Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this book was complete and accurate at the time of print ing. However, information is
subject to chan ge. See Appendix A, “Customer Support Information,” for important information.
Your Responsibility for Your System’s Security
Toll fraud is the unauthorized us e of your t elecommunications syste m by an unaut horized party, for example, persons other t han your compan y’s
employees, agents, su bcontractors, or persons working on your company’s behalf. Note that there may be a risk of toll fraud associated w it h your
telecommuni cations system, and if toll fraud occur s , it can result i n subs tantial add it ional charges for your telecommunications ser vices.
You and your System Manager are responsible for the security of yo ur system, suc h as programming and configuring your equi pment to prevent
unauthorized use. The Sys tem Manager i s also respo ns ible for re ading all ins tallation, i ns truction, and system programming do cuments provided
with this product in order to fully understand the features that can introduce risk of toll fraud and the steps that can be taken to reduce that risk.
Lucent Technologies does not warrant that this product is immune from or will prevent unauthorized use of common-carrier telecommunication
services or facilities accessed through or connected to it. Lucen t T echnologies w ill not be responsible for any charges that result from such unauthorized use. For important informati on r e garding your s ys tem and toll frau d, see Appendix A, “Customer Suppor t Informati on.”
Federal Communications Commission Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed t o pr ovide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This
equipment gen er a tes, uses, and can rad iate radio frequen cy energy and, if not in s talled and used in accor dance with the instruction manual, may
cause harmful in terference to radio communicati ons. Operatio n of this equipment i n a r e s idential area is likely to cause har mful interfer ence, in
which case the us er will be required t o cor rect the inter f e r e nce at his own expen s e. For further FCC information, se e Ap pendix A, “Custo mer
Support Information.”
Canadian Departme nt of Communications (DOC) Inte r ferenc e Information
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limi ts for radio noise emissions set out in the radio inte rference regulations of the Canadi an
Department of Communications.
Le Présent Appareil Numérique n’émet pas de bruits r adioélectr iques dépassant le s limites applicables aux apparei ls numériques de l a classe A
préscrites dans le règlement su r le br ouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministère des Communications du Canada.
5ESS, AUDIX, DEFINITY, HackerTracker, CONVERSANT, Lucent Technologies Attendant, Fax Attendant System, MERLIN, MERLIN
and Voice Power are registered tr ademarks and 4ESS, Intuity, Lucent Technologies , ML X - 5, MLX-5D, and ExpressRoute 1000 are trademarks
of Lucent Technologies in the US and other countrie s . NetPROTECT is a se r vice mark of Lucent Technologies in the US and other countries.
Supr a , S tarSe t , and Mir a ge are r e gi s tered t r a de m arks of Plantr o nics , In c .
MEGACOM, ACCUNET, AT&T, Magic on Hold, and MultiQuest are registered trademarks of AT&T.
Pipeline is a trad emark of Ascend Commun ications, Inc.
Inte l and Pe nt i u m are regi s tered t r ad e marks of Intel Co r p orat ion.
PagePac is a regis tered trademar k and PagePal a trademar k of DRACON, a divis ion of Harris Corporation.
UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc
NORTEL is a registered trademark and DMS a tr ademark of Norther n T e lecom.
MCI, Prism, and Vnet are registered trademarks of MCI Commun ications Corp.
Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Orderi ng Information
Call:BCS Publications Center
Voice 1 800 457-1235 International Voice 317-322-6791
Write:BCS Publications Center
Order:Document No. 555 -660-118
For more information about Lucent Technologies documents, refer to the section entitled, ‘‘Related Documents’’ on page xlii
Support Telephone Number
In the continental US, Lucent Technologies provides a toll-free customer helpline 24 hours a day. Call the Lucent Technologies Helpline at
1 800 628-2888 or your Lucent Technologies authorized dealer if you need assistance when installing, programming, or using your system.
Consultation charges may appl y. Outside the cont inental US, contact your local Lucent Technologies authorized representative.
Lucent Technol ogies Fraud Intervention
If you suspect you are be ing vi ctimiz ed by toll fraud and you need technical support or assistance, call BCS National Service Assistance Center at
1 800 628-2888 .
