Marshall Amplification JVM210H, JVM205C, JVM215C, JVM410H, JVM410C Product Catalogue

Marshall Amplification plc Denbigh Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK11DQ
Official Marshall website:
Whilstthe informationcontainedherein iscorrect at thetime of publication, dueto our policyof constantimprovementand development,
MarshallAmplificationplc reservethe rightto alter specificationswithout priornotice.
As we see outthe productof one year and welcome in thenext, we are proudto introduce our ProductCataloguefor 2008. Thislast year has beenamazing,the launchof the JVM4 Serieshas been widely accepted as the benchmark for others to followand it has won a number of awards including ‘Best Amplifier 2007’by the MusicIndustries Association,a very prestigiousaccolade. We wouldlike to take this opportunity to thankall the musicians and music retailersthat voted in favour of the JVM. A greataddition to theSignature Series in 2007 saw theintroduction of the 2203KK, a beast of an amplifier thatis proving extremelypopularnot only withKerry King, who hasbeen usingit for sometime,but alsowith many other guitarists looking forthat aggressive tonethat onlythe KK can deliver. Withthese successes in mind, it againdemonstrates thededication, the talent and the commitment of our Researchand Development teamwho continue to design award-winningamplifiers that guitarists of all abilities can enjoy playing. So it is witha great dealof pride thatwe are able to sharewith you our new productsfor this year’s catalogue. The JVM2Series has beenadded to the existing,award-winning JVM4 range, the design engineer having includeda selection of channelsand produced a twochannelversion that epitomisesthe tones andversatility of the JVM4, tonesranging from a sweetclean to a punching highgain and all points in between. Of course, we keptthe same features as theJVM4, such as the memory footswitch and theMIDI control, to produce an amplifierworthy of joining this award-winningrange. We alsoset our Signature Series designer thetask of researching two new additionsto this very exclusiverange, asking him to honour two artists that we havehad the great pleasureof being associatedwith. The first is the 1959RR, basedon the very amp thatthe late, great, RandyRhoads collectedfrom our factory back in 1980. We areconfidentthat this willappeal to manyguitarists, notjust as a great amplifier, butalso, for many, it willbe like owninga piece of history. The second new Signature amplifier is in honour of a greatfriend of ours, LemmyKilmister.I first met Lemmyin 1968 and havefollowed hiscareer fromthe beginning, before his timewith Hawkwind through to the worldwidesuccess of hisband Motorhead. He is notjust an amazing guitaristand frontman, he is alsoa good friend, so it is with a great deal of pridethat we introducea Signature bass headthis year, the 1992LEM. I am confident thatwhateveryour ability,whateveryour genre,you will be ableto find an amplifier in the MarshallProductCataloguethat will give you thetone and the soundyou are searchingfor. I wish youevery success.
Jim Marshall
DrJim MarshallOBE
Picture:DrJim MarshallOBE anddaughterVictoria(ManagingDirector)
The Jim Marshall Story
With virtually no formal educationbehind him due to childhood illness, Jim Marshall beganwork at theage of 13 in 1936. Duringa succession of jobs with little or no prospects, Jim had startedtap dancing and later singing with bands in the evenings. His naturaltalent for music further shone afterhe tookover on the drums when the band’s original drummer was drafted. It wasn’t long before Jim found himselfwith regular work as a drummer. In 1947 he began studying with the highly respected drum teacherMax Abrams and by the early 1950s Jim had turned professional.He became highly soughtafter as a drummer,led his own band and was a highly successful drum teacher. Jim’ssuccesscontinuedand by 1960he had openedthe firstMarshall shop, initially sellingdrums.However, dueto popular demand hewas soonstockingguitarsand amplifiers.By listeningto the guitarists coming into theshop, Jimrealisedthat theyrequireda sound that wasn’ton the market atthat time. Withthe aidof several engineers in 1962, after monthsof trials, thefirst Marshall ampwas bornand was an instantsuccess. Jimdesigned andbuiltthe matchingspeaker cabinet andthe rest,as theysay,is history.
In the Beginning.. .
There was the JTM45which was first unveiled in 1962 at Jim Marshall’smusic shop in West London. At that time, rock guitar playingas we now know it was very much in its infancy and players were constantly lookingfor new ways to redefine theirtone. It quicklybecame clear that the JTM45 was the perfect amplifier for the task at hand! While it was capableof providing plenty of ‘clean’ power, the JTM45 also did all kinds of wild thingswhen turned up all the way.This was just what legendary rock ‘n’ rollpioneers like Pete Townshendwere looking for.
