Mallory Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Application Guide

Application Guide Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
This Application Guide
This guide is a full handbook on aluminum electrolytic capacitors, of course with emphasis on Cornell Dubilier’s types. It covers construction in depth and discloses the latest information on performance and
application for the major aluminum electrolytic types made worldwide. We encourage you to tell us what more you’d like to know, so we can improve this guide.
Except for a few surface-mount technology (SMT) alu­minum electrolytic capacitor types with solid electro lyte systems an aluminum electrolytic capacitor con sists of a wound capacitor element, impregnated with liquid electrolyte, connected to terminals and sealed in a can. The element is comprised of an anode foil, paper separators saturated with electrolyte and a cathode foil. The foils are high-purity aluminum and are etched with billions of microscopic tunnels to increase the surface area in contact with the electrolyte.
While it may appear that the capacitance is between the two foils, actually the capacitance is between the anode foil and the electrolyte. The positive plate is the anode foil; the dielectric is the insulating aluminum oxide on the anode foil; the true negative plate is the conductive, liquid electrolyte, and the cathode foil merely connects to the electrolyte.
They are polar devices, having distinct positive and neg­ative terminals, and are offered in an enormous va
riety of styles which include molded and can-style SMT devices, axial and radial-leaded can styles, snap-in ter­minals styles and large-can, screw terminal styles. Rep resentative capacitance-voltage combinations include
330 µF at 100 V and 6800 µF at 10 V for SMT devices
100 µF at 450 V, 6,800 µF at 50 V and 10,000 µF at 10 V for miniature-can styles,
1200 µF at 450 V and 39,000 µF at 50 V for snap-in can styles and
9000 µF at 450 V and 390,000 µF at 50 V for large-can, screw-terminal styles.
This construction delivers colossal capacitance because etching the foils can increase surface area more than 100 times and the aluminum-oxide dielectric is less than a micrometer thick. Thus the resulting capacitor has very large plate area and the plates are awfully close together.
These capacitors routinely offer capacitance values from
0.1 µF to 3 F and voltage ratings from 5 V to 550V.
Capacitor Construction
If two, same-value, aluminum electrolytic capacitors are connected in series, back-to-back with the positive ter minals or the negative terminals connected, the result ing single capacitor is a non-polar capacitor with half the capacitance. The two capacitors rectify the applied voltage and act as if they had been bypassed by diodes. When voltage is applied, the correct-polarity capacitor gets the full voltage. In non-polar aluminum electrolytic capacitors and motor-start aluminum electrolyte capaci tors a second anode foil substitues for the cathode foil to achieve a non-polar capacitor in a single case.
CDM Cornell Dubilier 140 Technology Place Liberty, SC 29657 Phone: (864)843-2277 Fax: (864)843-3800
Application Guide Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Radial-Leaded T
Snap-in T
Lead Wire
Top Disc
Phenolic Disc
Aluminum Tabs
Capacitor Element
Capacitor Construction
Conventional Cornell Dubilier Construction Thermal Pak
These figures show typical constructions of the non-surface-mount aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Most Cornell Dubilier capacitors use compression-fit construction so there is no thermoplastic potting com pound to interfere with safety-vent operation. Thermal Pak™ and Rilled are Cornell Dubilier’s unique con structions for computergrade, screw terminal capaci­tors. Compared to conventional, potted construction, they operate cooler, provide longer life, withstand higher shock and vibration, deliver more reliable safe ty vent operation and are lighter weight.
The anode and cathode foils are made of high purity, thin aluminum foil, 0.02 to 0.1 mm thick. To increase the plate area and the capacitance, the surface area in contact with the electrolyte is increased by etching the foils to dissolve aluminum and create a dense network of billions of microscopic tunnels penetrating through the foil. Etching involves pulling the aluminum foil on rollers through a chloride solution while applying an AC, DC or AC-and-DC voltage between the etch solu­tion and the aluminum foil. Surface area can increase
CDM Cornell Dubilier 140 Technology Place Liberty, SC 29657 Phone: (864)843-2277 Fax: (864)843-3800
as much as 100 times for foil in low-voltage capacitors and 20 to 25 times for high-voltage capacitors.
