1967 – 69 Chevrolet Camaro Hydraulic Clutch Conversion Kit
1) Remove all of the existing factory mechanical clutch linkage components. (Clutch rod, bell crank or
Z bar) from under the dash and at the bell housing area.
Figure 1 Figure 2
2) Remove the brake master cylinder and booster assembly (if equipped). Carefully remove the
brake lines from the master cylinder and mark them to be certain they are reinstalled into the
correct ports. Brake lines may need to be rerouted if interference occurs. Only use proper steel
brake lines when rerouting the brake lines.
3) Assemble the McLeod master cylinder to the mounting plate with supplied screws and lock
washers. Tighten screws securely. Install the mounting plate/McLeod master cylinder assembly,
passing the pushrod through the firewall. Re-install the factory brake master cylinder onto the
mounting bracket. Install washers and nuts. Tighten all four fasteners securely.
4) Install the pedal bracket, with the stud at the top, to the pedal under the dash with supplied 5/16”
bolt and nut. Place the rod end on the end of the push rod over the stud with the lock washer and
nut. Remove the heavy pedal return spring from the pedal if present. Swing the pedal through its
range of motion to be certain there is no interference with any component including wires and or
hoses. See Figure 3 & 4.
5) Mount the master cylinder reservoir in a convenient location above the master cylinder using the
supplied screws. Connect the reservoir to the master cylinder with the red hose. Secure the
reservoir and hose with supplied clamps (3). See Figure 2
Figure 3 Figure 4
6) Connect the McLeod master cylinder to the slave cylinder with the supplied AN4 line. Fill the
master cylinder with Dot 3 or 4 brake fluid (Do not use synthetic brake fluid!) and bleed system
7) Adjustments to the pedal height can be made at the rod end attached to the bracket on the brake
pedal. The pedal must travel the full range of motion to allow full clutch release before the pedal
contacts the floor. The push rod must not bottom out into the clutch master cylinder. Be certain
to tighten the rod end jam nut when adjustment is complete.
8) Re-install the brake lines to the brake master cylinder and bleed the brakes.
McLeod Racing, LLC 1600 Sierra Madre Circle Placentia, CA 92870 714.630.3668 Tech Line
See us at www.mcleodracing.com I0012