By 1965 it was Pete Townshend’s need for greateron-stage volume which inspired Jim to build the first ever 100 Watt Marshall guitar head. The Who’sguitarist also wantedbigger cabinets and, as a single8x12" cabinet (Pete’s original request!) proved to be totally impractical, Jim came up with the idea of ‘stacking’ two 4x12"s, one on top of the other.And that’s how that irrefutableicon of rock amplification,the ‘Marshall Stack,’came into being. The fact that so many legendaryguitarists fromthat all-importantera of the late ’60s/early ’70s, chose Marshall as their backlinewas no accident. These playersall had their own distinctive style and each one was complemented perfectly by the dynamics and feel that the Marshall 1959 Super Lead ‘Plexi’amplifiers offered. This was personified by the late, great,Jimi Hendrix who created sounds throughthese Marshall amps whichhad never been heard before and arguably, have neverbeen matched since.
The Next Stage
As rock guitar playing evolved,Marshall continuedto successfully createnew amplifiers that offered exactly whatplayers were looking for. In 1975, the first Master Volume (MV) amps provided a higher level of distortion than ever beforeand alsodid so at a much more controllable volume. This breakthrough was exactly what many guitarists of that era were lookingfor. By the time the ’80s rolled along, the MV species had evolved into the JCM800 Series. The unmistakable roar of these amps, which shapedthe toneof that decade, is still favouredby manyof today’s cutting-edgeguitaristssuch as Kerry King of Slayerand Zakk Wylde. The JCM800 family also featuredmore flexible models with switchable channelsand built-in reverb. As increased gain became the order of the day, Marshall launched its Jubileeamplifiers in 1987. This no-nonsense, superb sounding
amp became the firm favourite of Slash of Guns ‘n’ Roses fameand was later re-issued in 1996 as the limited editionSlash Signature amp. As the ’80s gave way to the ’90s, players demanded even greaterflexibilityand gainlevels from their amps. Marshall, of course,responded in a timely fashionwith the JCM900 Series, the 30th Anniversary amps, the best-selling Valvestateline and the ‘industry standard’JMP-1 MIDI pre-amp. Theseproducts delivered exactlywhat players needed and took centrestage for much of that decade.
Right Here, Right Now. ..
Recognising that today’s guitarist demands a high level of versatility while stillcraving Marshall’s now legendary, valve-driventone, we launched the JCM2000 Seriesin the late’90s. This strong line of all-valve heads and combos offers both the tone and flexibility that playerssuch as Jeff Beck and Gary Moore demand . . . and countless others too. We also took hybridamp technologyto new heights with the release of the AVT (Advanced Valvestate Technology) line of amps, which successfully blendour valve expertise withdigital effects and cutting-edge solid-state poweramp circuitry thatemulates the sound and feel of a valve power stage.The result? A flexible and affordable alternative to all-valveamps which opened the Marshall door to the next generation of guitar greats. Fully understandingthat guitar players on a budget, or that are just startingout, deserve the best possibletone and features at an affordable price,we launched our new MG Series. This award-winningrange of nine combos and a head redefined what playerscan expect from inexpensive amplification. Continuing our policy of listening to the needs of today’sguitar playershas led to the creation of the Mode Four.Attitude, striking
looks and aboveall incrediblepower set the Mode Four and its matching cabinets apart.Combine this with an arsenal of great tone and features, delivered through state-of-the-art technology and you have a Marshalllike no other that has already won awards and a host of converts. Due to overwhelming public demand, in 2004 we launched the first two models in our brand new Handwired range, the 1974X and 2061X. This was followed by the much-anticipated 1959HW in 2005 and the limited run of JTM45/100 heads made to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the now iconic Marshall stack. The Handwired range is an ongoing series ofmeticulously accurate, handwired re-issues of classic Marshalls from yesteryear, including the Super 100JH Jimi Hendrix stack. Reviewers and users alike are unanimous in their acclaim of our point-to-point perfection. 2007 saw the introduction of the award-winning JVM4 range and the 2203KK Signature Series Kerry King head.
New for 2008
2008 is just as excitingwith the launch of the JVM2, a twochannel amplifier very much in the same vein as the JVM4 and complete with a 4-way programmable footswitch, this rangeis destined to be as successful as the JVM4. This year also sees two new additions to our SignatureSeries with the launch of the 1959RR,in honour of the late, great, Randy Rhoads,a stunning 100 Watthead that delivers a slightly different tone than the standard 1959 – a must for any Randy Rhoads fan. Last, but certainly not least, is the very first Signature bass head, the 1992LEM, in honour of our good and loyal friendLemmy from Motorhead, a monster of an amplifierthat epitomises Lemmy’s iconicstyle.
The History...
The Story Continues...
19 62
19 66
Model 1959
Master Volume
JCM800 (2203)
19 87
Jubilee Series (2555)
19 90
JCM900 (4100)
19 92
30thAnniversary (6100)
19 97
JCM2000 (DSL100)
VS2000 (AVT50H)
Vintage Modern
I’vesaidit before, andI’llsayit again:I won’t evenconsider trying anything else– somethingthat consistentyoujust don’t f**kwith.”
I’veexperimentedwithdifferentmakes ofamp butcametothe conclusionthat theMarshall 100Wattstackwas the bestrockamp.