The anode foil carries the capacitor’s dielectric. The di electric is a thin layer of aluminum oxide, Al
is chemically grown on the anode foil during a process called “formation.” Formation is accomplished by pull ing the anode foil on rollers through an electrolyte bath and continuously applying a DC voltage between the bath and the foil. The voltage is 135% to 200% of the final capacitor’s rated voltage. The thickness of the alu minum oxide is about 1.4 to 1.5 nm for each volt of the formation voltage, e.g., the anode foil in a 450 V capacitor may get a formation voltage in excess of 600 V and have an oxide thickness of about 900 nm. That’s less than a hundredth the thickness of a human hair.
Formation reduces the effective foil surface area be­cause the microscopic tunnels are partially occluded by the oxide. The tunnel etch pattern is adjusted by choice of foil and etching process so that low-voltage anodes have dense tunnel patterns compatible with thin oxide and high-voltage anodes have coarse tunnel patterns compatible with thick oxide. The cathode foil is not formed and it retains its high surface area and dense etch pattern.
­Foil is etched and formed in jumbo rolls of 40 to 50 cm
wide and then slit into various widths according to the
­lengths of the final capacitors.
The capacitor element is wound on a winding machine
­with spindles for one-to-four separator papers, the an-
ode foil, another set of one-to-four separator papers and the cathode foil. These are wound into a cylinder and wrapped with a strip of pressure-sensitive tape to pre­vent unwinding. The separators prevent the foils from touching and shorting, and the separators later hold the reservoir of electrolyte.
Before or during winding aluminum tabs are attached to the foils for later connection to the capacitor termi­nals. The best method is by cold-welding of the tabs to the foils with tab locations microprocessor controlled during winding so that the capacitor element’s induc­tance can be less than 2 nH.
, that
Application Guide Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
The older method of attachment is by staking, a process of punching the tab through the foil and folding down the punched metal. Cold welding reduces short-circuit failures and performs better in high-ripple current and discharge applications in which the individual stakes may fail from high current like buttons popping off one at a time from a fat-man’s vest.
Wound Capacitor Elements
Connecting Terminals
conduction. Common solvents are ethylene glycol (EG), dimethylformamide (DMF) and gammabutyro lactone (GBL). Common solutes are ammonium borate and other ammonium salts. EG is typically used for ca pacitors rated –20 °C or –40 °C. DMF and GBL are often used for capacitors rated –55 °C.
In SMT capacitors and miniature capacitors with rub ber bungs, extensions of the tabs are the capacitor ter­minals. But in large can capacitors like snap-ins and screw terminal styles, the tabs are riveted or welded on the underside of the capacitor tops to terminal in­serts. Welding produces the lowest contact resistance and highest current handling. Both resistive welding and ultrasonic welding are used. The up to 12 tab pairs that may be used in large screw terminal capacitors of­ten require more mechanical support during assembly so the tabs in such capacitors may be both riveted to post extensions on the terminals and then welded. In an axial-leaded capacitor the cathode tab is welded to the can before sealing.
The capacitor element is impregnated with electrolyte to saturate the paper separators and penetrate the etch tunnels. The method of impregnation may involve immersion of the elements and application of vacuum­pressure cycles with or without heat or, in the case of small units, just simple absorption. The electrolyte is a complex blend of ingredients with different formu lations according to voltage and operating temperature range. The principal ingredients are a solvent and a conductive salt – a solute – to produce electrical
Water in the electrolyte plays a big role. It increases conductivity thereby reducing the capacitor’s resis tance, but it reduces the boiling point so it interferes with high temperature performance, and it reduces shelf life. A few percent of water is necessary because the electrolyte maintains the integrity of the aluminum oxide dielectric. When leakage current flows, water is broken into hydrogen and oxygen by hydrolysis, and the oxygen is bonded to the anode foil to heal leakage sites by growing more oxide. The hydrogen escapes by passing through the capacitor’s rubber seal.
The capacitor element is sealed into a can. While most cans are aluminum, phenolic cans are often used for motorstart capacitors. In order to release the hydrogen the seal is not hermetic and it is usually a pressure clo sure made by rolling the can edge into a rubber gasket, a rubber end-plug or into rubber laminated to a phe­nolic board. In small capacitors molded phenolic resin or polyphenylene sulfide may replace the rubber. Too
tight a seal causes pressure build up, and too loose a seal shortens the life by permitting drying out, loss of electrolyte.