Lucent Technologies provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to “Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability” in Appendix A,
“Customer Support Information.”
If you have a problem with your system, you may be able to resolve it quickly and easily by following the
appropriate troubleshooting procedure in this guide. If the problem persists or is not listed in this guide, call
the Lucent Technologies Helpline at 1 800 628-2888 for further assistance.
When you call the Helpline, the Lucent Technologies representatives can better help you if you have
available the following system information and troubleshooting information. Also, obtain system planning
Form 2a, System Numbering: Extension Jacks and Form 2c, System Numbering: Line/Trunk Jacks.
System Information
Company Name
(as on the equipment order)
Account Number
(if known)
Customer Identification Number
Main Listed Telephone Number
(for this location)
Lucent Technologies Contact’s
Name and Phone Number
Troubles h ooting Information
Type of equipment experiencing the problem (for example, MERLIN LEGEND Communications System,
MERLIN LEGEND MAIL, or a particular system component):
A description of the problem:
Has this problem occurred before?
Have you attempted to troubleshoot the problem?
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
New Features and Enhancements xvii
■ Release 6.0 Enhancementsxvii
Prior Releases: Features and Enhancem e nts xxiii
■ Release 3.1 Enhancementsxxiii
■ Release 4.0 Enhancementsxxvi
■ Release 4.1 Enhancementsxxix
■ Release 4.2 Enhancementsxxxi
■ Release 5.0 Enhancementsxxxiii
About This Book xxxix
■ Intended Audiencexxxix
■ How to Use This Bookxxxix
Issue 1
February 1998
Page iv
■ Terms and Conventions Usedxl
■ Securityxli
■ Related Documentsxlii
■ How to Comment on This Bookxliii
1 Read This Fi rst 1–1
■ Overview1–1
■ Your Role as System Manager1–4
■ The System Planning Forms1–5
■ Upgrading the System1–6
■ Environmental Requirements1–6
2 About the System 2–1
■ Background2–2
■ System Overview2–9
■ Incoming Trunks2–12
■ Modes of Operation2–16
■ Components2–18
■ Features2–22
■ Applications2–22
■ Programming the System2–25
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
■ System Capacities2–25
■ Auxiliary Components2–26
■ Data Communications Capabilities2–29
3 System Compon ents 3–1
■ Control U nit3–1
■ Telephones3–14
■ Operator Consoles3–30
■ Adapters3–34
■ Adjuncts3–36
■ Power-Related Hardware3–46
4 Features and Applications 4–1
■ Features4–1
■ Applications4–60
5 Putting the System to Work 5–1
Issue 1
February 1998
Page v
■ Scenario 1: A Small Office5–2
■ Scenario 2: A Professional Office5–7
■ Optimizing Your System5–22
6 Managing the System 6–1
■ Using the Task Descriptions6–2
■ Using the Programming Procedures6–3
■ Introduction to System Programming6–5
■ Programming from the Console6–13
■ Programming from a PC wit h SPM6–18
■ Centralized Telephone Programming6–24
■ Using Reports6–34
■ Setting System Date and/or Time6–38
■ Backing Up the System6–39
■ Adding an Extension6–40
■ Moving an Extension6–43
■ Removing an Extension6–44
■ Assigning a HotLine Extension6–46
■ Changing Calling Re strict ions6–48
■ Changing Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Status6–49
■ Changing Coverage Delay Options6–51
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
■ Adding/Removing a Line6–57
■ Adding a DLC Operator Position6–58
■ Adding a QCC Operator Position6–61
■ Adding Operator Features6–64
■ Connecting Auxilia ry Equipm ent6–66
■ Changing Calling Group Assig nments6–69
■ Revising Allowed Lists6–71
■ Assigning Allowed Lists to Extensions6–73
■ Revising Disallowed Lists6–74
■ Assigning Disallowed Lists to Extensions6–76
■ Changing Group Coverage Assignm ent s6–77
■ Revising Night Service with Group Assignment6–79
■ Revising Night Service with Coverage Cont rol6–81
■ Changing Extension Directory Labels6–83
■ Changing Trunk Labels6–84
Issue 1
February 1998
Page vi
■ Changing Posted Message Labels6–85
■ Changing Calling Group Label s6–87
■ Changing System Directory Labels6–88
■ Adding a CTI Link6–89
■ Removing a CTI Link6–93
7 Learning More 7–1
■ Guides7–1
■ System Guides Information Finder7–13
8 Troubleshooting the System 8–1
