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Before You Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
This developer reference and its associated developer guide are for anybody who develops
structured FrameMaker® templates and XML or SGML applications. They are not written for end
users who author structured documents that use such templates and applications.
FrameMaker can read and write XML (Extensible Markup Language) and SGML (Standard
Generalized Markup Language) documents. XML and SGML are both document markup
languages, and FrameMaker handles these markup languages in similar ways. However, there are
differences between the two, and this manual covers these differences whenever necessary.
When discussing the similarities between them, this manual refers to XML and SGML data as
markup data or markup documents. Otherwise, the manual refers to XML and SGML specifically to
draw attention to the differences between these markup languages. The majority of new
structured documentation projects are XML based, therefore XML now takes precedence over
SGML where necessary.
Developing structured FrameMaker templates
End users of FrameMaker can read, edit, format, and write structured documents—the structure
is represented by a hierarchical tree of elements. Each structured document is based on a
template that contains a catalog of element definitions. Each element definition can describe the
valid contexts for an element instance, and the formatting of element instances in various
To support these end users, you create the catalog and accompanying structured template.
Developing XML and SGML applications
When FrameMaker reads markup data, it displays that data as a formatted, structured document.
When the software saves a structured FrameMaker document, the software can write the
document as XML or SGML.
For the end user, this process of translation between FrameMaker documents and markup data is
transparent and automatic. However, for most XML or SGML document types the translation
requires an XML or SGML application to manage the translation. You develop this application to
correspond with specific document types. When your end user opens a markup document with a
matching document type, FrameMaker invokes the appropriate structure application. If there is no
Structured Application Developer Reference5
match for a document type, the user can choose the application to use, or open the markup
document with no structure application.
A structure application primarily consists of:
• A structured template
• DTD or schema
• Read/Write rules (described in this manual)
• XSLT style sheets for pre and post process transformations (if necessary)
• An XML and SGML API client (if necessary) developed with the Frame® Developer’s Kit (FDK).
The following topics, which are outside the scope of this manual, are important for you to
understand before you try to create a structured template or structure application:
• Structured document authoring in FrameMaker
• XML or SGML concepts and syntax, including how to work with a document type definition
• FrameMaker end-user concepts and command syntax
• FrameMaker template design.
In creating some XML or SGML applications, you may also need to understand the following:
• XSLT 1.0
• C programming
• FDK API usage.
If your application requires only the special rules described in this manual to modify the default
behavior of FrameMaker, you do not need programming skills. However, if you need to create an
XML and SGML API client to modify this behavior further, you need to program the client in C,
using the FDK. This manual does not discuss the creation of XML and SGML API clients. For this
information, see the Structure Import/Export API Programmer’s Guide.
Using FrameMaker documentation
FrameMaker comes with a complete set of end-user and developer documentation with which
you should be familiar. You can access the FrameMaker guides from the FrameMaker help and
support page, http://www.adobe.com/support/framemaker/.
If you use the Frame Developer’s Kit in creating your structure application, you’ll also need to be
familiar with the FDK documentation set.
Before You Begin6
Using this manual
This manual provides detailed reference information for application rules and properties. It can be
used in conjunction with the Structure Application Developer Guide. It does not currently include
EDD reference information. All EDD descriptive and reference information will be found in the
Developer Guide.
Typographical conventions
Monospaced fontLiteral values and code, such as XML, SGML, read/write
ItalicsVariables or placeholders in code. For example, in
Blue textA hyperlink you can click to go to a related section in this
Sans-serif boldThe names of FrameMaker User Interface objects (menus,
rules, filenames, and pathnames.
name="myName", the text myName represents a value you
are expected to supply. Also indicates the first occurrence
of a new term.
book or to a URL in your web browser.
menu items, and buttons). The > symbol is used as
shorthand notation for navigating to menu items and sub
menus. For example, Element > Validate... refers to the
Validate... item in the Element menu.
Using other FrameMaker documentation
The Using FrameMaker makes up the primary end-user documentation for this product. It explains
how to use the FrameMaker authoring environment for both structured and unstructured
documents. It also explains how to create templates for your documents.
In creating a structured template, you can refer to this manual for information on how your end
user interacts with the product and how to create a formatted template.