Angus Young
“What’smysecretweapon?Well, asidefromsheervolume(laughs), I’d havetosaymy Marshalls,because they’rereally greatforwhatI do.”
Dave Murray
(Iron Maiden)
“Ican makemy Marshallgofroma screamingloudtonetoa beautiful clean, warm,bassysoundwitha mereflickof a pick-upswitch.”
Paul Weller
“I’ve beenplayingguitar for19 years and haveusedMarshalls thewholetime.. . there’snoreasonforanyotheramp.”
Steph Carpenter
“Boughtmyfirst100WattMarshall stackin the’60sandI haveneverfoundanything thatcomesclose. Marshall ismy sound. FromTheHerd,through HumblePie tothis day. I’ma Marshall lifer!”
Peter Frampton
“TheMarshall sound is theballs. It’sthe bigdaddyandit hasthat growl thatno other amphas.”
Jeff Beck
“Whatdoes aMarshallsoundlike? Strength,warmth,commitment,beauty anddestruction. .. allwrappedupin a giantf**kin’wrecking ball!”
Zakk Wylde
“OldMarshalls never die– they
justblowyourf**king headoff!”
“Evenwhen Iexperimented withother heads,I stillranthemthrough Marshall 4x12”s. Marshallampshavebecomean integralpartof mytone.”
Eric Johnson
“Whenmy tonesoundsand feels right, somethinghappensthatmakesmefeel alive.That’s whyI useMarshalls.”
Dave Mustaine
“Marshall’sthebestrock‘n’rollampin thebusiness.Nobodyhastoppedthem sincetheywere firstmadein ’62.”
Ace Frehley
“WeuseMarshallbecausewhenwe jumponthemtheystillwork,and theysoundgood.. .realgood!”
Matt Bellamy
“Plugin andentertheworldof vintageheaven, justhowit shouldbe. Itjustmakesyouwant toplay, and youcan’tsayanybetterthanthat.”
Mick Box
(Uriah Heep)
“Tome,JimMarshall is theultimate rockstar becausehe madeall ofus better! It’san incrediblyuniquehonourto havemy signatureon anamp right nextto his. Plus,it’sjustf**kin’cooland flatteringthat Jimthinksenoughof meto rollwithmyown head.”
Kerry King
“Ipluggedintoa Marshall25 yearsago and frommyfirstcrunchyriffsto mylatest screamingleads, myMarshallswerealways rightbehindme,lot’sof them!Therewill always beimitations, butinthe endtherecan onlybeone,the only one,Marshall!”
Yngwie Malmsteen
“Theyare simply thebest,mostsolid sounding,dependableandtoughest touringampsin theworld!”
Janick Gers
(Iron Maiden)
“Millionsof musicians allaround the world usethem,theycan’tallbe wrong canthey!”
KK Downing
(Judas Priest)
Marshall AmplificationProductCatalogue 5
Marshall AmplificationProductCatalogue
Photos: Chad Lee:Slash. DaveMaud:AngusYoung. BobThacker:JanickGers,DaveMurray,Lemmy. MickeyRose: PaulWeller. DenisO’Regan:PeterFrampton.
AlPulford:ZakkWylde,Steph Carpenter. GeneKirkland:DaveMustaine. ChrisGill:Ace Frehley. Mickey Rose:MattBellamy. RobWyatt:KerryKing.
Marshall AmplificationProductCatalogue 7
JVM2 Series Amplifiers
JVM210H Head•JVM205H Head•JVM205C Combo•JVM210C Combo•JVM215C Combo
6 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
Introducingthe JVM2, the latest range of all-valve amplifiers fromthe award-winningJVM Series. Designed to complement theversatility,tone and powerof the JVM410H and JVM410C, these new additions broaden the range without compromising the flexibility andsonic spectrumthat has made its bigger brothersa universal successstory. Fromthe inception of the JVM Series, its goalhas been to provide the modernguitarist with “an amp for allseasons”, delivering crystalclean notes throughheavy crunch and on to the brutal gain expected of a Marshall, and all fromone amp!When it comes to thetwo channel versions we find all the qualities and grandiose of the JVM4 focussed and streamlinedinto one incredible piece of professional kit.
Alongwith two new100 Wattamplifiersin the shapeof the JVM210H headunit and the JVM210C combo, theseries now serves theguitarists who prefer thesound and colour delivered by 50 Watts of power.The JVM205H, JVM205C andthe JVM215Cbolsterthe range witha 50 Watt headplus doubleand singlespeaker combos respectively. The resultis the mostcomprehensive rangeof amplifiers in Marshall'sillustrious 46 yearhistory.