■ All Phones Are Dead (No Dial Tone or Lights)8–2
■ Some Phones Are Dead (No Dial Tone or Lights)8–3
■ Difficulty Making Outside Calls8–5
■ Phone Does Not Ring8–8
■ DLC Console Not Ringing for Incoming Calls8–11
■ QCC Console Not Ringing for Incoming Calls8–12
■ Single-Line Phones Ring Back after Completed Call8–13
■ Cannot Transfer Call after Answer on an Outside Line 8–14
■ Night Service Not Working8–15
■ Calls Not Goin g to Voice Mail8–17
■ Callers Getting Incorrect Response from Voice Mail8–19
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
■ Calls Not Going to Coverage8–20
■ Trouble Hearing Called Party8–21
■ Programmed Button Fails8–21
■ Reminder Messages Received with the Wrong Time8–22
■ Recall/Switchhook Does Not Work8–23
■ Calling Group Members Not Receiving Calls8–24
■ Calls Not Receiving Screen Pop8–25
■ Calling Group Overflow Calls Not
Receiving Screen Pop8–27
■ Secondary Announcements Not
Playing as Programmed8–27
■ Other or Unresolved Problems8–30
A Customer Support Information A–1
■ Support Telephone NumberA–1
■ Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) Electromagnetic
Interference InformationA–1
Issue 1
February 1998
Page vii
■ Canadian Department of Communications (DOC)
Interference InformationA–2
■ FCC Notification and Repair InformationA–2
■ Installation and Operational ProceduresA–3
■ DOC Notification and Repair InformationA–5
■ Renseignements sur la notification du ministère des
Communications du Canada et la réparationA–6
■ Security of Your System: Preventing Toll FraudA–9
■ Toll Fraud PreventionA–10
■ Other Security HintsA–16
■ Limited Warranty and Limitation of LiabilityA–20
■ Remote Administration and MaintenanceA–21
B About Telecommunications B–1
■ Telephone Extension EquipmentB–2
■ Transmission FacilitiesB–3
■ Switching EquipmentB–5
■ SignalingB–8
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
C System Capacities C–1
D System Planning Forms D–1
E Removing/Reinstalling the Control Unit Cover E–1
■ Removing the Control Unit HousingE–2
■ Installing the Control Unit HousingE–2
GL Glossary GL-1
IN Index IN–1
Issue 1
February 1998
Page viii
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
2About the Sys tem2–1
2–1The Local Loop2–3
2–2The Telephone Network2–4
2–3The Evolution of Switches2–7
2–4The Switching Office Hierarchy2–8
2–5System Overview2–11
2–6Incoming Trunks2–13
2–7System Components2–20
2–8408 GS/LS-MLX Module2–21
2–10 Auxiliary System Components2–28
Issue 1
February 1998
Page ix
3System Components3–1
3–1Processor Module3–3
3–2Power Supply Module3–4
3–3Line/Trunk and Extension Modules3–11
3–4MLX-28D Telephone3–16
3–5MLX-20L Telephone3–17
3–6MLX-16DP Telephone3–18
3–7MLX-10D Telephone3–19
3–8MLX-10 Telephone3–20
3–9MLX-5D Telephone3–21
3–10 Direct Station Selector3–23
6–1Information Screen6–7
6–2Menu Selection Screen6–7
6–3Data Entry Screen6–8
6–4System Programming Menu Screens6–8
6–5Screen Keys6–10
6–6Station Busy Screen6–11
6–7MLX-20L Telephone with Direct Station Selector
6–8Display Buttons and Main Menu6–15
6–9Console Overlay6–16
Issue 1
February 1998
Page x
ERemoving/Reinstalling the Control Unit Cover E–1
E–1Removing the Control Unit HousingE–2
E–2Installing the Top CoverE–3
E–3Insta lling the Front Co v erE–4
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
2About the Sys tem2–1
2–1Modes of Operation2–17
3System Components3–1
3–1Line/Trunk and Extension Modules3–12
3–2Analog Multiline Telephones3–24
3–3Single-Line Telephones3–25
3–4Maximum Number of System Operator Positions3–30
3–5Adjunct Summary3–44
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xi
4Features and Applications4–1
4–1Feature Finder: Basic Calling and Answering
(Non-Networked Systems)4–5
4–2Feature Finder: Covering Calls and Having Calls
Covered (Non-Networked Systems)4–13
4–3Feature Finder: Calling Privileges and Restrictions
6–2System Programming Menu Options6–9
6–3Screen Keys6–10
6–4Idle States6–12
6–5Exiting System Programming6–18
6–6Features That Can Be Copied: All Telephones6–30
6–7Features That Can Be Copied: Direct-Line
The exclamation point in an equilateral triangle is
intended to alert the user to the presence of
important operating and maintenance (servicing)
instructions in the literature accompanying the