Capacitor-Element Materials
CDM Cornell Dubilier 140 Technology Place Liberty, SC 29657 Phone: (864)843-2277 Fax: (864)843-3800
Application Guide Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Here the capacitor assembly comes full circle. The last manufacturing step is “aging” during which a DC voltage greater than the rated voltage but less than the formation voltage is applied to the capacitor. Usually the voltage is ap plied at the capacitor’s rated temperature, but other tem­peratures and even room temperature may be used. This
step reforms the cut edges and any damaged spots on the an ode foil and covers any bare aluminum with aluminum oxide dielectric. Aging acts as burn-in and reduces or eliminates early life failures (infant mortals). Low, initial DC leakage
current is a sign of effective aging.
Comparison to Other Types of Capacitors
Ceramic Capacitors
Ceramic capacitors have become the preeminent, general purpose capacitor, especially in SMT chip devices where their low cost makes them especially attractive. With the emergence of thinner-dielectric, multilayer units with rated voltages of less than 10 V capacitance values in the hundreds of microfarads have become available. This intrudes on the traditional, high-capacitance province of aluminum electro lytic capacitors.
Ceramic capacitors are available in three classes according to dielectric constant and temperature performance. Class 1 (NPO, COG) is suitable for low capacitance, tight tolerance applications in the range of 1 pF to a few mF. Class 2 (X7R) has 20 to 70 times as much capacitance per case size, but ca pacitance typically varies about ± 10% over its –55 to 125 °C temperature range. The maximum change is +15 % to –25%. Class 3 (Z5U) with about 5 times the capacitance of Class 2 has wild swings of capacitance with voltage and tempera­ture. The temperature range is –25 °C to 85 °C, and capaci­tance varies about +20% –65% over the range. Ceramic chip capacitors are brittle and sensitive to thermal shock, so pre­cautions need to be taken to avoid cracking during mounting, especially for high-capacitance large sizes.
The typical temperature range for aluminum electrolytic capacitors is –40 °C to 85 °C or 105 °C. Capacitance var ies about +5% –40% over the range with the capacitance loss all at cold temperatures. Capacitors rated –55 °C gener­ally only have –10 % to –20 % capacitance loss at –40 °C. Cold temperature performance for rated voltages of 300 V and higher is often worse, and temperature performance var ies by manufacturer. Thus Class 1 and 2 ceramic capacitors perform better than aluminum electrolytic capacitors at cold temperatures, and Class 3 ceramic capacitors perform worse at all temperatures.
Aluminum electrolytic capacitors readily deliver much more capacitance. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors give more capacitance and energy storage per unit volume than ceramic capacitors for all types except for low-voltage, Class 3 ceramic SMT chip capacitors. While tolerances of ±5% and ±10% are routine for ceramic capacitors, ± 20% and –10% +50% are the norms for aluminum electrolytic.
This makes aluminum electrolytics the choice for high ca­pacitance applications like rectification filters and power holdup where more capacitance is a bonus. Ceramic ca pacitors are not polarized and therefore can be used in AC applications. The low DF and high capacitance stability of Class 1 and 2 are especially suited to AC and RF applica
tions. By comparison, aluminum electrolytic capacitors are polarized and cannot withstand voltage reversal in excess of
1.5 V. While non-polar aluminum electrolytics are available for momentary-duty AC applications like motor starting and voltage-reversing applications, the high DF of aluminum electrolytic capacitors – from 2% to 150% – causes excess heating and short life in most AC applications.
Ceramic capacitors are generally no more reliable than alu minum electrolytic capacitors because aluminum electrolyt­ics self heal. Since high-capacitance ceramic capacitors may develop micro-cracks, aluminum electrolytic capacitors are preferred for high capacitance values. However, small sizes of aluminum electrolytic capacitors may have limited life due to dry out, so consider reliability in your choice for ap­plications operating at high temperatures, over 65 °C.