New features and changes in release 12(including those for structure applications and structured
documents) are listed and briefly described in the FrameMaker Getting Started Guide.
You will also find a range of other online documents from the FrameMaker help and support page,
Structured Application Developer Reference7
Using FDK manuals
If you create an XML and SGML API client for your XML or SGML application, you’ll need to be
familiar with the FDK. FDK documentation is written for developers with C programming
• FDK Programmer’s Guide is your manual for understanding FDK basics. This manual describes
how to use the FDK to enhance the functionality of FrameMaker and describes how to use the
FDK to work with structured documents. To make advanced modifications to the software’s
default translation behavior, refer to the Structure Import/Export API Programmer’s Guide.)
• FDK Programmer’s Reference is a reference for the functions and objects described in the FDK
Programmer’s Guide.
• Structure Import/Export API Programmer’s Guide explains how to use the FDK to make advanced
modifications to the software’s default behavior for translation between markup documents
and FrameMaker documents. This manual contains both descriptive and reference information.
For information on other FDK manuals, see “Using Frame Developer Tools” in the FDK
Programmer’s Guide.
Before You Begin8
Structure Application Definition
This chapter provides a comprehensive reference for all application properties that can be defined
in a structure application definition file.
Contents of an application definition file
The highest-level element in an structapps.fm file is StructuredSetup. That element’s
first child must be Version, to indicate the FrameMaker version. The Version element is
followed by zero or more SGMLApplication or XMLApplication elements, each of which
defines the pieces of a structure application. Finally, there can be an optional Defaults element,
which specifies information used unless overridden for a particular application.
The following table lists the main elements allowed in structapps.fm as children of the
StructuredSetup element. The table identifies the sections that discuss each of those
elements and the elements they may contain.
ElementDiscussed in
ApplicationName“Define an application,” next
SGMLApplication“Define an application” on page 9
XMLApplication“Define an application” on page 9
Defaults“Providing default information” on page 11
Define an application
FrameMaker collects all information pertaining to the set-up of a structured application into an
SGMLApplication or XMLApplication element. These elements have one required child
element and several optional child elements.
The first child of a parent SGMLApplication or XMLApplication element must be
ApplicationName and gives the name of the application. It looks like:
Application name: name
where name is a string used to identify your application in the Set Structure Application and Use
Structure Application dialog boxes. You cannot use the same name for multiple structure
Structured Application Developer Reference9
Define an application
If present, the optional child elements can occur in any order and can include the following
elements, discussed in the named sections:
ElementDiscussed in
DOCTYPE“Specifying a DOCTYPE element” on page 13
DTD“Specifying a DTD” on page 14
CharacterEncoding“Specifying the character encoding for SGML files” on page 11
ConditionalText“Specifying conditional text output” on page 13
Entities“Specifying entities” on page 14
ExternalXRef“Specifying external cross reference behavior” on page 20
FileExtensionOverride“Specifying filename extensions” on page 21
Namespace“Enabling namespaces” on page 22
ReadWriteRules“Specifying a read/write rules document” on page 22
RulesSearchPaths“Specifying a search path for included files in rules documents”
Schema“Specifying a Schema for XML” on page 23
SGMLDeclaration“Specifying an SGML declaration” on page 24
Stylesheets“Managing CSS import/export and XSL transformation” on
Template“Specifying a FrameMaker template” on page 26
XMLDisplayEncoding“Specifying the character encoding for XML files” on page 27
XMLExportEncoding“Exporting XML” on page 29
XMLCharacterEncoding“XML character encoding from an SGML application” on
XMLWriteRules“Write rules for saving XML from an SGML application” on
on page 22
page 24
“Specifying a structure API client” on page 27
Some elements provide pathnames (for entities and read/write rules files; hence
RulesSearchPaths and EntitySearchPaths elements). If the pathname is absolute, the
software looks there. If it can’t find it via the specified path, the log reports an error and the
operation is aborted. If a relative pathname is given, the software looks for the file in several
• The directory containing the file being processed. For example, if you’re opening a DTD, the
software first searches the directory in which it found the DTD.
• $STRUCTDIR (for information on what directory this is, see Developer Guide, page 131:
Location of structure files).
• The directory from which you started FrameMaker.
Structure Application Definition Reference10
Providing default information
If an application definition includes any of these elements, the value in the application definition
overrides any value for that element in the Defaults element. The sections following the next
section describe these elements in detail.
