MAKITA ES-2130 A, ES-2135 A, ES-2140 A, ES-2145 A User Manual

Instruction Manual
Read this instruction manual carefully before putting the chain saw into operation and strictly observe the safety regulations!
Keep this instruction manual!
ES-2130 A ES-2135 A ES-2140 A ES-2145 A
Thank you for your trust in our product
We congratulate you on your new DOLMAR electric chain saw. We are convinced that you will be satisÞ ed with this modern machine.
DOLMAR electric chain saws are characterized by their robust, high-efÞ ciency motors and high chain velocities which allow an excellent cutting efÞ ciency. They are equipped with numerous state-of-the-art safety devices, are light, handy and can be put into operation immediately wherever electric power is provided.
In order to guarantee the optimal function and performance of your electric chain saw and to ensure your personal safety we would request you to perform the following:
Read this instruction manual carefully before putting the electric chain saw into operation for the Þ rst time and strictly observe the safety regulations.
serious injury to the operator and/or bystanders.
You will notice the following symbols on the chain saw and in the instruction manual:
Failure to do so can result in
Symbols ..............................................................................2
Delivery inventory ..............................................................3
Packing/Disposal ................................................................3
Intended use .......................................................................3
General precautions ........................................................4
Personal protective equipment .......................................4
Putting into operation ....................................................4-5
Working behavior/method of working............................5-7
Kickback ..........................................................................7
Transport and storage ......................................................8
Maintenance ....................................................................8
First aid ............................................................................8
Technical data .....................................................................9
Denomination of components ...........................................9
Mounting the guide bar and saw chain .................... 10-11
Tightening the saw chain .............................................. 11
Checking the chain tension ...........................................12
Chain brake, Run-out brake ..........................................12
Saw chain oil .................................................................13
ReÞ lling the oil tank .......................................................14
Lubricating the saw chain .............................................14
Switching on the motor .................................................15
Checking the chain brake ..............................................16
Checking the run-out brake ..........................................16
Checking the chain lubrication ...................................... 16
Sharpening the saw chain .......................................17-18
Cleaning the guide bar/lubricating the sprocket nose
Replacing the saw chain ............................................... 19
Inspecting and replacing the carbon brushes ............... 19
Trouble shooting ..............................................................20
Instructions for periodic maintenance ...........................20
Service, spare parts and guarantee ................................21
Extract of spare parts list ...........................................22-23
Accessories .............................................................22-23
EU conformity declaration ...............................................23
Read instruction manual and follow the warnings- and safety precautions!
Particular care and attention!
Wear protective helmet, eye and ear protection!
Pull out the power supply plug!
Pull out the power supply plug if the cable is damaged!
Chain brake released
Chain brake actuated
..... mm
Maximum permissible cut length
Wear protective gloves!
Protect against moisture!
Direction of chain travel
Double protective insulation
Saw chain oil
First aid
Delivery inventory
1 2
1. Electric chain saw
2. Guide bar
3. Saw chain
4. Cord grip for electric cord
5. Chain protection cover
6. Instruction manual (not shown)
In the case that one of the parts listed should not be included in the delivery inventory, please, consult your sales agent.
The DOLMAR electric chain saw will be delivered in a protective cardboard box to prevent transport damages.
Cardboard is a basic raw material and is therefore consequently reuseable or suitable for recycling (waste paper recycling).
Be a good steward of the environment! Do not dispose of electrical appliances with the household trash!
If the saw is no longer operable or repairable, ask the appro­priate waste disposal authority about the proper means of dis­posal. In order to preclude any hazard to other persons from a de­fective electrical appliance, cut off the power cord next to the housing.
CAREFUL! Before cutting off the power cord, pull the plug. Otherwise you can be exposed to a life-threatening shock!
Intended use
Electric saws
This electric saw may be used only for sawing wood. It is in­tended for occasional use in thin wood, caring for fruit trees, felling, removing limbs, and trimming to length.
Persons who may not sue the saw:
This saw must not be used by persons who are not familiar with this instruction manual, children, young people, or anyone under the inß uence of alcohol, drugs or medication.
General precautions
- To ensure correct operation the user has to read this instruc­tion manual to make himself familiar with the characteristics
of the electric chain saw. Users insufÞ ciently informed will risk danger to themselves as well as others due to improper han­dling.
- It is recommended only to lend the electric chain saw to people who have proven to be experienced with electric chain saws. Always hand over the instruction manual.
- First users should ask the dealer for basic instructions to become familiarized with the characteristics of engine powered sawing.
- Familiarize yourself with the use of an electric chain saw by cutting off lengths from a log on a sawhorse.