Equipped withthe same groundbreakingtechnology as found in the JVM4channel,the JVM2 Seriescomes loaded with an impressive array of features. Contained within the ampis a studio quality Reverb specifically developed for theJVM, two Effects Loopsto furtherenhance yoursound and separate presence/resonance controls to shape the tone of yourplaying.All this, notto mention thedual MasterVolumecontrols, MIDIswitchingand the uniquepatent-pending technology found in the JVM2's 4-wayfootswitch, is where the JVMcomes into it’s own. This fully programmable unitnot only connects viaa standardguitar lead,it also allows singlefront panel switching orwhole amplifier configurationsto be stored in itsmemory. Essentially, this enables the guitaristto eithercall uponindividualfeatures suchas Channel/Mode, Reverb and Effects Loop as and whenneeded or recall a collection of JVM front paneloptionsat the stomp of thefoot. The multi-coloured LED’shoused in thefootswitchindicatethe statusof each channel and mode,a real godsend whether rehearsingin the bedroom or rocking outto the masses on a dimlylit stage. EveryJVM2 is produced at theMarshallfactoryin England usingtriedand tested construction techniques coupledwith thelatesttechnology.Every amplifier chassis and combospeakeris loadedinto strong, durable cabinets made from the finestraw materials and finished to the highest standard. Boththe JVM210C andJVM205Ccombo arefitted with a combination ofCelestion Heritageand Vintage speakers to achieve an amazing depth oftone. TheJVM215Ccomes witha 12CelestionG12B speaker that delivers exactlywhat theamp, and you, expect from it.
From left to right:
JVM205HHead 1960ACab
JVM210HHead 1960ACab 1960B Cab
Head No No No
Combo No No
Output(RMS) 100Watt 50Watt 100 Watt 50Watt 50Watt
Speakers No No 1 xVintage,1 x Heritage 1 xVintage,1 x Heritage 1 x G12B
Pre-ampValves 4 x ECC83 4x ECC83 4 xECC83 4 x ECC83 4 x ECC83
PowerAmpValves 1 xECC83, 4x EL34 1 xECC83, 2x EL34 1 xECC83, 4x EL34 1 x ECC83,2 x EL34 1x ECC83,2 xEL34
Footswitch(supplied) PEDL-00045 PEDL-00045 PEDL-00045 PEDL-00045 PEDL-00045
Dimensions (mm) 750x 310x 215 750 x 310x 215 690x 510x 265 690x 510x 265 605x 510x 265
Weight(kg) 22 17.5 34.5 29.5 26.5
Modesof Tone
The JVM4channelamplifiers are synonymous withversatility andflexibility thanks to thethree modesassignedto each channel, and the JVM2 rangeis no exception. Both channels – Clean/Crunch andOverdrive – havegreen, orange and redmodes, eachone creating a unique, yet complimentary, tone to the previous. Thismeans that a total of six bespoke sounds can becalled uponat any one time fromthe intuitivefootswitch. From a bright, clean and honest tone producedfrom the Clean/Crunch channel in green mode,throughto the thunderous, uncompromisingdistortion unleashedthrough thered modedOverdrive channel, thesonic scopeof the JVM2 is astounding.This trulyis the evolution of guitar amplification.
“Just whenI thoughtI’dneverfindmy ultimatesound, IfoundtheMarshallJVM Series.”
Joe Hoare
Head No
Combo No
Output(RMS) 100 Watt 100Watt
Speakers No 1xVintage, 1x Heritage
Pre-AmpValves 4 xECC83 4 xECC83
PowerAmpValves 1 x ECC83,4 xEL34 1 xECC83, 4x EL34
Footswitch(supplied) PEDL-00044 PEDL-00044
Dimensions (mm) 750x 310 x215 690x 510 x265
Weight(kg) 22 34.5
Marshall AmplificationProductCatalogue 9
JVM4 Series Amplifiers
JVM410H Head•JVM410C Combo
8 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
The all-valve,4 channel, 100 Watt JVM Series:
• 5 x ECC83 and 4 x EL34valves
• Four totally independent channels
• 12 footswitchable modes
• Vasttonal versatility
• Insane amounts of gain
• Two footswitchable Master Volumes
• Studio quality, footswitchable digital reverb with controls for each channel
• Two FX Loops, one footswitchable
• Revolutionary 6-way footswitch with memory
• Built-in switch memory for each of its 12 modes
• 28 front panelcontrols andeight switches, yet, is incredibly intuitive to use
• MIDI controllable
• Built in England
Versatile,Revolutionary, Unrivalled
JVM410H Head & JVM410C 2x12” Combo
The JVM Series 100 Watt, valve-driven power stage is built on the classic design responsible for the legendar y Marshall roar found in the JCM800 2203 and “Plexi” SuperLead amplifiers – a timeless foundation for countless classic rock and metal guitar tones for over four decades. Each of the JVM’s four channels: clean,crunch, OD1 & OD2 has three modes – green, orange and red – providing 12 totally unique, yet complimentary amplifiertopologies, making it 12 amps in one. As a result, the Series offers an amazing array of instantly switchable tones – from the cleanest clean to the highest gain ever found in a Marshall and allpoints in-between.