Providing default information
Some of the information you provide for individual applications may be common to all your
applications. For such information you can specify defaults that are used whenever an application
does not provide its own version of the information. You use the Defaults element to provide
such information.
If present, the optional child elements of Defaults can occur in any order (with the exception
of the Graphics element, which must be the last child) and can include the following elements,
which are discussed in the named sections:
ElementDiscussed in
CharacterEncoding“Specifying the character encoding for XML files” on page 27
DTD“Specifying a DTD” on page 14
Entities“Specifying entities” on page 14
MaxErrorMessages“Limiting the length of a log file” on page 30
Namespace“Enabling namespaces” on page 22
ReadWriteRules“Specifying a read/write rules document” on page 22
RulesSearchPaths“Specifying a search path for included files in rules documents”
SGMLDeclaration“Specifying an SGML declaration” on page 24
Stylesheets“Managing CSS import/export and XSL transformation” on
Template“Specifying a FrameMaker template” on page 26
XMLCharacterEncoding“XML character encoding from an SGML application” on
XMLWriteRules“Write rules for saving XML from an SGML application” on
Graphics“Mapping graphic notations to file types” on page 30
“Specifying a structure API client” on page 27
on page 22
page 24
Specifying the character encoding for SGML files
The CharacterEncoding element tells the software which encoding to use for the SGML text.
Typically, this is only important on non-Western systems, or in SGML applications that encounter
SGML files using double-byte text. It can contain one of the following child elements:
Structured Application Developer Reference11
Specifying the character encoding for SGML files
JIS8EUC. The CharacterEncoding element looks like this:
SGML character encoding: Iso Latin1
On a non-Western system, the text for an SGML file can contain double-byte text. This text can be
in any one of a number of different text encodings.
FrameMaker can interpret SGML files that contain double-byte text in #PCDATA, RCDATA, and CDATA. The software expects all other text to be within the 7-bit ASCII range (which is supported
by all Asian fonts). This means that document content can be in double-byte encodings, but the
markup must be in the ASCII range. Typically, for example, the only text in a DTD that will contain
double-byte characters would be text used to specify attribute values.
Important: For SGML documents, you should not use accented characters in element tag
names nor attribute names. If you use such characters, FrameMaker may not be able to
correctly import or export the document.
To import and export SGML that contains double-byte text, you should specify the character
encoding to use, either as a default for all applications, or for a specific SGML application. For a
given SGML application there can only be one encoding. If you don’t specify an encoding for your
application, FrameMaker determines the encoding to use by considering the current default user
interface language and the current operating system; for the current language, it uses the
operating system’s default encoding. The default encodings for Windows® are:
Roman languagesANSI
Simplified ChineseGB8 EUC
Traditional ChineseBig5
KoreanKSC8 EUC
You can have an Asian language for the user interface, but the content of the document files in
Roman fonts. In this case, any exported Roman text that falls outside of the ASCII range will be
garbled. For this reason, we recommend that you specify an encoding for any application that
might be used on a non-Western system.
The template for your application must use fonts that support the language implied by the
encoding you specify. Otherwise, the text will appear garbled when imported into the template.
You can fix this problem after the fact by specifying different fonts to use in the resulting files.
Structure Application Definition Reference12
Specifying conditional text output
Specifying conditional text output
Add a ConditionalText child to the XMLApplication element to control conditional text
output. Place a single child, OutputTextPI in this element. Then add one of the four children
listed in the following table to the OutputTextPI element:
*PIs are displayed only if the document settings are different from the template settings.
The ConditionalText element can only be a child of an XMLApplication element.
Specifying a DOCTYPE element
The DOCTYPE element specifies the generic identifier of the DOCTYPE declaration and root
element in markup documents used with this application. If you open a markup document with
the matching document element specified in the DOCTYPE declaration, FrameMaker uses this
application when translating the document. The element looks like:
DOCTYPE: doctype
where doctype identifies a document element.
hidden conditional text
Processing instructions
delimit conditional text
For example,
DOCTYPE: chapter
matches a markup document with the following declaration:
<!DOCTYPE chapter ...>
If more than one application defined in the structapps.fm file specifies the same document
element, and the end user opens a file with that document element, the software gives the user
a choice of which of these applications to use. If the user opens a markup document for which no
application specifies its document element, the software gives the user the choice of all defined
Structured Application Developer Reference13
Specifying a DTD
You can use more than one DOCTYPE element for an application, if that application is applicable
to multiple document elements. For example, if the Book application applies when the document
element is either chapter or appendix, you can use this definition:
Application name: Book
DOCTYPE: chapter
. . .