Film Capacitors
Film capacitors offer tight capacitance tolerances, very low
leakage currents and small capacitance change with temper­ature. They are especially suited to AC applications through their combination of high capacitance and low DF that per­mits high AC currents. However, they have relatively large sizes and weights.
The popular polymers used for plastic-film dielectric tors are polyester and polypropylene. The popular polymer for SMT devices is polyphenylene sulfide (PPS). While film/ foil construction is often used for small capacitance values – less than 0.01 µF – and for high-current applications, met­allized-film is usually preferred because it gives smaller size, lower cost and is self healing. Film capacitors are general­purpose capacitors for through-hole applications and have special uses for tight-tolerance, AC voltage, high voltage and snubbing.
Polyester film capacitors operate from –55 °C to 85 °C at
CDM Cornell Dubilier 140 Technology Place Liberty, SC 29657 Phone: (864)843-2277 Fax: (864)843-3800
Application Guide Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
rated voltage; +85 °C to 125 °C with linear voltage derating­to 50% rated voltage. The typical capacitance change over the entire range is less than –5% +15% with ±1% from 0 °C to 50 °C. Capacitance values are readily available up to 10 µF with special large sections to 100 µF. Generally available voltages are 50 to 1000 Vdc and 35 to 600 Vac. AC current handling is limited by polyester’s high temperature DF of about 1%.
Polypropylene film capacitors operate from –55 °C to 85 °C at rated voltage; 85 °C to 105 °C with linear voltage derating to 50% rated voltage. The typical capacitance change over the entire range is less than +2% –4% with ±1% from –20 °C to 60 °C. Capacitance values are readily available up to 65 µF with special large sections to 1000 µF. Generally avail able voltages are 100 to 3000 Vdc and 70 to 500 Vac. AC current handling permits use in motor-run and other continu ous duty AC applications.
Compared to aluminum electrolytic capacitors, film capaci tors take teh lead in high voltage, AC voltage and tight toler ance applications. Aluminum electrolytics excel in capaci­tance and energy storage.
Solid Tantalum Capacitors
Like aluminum electrolytic capacitors solid tantalum capacitors are polar devices (1 V maximum reverse voltage), having distinct positive and negative terminals and are of fered in a variety of styles. Case styles include both molded and conformal-coated versions of
radial, axial and surface
mount configurations. Typical capacitance values are from
0.1 µF to 1000 µF in voltage ratings from 2 V to 50 V. Typi­cal maximum capacitance-voltage combinations are ap­proximately 22 µF at 50 V for leaded styles and 22 µF at 35 V for surface mount. Strengths are temperature stability, volumetric efficiency and compatibility with all automated assembly systems. Weaknesses are the limited voltage and capacitance ranges and a short-circuit failure mode accom­panied by catching fire.
The operating temperature range is –55 °C to 85 °C at rated voltage; +85 °C to 125 °C with linear voltage derating to 2/3 rated voltage. The typical capacitance change over the entire range is less than ±5%. Thus aluminum electrolytic
capacitors have a much broader voltage and capacitance ranges than solid tantalum capacitors but perform worse at
cold temperature.
Solid tantalum capacitors are generally considered more re
liable than aluminum electrolytic capacitors because solid
tantalum capacitors do not wear out. Their failure rate de­creases with time, while aluminum electrolytic capacitors wear out by drying out. As a practical matter, dry-out only affects the smallest capacitors operating in high-temperature environments.
Larger aluminum electrolytics do not dry out in the 10 to 20
years expected of most applications, and the open-circuit, dry-out failure is benign compared to solid-tantalum’s short circuit failure mode.
Resistance Rs is the equivalent series resistance, and it
Capacitance occurs when two electrical conductors are sepa­rated by an insulator. A capacitor is an electronic component optimized to deliver capacitance. The capacitance in pF is
C = 0.08855(n-1) ε A/d
Where n is the number of plates for electrodes, ε is the dielectric constant, A is the plate surface area in cm is the thickness of the dielectric between the plates in cm. Dielectric constant is the multiplier increase in capacitance that the dielectric delivers compared to a vacuum. The dielectric constant for aluminum oxide is about 8.
