods -
”Pushbutton:” using the Calibration (“Cal.”) button and the LED indicators on the Alignment T
B) ”Software:” Using the SmartPrecision
Software - see B2.4.
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Section B - Sensor Head Installation, Alignment and Calibration
Sensor Head Alignment -
Mercury II™6000 Models
MII6000 Pushbutton Setup ­Sensor Alignment
Make sure that the 5VDC power input is disconnected. Connect the MII6000 encoder to the SmartPrecision Alignment Tool. Insert the 5VDC power connector and apply power.
To enter Alignment Mode, push and release the Cal. button quickly (within a second). The limit LED’s will begin to blink slowly.
Align the sensor by slowly sliding the sensor on its mounting surface in the Y or θ
directions until the green Signal Strength LED is illuminated. Tighten the sensor mounting screws (0.37Nm [3.3 inch-lbs.] maximum torque).
Move the senor over the index mark and confirm that the green Signal Strength LED blinks. (If the green Signal Strength LED does not blink when the sensor passes over the index, loosen the mounting screws and repeat the alignment procedure.)
Move the sensor over the entire length of the scale. If the green signal strength LED remains illuminated over the entire length of travel (the yellow and red LED’s do not illuminate), proceed to the next step. Otherwise, clean the scale and try again. If cleaning the scale is not successful, loosen the sensor mounting screws and repeat the alignment procedure.
Push and release the Cal. button quickly to exit Alignment Mode. The limit LED’s will stop blinking.
To align the sensor move it in the Y or θz directions
Improper Alignment LED (red)
Limits LEDs blinking (in Alignment Mode)
Limits LEDs blinking (in Alignment Mode)
Limits LEDs blinking (in Alignment Mode)
Improved Alignment LED (yellow)
Proper Alignment LED (green)
Optimum Alignment LED (bright green)
Page 9
Section B - Sensor Head Installation, Alignment and Calibration
MII6000 Pushbutton Setup - Setup / Calibration - Linear Scales, or Rotary
Scales Used in Applications <360°
Setup / calibration must be performed whenever the sensor is moved or the scale is replaced.
NNoottee:: aallll pprroocceedduurreess bbeellooww mmuusstt bbee ppeerrffoorrmmeedd aatt
11mm//ss rreellaattiivvee mmoottiioonn bbeettwweeeenn tthhee sseennssoorr aanndd tthhee
To start calibration, push and hold the Cal. button for about two seconds – until the Power/Cal. LED starts blinking slowly.
Move the sensor 50mm to perform Gain / Offset / Phase calibration. Move the sensor back and forth if your scale has <50mm of measuring length. After calibration both limit LED’s come on steady.
Move the sensor to an area of the scale away from the index and limit markers. Push the Cal. button once quickly. The Power/Cal. LED will start blinking quickly.
Move the sensor over the index up to 20 passes (one pass is a cycle back and forth). The Left Limit LED will start blinking quickly. (Note: if the sensor is positioned over the left limit marker, the Left Limit LED will come on steady).
Move the sensor over the left limit marker
Setup and Calibration -
Mercury II™6000 Models – Pushbutton Setup
and press the Cal. button once quickly. The Right Limit LED will start blinking. (Note: if the sensor is positioned over the right limit marker, the Right Limit LED will come on steady.)
Move the sensor over the right limit marker and press the Cal. button once quickly. All LED’s will flash together twice to indicate that setup is completed.
The encoder is now ready for connection to the controller for use in servo control.
NNoottee:: ttoo sskkiipp aannyy ppoorrttiioonn ooff tthhiiss ccaalliibbrraattiioonn aanndd aanndd mmoovvee oonn ttoo tthhee nneexxtt ppoorrttiioonn,, ppuusshh aanndd hhoolldd tthhee CCaall.. bbuuttttoonn ffoorr ttwwoo sseeccoonnddss..
Calibration of the left and right limits should always be performed while “Limit Polarity” is in the “Limits Normal” mode. This mode is set in the “Calibration and Align” tab of SmartPrecision
II Software.
Page 10
Setup and Calibration -
Mercury II™6000 Models – Pushbutton Setup
Section B - Sensor Head Installation, Alignment and Calibration
MII6000 Pushbutton Setup - Setup / Calibration - Rotary Scales Used in
Applications >360° Without Limit Markers
Setup / calibration must be performed whenever the sensor is moved or the scale is replaced.