The DOCTYPE element can be a child of an SGMLApplication or XMLApplication element.
Specifying a DTD
The DTD element specifies a file containing the external DTD subset that FrameMaker uses when
importing and exporting a markup document. It looks like:
DTD: dtd
where dtd is the pathname of a file containing a document type declaration subset.
Note that the file you specify with the DTD element must be an external DTD subset. It cannot be
a complete DTD. That is, the file cannot have the form:
<!DOCTYPE book [
<!element book . . .>
. . .
Instead, it should simply have the form:
<!element book . . .>
. . .
For more information on external DTD subsets, see Developer Guide, page 89: XML and SGML
You can have only one DTD element for each SGMLApplication or XMLApplication. It can
also be a child of the Defaults element.
Specifying entities
To specify the location of various entities, you use the Entities element. It looks like this:
Entity locations
The possible child elements of a parent Entities element are:
ElementDiscussed in
EntityCatalogFile“Specifying entities through an entity catalog” on page 15
Structure Application Definition Reference14
Specifying entities
ElementDiscussed in
Entity“Specifying the location of individual entities” on page 16
FileNamePattern“Specifying names for external entity files” on page 17
Public“Specifying public identifiers” on page 18
EntitySearchPaths“Specifying a search path for external entity files” on page 19
If you use the EntityCatalogFile element, you cannot use any of the elements Entity,
FilenamePattern, or Public.
You can have only one Entities element for each application, although that Entities
element can have more than one of some of its child elements. The Entities element can also
be a child of the Defaults element.
Specifying entities through an entity catalog
The EntityCatalogFile element specifies a file containing mappings of an entity’s public
identifier or entity name to a filename. It looks like:
Entity locations
Entity catalog file: fname
where fname is the filename of the entity catalog. Entity catalogs and their specified format are
described below.
You can specify multiple EntityCatalogFile elements in a single Entities element. If you
use this element, you cannot use any of the Entity, FilenamePattern, or Public elements.
You can use the EntityCatalogFile element both in the Entities element of the
Defaults element and in an SGMLApplication or XMLApplication element to specify
information for a particular application. When searching for an external entity, FrameMaker
searches the application’s entity catalogs before searching the default entity catalogs.
If you have an EntityCatalogFile element in an application definition, the software ignores
Entity, FilenamePattern, and Public elements in the Defaults element.
Why use entity catalogs
Technical Resolution 9401:1994 published by SGML Open discusses entity management issues
affecting how SGML documents work with each other:
• Interpreting external identifiers in entity declarations so that an SGML document can be
processed by different tools on a single computer system
• Moving SGML documents to different computers in a way that preserves the association of
external identifiers in entity declarations with the correct files or other storage objects.
The technical resolution uses entity catalogs and an interchange packaging scheme to address
these issues. FrameMaker supports such entity catalogs with the EntityCatalogFile
Structured Application Developer Reference15
Specifying entities
Entity catalog format
Each entry in the entity catalog file associates a filename with information about an external entity
that appears in a markup document. For example, the following are catalog entries that associate
a public identifier with a filename:
PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN" "isolat1.ent"
PUBLIC "-//USA/AAP//DTD BK-1//EN" "aapbook.dtd"
In addition to entries mapping public identifiers to filenames, an entry can associate an entity
name with a filename:
ENTITY "chips" "graphics\chips.tif"
A single catalog can contain both types of entry.
If the specified filename in a catalog entry is a relative pathname, the path is relative to the
location of the catalog entry file.
For a complete description of the syntax of a catalog entry, see Technical Resolution 9401:1994 Entity Management published by SGML Open.
How FrameMaker searches entity catalogs
A single application may use multiple catalog files. When trying to locate a particular external
entity, FrameMaker searches the files one at a time until it finds the entry it is looking for. In each
file, the software first searches for an entity using the external entity’s public identifier. If the
software finds the identifier, it uses the associated filename to locate the entity. If it does not find
the public identifier, the software searches the file looking for the entity name. If it does not find
the entity name either, the software continues searching in the next catalog file.