When installing telephone equipment, alway s follow basic safety precautions to
reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, and injury to persons, including:
■Read and understand all instructions.
■Follow all warnings and instructions marked on or packed with the product.
■Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xv
■Never install a telephone jack in a wet location unless the jack is
specifically designed for wet locations.
■Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone
wiring has been disconnected at the network interface.
■Use caution when insta lling or modifying telephone lines.
■Use only Lucent Technologies-manufactured MERLIN LEGEND
Communications System circuit modules, carrier assemblies, and power
units in the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System control unit.
■Use only Lucent Technologies-recommended/approved MERLIN LEGEND
Communications System accessories.
■If equipment connected to the analog extension mo dules (008, 408, 408
GS/LS) or to the MLX telephone modules (008 MLX, 408 GS/LS-MLX) is to
be used for in-range out-of-building (IROB) applications, IROB protectors
are required.
■Do not install this product near water, for example, in a wet basement
■Do not overload wall outlets, as this can result in the risk of fire or electrical
■The MERLIN LEGEND Communications System is equipped with a 3-wire
grounding-type plug with a third (grounding) pin. This plug will fit only into a
grounding-type power outlet. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to
insert the plug into the outlet, contact an electrician to replace the obsolete
outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounding plug.
■The MERLIN LEGEND Communications System requires a supplementary
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
■Do not attach the power supply cord to building surfaces. Do not allow
anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this product where the
cord will be abused by persons wa lk ing on it.
■Slots and openings in the module housings are provided for ventilation. To
protect this equipment from overheating, do not block these openings.
■Never push objects of any kind into this product through module openings
or expansion slots, as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short
out parts, whi c h could result in a ri sk o f fire o r el ec tric a l s ho c k. N ev e r spill
liquid of any kind on this product.
■Unplug the product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Use a damp cloth
for cleaning. Do not use cleaners or aerosol cleaners.
■Auxiliary equipment includes answering ma chines, alerts, modem s , and
fax machines. To connect one of these devices, you must first have a MultiFunction Module (MFM).
■Do not operate telephones if chemical gas leakage is suspected in the
area. Use telephones located in some other safe area to report the trouble.
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xvi
For your personal safety, DO NOT install an MFM yourself.
ONL Y an authorized technician or dealer representative shall install, set
options, or repair an MFM.
To eliminate the risk of personal injury due to electrical shock, DO NOT
attempt to install or remove an MFM from your MLX telephone. Opening
or removing the module cover of your telephone may expose you to
dangerous voltages.
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
New Features and Enhancements
New Features and Enhancements 0
Release 6.0 Enhancements0
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xviiRelease 6.0 Enhancements
Release 6.0 includes all Release 5.0 functionality, plus the enhancements listed
Private Networks0
In Hybrid/ PBX mode systems only, MERLIN LEGEND Communi ca tions Systems
can be networked with one another or with DEFINITY
Communications Server (ECS) and ProLogix
private networks. In previous releases, this functionality is available using tie lines,
but users handle calls between networked switches as outside calls. In this
release, dialing the pool access code is not necessary for a call going from one
networked switch to another. Also, del ay-start t ie trunks or T1 trunks administered
as PRI can act as
tandem trunks
to connect networked systems.