The JVM front panel is simple and uncompromising; dedicated Gain, EQ, Volume and Reverb are present for eachof the four channels. Add to this a Mastersection with dual Master Volumes, Resonance and Presence and you have a clear, concise layout that makes the JVM easy and intuitiveto use. With seamless switching, perfect memory, and MIDI, onboard logic not onlyensures switching is swift and silent, butalso remembers the position of each front panel switch in all 12 modes. Every JVM ismade at our Marshall factory in England using time-tested, traditional methods of craftsmanship and construction, combined with the latest advances inmoder n manufacturing technology, ensuring world class build quality and roadworthiness. Internally, the JVM circuitry and layouthas been kept to a minimum, ensuring the integrity of the guitartone and an incredibly low noise floor – this, coupled with meticulousvalve selection and high tolerance along with quality components addsto the all-important reliability factor that is synonymous with the Marshall legend. The JVM Series also includes theJVM 410C 2x12combo which boasts two different speaker types – Celestion Vintage and a Celestion Heritage – allowing the comboto deliver spacious, rich tones backed-up with a solid low-endthump.
Ultimate Control& Connectivity
Every JVM issupplied with a 6-way, fully programmable footswitch. This revolutionary, UK patent-pending technology allows single front panel switches or entire set-ups (Channel, Mode, Reverb, FX Loop and Master Volume switch settings) to be simply assigned to any foot switch. The footswitch’s group of multi-coloured LEDs reflect every front panel switch status ensuring,in the heat of a performance, that you know exactly where you are with no needto see the amp. To add to it’s already impressive ‘guitarist friendliness,’ the JVM footswitch connects to theamplifier via a standard guitar lead, making it easy to replace with any length you may need. Additionally, the JVM’s MIDI Inand Thru connection means it can easily be integrated in a MIDIswitching set-up, allowing you to store and recall 128 complete amplifier set-ups. With its built-in memory and switchingoptions, the JVM’s possibilities are endless.
From left to right:
JVM410HHead 1960ACab
JVM410HHead 1960ACab 1960BCab
“TheJVMisone kick assamp!NowI have allmy favouriteMarshalltonesinonebox!”
Jason Hook
(Alice Cooper)
From left to right:
2266C Combo
2466 Head 425A Cab 425B Cab
2266 Head 425A Cab
FEATURES 2466 2266 2266C
Combo No No
Output(RMS) 100Watt 50 Watt 50Watt
Speakers No No 2 x G12C
Pre-AmpValves 4 xECC83 4 xECC83 4x ECC83
PowerAmpValves 4 x KT66 2 xKT66 2 x KT66
Footswitch(supplied) PEDL-00041 PEDL-00041 PEDL-00041
Dimensions (mm) 750 x310 x230 750x 310x 230 690x 570 x270
Weight(kg) 22.5 18 30
Marshall AmplificationProductCatalogue 11
Vintage Modern Amplifiers
2466 Head•2266 Head•2266CCombo•425A/425BCabs
10 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
Launched in 2006, theVintage Modern Series is a rangeof UK manufactured all-valve amplifiers that caters forthe guitarist who likes to primarily controltheir sound from playing dynamics and their instruments volumeand tone controls. These amplifiershave 100% mid ’60sto early ’70s vintage British bluesrock tone withthe ability to switch to a hot rodmode to find those ‘modded’ sounds of the harder rockbands of that era. The KT66 Power Amp section and power supply are taken from theSuper 100models made from1966 to 1968, while the pre-amp has been optimised to provide greater flexibility insettingthe sound to complement specific instruments andstyles and ultimately achieve your own signature tone. Inherently less aggressive in the treble region than the laterEL34 loaded amps, but fatter inthe low mid and mid region, the sound is instantly recognisable as classicearly Marshallpower driven tone!
2466,2266 & 2266C
The 2466100 Watthead, 226650 Watt headand 2266C 50 Watt 2x12 comboare all-valve single channel amplifiers offering a choice of two ‘dynamic ranges’ selectable by footswitch.The Low rangeequatesto the performanceyou would cometo expectfrom a stock vintage Marshall amplifierin terms of toneand availablegain. TheHigh range addsan extrapre-ampvalve intothe signal path, facilitating thoseclassichard rocktones of the Seventies. Add to this, the ability tooptimallyinterface withyour instrument’s Volume andTonecontrolsand the experience translatesinto a trulyexpressiveand organic feelin performance. Two‘frequency selective’ Pre-amp Volumes (Gains) – Body andDetail – facilitategreaterflexibility of tonalshapingfor individual guitars and styles, whilethe poweramplifieris from someof the earliest100 Watt Marshall amplifiers to be produced, with KT66output valves yielding that substantialfat and smooth tone, four on the2466 and two on the
2266& 2266C. A Mid Boostswitchon the front panel fattens the tone evenmore, whilea traditional Marshall tonecontrolcircuitenables fine tuning of yoursound. A MasterVolumehas been included in order to practically manage the output levelsat all venues.This is implemented afterthe ‘phasesplitter’in orderto fully exploit maximum pre-ampdrive whenthe master is turned downlow. A Reverblevel control mixes the on-board‘plate’reverb with the direct signal to whatever degreethe player chooses.The Reverbcan be toggled on and off via thefootswitch. Aseries FX Loopis providedfor thoseplayerswho wish to use outboardeffectsto further enhance their sound. Loop levels of -10dB and +4dBare catered for viaa rear panel switch as wellas the optionto completelybypassthis featureif it’snot required. Additionally, the 2266Ccombo comesfitted withtwo Celestion G12C25 Watt Greenbackspeakerswith the facility to use an extension cabinet if required.