In some circumstances, a system identifier specified in an external entity declaration may not be
valid. If so, FrameMaker uses public identifier and entity name mappings.
Specifying the location of individual entities
Instead of using an entity catalog to associate entities with files, you can use the Entity element
as a child of a parent Entities element. This element allows you to directly associate a filename
with an individual entity. It looks like:
where ename is the name of an entity and fname is a filename.
You can specify multiple child Entity elements for a single Entities element. You use the
FilenamePattern and EntitySearchPaths elements to help the software find these files.
The Entity element can be a child of a parent Entities element in the Defaults element
to set default entity information, and of a parent SGMLApplication or XMLApplication
Structure Application Definition Reference16
Specifying entities
element to specify information for a particular application. When searching for an external entity,
the software searches the application’s entity locations before searching the default entity
Specifying names for external entity files
One or more FilenamePattern elements can appear as a child of a parent Entities element
to tell the software how to locate an external entity.
A FilenamePattern element does not apply to an entity for which there is an Entity
element. Otherwise, it applies to all external entities except those with an external identifier that
includes a public identifier but no system identifier. The FilenamePattern looks like:
Entity locations:
Filename pattern: pattern
where pattern is a string representing a device-dependent filename. The three variables that
can appear within pattern are interpreted as follows:
$(System)The system identifier from the entity declaration
$(Notation) The notation name from the entity declaration of an external data entity
$(Entity)The entity name
Case is not significant in variable names, although it may be significant in the values of the
variables. If a variable is undefined in a particular context, that variable evaluates to the empty
A parent Entities element can contain multiple child FilenamePattern elements. The
software assumes the last pattern in the Entities element is:
Filename pattern: $(System)
Thus, if no FilenamePattern elements appear or even if no Entities element appears, the
software assumes system identifiers are complete pathnames and will check search paths to
locate the file.
How FrameMaker searches filename patterns
When locating an external entity, FrameMaker tests the value of the pattern arguments in
successive FilenamePattern elements that have the same parent Entities element, in the
order they occur, until it finds the name of an existing file. As it tests each pattern, it substitutes
relevant information from the entity’s declaration for variables in pattern.
You can use the FilenamePattern element both in the Entities element of the Defaults
element and in an SGMLApplication element to specify information for a particular
application. When searching for an external entity, FrameMaker tests all the filename patterns
specified for the application before it tests those in default FilenamePattern elements.
<!ENTITY intro SYSTEM "introduction.xml">
<!ENTITY chips SYSTEM "chipsfile" NDATA cgm>
. . .
. . .
<graphic entity=chips>
When processing the reference to intro, the software searches for a file called
introduction.xml. It is an error if the file does not exist.
When processing the entity attribute of the graphic element, FrameMaker searches for a file
named chipsfile.cgm. If one is not found, it then looks for chipsfile.CGM, assuming that
the NAMECASE GENERAL parameter of the associated SGML declaration is NAMECASE GENERAL YES.
Note: The NAMECASE GENERAL parameter of the SGML declaration determines the
case-sensitivity of notation names. For XML, the implied setting for this parameter is NO,
which means that names are case-sensitive.
For SGML, the value of this parameter in the reference concrete syntax is NAMECASE GENERAL YES. With this declaration, the SGML parser forces notation names to
Specifying public identifiers
The Public element of an Entities element tells the software how to process an external
identifier that has a public identifier but no system identifier. It looks like:
Entity locations:
Public ID: pid
Filename: fname
where pid is a public identifier and fname is the name of a file to be associated with the entity
using the public identifier.
You can give multiple Public elements in the same parent Entities element. If you want to
give multiple filenames to search for a particular public identifier, you can specify the same public
identifier in multiple Public elements.
Structure Application Definition Reference18
Specifying entities
You can use the Public element both in the Entities element of the Defaults element and
in an Entities element of an SGMLApplication or XMLApplication element to specify
information for a particular application. If a Public element occurs as a child of an
SGMLApplication or XMLApplication element, that identifier is used in preference to one
occurring as a child of the Defaults element.