- Children and young persons aged under 18 years must not be allowed to operate the electric chain saw. Persons over the age of 16 years may, however, use the chain saw for the purpose of being trained while under supervision of a qualiÞ ed trainer.
- Use electric chain saws always with the utmost care and atten­tion.
- Operate the electric chain saw only if you are in good physical condition. Perform all work calm and carefully. The user has to accept liability for others.
- Never use the electric chain saw after the consumption of alcohol or drugs or medication.
Personal protective equipment
- In order to avoid head, eye, hand or foot injuries as well as to protect your hearing the following protective equipment must be used during operation of the electric chain saw.
- The kind of clothing should be appropriate, i. e. it should be tight­Þ tting but not be a hindrance. Do not wear jewellery or clothing which could become entangled with bushes or shrubs.
- The protective helmet (1) is to be checked in regular intervals for damage and is to be replaced after 5 years at the latest. Use only approved protective helmets.If you have long hair wear a hairnet.
- The face shield (2) of the protective helmet (or the goggles) protect against sawdust and wood chips. During operation of the electric chain saw always wear a goggle or a face shield to prevent eye injuries.
- Wear adequate noise protection equipment (ear muffs (3), ear plugs, etc.). Octave brand analysis upon request.
The protective brace and bib overall (4) is made of a nylon
structure with 22 layers and protects against cuts. We strongly recommend its use. In any case wear a long pair of trousers made of solid material during operation of the electric chain saw.
- Protective gloves (5) made of thick leather are part of the pre- scribed equipment and must always be worn during operation of the electric chain saw.
- During operation of the electric chain saw safety shoes or boots (6) Þ tted with anti skid sole, steel toe caps and protection for the leg are always to be used. Safety shoes equipped with a protective layer provide protection against cuts and ensure a secure footing.
Putting into operation
- Do not operate the electric chain saw when it rains or in wet or moist environment because the motor is not waterproof.
- If the electric chain saw is moist, it must not be put into opera­tion.
- Avoid physical contact with grounded surfaces.
- Do not operate the electric chain saw next to inß ammable gases or dusts. Explosion hazard.
- Do always lead the power supply cable behind the user. Take care that the cable is not clamped or cut by sharp-edged objects. Lay the cable such that nobody is endangered.
- Insert the plug only into safety sockets with approved installa­tion. Make sure that the mains voltage corresponds to that on the identiÞ cation plate. Back-up fuse 16 A. If the saw is going to be used outdoors connect it to a fault-current (FI) circuit breaker with max. 30 mA triggering current.
- Pay attention to the diameter of the extension cable. When using a cable roll the cable should be completely wound off. Use only extension cords that meet the speciÞ cations in “Technical data”. If using the saw out of doors make sure that the extension cord is approved for such use.
- Before starting work the electric chain saw must be checked
for perfect function and operating safety according to the prescriptions.
Check especially the function of the chain brake, the correct mounting
of the guide bar, the correct sharpening and tightening of the saw chain, the Þ rm mounting of the sprocket guard, the easy motion of the power switch, the function of the locking button, the good mechanical condition of cable and plug and the cleanliness and dryness of the handles.
- Put the electric chain saw only into operation if it is completely as­sembled. Never use the electric chain saw when it is not completely assembled.
- Remove the adjusting tool before switching the saw on.
- All protective installations and guard supplied with the chain saw during operation.
- Make sure that there are no children or other persons within the working range. Also pay attention to any animals in the working vicinity (6).
- Before switching on the electric chain saw ensure that you have a safe footing.
- When switching on the electric chain saw always hold it with both hands. Take the back handle with the right hand and the tubular handle with the left hand. Hold the handles tightly with your thumbs facing your Þ ngers. The bar and chain must indicate away from your body (7).
- Switch on the saw only in the manner described in this manual. Do not overload your saw. It will work better and more safely if you use it within its intended performance range.
- Switch off the electric chain saw immediately if you observe a change in its operating behavior.
CAUTION: When releasing the power switch the chain keeps
on running for a short period of time (free-wheeling).
- Protect the power cord from heat, oil and sharp edges.
- Route the power cord in such a way that in cannot get caught in branches or other objects during sawing.- If the cable is being damaged or cut, pull out the power supply plug immediately.
- If the sawing device is hit by stones, nails or other hard objects, pull out the power supply plug and check the sawing device immediately
- Pull out the power supply plug before checking the chain tension, tightening the chain, replacing it or clearing malfunctions.
- When stopping work or leaving the electric chain saw switch off the chain saw and pull out the power supply plug. Put the electric chain saw in a safe location to prevent danger to others.
- For reÞ lling the oil tank the power supply plug must be pulled out. Do not smoke or light open Þ res.
