Delivers client signals cost-effectively
The Metropolis®Wavelength Extension Solution is an
innovative portfolio of products that helps you costeffectively meet increased demand and relieve fiber
exhaustion in metro access and metro core optical
networks. Plug and play setup with these seamless,
self-configuring products can help you provide service
to customers quickly and easily. They take advantage
of passive DWDM technology and are easy to deploy –
without the need for complex software downloads,
database backups, or provisioning. Together, they
provide transparent transport of signals including:
FICON, ESCON, Fibre Channel, Video, Gigabit
Ethernet (GbE), 155Mbps, 622Mbps, 2.5G, 10G, and
10G Ethernet on an ITU-T grid-compliant line.
Provides flexibility to support a
wide range of applications
The Metropolis®Wavelength Extension Solution
consists of:
• Metropolis®Multi-Wavelength Optical Amplifier (OA)
• Metropolis®Multi-Rate Transponder
• Metropolis®Passive OADM System
• Metropolis®Passive WDM System
These products can be configured to suit your specific
applications requirements. They help provide
operational efficiency and lower maintenance costs.
For example, the Metropolis®Multi-Rate Transponder
can be provisioned remotely from one data rate to
another using network management software. Your
customer receives a dedicated lambda that can be
provisioned to their bit rate without the need to
change any hardware or software.
The Metropolis®Passive WDM System can condense
up to 32 wavelengths onto a single fiber, offering an
excellent cost-effective answer for fiber exhaust in
your metro and access network. The Metropolis
Passive OADM System helps provide optical add/drop
capability to your metro access network, and the
Metropolis®Multi-Wavelength OA can extend these
multi-wavelength spans up to 130km. This
combination of products offers a low-cost solution that
can save floor space, increase operational efficiency,
add network reliability and reduce maintenance costs.
Offers energy, space and
operational savings
For metro access, you need a solution that is highly
reliable and flexible – at a price that is costcompetitive. This includes ongoing operations costs in
addition to your initial investment.
The Metropolis®Wavelength Extension Solution helps
you use energy and floor space more efficiently. A
single Metropolis®Multi-Rate Transponder can hold
12 transponders per shelf, and each one can support a
wide array of data/optical interfaces. Because a single
transponder can support multiple interfaces, it can
help reduce your spare parts inventory. The
Metropolis®Wavelength Extension Solution
components using passive technology help reduce
costs by simplifying operations and reducing energy.
Increases efficiency with scalable
and flexible options
The Metropolis®Wavelength Extension Solution
can be configured to suit many different applications
in the mobility, enterprise, access, and metro space.
This solution presents you with flexibility to select a
suitable configuration for your applications – allowing
you to turn up service and grow your system
according to ever-changing customer needs. Highly
scalable, it also offers:
• 8- or 16-channel unidirectional/bidirectional passive
DWDM systems
• 32-channel unidirectional passive DWDM systems
• One-, two- or four-channel OADM units
• Stand-alone multi-wavelength or single-wavelength
optical amplifiers
• Stand-alone transponders
The Metropolis®Wavelength Extension Solution is
designed with your network evolution in mind. Lucent
passive DWDM, OADM, and OAs support 2.5G and
10G, which are predominant in metro networks today.