Specifying a search path for external entity files
The EntitySearchPaths child of a parent Entities element tells the software what
directories to search for the files indicated by Entity, FilenamePattern, and Public
elements. It looks like:
where each directoryi is a device-dependent directory name. The three variables and their
abbreviations that can be used to specify a directory are as follows:
$HOME~The user’s home directory
$SRCDIR.The directory containing the document entity being
$STRUCTDIRThe structure directory in use (for information on what
directory this is, see Developer Guide, page 131: Location
of structure files)
Each directoryi value can be an absolute pathname or relative to $SRCDIR.
How FrameMaker searches for entity files
To locate an external entity, FrameMaker searches the specified directories in the order listed. You
can use the EntitySearchPaths element both in the Entities element of the Defaults
element and in an XMLApplication or SGMLApplication element. When searching for an
external entity, FrameMaker searches the directories named in the EntitySearchPaths
element for the application before it searches those in a default EntitySearchPaths element.
An Entities element can contain only one EntitySearchPaths element. The software
assumes the EntitySearchPaths element ends this way:
Entity search paths
. . .
Structured Application Developer Reference19
Specifying external cross reference behavior
Thus, if there is no EntitySearchPaths element, the software assumes all markup files are in
the same directory.
Assume the Defaults element is defined as follows:
<!ENTITY intro SYSTEM "introduction.xml">
<!ENTITY chips SYSTEM "chipsfile" NDATA cgm>
. . .
. . .
<graphic entity=chips>
When processing the reference to intro, the software looks for the files:
until it finds one of those files. When processing the graphic element, the software searches in
order for:
Specifying external cross reference behavior
To ensure correct resolution of external cross references in XML, use the ExternalXRef
element. ExternalXRef can only be a child of XMLApplication.
Change file extension to .XML
Insert an ExternalXRef child in the XMLApplication element for the application you are
developing. In this ExternalXRef element, insert a ChangeReferenceToXML child. Finally,
insert an Enable element into the ChangeReferenceToXML element. It will look like this:
External X-Ref:
Change Reference To .XML: Enable
Structure Application Definition Reference20
Specifying filename extensions
When a document with an external cross-reference is saved to XML, FrameMaker then changes
the extension in the xref’s srcfile attribute to .xml and exports the cross-reference as:
<xref srcfile="filepath/filename.xml#elemID">
• filepath is the absolute path to the saved source XML file
• filename is the name of the saved source XML file
• elemID is the ID of the referenced element.
You can save the source file to XML before or after saving the original file to XML. In either case,
the file name specified for the XML document must be identical to the filename of the original
FrameMaker document except for the extension.
If you insert a Disable element instead of an Enable element into
ChangeReferenceToXML, FrameMaker retains the default behavior and does not change the
extension in the srcfile attribute.
Try alternative extensions
TryAlternativeExtensions specifies an option for importing external cross-references
from XML. It looks like this:
External X-Ref:
Try Alternative Extensions: Enable
If its content is Enable, and FrameMaker cannot open the file specified by the srcfile
attribute, it changes the extension and tries to open the resulting file instead. In particular, if the
original extension is .xml, FrameMaker also tries .fm; if the original extension is .fm,
FrameMaker also tries .xml. If the content of TryAlternativeExtensions is Disable,
FrameMaker creates an unresolved cross-reference if the specified file cannot be opened.
Disable is the default.
Specifying filename extensions
The FileExtensionOverride element specifies a filename extension to use when saving a
FrameMaker document as markup. This is particularly useful when saving XHTML documents.
Some web browsers that support XHTML can only read files with a .htm or .html extension.
When you save a document as XML (even using the XHTML doctype) FrameMaker gives the file a
.xml extension by default. You can use this element to specify a .htm extension when saving a
document as XHTML. The FileExtensionOverride element looks like this:
File Extension Override: extension
where extension is the string for the filename extension, minus the dot character. You can have
only one FileExtensionOverride element for each XML or SGML structure application.
Structured Application Developer Reference21
Enabling namespaces
Enabling namespaces
The Namespace element specifies whether the current XML structure application supports
namespaces in XML. This element can contain either an Enable or Disable child element. The
Namespace element looks like this with namespaces enabled:
Namespace: Enable
You can have only one Namespace element for each XML structure application. It can also be a
child of the Defaults element. It is not applicable for an SGML application.