- Avoid skin or eye contact with mineral oil products. Always wear gloves when reÞ lling the oil tank.
- Take care that no chain oil oozes into the soil (environmental protec­tion). Use an appropriate base.
- If oil has been spilt, clean the electric chain saw immediately.
Working behavior/method of working
- Do not work on your own. There must be someone around in case of an emergency (within shouting distance).
- During sawing operation always hold the electric chain saw with both hands. Thus you will be able to guide it safely.
- Only use the electric chain saw during good light and visibility pe­riods. Be aware of slippery or wet areas, and of ice and snow (risk of slipping). The risk of slipping is extremely high when working on recently peeled wood (bark).
- Never work on unstable surfaces. Make sure that there are no obstacles in the working area, risk of stumbling. Always ensure that you have a safe footing.
- Never saw above your shoulder height.
- Never saw while standing on a ladder.
- Never climb up into trees to perform sawing with the electric chain saw.
- Never bend forward by far to perform sawing.
device malfunction
reÞ ll oil
sharpen the saw chain
- Guide the electric chain saw in such a way that no part of your body is within the elongated swiveling range of the saw (11).
- Use the electric chain saw for sawing wood only.
- Do not let the chain touch the ground when it is running. If you are cutting wood lying directly on the ground, turn it over before completing the cut so that you do not cut into the ground.
- Clear the area of the cut of foreign objects such as sand, stones, nails, wire etc. Such objects can damage the blade and cause dangerous kickback.
- When sawing precut timber or thin woods use a safe support (sawing jack,12). When sawing precut timber or thin pieces use a stable support (sawhorse, 12). Do not saw stacked timber! Do not let another person steady the timber, and do not steady it with your foot!
- Secure round timber.
- When working on slopes, always work facing the slope.
- For performing crosscuts the toothed ledge (12,Z) must be
applied to the timber to be cut.
- Before performing a crosscut Þ rmly apply the toothed ledge to the timber, only then can the timber be cut with the chain run­ning. For this the electric chain saw is lifted at the back handle and guided with the tubular handle. The toothed ledge serves as a center of rotation. Continue by slightly pressing down the tubular handle and simultaneously pulling backwards the electric chain saw. Apply the toothed ledge a little bit deeper and once again lift the back handle.
- The sawing device must be running whenever you remove the electric chain saw from the timber.
- When performing several cuts the electric chain saw must be switched off in between.
- When the timber must be pierced for cutting or longitudinal
cuts are to be performed it is urgently recommended to have these works carried out by specially trained persons only (high risk of kickbacks).
- For performing longitudinal cuts (13) apply the sawing device at an angle which is as small as possible. Be very careful when carrying out this kind of work because the toothed ledge cannot be used.
- When cutting with the bottom edge of the bar the electric chain saw may be pushed in the direction of the user if the chain is clamped. For this reason use the top edge of the bar whenever possible. The electric chain saw will then be pushed away from your body (14).
- If the timber is not free of tension (15), Þ rst cut the pressure side (A). Then the crosscut can be performed on the tension side (B). Thus clamping of the bar is avoided.
- Be very careful when cutting splintery wood. Cut pieces of wood may be pulled along (risk of injuries).
- Never use the electric chain saw for lifting up or removing pieces of wood or other objects.
- When releasing the tension the electric chain saw should be supported on the trunk (risk of kickbacks).
- Tension releasing works must be carried out by trained
persons. High risk of injuries.
- Be aware of branches under tension. Do not cut free branches from below.
- Never perform tension releasing works standing on the trunk.
- Do not use the electric chain saw for works in the forest, i.
e. for cutting down trees or carrying out tension releasing works. The user's mobility and safety necessary for this kind of work are not guaranteed due to the cable connec­tion.
CAUTION: Do not fell or debranch trees unless you are specially
trained for it! There is a high risk of injury! Make sure to follow local regulations.
- Before cutting down a tree ensure that a) only those persons are within the working range which are
actually involved in cutting down the tree
b) all persons involved in the felling have an unhindered retreat
route (the retreat path should be about 45° diagonally and to the rear away from the direction of fall). Be aware of the increased risk of stumbling from electric cables!
c) the bottom part of the trunk is free from foreign bodies, un-
derbrush and branches. Make sure to have a safe footing (risk of stumbling).
d) the next working place is at least 2 1/2 tree lengths away
(16). Before cutting down the tree check the direction of fall and make sure that there are neither other persons nor any objects within a distance of 2 1/2 tree lengths (16).
- Judging the tree: Direction of hanging - loose or dry branches - height of the tree
- natural hang over - is the tree rotten?
