Add Life to the Web, Afterburner, Aftershock, Andromedia, Allaire, Animation PowerPack, Aria, Attain, Authorware,
Authorware Star, Backstage, Bright Tiger, Clustercats, Cold Fusion, Contribute, Design in Motion, Director, Dream Templates,
Dreamweaver, Drumbeat 2000, EDJE, EJIPT, Extreme 3D, Fireworks, Flash, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite,
JFusion, JRun, Kawa, Know Your Site, Knowledge Objects, Knowledge Stream, Knowledge Track, LikeMinds, Lingo, Live
Effects, MacRecorder Logo and Design, Macromedia, Macromedia Action!, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia M Logo & Design,
Macromedia Spectra, Macromedia xRes Logo and Design, MacroModel, Made with Macromedia, Made with Macromedia Logo
and Design, MAGIC Logo and Design, Mediamaker, Movie Critic, Open Sesame!, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave, Sitespring,
SoundEdit, Titlemaker, UltraDev, Web Design 101, what the web can be, and Xtra are either registered or trademarks of
Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product
names, logos, designs, titles, words or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, servicemarks, or tradenames
of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions including internationally.
Third-Party Information
This guide contains links to third-party websites that are not under the control of Macromedia, and Macromedia is not
responsible for the content on any linked site. If you access a third-party website mentioned in this guide, then you do so at your
own risk. Macromedia provides these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of the link does not imply that Macromedia
endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content on those third-party sites.
Third Party Software Notices and/or Additional Terms and Conditions can be found at
Media Design and Production: Adam Barnett, Aaron Begley, Chris Basmajian, John Francis, Jeff Harmon
Special thanks to Jay London, Jeff Schang, Lori Hylan-Cho, Hisami Scott, Sam Mathews, Jake Cockrell, Russ Helfand, Randy
Edmunds, George Comninos, Rosana Francescato, Charles Nadeau, and the entire Dreamweaver engineering and QA teams.
This book describes the Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 framework and application
programming interface (API) that lets you build extensions to Dreamweaver. Extensions typically
perform the following types of tasks:
• Automating changes to the user’s current document, such as inserting HTML, CFML, or
JavaScript; changing text or image properties; or sorting tables
• Interacting with the application to automatically open or close windows, open or close
documents, change keyboard shortcuts, and more
• Connecting to data sources, which lets Dreamweaver users create dynamic, data-driven pages
• Inserting and managing blocks of server code in the current document
You might want to write an extension to handle a commonly used, and therefore repetitive, task.
Such an extension could be useful to many web developers. On the other hand, you might have a
unique requirement that you can satisfy only by writing an extension for that specific situation. In
both cases, Dreamweaver provides an extensive set of tools that you can use to add to or customize
its functionality.
This book describes the API functions that Dreamweaver calls to implement the various objects,
menus, floating panels, server behaviors, and so on, that comprise the features of Dreamweaver.
To add an object, menu, floating panel, or other feature to Dreamweaver, you must code the
functions that the particular type of extension requires. This book describes the arguments that
Dreamweaver passes to these functions and also the values that Dreamweaver expects these
functions to return.
This book also explains how to customize Dreamweaver by editing and adding tags to various
HTML and XML files to add menu items or document types, and so on.
For information on the utility and general purpose JavaScript APIs that you can use to perform
various support operations in your Dreamweaver extensions, see the Dreamweaver API Reference.
If you plan to create extensions that work with databases, you might also want to review the
sections in Getting Started with Dreamweaver about making connections to databases.
Most Dreamweaver extensions are written in HTML and JavaScript. This book assumes that you
are familiar with Dreamweaver, HTML, XML, and JavaScript programming. If you are
implementing C extensions, the book assumes that you know how to create and use C dynamic
linked libraries (DLLs). If you are writing extensions for building web applications, you should
also be familiar with server-side scripting on at least one platform, such as Active Server Pages
(ASP),, PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), ColdFusion, or Java Server Pages (JSP).
Installing an extension
As you become familiar with the process of writing extensions, you might want to explore the
extensions and resources that are available through the Macromedia Exchange website
( Installing an existing extension introduces you to some of the
tools that you need to work with in your own extensions.
