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©2016 Mercede s- Benz US A, LLC • 30 3 Perim eter Cent er Nor th, Atla nta, GA 3 0346 • 1- 800 -FOR-M ERCEDE S • MBUSA .com
Marketing Communications. All illustr ations and specifications contained in this brochure are based on the latest product information
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Illustrations may include test situations. Some vehicles may be shown with non- U.S. equipment. Some vehicles are shown with optional
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60 MC -16-1072

Standard and available equipment vary by model. Please see back of brochure.

The introduction of a new E‑Class has been sending automakers back to their drawing boards
since the days of actual drawing boards. From breathtaking style to groundbreaking innovation,
the 2017 E‑ Class is more than just a new model. It’s a role model for every car on the road.
A milestone is not simply a marker on a map or timeline.
It’s a dividing line between how things used to be, and
how they will be. For decades, the debut of a brand - new
E- Class has set a new expectation for what automobiles
can do, from the moment it established the luxury sport
sedan class, to countless innovations in every categor y.
The new 10th-generation E - Class will introduce you to
abilities you’ve never seen in a production car. It’ll reach
out to you, look out for you, and even listen like never
before. It can watch for other vehicles all around you, and
help you avoid danger actively and semi - autonomously.
Even more significantly, it’s the first car that can learn
from other cars that have recently traveled its route.
Its breakthrough Car- to -X Communication1 lets ever y
new E- Class share a variety of information about driving
conditions with a central notification system, which can
in turn alert you of danger far beyond your line of sight.
Does this sound like the future? It is — and it starts today.
As more and more vehicles acquire Car-to-X capability,
it will become even more effective at helping you avoid
hazards or even just inconvenient delays. It’s just one of
the revolutionary systems available in the new E - Class.
Of course, advancing the standards of modern luxury is
also an E- Class tradition. Its cabin flows with sculptural
design and exquisitely crafted tailoring. And it overflows
with generous space and thoughtful innovation, from a
12.3" central screen, to 64 colors of ambient lighting, to
intuitive Touch Control Buttons on the steering wheel. It
takes driving convenience and passenger comfort into
a new generation — along with confidence, connectivity
and capabilit y. Of course, doing things no car has ever
done for you is precisely what an E - Class has always
been: a leader that inspires other automakers with its
milestones. And a car that inspires you with every mile.

Torque - rich turbo power.
Three suspensions, lowered
to self-leveling. Nine
speeds. Five drive modes,
from Comfort to Sport+.
241- hp inline -4
turbo engine
drive modes
4- wheel multilink
suspension with
selective damping
Adaptive AIR
air suspension*
Confident 4
all-wheel drive*
An athletic stance with
elegant st yle. A choice of
Sport styling, or a classic
grille with a standup Star.
And a truly exquisite cabin.
Sport Package
with sport body
styling and grille integrated Star,
or Luxury Package
with standup Star
1 7" or 18" wheels
LED headlamps
and taillamps
64-color LED
ambient lighting
Six wood choices*
Groundbreaking systems
that watch the road and can
see beyond your view.
Active and semi-autonomous
systems to assist you.
Radar- based
Active Brake Assist
collision mitigation
New Car-to -X
PRE-SAFE® with
industry- first
hearing protection
active safety suite
with Active Lane
Change Assist and
Speed Limit Pilot*
Sensuous seats that can
warm you, cool you, or offer
a “hot stone” massage.
Sensor y delights from high-
end audio to aromatherapy.
Power front seats
with memory
Heated, ventilated
and massaging
front seats*
Power tilt/sliding
Panorama roof*
13- speaker
surround sound*
Air Balance ionizer
and aromatherapy*
User- friendly innovations
to keep you connected,
engaged and refreshed.
Intuitive controls to keep
your world within reach.
COMAND® system
with navigation,
touchpad and
12.3" color screen
Touch controls on
steering wheel
Apple CarPlay
and Android Auto
Mercedes me with
smartphone app,
4G LTE in-car WiFi3
Parking Pilot*

*Optional or not available on some models. Please see back of brochure.