Lucent Technologies Installation And Integration Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
OneVision Definity G3
Fault Management Installation and Integration for IBM NetView on AIX
Issue 1
Copyright 1996, Lucent Tec hnologies
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About This Bo ok vii
■ Audience vii
■ Pr er equisites vii
■ Convent ions ix
■ Trademarks x
■ Credentials x
■ Your Fault Management Documentation Package xi
Online Documentationxi
■ Reader Comments xii
1 Before You Begin 1
■ Over v iew 1
Fault Management2
Standard Network Management Components2
Network Connectivity4
■ Installation and Setup Task List 5
■ Requirements for Fault Management Installation 8
2 Installation 9
■ Installation Prereq uisit es 9
■ Installation Procedures 10
Issue 1 August 1996iii
■ Changing the E nvironment 11
3 Integra t ion 13
■ Adding DEFINITY G3 PBX Nodes 14
Node Limitat ions14
Adding a PBX as a Managed Node14
Adding a PBX Icon14
Configu ring a PBX Object16
■ Adding DEFINITY G3 Proxy Agent Nodes 19
Node Limitat ions19
Adding a Proxy Agen t as a Managed Node19
Adding a Proxy Ag ent Icon19
Configuring a Proxy Agent Icon21
4 Starting the Applications 25
■ Starting Fault Management 25
Starting from the Network Map25
Starting with the Mouse26
■ Opening the Online User Guide 27
Opening from the Network Map27
Open ing from a Shell Prompt28
Text Documentation 28
ivIssue 1 August 1996
5 Alarm States 29
■ States of the DEFINIT Y G3 Icons 30
Icon States30
Conditions Causi ng Change of State31
■ States of the Proxy Agent Icons 32
Icon States32
Conditions Causi ng Change of State33
■ Verifying Connectivity 34
Icon State34
Startup Messages34
Startup Screen35
Switch View36
Warning Messages36
Data Refr eshes37
Refreshing Data Manually37
The MIB37
Trouble sh ooting Disconnects38
A Advanced Customization 41
■ Changing the Polling Int e r v al 42
■ Changing Defaul t Valu es 42
The Setup Screen43
The Ap plication Resource File43
Accessing the Resource File43
Default Values44
Editing the File44
Issue 1 August 1996v
■ Other Options 45
Changing Script Files45
Changing the Application Directory45
Changing the MIB46
B Telnettin g to the Proxy Agent 47
■ Overview of the Proxy Agent 47
■ Why S hould You Access the Proxy Agent? 48
■ Telnetting to the Proxy Agent 49
IN Index 51
viIssue 1 August 1996
About This Book
This book provides information about DEFINITY G3 Fault Management and
Proxy Agent connectivity and tells you how to install and initially set up y our
DEFINITY G3 ap plication.
This book is intended for DEFINITY Generic 3 cus tom ers who use DEFINITY
G3 Fault Management (referred to hereafter as Fault Management) to manag e
their PBXs on the IBM
NetV iew 4.1.
The level of information p rovided in this book is based on the assumption that
users have f u lf illed the following pr er equis it e s :
■Customers must understand the network management system (NMS ) on
which Fault Manageme nt resides. It is not within the scope of this or
other Fault Management documentation to describe how to use the
NMS beyond what the Fault Managem ent software requires.
■Customers must understand their DEFINITY G3 PBX configuration and
must be familiar with basic PBX alarm and error functionality.
Issue 1 August 1996vii
How This B ook Is Organized
This book is organi zed as follows:
Chapter 1Lists the hardware and software that is certified to run Fault
Management and provides preparatory steps.
Chap ter 2 Gives you the p roced ures fo r installing the software.
Chap ter 3Provid es information for integrating Fault Manag em ent and
Proxy Agent into the NMS.
Chapter 4 Explains how to start Fault Management and the online user
Chapter 5 Describ es the states, alarms, po lls, and masks, for
DEFINITY G3 PBXs and for DEFINITY Proxy Agents.
Appendix A Describes how to change polling intervals and default
Appendix B Explains how to telnet to the Proxy Agent.
This book also contains an index.
viiiIssue 1 Aug us t 1996
Conv entions
This book contains th e following typ ographic conventions:
■Information that is displayed on your screen is shown in typew riter-style
constant-width type.
Example:Installation complete.