Note: XML Schema: You must enable namespaces to allow FrameMaker to validate XML
against a Schema definition upon import and export. Schema allows an XML document to
reference multiple Schema locations in different namespaces. When this is the case, only
the first namespace is used. See Developer Guide, page 199: Schema location for
additional information.
Specifying a read/write rules document
The ReadWriteRules element specifies the read/write rules document associated with the
application. It looks like:
Read/write rules: rules
where rules is the pathname of a FrameMaker read/write rules document.
You can have only one ReadWriteRules element for each application. It can also be a child of
the Defaults element.
Specifying a search path for included files in rules
The RulesSearchPaths element is analogous to the EntitySearchPaths element, but it
pertains to additional files you include in a read/write rules document rather than to external
entities referenced within a markup document. Its Path child elements indicate individual
directories. It looks like:
Search paths for included read/write rules files:
1: directory
. . .
N: directory
Structure Application Definition Reference22
Specifying a Schema for XML
where each directoryi is a device-dependent directory name. The two variables and their
abbreviations that can be used to specify a directory are as follows:
$HOME~The user’s home directory
$STRUCTDIRThe structure directory in use (for information on what
directory this is, see Developer Guide, page 131: Location of
structure files)
Each directoryi value can be an absolute pathname or relative to $RULESDIR.
How FrameMaker searches for rules files
Only one RulesSearchPaths element can occur as the child of a single parent
XMLApplication or SGMLApplication element or parent Defaults element. When
searching for a file you include in an read/write rules document, FrameMaker searches the
directories named in the RulesSearchPaths element for the application before it searches
those in the RulesSearchPaths element of the Defaults element.
The software assumes RulesSearchPaths ends in this way:
Search paths for included read/write rules files:
. . .
Thus, if there is no RulesSearchPaths element, the software assumes all files you include in
the read/write rules document are in the same directory as your rules document.
Specifying a Schema for XML
The Schema element, a direct child of XMLApplication, specifies the path and filename for an
XML Schema file that contains element declarations for XML. It look like this:
Schema: schema_path
where schema_path is the pathname of a file containing a Schema declaration file.
In order for a structure application to be selectable in the Use Structured Application list while
importing a document that is associated with a Schema, the Schema’s root element must be
included in the application’s DOCTYPE in the XmlApplication element.
Structured Application Developer Reference23
Specifying an SGML declaration
Specifying an SGML declaration
The SGMLDeclaration element specifies the location of a file containing a valid SGML
declaration. It is used only for SGML applications and cannot be a child of an XMLApplication
element. The SGMLDeclaration element looks like:
SGML declaration: declaration
where declaration is the pathname of the SGML declaration file.
You can have only one SGMLDeclaration element for each SGML application. It can also be a
child of the Defaults element.
Managing CSS import/export and XSL transformation
The Stylesheets element of an XML structure application tells the software how to treat the
use of CSS stylesheets for a given XML document, and how and whether to perform XSL
transformation upon import or export of XML documents.
An XML application can have only one Stylesheets element. It can also be a child of the
Defaults element.
How the Stylesheets element affects CSS generation
You can specify whether to use an existing stylesheet, or whether FrameMaker should generate a
new one and use that for the exported XML. You can specify any number of stylesheets, and the
exported XML will include references to each one. The Stylesheets element also contains
instructions concerning the use of attributes and stylesheet processing instructions. The
Stylesheets element for CSS looks like:
CSS2 Preferences:
Generate CSS2: enable/disable
Add Fm CSS Attribute To XML: enable/disable
Retain Stylesheet Information: enable/disable
XML Stylesheet:
Type: stylesheet_type
URI: path
When you save a document to XML, FrameMaker can either use an existing stylesheet, or generate
a new one from the current EDD. How FrameMaker generates a stylesheet is determined by the
values of the children of the Stylesheets element. For more information about how
FrameMaker converts EDD information into a stylesheet, see Developer Guide, page 283: Saving
EDD Formatting Information as a CSS Stylesheet
GenerateCSS2 Specifies whether FrameMaker will generate a CSS when you save the document
as XML. It can be set to enable or disable. When this is set to enable, FrameMaker generates a CSS.