To install an extension, use the following procedure:
1 Download and install the Extension Manager, which is available on the Macromedia
2 Log on to the Macromedia Exchange website (
3 From the available extensions, select one that you want to use. Click the Download link to
download the extension package.
4 Save the extension package in the Dreamweaver MX 2004/Downloaded Extensions folder of
your installed Dreamweaver folder.
5 In the Extension Manager, select File > Install Extension. In Dreamweaver, select
Commands > Manage Extensions to start the Extension Manager.
The Extension Manager automatically installs the extension from the Downloaded Extension
folder into Dreamweaver.
Some extensions need Dreamweaver to restart before you can use them. If you are running
Dreamweaver when you install the extension, you might be prompted to quit and restart
the application.
To view basic information on the extension after its installation, go to the Extension Manager
(Commands > Manage Extensions) in Dreamweaver.
Additional resources for extension writers
To communicate with other developers who are involved in writing extensions, you might want
to join the Dreamweaver extensibility newsgroup. You can access the website for this newsgroup
14Chapter 1: Introduction
What’s new in Extending Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver MX 2004 includes the following new features and interfaces that are extensible.
• New Insert Bar
The Insert Bar is now divided into separate categories (instead of tabs) for grouping various
objects, and also supports pop-up menus. This new grouping and functionality presents a less
cluttered user interface. Users can now group their favorite objects into a Favorites category for
their own quick reference. Extensions can be added to their own category or pop-up menu and
grouped with other existing objects. See Chapter 6, “Insert Bar Objects,” on page 113.
• Extensible code coloring
Lets you add new keywords to an existing code coloring scheme or create a new one. If you
develop new JavaScript functions to use in your client-side script, for example, you can add the
names of these functions to the keywords section so that they display in the color that is
specified in Preferences. You can also add new code coloring schemes for a new document type.
For more information, see Chapter 5, “Customizing Code View,” on page 77.
• The cssimport and cssmedia tags support code coloring rules for the @import and @media
functions of the
Chapter 5, “Customizing Code View,” on page 77.
style element in a cascading style sheet. For more information, see
• API support for Flash Elements (SWC files).
Extension developers can add their own Flash Elements to the Insert Bar, Insert menu, or other
Toolbars so users can insert them into documents by simply clicking a button or menu option.
See “Flash Integration” in the Dreamweaver API Reference.
• Enhanced support for “code behind” pages can be found in the CodeBehindMgr.js file in the
Dreamweaver Configuration/Shared/Common folder. See Appendix A, “The Shared folder
contents,” on page 375.
• Integration of Customizing Dreamweaver content.
Material formerly available only as a separate document download from the Macromedia
website is now integrated into this book.
Documentation Changes
Extending Dreamweaver MX has been divided into two books: Extending Dreamweaver and the
Dreamweaver API Reference. Extending Dreamweaver describes how to build various types of
Dreamweaver extensions, including the functions that you must write to create each type. It also
describes how to customize Dreamweaver by modifying some of its configurable HTML and
XML files. The Dreamweaver API Reference describes the two APIs that let you perform various
supporting tasks in your Dreamweaver extensions.
The Extending Dreamweaver book is designed to serve the user who wants to learn how to build a
Dreamweaver extension. The Dreamweaver API Reference is designed to serve the experienced
Dreamweaver programmer who wants to quickly locate the right function to accomplish a
particular task. Dividing the material into two books also clarifies the distinction between the
extension API functions that an extension author must code, and which Dreamweaver calls, and
the JavaScript and Utility API functions that a programmer can call to accomplish various tasks
from within an extension.
Extending Dreamweaver includes the following improvements to help new extension authors to
get started.
What’s new in Extending Dreamweaver15
• New and updated examples
New examples have been added for the Insert Bar, Components, Data Sources, Flash
Integration, and the Shared folder. The examples in the Commands, Menu Commands,
Toolbars, and Floating Panels chapters have been updated with graphics and explanations to
make them easier to understand.
• New organization
Some material has been reorganized to improve clarity. The JavaScript API functions in the
Dreamweaver API Reference, for example, have been organized into chapters that designate
which part of Dreamweaver the functions affect.