■Information that you enter from your keyboard or select from a menu is
shown in bold type .
Example:Enter attov_doc.
Click OK.
■Keys that you press are indicated by small type.
■The word "Enter" means to type the word shown in bold text, then press
Enter key.
Example:Enter the command tar.
Means type tar and then p res s
■Brackets indicate values that you supply.
Example:public!g3mgt!<client string> means that
you determine the value of the client string.
Issue 1 August 1996
The following trademarked products are mentioned in this document:
■DE FINITY is a registered trademark of AT&T
■OneVision is a trademark of AT&T
Text is a trad ema rk of Electronic Book Technologies, Inc.
■IBM, NetView, and AIX are trademarks or reg i s tered trade marks of IBM.
The developm ent proces s for DEFINITY G3 Fault Managem ent is ISO 9001
xIs sue 1 Aug u st 1996
Your F ault Management Documentation Package
Your Fault Management
Documentation Package
Your Fault Management documentation pa ckag e includes two parts:
■The installation guide (this book)
■Online documentation
Online Documentation
Two types of online documentation are available with Fault Management:
■Online help provides informa tion about the Fault Management screen
that is currently ac t ive when you request help .
user guide p rov ides an overview of Fault Management features, tells
you about menus and window elements, and provides detailed
information on how to use the software. You can move easily around the
guide, and can d isplay it on your monitor while Fault Management is
This user g uide, which is external to the Fault Management software, is
delivered online by
Text software.
Text is a text browser that
allows you to move easily through a docum ent. The document appears
online in book format.
Issue 1 August 1996
Reader Comments
Reader Comments
Pl ease fill out the reader comment card. If the comment card has been
removed from this book, please send your comments to the following address:
Lucen t Techno logies
Product Documentation Development
Room 22-2C11
11900 North Pecos S treet
Denver, Colorado 80234
Fax: (303) 538-1741
Please inc lude the following informa tion:
■The name of this document:
DEF INIT Y G3 Fault Management Installation
and Inte gration for OneVision
■Your platform: AIX
■Your network manag em ent system (NMS): IBM NetView
xiiIssue 1 Aug us t 1996
Before You Begin
This chapt er covers information you need to know before you begin
installing and setting up Fault Management, including:
■Overview of Fault Management
■Requirements for Fault Management Installation
■Sup ported Systems
■Hardware and Software Requirements for Fault Managemen t
■Installation and Setup Task List
This section is a high-level overview of Fault Management. It also gives
users who are new to network manag eme nt systems a brief descrip tion of
the com ponents of Fault Manageme nt’s functionality, including how it fits
into the network management picture.
Issue 1 August 19961
Before You Begin
Fault Management
Fault Management allows you to manage a DEFINIT Y G3 PBX as a node on
your network similar to other devices on your network. Fault Management
receives PBX data via your network management system (NMS) .
The NMS receives the PBX data from the G3 Proxy Ag ent. The purpose of
the Proxy Agent is to receive PBX data and to translate that data, which is in
DEFINITY’s OSSI (Operating Support System Interface) format, to the
SNMP (S imple Network Management Protocol) format required by the NMS.
In addition, the Proxy Agent receives alarms dat a from the PBX and
translates that data into SNMP. It also provides administrative access to
t he PB X.
With the PBX data available to the NMS, you can see alarm c onditions on
any PBX that is a node on your NMS exactly as with other devices. From the
nod e ma p you ca n execute Fault Manageme nt to get data on the PBX.
Fault Management provides a graphical interface to that information, so that
you can quickly see where on a PBX fault cond ition s exist and d isplay
reports about those fault conditions.
Standard Network Management Components
The stan dard SNMP-based management system consists of the following:
■An object or objects to be managed, in this case one or more DEFINITY
■An agent for managing the object(s)
It is the agent that communicates all management command responses
and information between the managed object and the NMS. The agent
can be impl eme nted as pa rt of the managed objec t, in which case it is
known as a native agent, or it can be implemented on a separate
computer, in which case it is known as a proxy agent. For DEFI NITY G3
objects, the agent is a proxy agent because it is not built into the
DEFINITY G3 PBXs. Typically, there is one agent for eac h managed
object. However, the DEFINITY G3 Proxy Agent can support up to a
2Issue 1 Aug ust 1996
■A Management Information Base (MIB) resident on the agent and on the
■One (or more) network management stations, where the management
Fault Management resides on the NMS and provides functionality beyond
the standard set of components: the ability to manage a PBX as a node on
the network.
maximum of fifteen DEFINITY G3 P BXs. The exact number of PBXs the
DEFINITY G3 Proxy Agent ca n supp ort dep e nds on the cus tom er’s
system configuration and networking capability.