The circuit at the right models the aluminum electrolytic capacitor’s normal operation as well as overvoltage and reverse-voltage behavior. Capacitance C is the equivalent capacitance and it decreases with increasing frequency. Common values range from
CDM Cornell Dubilier 140 Technology Place Liberty, SC 29657 Phone: (864)843-2277 Fax: (864)843-3800
1 µF to 1 F, a six-decade range.
and d
decreases with increasing frequency and temperature. It in­creases with rated voltage. Typical values range from 10 m� to 1 Ω , and Rs is inversely proportional to capacitance for a given rated voltage.
Inductance Ls is the equivalent series inductance, and it is relatively independent of both frequency and temperature. Typical values range from 10 nH to 30 nH for radial-leaded types, 20 to 50 nH for screw-terminal types, and up to 200 nH for axial-leaded types. It increases with terminal spac­ing.
Equivalent Circuit
Application Guide Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Resistance Rp is the equivalent parallel resistance and ac­counts for leakage current in the capacitor. It increases with increasing capacitance, temperature and voltage, and it de creases with time. Typical values are on the order of 100/C Mwith C in µF.
Zener diode D models overvoltage and reverse voltage be havior. Application of overvoltage on the order of 50 V be yond the capacitor’s surge voltage rating causes high leak age current and a constant-voltage operating mode quite like the reverse conduction of a zener diode.
Parameter Unit Symbol Formula Approximately
Capacitance farads (F) C
Capacitive reactance
ohms ()
Current amperes (A) I C(dV/dt), Vz/Z
Dissipation factor none DF
Equivalent series resistance
joules (J) E ½CV²
ohms ()
Frequency hertz (Hz) f
ohms ()
Inductance henries (H) Ls
Inductive reactance
ohms ()
Loss angle degrees (°)
Phase angle degrees (°)
Power watts (W) P I²Rs, I²XcDF,(VA)(PF)
Power factor none PF
Quality factor none Q
Self-resonant frequency hertz (Hz)
volts (V) V Vc=IXc, Vz=IZ
Volt-amperes V-A VA
Application of reverse voltage much beyond 1.5 V causes high leakage current quite like the forward conduction of a diode. Neither of these operating modes can be maintained
for long because hydrogen gas is produced by the capaci tor, and the pressure build up will cause failure. In terms of parameters in the next section, Rated Capacitance is C, Dissipation Factor is 2
is Rs, Impedance is
and Inductance is Ls. The table below expresses these and other parameters in terms of the equivalent-circuit model.
[(Rs)2 + (1/(2πfC) – 2πfLs)2 ]
Rs/Xc, 2πfCRs, tan δ, cot θ
Z [Rs²+ (Xc–XL)²]
Rs/Z, sin δ, cos θ
Xc/Rs, 1/DF, cot
πfCRs, Equivalent Series Resistance
tan-1 DF cot-1 DF
δ, tan θ
IVz, I²Z
Operating Temperature Range
The Operating Temperature Range is the temperature range over which the part will function, when electrified, within the limits given in the specification. It is the range of ambient temperatures for which the capacitor has been designed to operate continuously. Largely the formation voltage sets the high-temperature limit. Higher formation voltages permit higher operating temperatures but reduce the capacitance. The low-temperature limit is set largely by the cold resistiv­ity of the electrolyte. The higher cold resistivity increases the capacitor’s ESR 10 to 100 fold and reduces the available capacitance.
CDM Cornell Dubilier 140 Technology Place Liberty, SC 29657 Phone: (864)843-2277 Fax: (864)843-3800
Typical temperature ranges are –20 °C to 55 °C, –25 °C to 85 °C, –40 °C to 85 °C, –55 °C to 85 °C, –40 °C to 105 °C, –55 °C to 105 °C and –55 °C to 125 °C.
Storage Temperature Range
The Storage Temperature Range is the temperature range to which the part can be subjected unbiased, and retain confor­mance to specified electrical limits. It is the range of ambient temperatures over which the capacitor may be stored without damage for short periods. For long periods of storage keep capacitors at cool room temperatures and in an atmosphere free of halogen gases like chlorine and fluorine that can cor­rode aluminum. Storage temperature ranges are from –55 °C to the upper limit of the operating-temperature ranges.