Available for Hybrid/PBX mode systems, the private network features of the
MERLIN LEGEND Communications Syste m Release 6.0 provide the following
advantages for geographically dispersed organizational sites:
■Intersystem Calling. In a private network, users on one local system can
call extensions on other systems in the network. Release 6.0 can support
2-, 3-, 4-, or 5-digit dial plans. They dial these extensions as inside calls. To
implement this function, the system manager programs the extens ion
ranges of remote networked switches to create a non-local dial plan. This
programming does not actually affect numbering on the remote system. To
correctly set up systems for transparent calling among non-local dial plan
extensions, the system manager assigns networking tie and/or PRI tandem
trunks to pools. Then he or she programs as many as 20 patterns,
associates with routes, Facility Restriction Levels (FRLs), digit absorption,
and digit prepending. This allows ARS-like routing of non-local dial plan
Enterp rise
Communications Systems in
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
New Features and Enhancements
calls. In addition, system managers can control whether calling name,
calling number, or both are shown at MLX display telephone for incoming
calls across PRI tandem trunks.
■Toll Savings. Private networked trunks may allow you to realize significant
cost savings on long-distance and toll calls by performing tandem switching
in the following two ways:
— Callers on a local system, or individuals dialing in to remote access
at a local system, can reach the public switched telephone network
(PSTN) via outside trunks connected to other systems in a private
network, avoiding toll charges or decreasing the cost of toll calls. No
special dialing is required. For example, an organization might have
a main office in Boston and a subsidiary office in New Jersey,
connected by networked private tandem trunks between two
systems. A user in the New Jersey office who wishes to make an
outside call to the 617 area code (Boston) can do so through a
line/trunk connected to the system in Boston. For example, he or
she might dial,
call over the private network trunks and use the ARS tables of the
remote system in Boston to route this call. The system managers at
each end of a private network set up ARS and Remote Access
features to implement this functionality.
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xviiiRelease 6.0 Enhancements
. The local ARS tables would route this
— In addition, local organizations or incoming DID calls use private
networked trunks to make intersystem calls between networked
systems, which may be geographically distant from one another,
also resulting in toll s av in gs .
■Service Cost Savings. In addition to toll call saving, there are two ways
that organizations can save on service costs incurred from
telecommunications providers that provide public switc hed telephone
network access:
— You order a point to point T1 facility from a service provider, then
use syste m programmin g to set it up for PR I sig nalling. A s
necessary, a service provider can provide amplification on the T1
facility, but does not su p ply switching serv ic es .
— You can tailor your use of PRI B-channels with drop-and-insert
equipment that allows fractional use of B-channels for dedicated
data/video communications between systems at speeds greater
than 64kbps per channel or 128 kbps for 2B data, while keeping the
remaining B-channels for PRI voice traffic. The PRI D-channel must
remain active.
— You can tailor use of T1 channels to support both T1-emulated
tandem tie service and T1 Switched 56 service for data
communications at 56 kbps per channel, allowing 2B data transfers
at 112 kbps. You can also use drop-and-insert equipment to provide
fractional T1 use.
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
New Features and Enhancements
■Voice Mail and Auto Attendant. Networked systems should have their
own local voice mail and/or auto attendant applications as well as their own
external alerts and Music On Hold sources. However, a single auto
attendant can transfer calls throughout the network. It can answer only
those calls that arrive on the PSTN facilities of the system where it is
Although many features are available using tie trunks for network connectivity,
PRI tandem trunks provide greatly enhanced features and faster call setup. For
this reason, PRI is recommended over tie functionality in private networks.
Group Ca lling Enhancements0
Release 6.0 and later systems include Group Calling features that enhance group
calling operations.
Queue Control0
The system manager can control the maximum number of calls allowed in the
primary calling group queue for calls that arrive on certain facilities often assigned
to calling groups. When the number of the calls in queue reaches the
programmed maximum, subseq uent callers receive a busy signal.