425 Cabinets
The 425Aand 425B arethe traditional4 x12Marshalldesignedcabinets thataccompanythis range.They haveexactly thesame dimensions as the 1960A/B,but the speakers used inthese mono/stereo switchable 100Watt 4x12s andin the 2266C combo are thebrand new G12C 25 WattCelestion Greenbacks. Thesewere specificallydeveloped forthe Limited Edition JimiHendrixSuper100JH stackand are voiced to give thatrich and balanced harmonictimbre thatcomplements vintage tone and therefore the Vintage Modern Series perfectly.
CabinetType– Angled No
CabinetType– Base No
SpeakerConfiguration 4 x 12
4 x12
SpeakerType G12C(25 Watt) G12C (25Watt)
Power(RMS) 100Watt 100 Watt Impedance:Mono 16 Ohms/4Ohms 16Ohms/4Ohms
8 Ohms/8Ohms 8 Ohms/8Ohms
Dimensions (mm) 770 x 755x 365 770x 755 x365
Weight(kg) 36 37
“ThemostresponsiveampI’veeverplayed, when youcrankupthe gainthe clarityremains andwhenthesoloboost (Dynamic boost) kicks inyoubetterrunforcover asthisbeastreallycooks!”
Paul Mahon
“TheVintageModernis raw, classic tone. Pureand simple.”
Ray Toro
(MyChemical Romance)
From left to right:
1974X Combo
1959HWHead 1960AHWCab 1960BHWCab
2061XHead 2061CXCab
FEATURES 1959HW 2061X 1974X
Head No
Combo No No
Output(RMS) 100Watt 20Watt 18Watt
Tremolo No No
Speakers No No 1 x G12M-20Special
Pre-AmpValves 3 xECC83 2 xECC83 3x ECC83
PowerAmpValves 4 xEL34 2 x EL84 2x EL84
ValveRectifier No No 1 x EZ81
Footswitch(supplied) N/A N/A PEDL-10034
Dimensions (mm) 744x 305 x210 510 x225 x 210 610 x 535x 230
Weight(kg) 22 10 19
Marshall AmplificationProductCatalogue 13
“Nothingelseis likea Marshall,youdon’tjust hearthe sound,youfeelit!”
Gary Moore
Handwired Amplifiers
1959HW Head•2061X Head•1974X Combo•1960AHW/BHWCabs•2061CX Cab•1974CXCab
12 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
The timeless tone of vintage handwired, all-valveMarshall amplifiers havemade them highlydesirable to collectors and sonic connoisseurs alike. Dueto overwhelming public demand we are proud to introduce meticulous, handwired re-issuesof three of our most sought-after amplifiers as the first products in our new Handwired Series – a Series that celebrates the company’s rich tonal heritage and revisits the handcrafted traditions and skills that first launched the Marshall legend.
1959HWHead & 1960AHW/BHW Cabinets
Tothe mindsand ears of many, the mythical100 Watt“Plexi” headsof the late’60s are considered the“Holy Grail”of great rocktone. Our handwired1959HW transports us back in timeto that celebratedera and the result is a breathtaking re-issuethat’sauthentic in everydetail – from thoseworld-famousfront panellegendsto the oversized, custom-built, “dropthrough” mainstransformer that lies at the veryheart of the beast. Goodlooks and impressive specsaside, the1959HW’sreal beauty lurks in itsunique and highly responsive tone. Tocomplement the1959HW’ssonic andvisual majesty,we offerthe 1960AHW (angled) and1960BHW(straight)4x12" cabinets that boast Basket Weavefret cloth,metal handles, “100” logosand are loaded with Celestion’s highly-acclaimed G12H-30 (55Hz) re-issue speakers.
2061X Head & 2061CX Cabinet
An authentic, handwired re-issue of the original20 Watt2061 head (1968-1973),this compact,twin-channel, all-valve beautyhouses 2 x ECC83valvesin its preamp and a pair of cathode-biased EL84s in its powerstage.The 2061Xfeatures asolid-state,silicondiode rectifier and is a veryaggressive and surprisingly modern soundingamplifier, whilestill possessing thatunmistakable and highly desirable, vintageall-valve tone. Justlike theoriginal,the 2061Xboastsa point-to-point,handwired, tagboard circuit, a mild-steel chassisand Dagnall transformers.
As theperfect sonicand visualpartner forthe 2061X,we offer the 2061CX – a compact, angled-front 2x12", 60Watt cabinet loadedwith Celestion’s renownedG12H-30(75Hz)re-issuespeakers.