• Description of Shared folder contents (see Appendix A)
The Dreamweaver Configuration/Shared folder holds several files and subfolders containing
HTML and JavaScript code that implement various Dreamweaver features and user interfaces.
These files are in the Shared folder because the HTML and JavaScript code are commonly
useful. Appendix A briefly describes what is contained in the most useful files and subfolders
inside the Configuration/Shared folder.
• Revised Components chapter
The Components chapter has been revised for clarity and depth, including more
function examples.
For information on the new functions that have been added to the Utility API and the JavaScript
API, see the Dreamweaver API Reference.
Macromedia Press
Improve your Dreamweaver skills with books from Macromedia Press. Check out the latest
content written by the experts. See
Removed Features
In Dreamweaver MX 2004, several features have been removed. As a result, the following material
has been removed from Extending Dreamweaver:
• References to the Dreamweaver 4 style workspace
• The JavaScript Debugger chapter
For information on all the features that have been removed from Dreamweaver, see Using Dreamweaver. For information on the functions that have been removed from the Utility and
JavaScript APIs, see the Dreamweaver API Reference.
A current list of known issues can be found in the Extensibility section of the Dreamweaver
Support Center (
16Chapter 1: Introduction
Conventions used in this guide
The following typographical conventions are used in this guide:
• Code font indicates code fragments and API literals, including class names, method names,
function names, type names, scripts, SQL statements, and both HTML and XML tag and
attribute names.
• Italic code font indicates replaceable items in code.
• The continuation symbol (¬) indicates that a long line of code has been broken across two or
more lines. Due to margin limits in this book’s format, what is otherwise a continuous line of
code must be split. When copying the lines of code, eliminate the continuation symbol, and
type the lines as one line.
• Curly braces ({ }) that surround a function argument indicate that the argument is optional.
• Function names that have the prefix dreamweaver. as in dreamweaver.funcname, can be
abbreviated to
dreamweaver. prefix when defining the function and in the index. Many examples use the
The following naming conventions are used in this guide:
dw.funcname when you are writing code. This manual uses the full
dw. prefix, however.
• You—the developer who is responsible for writing extensions
• The user—the person using Dreamweaver
• The visitor—the person who views the web page that the user created
Conventions used in this guide17
18Chapter 1: Introduction
Learn the fundamental concepts of the Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 interface and how
to customize and extend Dreamweaver to suit your web development needs. These fundamental
concepts include the Dreamweaver folders, extension APIs, Dreamweaver interface components,
the Dreamweaver Document Object Model (DOM), and Dreamweaver document types.
The following features of Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 let you create extensions:
• An HTML parser (also called a renderer), which makes it possible to design user interfaces
(UIs) for extensions using form fields, layers, images, and other HTML elements.
Dreamweaver has its own HTML parser.
• A tree of folders that organize and store the files that implement and configure Dreamweaver
elements and extensions.
• A series of application programming interfaces (APIs) that provide access to Dreamweaver
functionality through JavaScript.
• A JavaScript interpreter, which executes the JavaScript code in extension files. Dreamweaver
uses the Netscape JavaScript version 1.5 interpreter. For more information about changes
between this version of the interpreter and previous versions, see “How Dreamweaver processes
JavaScript in extensions” on page 26.
Types of Dreamweaver extensions
The following list describes the types of Dreamweaver extensions that are documented in
this guide:
Insert Bar object extensions create changes in the Insert bar. An object is typically used to
automate inserting code into a document. It can also contain a form that gathers input from the
user and JavaScript that processes the input. Object files are stored in the Configuration/Objects
Command extensions can perform almost any specific task, with or without input from the user.
Command files are typically invoked from the Commands menu, but they can also be called from
other extensions. Command files are stored in the Configuration/Commands folder.
Menu Command extensions expand the Command API to accomplish tasks related to calling a
command from a menu. The Menu Commands API also lets you create a dynamic submenu.
Toolbar extensions can add elements to existing toolbars or create new toolbars in the
Dreamweaver UI. New toolbars appear below the default toolbar. Toolbar files are stored in the
Configuration/Toolbars folder.
