From left to right:
1974X Combo
FEATURES 1959HW 2061X 1974X
Head No
Combo No No
Output(RMS) 100Watt 20Watt 18Watt
Tremolo No No
Speakers No No 1 x G12M-20Special
Pre-AmpValves 3 xECC83 2 xECC83 3x ECC83
PowerAmpValves 4 xEL34 2 x EL84 2x EL84
ValveRectifier No No 1 x EZ81
Footswitch(supplied) N/A N/A PEDL-10034
Dimensions (mm) 744x 305 x210 510 x225 x 210 610 x 535x 230
Weight(kg) 22 10 19
Marshall AmplificationProductCatalogue 13
“Nothingelseis likea Marshall,youdon’tjust
hearthe sound,youfeelit!”
Gary Moore
Handwired Amplifiers
1959HW Head•2061X Head•1974X Combo•1960AHW/BHWCabs•2061CX Cab•1974CXCab
12 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
The timeless tone of vintage handwired, all-valveMarshall
amplifiers havemade them highlydesirable to collectors
and sonic connoisseurs alike. Dueto overwhelming public
demand we are proud to introduce meticulous, handwired
re-issuesof three of our most sought-after amplifiers as the
first products in our new Handwired Series – a Series that
celebrates the company’s rich tonal heritage and revisits
the handcrafted traditions and skills that first launched the
Marshall legend.
1959HWHead & 1960AHW/BHW Cabinets
Tothe mindsand ears of many, the mythical100 Watt“Plexi” headsof
the late’60s are considered the“Holy Grail”of great rocktone. Our
handwired1959HW transports us back in timeto that celebratedera and
the result is a breathtaking re-issuethat’sauthentic in everydetail – from
thoseworld-famousfront panellegendsto the oversized, custom-built,
“dropthrough” mainstransformer that lies at the veryheart of the beast.
Goodlooks and impressive specsaside, the1959HW’sreal beauty lurks
in itsunique and highly responsive tone.
Tocomplement the1959HW’ssonic andvisual majesty,we offerthe
1960AHW (angled) and1960BHW(straight)4x12" cabinets that boast
Basket Weavefret cloth,metal handles, “100” logosand are loaded with
Celestion’s highly-acclaimed G12H-30 (55Hz) re-issue speakers.
2061X Head & 2061CX Cabinet
An authentic, handwired re-issue of the original20 Watt2061 head
(1968-1973),this compact,twin-channel, all-valve beautyhouses
2 x ECC83valvesin its preamp and a pair of cathode-biased EL84s in its
powerstage.The 2061Xfeatures asolid-state,silicondiode rectifier and is
a veryaggressive and surprisingly modern soundingamplifier, whilestill
possessing thatunmistakable and highly desirable, vintageall-valve tone.
Justlike theoriginal,the 2061Xboastsa point-to-point,handwired,
tagboard circuit, a mild-steel chassisand Dagnall transformers.
As theperfect sonicand visualpartner forthe 2061X,we offer the
2061CX – a compact, angled-front 2x12", 60Watt cabinet loadedwith
Celestion’s renownedG12H-30(75Hz)re-issuespeakers.
1974X Combo & 1974CX Extension Cabinet
The 1974X is an authentic re-issue of the fabled 18 Watt 1974 combo of
the latesixties(1966-1968). Just likethe original, itboasts a
point-to-point,handwired, tagboardcircuit housed in an aluminium
chassis, plusa valve-driven tremolocircuit.At the very heartof its simple,
but effective, twochanneldesign canbe found six valves: three ECC83s
in thepreamp, an EZ81rectifier and a pairof cathode-biased EL84sin
the power stage.The outputand mains transformers arevital
componentsin any amplifier because theyinfluence performance,sound
and feel, so we worked extremelyclosely withour associates at Dagnall
in order to duplicate the original, “off-the-shelf” transformersin all areas.
Another majorcontributingfactor to thedistinctive sound of vintage1974
combos is the waythe original20 Watt,ceramic magnet, Celestion
Greenback T1221 loudspeaker’s tone hassoftenedwith age.
In order to recreate the gorgeously smooth tones of a 35-year-old
vintage Greenback, Celestion notonly revisited the1967 recipefor the
speaker,they alsocame up with a proprietary way of “aging” the
speakers so theysound andfeel like theoriginalsmade in the late’60s!
The sameexact, exclusive “aged”T1221 Greenback speakeris also
foundin the 1974CX,a 1x12" extensioncabinet forthe 1974X.
CabinetType– Angled (AHW) No
CabinetType– Base
(BHW) No
SpeakerConfiguration 4 x 12
2 x12
1 x12
SpeakerType G12H-30(55Hz) G12H-30(75Hz) G12M-20
Power(RMS) 120 Watt 60Watt 20Watt
Impedance 16Ohm
8Ohm 16 Ohm
Dimensions (mm) AHW- 762x 826 x362 650 x 665x 305 610 x535 x 230
BHW- 765 x820 x 364
Weight(kg) 36.4 24 14
“Iwas tooyoung thefirst time,butI sure’aint
missin’it thesecond time.”
Bernie Marsden