The MIB is a virtual data store used to transfer all information and
com ma nds b etw een the NMS and the agent via the SNMP. MIB-II is a
standard ind us try-wide MIB. The ap plic at ions use two groups from
MIB-II and a specialized MIB called G3-MIB. Within the DEFINITY G3
refers to the
group s from MIB-II
plus the entire G3-MIB.
functions are performed using network management system (NMS)
In this case, the NMS is IBM NetView.
For in depth information about Fault Management, refer to the online
The SNMP runs on a TCP/IP link. Therefore, the connection between the
NMS and the P roxy Agent is a TCP/IP network. The following figure
illustrates the SNMP connections b et ween the NMS, Fault Manag ement,
and the Proxy Agent .
4Issue 1 Aug ust 1996
Installation and Setup Task List
Leg end:
2. System acc ess ports
3. DEFINITY G3 Proxy Agent
5. Internet/LAN/WAN
6. X-terminal
7. NMS
■Operating system = AIX
■NMS platform
■DEFINITY G3 Fault Manag ement
Installa tion and Setup Task List
This section provi des a list of tasks, in the recommended order, to perform
while ins ta lling an d setting up Fault Management . Use this lis t t o check off
your installation act ivities as you comp l ete them. You may want to make
your own task list based on this one, and include persons or org an izations
responsible and dates to be completed.
These procedures assume that installation of Management
Solutions DEFINITY G3 Proxy Agent has occurred or will occur
shortly. You can install Fault Management without the Proxy Agent
being installed , but without the Proxy Ag ent up and running
properly and until the full connectivity is established, the NMS will
not receive any PBX data. Furthermore, communication between
the Proxy Agent and Fault Management requi res correlation
between values in specific fields on the Proxy Agent and NMS
admin istration. Therefore, you should plan some coord ina tion for
installing th ese two applications.
Issue 1 August 1996
Before You Begin
❏ Verify the environment is correct (Chapter 1)
Make sure you have the required operating system and network
conne ctivity already set up.
❏ Verify hardware (Chapter 1)
Make sure you have all the required hardware and that the hardware
meets the certification req u irem ents. Also make sure you have enough
space on the hard drive.
❏ Verify existing software (Chapter 1)
Make sure the versions of your operating system and the NMS are
❏ Prepare for software installation
■Do you have the DEFINITY G3 Fault Manag em ent Release 1.2
■Plan for the time needed to install the software (about ½ hour)
❏ Install the software (Chapter 2)
❏ Make changes to the environment, suc h as upd at ing the PATH variable
(Chapter 2)
❏ Restart your NMS
❏ Add t he DEFINITY PBXs as nodes on the NMS
(Chapter 3)
❏ Add t he Proxy Agent(s) as a nod e(s) on the NMS
(Chapter 3)
❏ R un Fault Management from the appropriate menu on your NMS
(Chapter 4). Verify that Fault Managem ent
■Executes properly
■Is receiving dat a from the Proxy Agent
❏ R un the Test INADS command on the PBX to test alarm rec eption (if
❏ Customize Fault Manag ement
6Issue 1 Aug ust 1996
Installation and Setup Task List
■Change polling intervals
■Change user-interface characteristics
For instructions on cus tomizing Fault Management, refer to the
❏ Run the online guid e to verify it is installed and executes c orrectly
(Chapter 4)
Issue 1 August 1996
Before You Begin
Requireme nts for Faul t
Management Installation
For Fault Management to be installed and to run properly, your NMS must
be set up with the following:
■IBM NetView 4.1
■An IBM AIX workstation whic h meets all hardware req uirement s
■The AIX 4.1 operating system
■A 1/4-inch tape drive
■20 Mbytes of random ac cess memory
■At least 30 Mbytes of free space on the hard drive
Certifi ca tion
Fault Management is desig ned to run on the AIX operating syst em . Lucent
Technologies does not explici tly certify any hardware , but does support
Fault Management on any hardware that is certified b y IBM .
8Issue 1 Aug ust 1996
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