- Take into account the direction and the velocity of the wind. If strong gusts are occuring, do not perform any cutting down works.
- Cutting the roots:
Start with the strongest root. First perform the vertical and then
the horizontal cut.
- Notching the trunk (A, 17):
The notch determines the direction of fall and guides the tree.
The trunk is notched perpendicular to the direction of fall and penetrates 1/3 -1/5 of the trunk diameter. Perform the cut near the ground.
- When correcting the cut always do so over the whole width of the notch.
- Cut down the tree (B, 18) above the bottom edge of the notch (D). The cut must be exactly horizontal. The distance between both cuts must be approx. 1/10 of the trunk diameter.
- The material between both cuts (C) serves as a hinge. Never cut it through, otherwise the tree will fall without any control. Insert felling wedges in the cut (B, 18) in good time.
- Secure the cut only with wedges made of plastic or aluminium. Do not use iron wedges.
- When cutting down a tree always stay sideways of the falling tree.
- When withdrawing after having performed the cut down be aware of falling branches.
- When working on a sloping ground the user of the electric chain saw must stay above or sidewards of the trunk to be cut or the already cut down tree.
- Be aware of trunks which may roll towards you.
- When working with the electric chain saw dangerous kickbacks may occur.
- Kickback occurs when the tip of the blade(especially the top quarter) inadvertently comes into contact with wood or other solid objects.
- In this case the electric chain saw is thrown without any control and with high energy potentials in the direction of the user (risk
of injuries).
In order to prevent kickbacks follow the indicated instruc-
- Never apply the end of the bar when starting to make a cut. Always observe the end of the bar.
- Never use the bar end for sawing. Be careful when continuing to cut.
- When starting to perform a cut the chain must be running.
- Ensure that the chain is always sharpened correctly. Pay special attention to the hight of the depth limiter (for detailed information see the chap. "Sharpening the saw chain").
- Never cut several branches at the same time. When cutting a branch ensure that no other branch is touched.
- When crosscutting a trunk be aware of the trunks next to it. It is recommended to use a saw jack.
= cutting down range
Transport and storage
- Carry the electric chain saw with the tubular handle. The
saw bar indicates backwards. Never carry or transport
the electric chain saw with the chain running.
- Never carry the saw by the power cord. Do not disconnect the plug by pulling on the power cord.
- When changing your position during work switch of the electric chain saw and actuate the chain brake in order to prevent an inadvertent start of the chain.
- When transporting the electric chain saw over long distances the power supply plug must be pulled out and the bar protec­tion cover, included in the delivery, must be applied (20).
- Ensure safe positioning of the electric chain saw during car transportation to avoid oil leakage.
- Store the saw in a secure, dry, lockable room out of reach of children. It must not be stored outdoors.
- For storing the electric chain saw over a long period of time or shipping it the oil tank must be completely emptied.
- Only use approved and marked containers for transporting and storing chain oil.
- For performing maintenance works switch of the electric chain saw, pull out the power supply plug and secure it (21).
- Before starting to work, always make sure that the saw is in safe working order, in particular the chain brake and run-out brake. Make sure that the saw chain is always sharpened and tightened correctly (22).
- Have the chain brake and run-out brake inspected regularly (see “Chain brake, run-out brake”).
- Regularly check the cable to the power supply for damage of the covering.
- Regularly clean the electric chain saw.
- If the plastic case is damaged, have it immediately repaired by a skilled person.
- Regularly check the tank cap for tightness.
- Do not use the saw if the ON/OFF switch is defective. Have it repaired by a qualiÞ ed person.
Observe the accident prevention instructions issued by
the competent trade federations and insurance compa­nies.
Do not perform any modiÞ cations on the electric chain
saw. You will endanger your safety.
Perform only the maintenance and repair works described
in the instruction manual. All other works must be carried out by the DOLMAR service.
Use only original DOLMAR spare parts and accessories. Applying spare parts which are not original DOLMAR parts
or accesories and bar/chain combinations or lengths results in a high risk of accidents. For accidents and damage result­ing from using sawing devices or accesories which have not been approved we cannot accept any responsibility.
First aid
For the event of a possible accident, please, make sure
that a Þ rst aid box is always immediately available close by. Immediately replace any items used from the Þ rst aid box.
Should you ask for help, please, give the following
- place of accident
- what happened
- number of injured persons
- kind of injuries
- your name.
Individuals with poor circulation who are exposed to excessive vibration may experience injury to blood vessels or the nervous system. Vibration may cause the following symptoms to occur in the Þ ngers, hands or wrists: ”Falling asleep” (numbness), tingling, pain, stabbing sensation, alteration of skin colour or of the skin.
If any of these symptoms occur, see a physician!
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