Report extensions can add custom site reports or modify the set of prewritten reports that come
with Dreamweaver. You can also use the Results Window API to create a stand-alone report.
Tag Library and Editor extensions work with the associated tag library files. Tag Library and
Editor extensions can modify attributes of existing Tag Dialogs, create new Tag Dialogs, and add
tags to the tag library. Tag Library and Editor extension files are stored in the Configuration/
TagLibraries folder.
Property Inspector extensions appear in the Property inspector panel. Most of the inspectors in
Dreamweaver are part of the core product code and cannot be modified, but custom Property
inspector files can override the built-in Dreamweaver Property inspector interfaces or create new
ones to inspect custom tags. Inspectors are stored in the Configuration/Inspectors folder.
Floating Panel extensions add floating panels to the Dreamweaver UI. Floating panels can
interact with the selection, the document, or the task. They can also display useful information.
Floating panel files are stored in the Configuration/Floaters folder.
Behavior extensions let users add JavaScript code to their documents. The JavaScript code
performs a specific task in response to an event when the document is viewed in a browser.
Behavior extensions appear on the Plus (+) menu of the Dreamweaver Behaviors panel. Behavior
files are stored in the Configuration/Behaviors/Actions folder.
Server Behavior extensions add blocks of server-side code (ASP, JSP, or ColdFusion) to the
document. The server-side code performs tasks on the server when the document is viewed in a
browser. Server behaviors appear on the Plus (
+) menu of the Dreamweaver Server Behaviors
panel. Server behavior files are stored in the Configuration/Server Behaviors folder.
Data source extensions let you build a connection to dynamic data stored in a database. Data
source extensions appear on the Plus (
+) menu of the Bindings panel. Data source extension files
are stored in the Configuration/Data Sources folder.
Server Format extensions let you define formatting for dynamic data.
Component extensions let you add new types of components to the Components panel.
Components is the term that Dreamweaver uses to refer to some of the more popular and modern
encapsulation strategies, including web services, JavaBeans, and ColdFusion components (CFCs).
Server model extensions let you add support for new server models. Dreamweaver supports the
most common server models (ASP, JSP, ColdFusion, PHP, and ASP.NET). Server model
extensions are needed only for custom server solutions, different languages, or a customized
server. Server model files are stored in the Configuration/ServerModels folder.
Data translator extensions convert non-HTML code into HTML that appears in the Design
view of the document window. These extensions also lock the non-HTML code to prevent
Dreamweaver from parsing it. Translator files are stored in the Configuration/Translators folder.
Other ways to extend Dreamweaver
You can also extend the following elements of Dreamweaver to expand its capabilities or tailor it
to your needs.
Document types define how Dreamweaver works with different server models. Information
about document types for server models is stored in the Configuration/DocumentTypes folder.
Code snippets are reusable blocks of code that are stored as code snippet (CSN) files in the
Dreamweaver Configuration/Snippets folder and which Dreamweaver makes accessible in the
Snippets panel. You can create additional code snippet files and install them into the Snippets
folder to make them available.
22Chapter 2: Extending Dreamweaver
Code Hints are menus that offer a typing shortcut by displaying a list of strings that potentially
complete the string you are typing. If one of the strings in the menu matches the string that you
started to type, you can select it to insert it in place of the string that you are typing. Code Hints
menus are defined in the codehints.xml file in the Configuration/CodeHints folder, and you can
add new code hints menus to it for new tags or functions that you have defined.
Menus are defined in the menus.xml file in the Configuration/Menus folder. You can add new
Dreamweaver menus for your extensions by adding the menu tags for them to the menus.xml file.
Configuration folders and extensions
The folders and files that are stored in the Dreamweaver Configuration folder contain the
extensions that come with Dreamweaver. When you write an extension, you must save the files in
the proper folder for Dreamweaver to recognize them. If you download and install an extension
from the Macromedia Exchange website (, the Extension
Manager automatically saves the extension files to the proper folders.
You can use the files in the Dreamweaver Configuration folder as examples, but these files are
generally more complex than the average extension that is available on the Macromedia Exchange
website. For more information on the contents of each subfolder within the Configuration folder,
see the Configuration_ReadMe.htm file.
