Mallory LP Catalog

Type LP 105 ºC Snap-In Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Stable ESR, Long Life, Snap-In
Capacitance Range:
Voltage Range:
Capacitance tolerance:
Operating Temperature Range:
Dissipation Factor:
Type LP radial snap-in aluminum electrolytic capacitors are small in size and are rated for low voltage applica­tions. Their durable construction guarantees a long life while operating up to 105 ºC with a stable ESR. These features make the Type LP ideal for use in switch-mode power supplies.
• 105 ºC
• 22 to 35 mm diameter with 10 mm lead spacing
100 to 47,000 µF 16 to 250 Vdc ±20% –40 ºC to +105 ºC
DF at 120 Hz, +25 ºC
Vdc 16 25 - 35 50 - 63 100- 250
DF % 30 25 20 15
DC Leakage Test:
Voltage/Frequency Ripple Multipliers:
Temperature Ripple Multipliers:
Load Life Test:
Shelf Life:
For values that are >1000 µF 2% for every additional 1000 µF
I = .02CV C = capacitance in µF V = rated voltage I = leakage current in µA
Rated Ripple Multipliers
Vdc 60 Hz 100 Hz 300 Hz 1000 Hz 10 kHz 100 kHz
10 to 50 0.90 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.10 1.10
63 to 100 0.85 1.00 1.07 1.13 1.19 1.20
160 to 250 0.80 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.40
Temperature Ripple Multiplier
+85 ºC 1.65
+65 ºC 2.25
+45 ºC 2.55
The maximum ripple current at 105 ºC and 120 Hz are the Ratings Table. Adjust to other temperature and fre­quencies using the tables here.
, the DF (%) increases
1,000 h @ full load at +105 ºC per EIA IS-749
∆ Capacitance ±20% ESR 200% of limit DCL 100% of limit 500 h @ 105 ºC, capacitance, ≤200% ESR and DC ±20%, initial requirements 10 to 55 Hz, 0.06” and 10 g max, 2 h in each plane
CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 •
Type LP 105 ºC Snap-In Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Part Numbering System
LP 332 M 025 A1 P 3
Case Insulating
Type Cap Tolerance Voltage Code Polarity Sleeve
LP 821 = 820 µF M = ±20% 025 = 25 Vdc P = Polarized 3 = PVC
332 = 3300 µF 250 = 250 Vdc
103 = 10,000 µF
Diameter Length mm (in)
25 30 35 40 45 50
mm (in)
22 (0.87) A1 A3 A5 A7 A4 A9
25 (1.00) C1 C3 C5 C7 C4 C9
30 (1.18) E1 E3 E5 E7 E4 E9
35 (1.38) H1 H3 H5 H7 H4 H9
(1.00) (1.18) (1.38) (1.57) (1.77) (2.00)
Outline Drawing
(Arrow Indicates Ground Lead)
(Dimension in Millimeters)
Ratings RoHS Compliant
Max ESR Max Ripple
Catalog @ 120 Hz @ 120 Hz Size Size
Cap Part Number +25 ºC +
(µF) (Ω)
16 Vdc; 20 Vdc Surge
4,700 LP472M016A1P3 0.141 1.20 0.866 0.984 22 25
5,600 LP562M016C1P3 0.120 1.43 0.984 0.984 25 25
8,200 LP822M016A5P3 0.081 1.82 0.866 1.378 22 35
8,200 LP822M016E1P3 0.080 1.77 1.181 0.984 30 25
12,000 LP123M016E3P3 0.055 2.38 1.181 1.181 30 30
15,000 LP153M016H3P3 0.046 3.00 1.378 1.181 35 30
22,000 LP223M016E7P3 0.030 3.53 1.181 1.575 30 40
27,000 LP273M016H7P3 0.025 4.27 1.378 1.575 35 40
33,000 LP333M016H9P3 0.020 5.00 1.378 1.969 35 50
47,000 LP473M016E9P3 0.020 6.80 1.181 1.969 30
25 Vdc; 32 Vdc Surge
2,700 LP272M025C1P3 0.180 1.000 0.984 0.984 25 25
3,300 LP332M025A1P3 0.151 1.160 0.866 0.984 22 25
3,300 LP332M025C1P3 0.150 1.143 0.984 0.984 25 25
4,700 LP472M025C1P3 0.106 1.480 0.984 0.984 25 25
5,600 LP562M025E1P3 0.090 1.857 1.181 0.984 30 25
5,600 LP562M025C3P3 0.089 1.730 0.984 1.181 25 30
6,800 LP682M025C5P3 0.073 1.940 0.984 1.378 25 35
10,000 LP103M025H3P3 0.050 3.333 1.378 1.181 35 30
12,000 LP123M025H3P3 0.041 2.970 1.378 1.181 35 30
15,000 LP153M025E7P3 0.033 3.360 1.181 1.575 30 40
105 ºC (Inches) (mm)
(A) D L D L
Catalog @ 120 Hz @ 120 Hz Size Size
Cap Part Number +25 ºC
(µF) (Ω)
1,800 LP182M035A1P3 0.188 1.040 0.866 0.984 22 25
2,700 LP272M035C1P3 0.155 1.257 0.984 0.984 25 25
3,900 LP392M035E1P3 0.108 1.571 1.181 0.984 30 25
5,600 LP562M035E3P3 0.074 2.050 1.181 1.181 30 30
6,800 LP682M035E5P3 0.060 2.286 1.181 1.378 30 35
6,800 LP682M035C7P3 0.061 2.320 0.984 1.575 25 40
8,200 LP822M035H3P3 0.051 2.690 1.378 1.181 35 30
10,000 LP103M035E7P3 0.041 3.000 1.181 1.575 30 40
12,000 LP123M035H7P3 0.035 3.590 1.378 1.575 35 40
15,000 LP153M035H9P3 0.028 4.000 1.378 1.969 35 50
1,200 LP122M050A1P3 0.280 0.860 0.866 0.984 22 25
1,500 LP152M050A1P3 0.225 0.983 0.866 0.984 22 25
2,200 LP222M050A5P3 0.151 1.330 0.866 1.378 22 35
2,200 LP222M050E1P3 0.150 1.429 1.181 0.984 30 25
3,300 LP332M050E3P3 0.101 0.176 1.181 1.181 30 30
3,300 LP332M050C5P3 0.101 1.710 0.984 1.378 25 35
3,300 LP332M050C3P3 0.101 1.710 0.984 1.181 25 30
3,900 LP392M050C7P3 0.085 1.970 0.984 1.575 25 40
4,700 LP472M050H3P3 0.071 2.270 1.378 1.181 35 30
Max ESR Max Ripple
+105 ºC (Inches) (mm)
(A) D L D L
35 Vdc; 44 Vdc Surge
50 Vdc; 63 Vdc Surge
CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 •
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