NNoottee:: aallll pprroocceedduurreess bbeellooww mmuusstt bbee ppeerrffoorrmmeedd aatt
11mm//ss rreellaattiivvee mmoottiioonn bbeettwweeeenn tthhee sseennssoorr aanndd tthhee
To start calibration, push and hold the Cal. button for about 10 seconds – until the three signal LED’s blink twice to indicate that rotary calibration has been activated.
Move the sensor 50mm to perform Gain / Offset / Phase calibration. After calibration both limit LED’s come on steady. Move the sensor back and forth if your scale has a circumference of <50mm.
Move the sensor to an area of the scale away from the index marker. Push the Cal. button once quickly. The Power/Cal. LED will start blinking quickly.
Move the sensor over the index up to 20 passes (one pass is a cycle back and forth). The Power/Cal. LED and both limits LED’s will start to blink in sets of three.
Move the sensor away from the index and press the Cal. button once quickly. The Power/Cal. LED and both limit LED’s will start to blink in sets of two.
Move the sensor over the index once. The LED’s will change to Power/Cal. LED and both limit LED’s blinking just once.
Make a full revolution of the rotary scale in order to go over the index again in the same direction. The two passes over the index must be at least 1000 20μm fringes apart (equivalent of 20mm linear travel), if they are not the Alignment Tool will wait for another pass that is 1000 fringes from the first.
The encoder is now ready for connection to the controller for use in servo control.
NNoottee:: ttoo sskkiipp aannyy ppoorrttiioonn ooff tthhiiss ccaalliibbrraattiioonn aanndd aanndd mmoovvee oonn ttoo tthhee nneexxtt ppoorrttiioonn,, ppuusshh aanndd hhoolldd tthhee CCaall.. bbuuttttoonn ffoorr ttwwoo sseeccoonnddss..
Page 11
Sensor Head Alignment -
Mercury II™6000 Models – Setup using Software
Connect the Alignment Tool and Encoder
Verify that the Alignment Tool Adapter / SmartPrecision
II Alignment Tool is not powered.
Connect the MII 6000 encoder and Ethernet cable as shown below. Power up the Alignment Tool Adapter / SmartPrecision II Alignment Tool by plugging in the power supply. The green LED labeled “On” will light when the Alignment Tool is powered.
Find the Encoder Using FindMII.exe
Once the encoder is connected to the computer using an Ethernet cable, run the program FindMII.exe, version or higher, available by downloading from www.microesys.com/m2/software.html This program locates the encoder and allows you to use the SmartPrecision II Software embedded in it. Once located, the FindMII program will list all the encoders connected to the network.
DC Power Supply
Section B - Sensor Head Installation, Alignment and Calibration
Double-click the name of the encoder to open the SmartPrecision II Software.
Page 12
Section- A
Sensor Head Alignment and Calibration
Mercury II™6000 Models – Setup using Software
Calibrating the Encoder
Once the SmartPrecision II Software is open, the encoder can be aligned and calibrated using the Calibrate and Align tab. Click on the Calibrate and Align tab and perform sensor alignment using the Align Mode “Turn On” and “Turn Off” buttons. Turn on Align Mode, adjust the sensor until the maximum signal strength is achieved, tighten the sensor mounting screws, check for index indication (using the status display at the top right of the screen), and turn off Align Mode.
Next, perform setup by checking the Calibrate GOP, Calibrate Index, Set Left Limit, and Set Right Limit boxes, as shown.
Ensure that the calibration type is correctly selected for your encoder and press Start. Follow the steps in the Calibration Status Box to complete setup of the MII 6000 encoder.
Sensor Head Alignment -
Mercury II™6000 Models – Alignment Verification with Connector LEDs
Connector LED Indicators
Once the encoder is aligned and calibrated using the alignment tool, alignment can be visually verified using the LED indicators on the MII6000 sensor’s connector. The left hand indicator reports signal strength of the main track. The right hand indicator reports the presence of the left limit, right limit, and index marks.
Normal Operation
Optimal Signal
Marginal Signal
Bad Signal
Saturated Signal
Over Index
Over Left Limit
Over Right Limit Mark
Not Over Any
Page 14
Section B - Sensor Head Installation, Alignment and Calibration
Grounding Instructions -
Mercury II™6000