Configuration folders and extensions23
The Configuration/Shared folder does not correspond to a specific extension type. It is the central
repository for utility functions, classes, and images that are used by more than one extension. The
files in the Configuration/Shared/Common folder are designed to be useful to a broad range of
extensions. These files are useful as examples of JavaScript techniques and as utilities. Look here
first for the functions that perform specific tasks, such as creating a valid Document Object
Model (DOM) reference to an object, testing whether the current selection is inside a particular
tag, escaping special characters in strings, and more. If you create common files, you should create
a separate subfolder in the Configuration/Shared/Common folder, which is shown in the
following figure, and store them there.
For more information about the Shared folder, see Appendix A, “The Shared Folder,”
on page 375.
24Chapter 2: Extending Dreamweaver
Multiuser Configuration folders
For the multiuser operating systems of Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Macintosh OS X,
Dreamweaver creates a separate Configuration folder for each user in addition to the
Dreamweaver Configuration folder. Any time Dreamweaver or a JavaScript extension writes to
the Configuration folder, Dreamweaver automatically writes to the user Configuration folder
instead. This practice lets each Dreamweaver user customize configuration settings without
disturbing the configuration settings of other users. For more information, see “About
customizing Dreamweaver in a multiuser environment” on page 29 and “File Access and
Multiuser Configuration API” in the Dreamweaver API Reference.
Running scripts at startup or shutdown
If you place a command file in the Configuration/Startup folder, the command runs as
Dreamweaver starts up. Startup commands load before the menus.xml file, before the files in the
ThirdPartyTags folder, and before any other commands, objects, behaviors, inspectors, floating
panels, or translators. You can use startup commands to modify the menus.xml file or other
extension files. You can also show warnings, prompt the user for information, or call the
dreamweaver.runCommand() function. However, from within the Startup folder, you cannot call
a command that expects a valid DOM.
Similarly, if you place a command file in the Configuration/Shutdown folder, the command runs
as Dreamweaver shuts down. From the shutdown commands, you can call
dreamweaver.runCommand() function, show warnings, or prompt the user for information, but
you cannot stop the shutdown process.
For more information about commands, see Chapter 7, “Commands,” on page 135. For
more information about the
dreamweaver.runCommand() function, see the Dreamweaver
API Reference.
Extension APIs
The extension APIs provide you with the functions that Dreamweaver calls to implement each
type of extension. You must write the bodies of these functions as described for each extension
type and specify the return values that Dreamweaver expects.
If you are a developer who wants to work directly in the C programming language, there is a
C extensibility API that lets you create dynamic link libraries (DLLs). The functionality that is
provided in these APIs wraps your C DLLs in JavaScript so that your extension can work
seamlessly in Dreamweaver.
The documentation of extension APIs outlines what each function does, when Dreamweaver calls
it, and what value Dreamweaver expects it to return.
See the Dreamweaver API Reference for information about the Utility API and the JavaScript API,
which provide functions that you can use to perform specific tasks in your extensions.
Extension APIs25
How Dreamweaver processes JavaScript in extensions
Dreamweaver checks the Configuration/extension_name folder during startup. If it encounters an
extension file within the folder, Dreamweaver processes the JavaScript by completing the
following steps:
• Compiling everything between the beginning and ending SCRIPT tags
• Executing any code within SCRIPT tags that is not part of a function declaration
Note: This procedure is necessary during startup because some extensions might require global
variables to initialize.
Dreamweaver performs the following actions for any external JavaScript files that are specified in
SRC attributes of SCRIPT tags:
• Reads in the file
• Compiles the code
• Executes the procedures
Note: If any JavaScript code in your extension file contains the string “</SCRIPT>”, the
JavaScript interpreter reads the string as an ending
string literal error. To avoid this problem, break the string into pieces and concatenate them like
"<' + '/SCRIPT>".
SCRIPT tag and reports an unterminated
Dreamweaver executes code in the onLoad event handler (if one appears in the BODY tag) when
the user selects the command or action from a menu for the Command and Behavior action
extension types.
Dreamweaver executes code in the
onLoad event handler on the BODY tag if the body of the
document contains a form for object extensions.
