The Adobe EchoSign integration for Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides an integrated solution for creating, sending,
tracking and managing electronic signatures. The integration is available for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 online
and on-premise.
System Requirements
The solution can only be installed by Microsoft Dynamics CRM administrators or by users with administrative
privileges for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. To complete configuring the solution you also need to be an account
administrator on the Adobe EchoSign and/or have access to your EchoSign account API Key. System requirements
below encompass both the server and client components required to successfully install and run Adobe EchoSign
for Dynamics CRM.
• Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Online or On-Premise
• Microsoft Silverlight® (you will be prompted to download if not running). You can download the latest
version of Microsoft Silverlight at
•Internet Explorer 8+ (32-bit) or higher
Installing and Configuring Adobe EchoSign
The following describe the steps for installing and configuring the integration.
1. Log on to your Microsoft Dynamics CRM account. In the Navigation Pane, click Settings.
2. Under Customization, click Solutions.
3. On the Action toolbar, click Import. The Select Solution Package dialog box is displayed.
4. Click Browse, select the Adobe EchoSign package zip file, and click Next.
5. In the Solution Information dialog box, click Next.
6. The Adobe EchoSign package gets installed. If you already have the previous version of the software
installed importing the new package will upgrade the existing solution to the new version. When
completed, the EchoSign package is shown in your list of solutions. Please ensure that the Version number
for the EchoSign solution package is 2.1.21.
Adobe EchoSign Integration For Microsoft Dynamics CRM Installation Guide
10. Once you have set the EchoSign API into setting. Click on the “Validate Key” button. If your solution is
configured correctly and the EchoSign API Key is correct, you will get a message letting you know that the
API Key is Valid.
11. The solution configuration screen also allows controlling whether senders can upload documents from
their desktop when sending documents for signature and/or whether senders can attached reports when
sending documents for signature. By default both the options are enabled and available to the sender at
time of send. Depending on the organization’s business processes, administrators can choose to disable
one of these options. CRM Reports must be enabled on your instance to allow using them during the
signature workflow.
Installing Adobe EchoSign Activity Feeds
Adobe EchoSign Activity Feeds are installed separately and after the main package has been installed. The Activity
Feed enables receiving real-time status updates for documents sent out for signature from Microsoft Dynamics
CRM through the record wall and allows CRM users to follow specific agreements to get notified when the status
of the agreement changes.
The solution can be installed by a Dynamics CRM 2011 account administrator; the administrator needs to
determine whether the Dynamics CRM 2011 version installed has support for the activity feeds. This is especially
important in the Dynamics CRM on-premise scenario.
1. Log on to your Microsoft Dynamics CRM account. In the Navigation Pane, click Settings.
2. Under Customization, click Solutions.
3. On the Action toolbar, click Import. The Select Solution Package dialog box is displayed.
4. Click Browse, select the Adobe EchoSign Activity Feed package zip file, and click Next.
5. In the Solution Information dialog box, click Next.
Adobe EchoSign Integration For Microsoft Dynamics CRM Installation Guide
6. In the Import Options dialog box, select Activate any processes and enable any SDK message processing
steps included in the solution, and then click Next.
7. The Adobe EchoSign Activity Feed package is installed. When completed, the package is shown in your list
of solutions.
Testing Installation
After installing the solution, it is recommended that the administrators test the solution before making the
solution widely available to other Microsoft Dynamics CRM users. Once the solution is installed, it will be available
as in the left hand navigator from the Dashboard.
1. Click on “Adobe EchoSign” in the left hand navigation from the dashboard.
2. This will take you to the main dashboard for the Adobe EchoSign for Microsoft Dynamics CRM dashboard.
The dashboard will be empty for the newly installed solution. Click on “Overview” in the left navigation
and click on the User Settings button in the Overview pane to complete the solution setting.
Adobe EchoSign Integration For Microsoft Dynamics CRM Installation Guide