Grounding Instructions

For Mercury II 6000 encoder systems to operate reliably, it is essential that the sensor and cable shield are grounded properly according to the following instructions. The diagrams below show how to make the connections when the encoder's connector is plugged into the customer's controller chassis. If a customer-supplied extension cable is used, it should be a double shielded cable with conductive connector shells and must provide complete shielding over the conductors contained within it over its entire length. Furthermore, the shields should be grounded at the connection to the controller chassis the same way as the encoder connectors in the diagrams below.
For best performance, isolate the encoder outer shield from motor cable shields and separate the encoder cable as far possible from motor cables.
Sensor mounted with good electrical contact to a well-grounded surface (preferred)
15-pin D-sub connector grounding: The encoder's connector shell must be in intimate, electrically conductive contact with the customer-supplied mating connector, which must be isolated from the controller's ground. If a customer-supplied shielded cable connects the encoder to the controller, then the outer shield on the customer-supplied cable must be isolated from the controller's ground.
The sensor mounting surface must have a low impedance (DC/AC) connection to ground. The encoder sensor mounting surface may have to be masked during painting or anodizing to insure good electrical contact with the sensor.
5 Volts
0 Volts
Electrically conductive mechanical connection
(as supplied by MicroE Systems).
INNER SHIELD: Insulated from outer shield, sensor case, and connector housing. Connected to circuit common internally as supplied by MicroE Systems
OUTER SHIELD: Connected to sensor and connector housing
Page 15
Section C - Reference
Grounding Instructions -
Mercury II™6000
Sensor mounted to a surface that is grounded through bearings or a poorly­grounded surface, or mounted to a non­conducting surface
15-pin D-sub connector grounding: The encoder's connector shell must be in intimate, electrically conductive contact with the customer-supplied mating connector, which must be connected to the controller's ground. If a customer-supplied shielded cable connects the encoder to the controller, then the outer shield on the customer-supplied cable must be connected to the controller's ground. The controller must be grounded to earth at the point of installation.
The encoder sensor must be mounted so that it is electrically isolated from ground.
5 Volts
0 Volts
Page 16
Section C - Reference
Recommendations for Power; Installation Considerations

Recommendations for Power

encoders require a minimum of 4.75V DC continuously. When designing circuits and extension cables to use Mercury II encoders, be sure to account for voltage loss over distance and tolerances from the nominal supply voltage so that at least 4.75V DC is available to the Mercury
encoder under all operating conditions. The input voltage should not exceed 5.25V DC.
Installation Considerations
The Mercury
II encoder is a precision electronic
instrument. It has been designed to function in a wide range of applications and environments. To take full advantage of the Mercury
II modular
system design, considerations should be made to allow easy access to the sensor (and interpolator modules where applicable) for service and/or replacement.
For optimal performance and reliability:
DO follow standard ESD precautions while handling the sensor and interpolator.
DO allow proper clearance for sensor head alignment.
DO follow setup and calibration instructions for the encoder system.
DO, where possible, install the scales in an inverted or vertical position to minimize accumulation of dust.
DO NOT store sensors in an uncontrolled environment.
DO NOT electrically overstress the sensor (Power supply ripple/noise).
DO NOT intentionally “hot swap” the sensor if the device is energized.
DO NOT use in high contamination applications (dust, oil, excessive humidity, or other airborne contaminants.).
Page 17
Section C - Reference