Dreamweaver ignores the
onLoad handler on the BODY tag in the following extensions:
• Data translator
• Property inspector
• Floating panel
For all extensions, Dreamweaver executes code in other event handlers (for example,
onBlur="alert('This is a required field.')") when the user interacts with the form
fields to which they are attached.
Dreamweaver supports the use of event handlers within links. Event handlers in links must use
syntax, as shown in the following example:
<a href=”#” onMouseDown=alert(‘hi’)>link text</a>
Plug-ins (set to play at all times) are supported in the BODY of extensions. The
document.write() statement, Java applets, and ActiveX controls are not supported
in extensions.
26Chapter 2: Extending Dreamweaver
Displaying Help
displayHelp() function, which is part of several extension APIs, causes Dreamweaver to do
the following two things when you include it in your extension:
• Add a Help button to the interface.
• Call displayHelp() when the user clicks the Help button.
You must write the body of the
displayHelp() function determines how your extension displays Help. You can call the
dreamweaver.browseDocument() function to open a file in a browser or devise a custom way to
display Help such as displaying messages in another layer in alert boxes.
The following example uses the
// The following instance of displayHelp() opens a browser to display a file
// that explains how to use the extension.
function displayHelp() {
var myHelpFile = dw.getConfigurationPath() + "ExtensionsHelp/myExtHelp.htm";
displayHelp() function to display Help. How you code the
displayHelp() function to display Help by calling
Localizing an extension
Use the following techniques to make it easier to translate your extensions into local languages.
• Separate extensions into HTML and JavaScript files. The HTML files can be replicated and
localized; the JavaScript files will not be localized.
• Do not define display strings in the JavaScript files (check for alerts and UI code). Extract all
localizable strings into separate XML files in the Dreamweaver Configuration/Strings folder.
• Do not write JavaScript code in the HTML files except for required event handlers. This
eliminates the need to fix a bug multiple times for multiple translations after the HTML files
are replicated and translated into other languages.
XML String files
Store all strings in XML files in the Dreamweaver Configuration/Strings folder. If you install
many related extension files, this lets you share all strings in a single XML file. If applicable, this
also lets you refer to the same string from both C++ and JavaScript extensions.
You could create a file called myExtensionStrings.xml. The following example shows the format
of the file:
<!-- errors for feature X -->
<string id="featureX/subProblemY" value="There was a with X when you did Y.
Try not to do Y!"/>
<string id="featureX/subProblemZ" value="There was another problem with X,
regarding Z. Don't ever do Z!"/>
Localizing an extension27
Now your JavaScript files can refer to these translatable strings by calling the dw.loadString()
function, as shown in the following example:
function initializeUI()
if (problemYhasOccured)
You can use slash (/) characters in your string identifiers, but do not use spaces. Using slashes, you
can create a hierarchy to suit your needs, and include all the strings in a single XML file.
Note: Files that begin with cc in the Configuration/Strings folder are Contribute files. For example,
the file ccSiteStrings.xml is a Contribute file.
Localizable Strings with Embedded Values
Some display strings have values embedded in them. You can use the
display these strings. You can find the
errMsg() function, which is similar to the printf()
errMsg() function to
function in C, in the string.js file in the Configuration/Shared/MM/Scripts/CMN folder. Use the
placeholder characters percent sign (
and then pass the string and variable names as arguments to
<string id="featureX/fileNotFoundInFolder" value="File %s could not be found
in folder %s."/>
%) and s to indicate where values should appear in the string
errMsg(). For example:
The following example shows how the string, along with any variables to embed, is passed to the
If you create extensions for others users, you must package them according to the guidelines on
the Macromedia Exchange website ( under the Help > How to
Create an Extension category. After you have written and tested an extension in the Extension
Manager, select File > Package Extension. After the extension is packaged, you can submit it to
the Exchange from the Extension Manager by selecting File > Submit Extension.
The Extension Manager comes with Dreamweaver. Details about its use are available in its Help
files and on the Macromedia Exchange website.
28Chapter 2: Extending Dreamweaver
Customizing Dreamweaver
You can customize Dreamweaver in many ways, which lets you work in a manner that’s familiar,
comfortable, and efficient for you. This section describes advanced methods for customizing
Dreamweaver, with a focus on editing configuration files.