Application Guide Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
The rated capacitance is the nominal capacitance and it is specified at 120 Hz and a temperature of 25 °C. The rated capacitance is also the capacitance marked on the unit.
here DF is a unit-less number express in percent, test fre quency f is
n Hz, capacitance C
is in µF and ESR is in
Capacitance Tolerances
Capacitance tolerance is the permitted minimum and maxi mum capacitance values expressed as the percentage de­crease and increase from the rated capacitance, ΔC/C. Typi­cal capacitance tolerances are ±20%, –10% +50%, and –10% +75%.
Tighter tolerances are more readily available in high volt age capacitors, e.g., above 150 V, but tolerances tighter than ±10% are generally not available. Note that tighter tolerance parts may meet other tolerance requirements and are readily substitutable. The capacitance varies with temperature and frequency. This variation itself is also dependent on the rated voltage and capacitor size.
Capacitance Measurement
For aluminum electrolytic capacitors, capacitance is mea sured as the capacitance of the equivalent series circuit at 25 °C in a measuring bridge supplied by a 120 Hz source free of harmonics with maximum AC signal voltage of 1 V rms and no forward-bias voltage.
DF Measurement
The measurement of DF is carried out at +25 °C, 120 Hz,
­and no voltage bias, with a maximum 1 Vac rms signal volt
age free of harmonics. The value of DF is temperature and frequency dependent.
DF Temperature Characteristics
The dissipation factor decreases with increasing temperature.
­DF declines about 50% from 25 °C to the high-temperature
limit, but increases more than 10 fold at the low temperature limit. The DF of the better devices rated –55 °C increases less than 5 times at –40 °C.
defined in the next paragraph, varies little with tem-
perature and ESR
, also in the next paragraph, increases 10
to 100 times from 25 °C to the low-temperature limit. The increase in DF at cold temperatures is set by the ESRhf.
DF Frequency Characteristics
The dissipation factor varies with frequency at high frequen cies. DF can be modeled as below:
Capacitance Temperature Characteristics
The capacitance varies with temperature. This variation it self is dependent to a small extent on the rated voltage and capacitor size. Capacitance increases less than 5% from 25 ºC to the high-temperature limit. For devices rated –40 °C capacitance typically declines 20% at –40 °C for low-volt age units and up to 40% for high-voltage units. Most of the decline is between –20 °C and –40 °C. For devices rated –55 °C capacitance typically declines less than 10% at –40 °C and less than 20% at –55 °C.
Capacitance Frequency Characteristics
The effective capacitance decreases as frequency increases. Self-resonance is typically below 100 kHz depending on ca­pacitance. At self-resonance the device is resistive and be yond it is inductive. The termination style (i.e., axial, radial, screw-terminal) will influence the inductive characteristics. Small radial-leaded capacitors have inductance of less than 20 nH. Larger capacitors have more inductance according to terminal spacing.
Dissipation factor is the measurement of the tangent of the loss angle (tan
δ) expressed as a percentage. It is also the ratio
of the ESR to the capacitive reactance and is thus related to ESR by this equation: DF = 2πfC(ESR)/10,000
DF = DFlf + 2πfC(ESRhf)/10,000
­Where DF is a the total dissipation factor in percent, DF
the low-frequency dissipation factor in percent, ESR high-frequency ESR in C is the capacitance in µF at the test frequency. DF
, f is the test frequency in Hz and
from the power lost by the applied electric field in orient­ing he molecules of the aluminum oxide dielectric. ESR results from the resistive losses in the foils, connections and the electrolyte/separator pad. The electrolyte/ separator pad resistance usually dominates and its resistance varies little with frequency. DF
ranges from about 1.5% to 3%. ESRhf
ranges from 0.002 to 10 and decreases with temperature.
The DF equation above shows that DF is constant for low fre
­quencies and crosses over to increasing-DF, constant ESR, at
a crossover frequency inversely proportional to capacitance. Since high-capacitance capacitors have low crossover fre quencies, DF increases more with increasing frequency than for lower-capacitance capacitors.
The equivalent series resistance (ESR) is a single resistance representing all of the ohmic losses of the capacitor and con nected in series with the capacitance.
is the
CDM Cornell Dubilier 140 Technology Place Liberty, SC 29657 Phone: (864)843-2277 Fax: (864)843-3800
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