Recommended Interface Termination

Customer Differential Line Receiver:
For Mercury II™6000
120 ohm
120 ohm
120 ohm
120 ohm
Left Limit+
Left Limit -
Right Limit+
Right Limit -
422 Receiving Electronics
120 ohm
Section C - Reference
Page 18
Customer Interface Cable Requirements
Mercury II™6000
Signal Twisted Pair
A+ Pair 1
B+ Pair 2
Index+ Pair 3
Left Limit + Pair 4
Left Limit -
Right Limit + Pair 5
Right Limit -
+5V Pair 6
Customer cables that interface to Mercury II™series encoders must have the following characteristics:
• Twisted pair signal wiring.
• Characteristic impedance of 100-120 ohms.
• Sufficient wire gauge to meet the minimum
voltage requirement at the encoder, for example 24AWG gauge wire for a 2m length cable. Examples of acceptable cables with 24AWG gauge wire and 4 twisted pairs are Belden 9831, 8104, and 9844 or other manufacturer’s equivalents.
• Single shield cable with a minimum of 90%
coverage. Note that a double shielded cable may be required in high-noise applications.
Signal Wiring
Each differential signal should be connected to a corresponding twisted pair as follows:
Page 19
Section C - Reference
Customer Interface Cable Requirements
Fold braided shield back over jacket. Example shows double-shielded cable. Dimensions shown are for illustration only.
7.6 [.30]
28.7 [1.13]
Aluminum Polyester Shield not to be exposed in this area. Do not twist.
Aluminum Polyester Shied
Braided Shield
Shield Termination:
The customer's cable shield should be in 360° contact with the connector shroud and the connector shell to provide complete shielding. The connector shell should be metal with conductive surfaces. Suggested metal connector shells for use with Mercury
encoders: AMP 748676-1 or equivalent; where the dash number is dependent on the customer's outside cable diameter. The shield should be terminated as illustrated in the following diagram.

Index Speed Considerations

for MII6000
C5.0 Maximum Speed for MII6000 Index
after Power-up (MII6800, MII6700 and MII6500 Models)
Each time an MII6800, MII6700 or MII6500 encoder is powered up, the first pass over the index mark must occur at a speed ≤1m/s. Once the index is initially detected, the index will function at all speeds (up to 10m/s) until the next power cycle.
Page 20
Section C - Reference
Section- D - Encoder Troubleshooting
Page 21


The Power/Calibration indicator will not come on.
• Make sure that the SmartPrecision
electronics’ 15-pin D-sub connector is fully seated and connected.
• Confirm that +5 Volts DC is being applied to pin 7 and 8 on the SmartPrecision II electronics’ 15-pin connector and that pin 2 and 9 is connected to ground.
Can't get the SmartPrecision II electronics’ "Signal" LEDs better than red or yellow; or the green, “ Proper Alignment” indicator doesn't stay illuminated over the full length of the scale.
• Verify that the sensor is mounted in the correct orientation with reference to the scale and scale mounting reference edge. Refer to the Interface Drawing.
• Verify that the sensor has been aligned to the scale and that the mounting screws are tight. Check the dimensions for the mechanical mounting holes (and clamps if any) to make sure that the sensor is correctly located over the scale in the Y and Z dimensions. Refer to the Interface Drawing.
• Check that the scale is firmly mounted and can't jiggle or move in any direction other than the axis of motion.
• Make sure that the scale is clean over its entire length or circumference.
The green Power/Calibration indicator LED or limit LEDs are flashing unexpectedly.
• Part of the normal setup procedure is to activate the SmartPrecision
II Electronics’
Calibration/Setup process by pressing the recessed button in the electronics module. The Power/Cal. LED or limit LEDs will begin to flash until the relevant setup process is complete. See the instructions beginning at section B2.2.
Can't Complete the Calibration/Setup process ­the green Power/Calibration indicator doesn't stop flashing.
• Verify that the sensor is mounted in the correct orientation to the scale for the desired index mark.
Refer to the Interface Drawing.
• Refer to section B1.0 to insure proper sensor alignment and index marker operation.
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