About customizing Dreamweaver
There are several general approaches to customizing Dreamweaver. Some of these approaches are
covered in Dreamweaver Help (Help > Using Dreamweaver). These approaches let you customize
your workspace. You can also change settings in dialog boxes in Dreamweaver. You can set
preferences in a variety of areas, including accessibility, code coloring, fonts, highlighting, and
previewing in browsers, using the Preferences panel (Edit > Preferences). You can also change
keyboard shortcuts, using the Keyboard Shortcut Editor (Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts).
The following list describes some of the ways you can customize Dreamweaver by editing
configuration files:
• Rearrange the objects in the Insert bar, create new tabs to reorganize the objects, or add new
objects. See “Modifying the Insert bar” on page 119.
• Change the names of menu items, add new commands to menus, and remove existing
commands from menus. See “About customizing Dreamweaver” on page 29.
• Change browser profiles or create new ones. See “Working with browser profiles” on page 39.
• Change how third-party tags (including ASP and JSP tags) appear in the Document window’s
Design view. See “Customizing the interpretation of third-party tags” on page 34.
About customizing Dreamweaver in a multiuser environment
You can customize Dreamweaver even in a multiuser operating system such as Windows 2000,
Windows XP, or Mac OS X. Dreamweaver prevents any user’s customized configuration from
affecting any other user’s customized configuration. To accomplish this goal, the first time you
run Dreamweaver in a multiuser operating system that it recognizes, Dreamweaver copies various
configuration files into a user Configuration folder for you. When you customize Dreamweaver
using dialog boxes and panels, the application modifies your user Configuration files instead of
modifying the Dreamweaver Configuration files. To customize Dreamweaver by editing a
configuration file in a multiuser environment, edit the appropriate user Configuration file, rather
than editing the files in the Dreamweaver Configuration folder. To make a change that affects
most users, you can edit a Dreamweaver Configuration file, but users who already have
corresponding user-configuration files will not see the change. In general, if you want to make a
change that affects all the users, it’s best to create an extension and install it using the
Extension Manager.
Note: In older operating systems (Windows 98, Windows ME, and Mac OS 9.x), a single set of
Dreamweaver Configuration files is shared by all users, even if the operating system is configured to
support multiple users.
The location of the user’s Configuration folder depends on the user’s platform.
Note: To install extensions that all users can use in a multiuser operating system, you must be logged
in as
Administrator (Windows) or root (Mac OS X).
Dreamweaver copies only some of the configuration files into your user Configuration folder the
first time you run the application. (The files that it copies are specified in the version.xml file in
the Configuration folder.) When you customize Dreamweaver from within the application (for
example, when you modify one of the predesigned code snippets in the Snippets panel),
Dreamweaver copies the relevant files into your user Configuration folder. The version of a file in
your user Configuration folder always takes precedence over the version in the Dreamweaver
Configuration folder. To customize a configuration file that Dreamweaver has not copied into
your user Configuration folder, first copy the file from the Dreamweaver Configuration folder to
the corresponding location inside your user Configuration folder. Then edit the copy in your user
Configuration folder.
Deleting configuration files in a multiuser environment
When you do something within Dreamweaver in a multiuser operating system that would delete
a configuration file (such as when you delete a predesigned snippet from the Snippets panel),
Dreamweaver creates a file in your user Configuration folder called mm_deleted_files.xml. When
a file is listed in mm_deleted_files.xml, Dreamweaver behaves as if that file doesn’t exist.
Note: The mm_deleted_files.xml file isn’t created until you take an action that would cause a
configuration file t
To deactivate a configuration file:
1 Quit Dreamweaver.
2 Using a text editor, edit mm_deleted_files.xml in your user Configuration folder; add an item
o be deleted.
tag to that file, giving the path (relative to the Dreamweaver Configuration folder) of the
configuration file to deactivate.
Note: Do not edit mm_deleted_files.xml in Dreamweaver.
3 Save and close mm_deleted_files.xml.
4 Start Dreamweaver again.
30Chapter 2: Extending Dreamweaver
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