1974X Combo & 1974CX Extension Cabinet
The 1974X is an authentic re-issue of the fabled 18 Watt 1974 combo of the latesixties(1966-1968). Just likethe original, itboasts a point-to-point,handwired, tagboardcircuit housed in an aluminium chassis, plusa valve-driven tremolocircuit.At the very heartof its simple, but effective, twochanneldesign canbe found six valves: three ECC83s in thepreamp, an EZ81rectifier and a pairof cathode-biased EL84sin the power stage.The outputand mains transformers arevital componentsin any amplifier because theyinfluence performance,sound and feel, so we worked extremelyclosely withour associates at Dagnall in order to duplicate the original, “off-the-shelf” transformersin all areas. Another majorcontributingfactor to thedistinctive sound of vintage1974 combos is the waythe original20 Watt,ceramic magnet, Celestion Greenback T1221 loudspeaker’s tone hassoftenedwith age. In order to recreate the gorgeously smooth tones of a 35-year-old vintage Greenback, Celestion notonly revisited the1967 recipefor the speaker,they alsocame up with a proprietary way of “aging” the speakers so theysound andfeel like theoriginalsmade in the late’60s! The sameexact, exclusive “aged”T1221 Greenback speakeris also foundin the 1974CX,a 1x12" extensioncabinet forthe 1974X.
CabinetType– Angled (AHW) No
CabinetType– Base
(BHW) No
SpeakerConfiguration 4 x 12
2 x12
1 x12
SpeakerType G12H-30(55Hz) G12H-30(75Hz) G12M-20
Power(RMS) 120 Watt 60Watt 20Watt Impedance 16Ohm
8Ohm 16 Ohm
Dimensions (mm) AHW- 762x 826 x362 650 x 665x 305 610 x535 x 230
BHW- 765 x820 x 364
Weight(kg) 36.4 24 14
“Iwas tooyoung thefirst time,butI sure’aint missin’it thesecond time.”
Bernie Marsden
From left to right:
1987X Head 1960AX Cab 1960BX Cab
2245 (JTM45)Head 1960TV Cab
1959SLPHead 1960AX Cab 1960BX Cab
Marshall AmplificationProductCatalogue 15
Vintage Re-Issue Amplifiers
1959SLP Head•1987XHead•2245 (JTM45)Head
14 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
The Vintage Series comprises the 100 Watt 1959SLP head, 50 Watt 1987X head, the 30 Watt JTM45 head, 30 Watt 1962 ‘Bluesbreaker’ combo, the 100 Watt JCM800 2203 head and the JCM900 4100 head. All are faithful reproductions of the classic originals, which helped shape the sound of the modern electric guitar as we know it. The common characteristic of all these amps is their simplicity of operation and superb natural valve tone. Due to high demand from users we have taken this opportunity to add a sonically transparent Effects Loop to the 1959SLP, 1987X and JCM800 2203 models. The Loop has been designed to not colour the guitar sound in any way, and a (true) Bypass switch gives you the option of completely removing this circuitry if desired. The only exception is the JCM900 4100 where the Series Effects Loop has always been a pivotal part of this versatile amp’s design. A loop Level switch on all these models ensures compatibility with both rack processors and stomp boxes.
1959SLP Head
THISIS IT! The amp thatdefinesclassic rock– the Marshall100 Watt SuperLead Plexiglas headof the late ’60s, re-issued inall its glory. To ensure tonal authenticitywe searchedfor an amp fromthis periodthat epitomisedthis model.We gave thisamp to our guitarplayingR&D experts and they developed a replica that was so exactwe couldn’ttell themapart. As previously mentioned, the only modern concession made was toadd a tonally transparent Series Effects Loopwith a true bypass switchingoption for thepurist.
Though the 50 Watt 1987Xshares thesame frontand rear panelfeatures as itsbig brother, the 1959SLP, it does haveits own distinct personality. Sweet, warm,singing sounds arethe trademark of thisgreat tone machine. As isthe case withthe 1959SLP, the 1987X hasfittingsand hardware as true to theoriginalsas possible,to ensurean authentic Marshall ‘vintage’look, plusthe additionof a SeriesEffects Loopwith Bypass and Levelswitches.
(JTM45) Head
WhenJim Marshallstartedmanufacturing amps back in1962, the first one outof the workshop was theJTM45. Thisamp instantly becamea hit and launcheda whole new generationof amazingguitar players. Since then,connoisseurs of tone havesearchedhigh and low fororiginal examples of thisbeautiful amp. Now the search is over;the re-issued JTM45is full of glassy cleantone and fluidwarm sustain. By includingGZ34 valverectification, as foundin the original, we have ensured a faithful recreationof the JTM45’s signaturesound. TheGZ34 rectifier valve interactswith the restof the valvescausingsubtle harmonics to shift andsmoulderbeneath everynote you play.