If a path is provided in StylesheetURI, FrameMaker saves the stylesheet to that location, with
Structure Application Definition Reference24
Managing CSS import/export and XSL transformation
that filename. Otherwise, it saves the stylesheet to the same location as the XML document with
a filename xmldoc.css, where xmldoc is the name of the XML document you’re saving.
AddFmCSSAttrToXml Specifies whether FrameMaker will write instances of the fmcssattr
attribute to elements in the XML document. It can be set to enable or disable. An EDD can
include context selectors as criteria to assign format rules. CSS has no equivalent to this. When this
is set to enable, FrameMaker uses the fmcssattr attribute in certain elements so the CSS can
achieve the same formatting as the EDD.
RetainStylesheetPIs Specifies whether FrameMaker will retain the stylesheet declaration for
import and export of XML. It can be set to enable or disable. When this is set to enable,
FrameMaker does the following:
• On import, it stores the XML document’s stylesheet PI as a marker in the FrameMaker
• On export, it writes the content of stylesheet PI marker in the resulting XML document.
StylesheetType Specifies the type of stylesheet. It contains a string for the stylesheet type.
Currently, you can specify CSS (upper or lower case) or XLS (upper or lower case). If you specify XLS, FrameMaker will not generate a stylesheet.
StylesheetURI Specifies the URI for the stylesheet. It contains a string; for example,
How the Stylesheets element affects CSS import
You can specify whether a CSS stylesheet that is referenced in an XML file is used to update the
formatting of the FrameMaker document. The ProcessStylesheetPI is an optional child of
the CssPreferences element and looks like this:
CSS2 Preferences:
ProcessStylesheetPI: enable/disable
ProcessStylesheetPI can have one of the following values: Enable or Disable. If the
value of the ProcessStylesheetPI element is Enable, then the CSS file referenced in the
XML file is used while opening the XML file. The default value of the ProcessStylesheetPI
element is Disable.
For more information about how the CSS file mentioned in the XML file is used when an XML file
is opened, see Chapter 5, “CSS to EDD Mapping.”
How the Stylesheets element affects XSL transformation
If an XML structure application specifies an XSL stylesheet, FrameMaker can apply transformations
defined in that stylesheet when importing an XML document, or when exporting a FrameMaker
document to XML. The XSLTPreferences element in the Stylesheets element allows you
to specify the XSL file to use for transformation upon import (PreProcessing) and/or export
Structured Application Developer Reference25
Specifying a FrameMaker template
(PostProcessing). StylesheetParameters elements allow you to set parameters of an
XSL stylesheet at run time, before the transformation takes place.
XSLT Preferences:
Process Stylesheet PI: enable/disable
Stylesheet: path
Stylesheet Parameters
Name: parameter name
Expression: exp
Stylesheet: path
Stylesheet Parameters
Name: parameter name
Expression: exp
ProcessStylesheetPI Specifies whether FrameMaker will use the XSL file mentioned in the
xml-stylesheet PI of an XML file to transform that file. It can be set to enable or disable.
By default it is set to disable, and FrameMaker does not use the PI. Set to enable to use the PI.
PreProcessing Contains a Stylesheet element that specifies the XSL file to be used for
transformation upon import of an XML document. Transformation occurs before read rules are
applied. The XSLTPreferences element can contain 0 or 1 PreProcessing elements.
PreProcessing Contains a Stylesheet element that specifies the XSL file to be used for
transformation upon export of an XML document. Transformation occurs after write rules are
applied. The XSLTPreferences element can contain 0 or 1 PostProcessing elements.
Stylesheet Specifies the URI for the XSL file. It contains a string; for example,
StylesheetParameters Contains ParameterName and ParameterExpression pairs. Each
pair specifies the name of a parameter used the XSL stylesheet, and an expression that constrains
the value of that parameter for the subsequent transformation.
For more information on XSL transformation of XML, see Developer Guide, Chapter 29, Additional
XSL Transformation for XML.
Specifying a FrameMaker template
The Template element specifies the location of the FrameMaker template. It looks like:
Template: template
where template is the pathname of a FrameMaker template.
The software uses this template to create new FrameMaker documents from markup documents,
which may be single documents resulting from the Open or Import command or documents in
a book created through the Open command.
Structure Application Definition Reference26
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