FEATURES 1959SLP 1987X 2245
Head 
Combo No No No Output(RMS) 100Watt 50 Watt 30 Watt 3 BandEQ  Tremolo No No No Pre-AmpValves 3 xECC83 3 x ECC83 3 x ECC83 PowerAmpValves 4 x EL34 2x EL34 2x 5881 GZ34ValveRectifier No No SeriesFX Loop No Footswitch(supplied) No No No Dimensions (mm) 750x 310x 215 665 x 265x 205 665x 265 x205 Weight(kg) 20.5 15.3 14.6
“Iloveeverythingabout theamp,thetone,thecrunch,thesinging sustainswhencoupled withmy SignatureYJM DODOverdrive pedal.Icouldgoon andon.”
Yngwie Malmsteen
“The1959SLP head iseverythingyouneedfroman amp.It’scrisp andbeefyasf**k.Whatmorecouldyou askforina rockband.It’sthemostrockingguitar soundI’veeverhad.”
Simon Neil
(Biffy Clyro)
Marshall AmplificationProductCatalogue 17
(TheOrdinary Boys)
Vintage Re-Issue Amplifiers
JCM8002203Head•JCM9004100 Head•1962 ‘Bluesbreaker’ Combo•PB100Power Break
16 MarshallAmplificationProductCatalogue
JCM800 2203 Head
The all-valve JCM800 2203 is one of themost highly respected 100Watt Marshall headsin the company’s long history.Evolving fromthe legendary 100 Watt‘Plexi’ head,it was one of our first amplifiers to feature aMaster Volume (MV) control. The veryessence of simplicity, the JCM8002203 is a one channel, all-valve amp withno reverb or built-in effects. Its foolproofinterface, distinctiveroar and larger-than-life ‘edge’ immediatelyset the standard by whichall other rock ampswere judged andit remained the‘industry benchmark’ throughoutthe entire decade of its production life. Now it’s back by popular demandand, as with the 1959SLP and 1987X, we’veadded a Series Effects Loop featuringa true bypass switchthat takesthe loop completely out of the circuit, thusensuring theoriginal tone isn’t compromised in any shape or form.
JCM900 4100 Head
Another player’s favourite,the JCM900 4100 all-valve 100 Watt Marshall head is available once again.Known for its greattone and reliability, the JCM900range has won manyfans with its incredible versatility. Channel A has been voicedfor a sparklingclean on lower gainsettings, building up to a raunchycrunch when driven hard.Channel B takes off fromwhere ChannelA finishesand is perfect for any leadtone – from silky smooth to searing saturation. As well as having separate Gain controls,each channel has its own Master section containing controls for Master Volumeand Master Reverb. A Series Effects Loop with Level switchallows you to useeither floor pedals or rack effects.Whatever style of rock you play the 4100 will give you tonal flexibilitywithout compromise.
1962 ‘Bluesbreaker’ Combo
After the huge success of the JTM45 amplifier, a 2x12" combo version was released to satisfy popular demand and the now legendary1962 combo was born.Once again the use of a GZ34 valve rectifier is responsible for helpingto achieve the famed output stage compression and sustain exhibiteduniquely by both the JTM45 and 1962.
Though tonallysimilar to a JTM45, the 1962 combo is loaded with two re-issue‘Greenback’ 25 Watt speakersto re-createthat classic sixties tone. The 1962 ‘Bluesbreaker’ combo also comes with the additionof a footswitchable Tremoloeffect.
PB100Power Brake
The Master Volume control on your valveamp makesit sound good at low volume, butALL, all-valve ampssound better cranked. Thisis a scientificfact of life.Plus, whatdo you do if your ampdoesn’t havea Master Volume? The MarshallPB100 PowerBrake power attenuatoris the answer. Thereare otherattenuators or loadboxes available,but they don’t provide the right typeof inductiveload thatmakes youramp think it’s connectedto a speaker. At best,these otherdevicescause youramp to soundthin and feeble. At worst, theycan blow youramp’soutput transformer– an expensive proposition. The Power Brakepower attenuatordeliversgreat sound. . . safely!
From left to right:
PB100Power Brake
2203 JCM800Head 1960A Cab 1960B Cab
1962 ‘Bluesbreaker’
4100JCM900 Head 1960A Cab 1960B Cab
FEATURES 2203 4100 1962
Head No
Combo No No Output(RMS) 100Watt 100Watt 30 Watt 3 BandEQ  Tremolo No No Speakers No No 2 x12 Pre-AmpValves 3 xECC83 3 x ECC83 3 x ECC83 PowerAmpValves 4 x EL34 4 x 5881 2x 5881 GZ34ValveRectifier No No SeriesFX Loop No Footswitch(supplied) No No PEDL-10008 Dimensions (mm) 750 x315 x 215 750 x 310x 210 740 x 610x 265 Weight(kg) 20.5 18.8 30.2
William J Brown
“Turn on,tuneup,rock out!”
Tim Skold
+ 22 hidden pages