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xixRelease 6.0 Enhancements
Queue control applies to calls rec eiv ed on the follo w ing types of facilit ies:
■DID (Direct Inward Dialing)
■PRI fac ilit ie s pr og r ammed for dia l- plan routin g
■All calls transferred from a VMI (voice messaging interface) port
■Dial-in Tie
Queue control also applies to internal calls to a DGC group and calls to a calling
group through the QCC.
Internal calls that dial
and are directed to a calling group
administered as Position-Busy Backup are eligible for queue control. Calls that
come in on a trunk assigned to the Queued Call Console (QCC) are not eligible
for queue control if the call is directed to a calling group designated as PositionBusy Backup.
Remote-access calls to a calling group, coverage calls directed to a calling group,
calls directed to calling group through QCC Position-Busy backup, and all other
outside calls are not eligible for queue control.
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
New Features and Enhancements
Prompt-Based Overflow0
System managers can activate the Prompt-Based Overflow option . This option
allows callers waiting in queue and listening to a delay announcement to press the
# key in order to reach t he overflow receiver for the group, which may be the QCC
queue or another calling group (including a calling group assigned for a voice mail
All three overflow distribution options—based on the number of calls, the time a
caller has waited, and according to the caller’s prompt—may be used at one time.
In this case, time-based and number-of-calls based options take precedence over
overflow distribution based on the caller’s prompt.
When prompt-based overflow distribution is used, an extra TTR must be provided
for each delay announcement device assigned to the associated calling group.
The delay announcement informs the caller of the # key option to exit the queue
and leave rather than waiting for an agent. If no TTR is available when a calling
group call arrives, the call is not sent to a delay announcement extension.
Centrex Transfer via Remote Call Forwarding0
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xxRelease 6.0 Enhancements
Centrex Transfer via Remote Call Forwarding can be used in all system modes of
operation to send outside calls to a remote telephone number or another Centrex
station. In this context, the term
outside calls
refers to calls from outside the
communications sy stem, which m ay ori ginate at exten sions in the Centr ex syst em
but not connected to the local MERLIN LEGEND Communications System.
An outside call that uses this feature is defined as a call that arrives on an analog
Centrex loop-start line at the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System. It may
arrive directly or be transferred without consultation or without transfer supervision
(in the case of an automated attendant). The forwarding call to the outside
number is made on the same line/trunk on which the call arrived, conserving
system facilities. The following considerations and rules apply:
■Only outside Centrex calls are forwarded using this feature.
■The system must be equipped with analog loop-start Centrex lines and a
loop-start lines in the system must be Centrex facilities. Loop-start lines do
not have to provide reliable disconnect for use by the Centrex Transfer via
Remote Call Forwarding feature.
■To transfer calls outside the Centrex system, the organization must
subscribe to a Centrex trunk-to-trunk transfer feature.
Activating Centrex Transfer via Remote Call Forwarding is just like activating
regular Remote Call Forwarding and requires that Remote Call Forwarding be
enabled for the extension. However, the user dials
and a Pause character may be required after the
instead of a dial-out code,
. The Centrex service provider
determines whether the Pause is needed.
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
New Features and Enhancements
Pause cannot be originated from a single-line telephone or a remote access user.
A multiline telephone user in the local system must enter an authorization code to
activate the feature.
A remote access user may activate the feature without using an authorization
code. Barrier code requirements do apply , however.
Authorization Codes and
Remote Call Forwarding0
In Release 6.0 and later Key or Hybrid/PBX mode systems, forwardin g featur es ,
including Centrex Transfer via Remote Call Forwarding, but excluding Follow Me,
can be activated or deactivated at a multiline telephone by entering the
authorization code for the extension from which calls are to be forwarded. The
user enters the authorization code, then activates or deactivates the forwarding
feature in the normal fashion. This is especially useful for a single-line telephone
user who must include a Pause character in a Centrex Transfer via Remote Call
Forwarding dialing sequence, because the character cannot be dialed at a singleline telephone. It is also useful when activating Call Forwarding or Remote Call
Forwarding at phantom stations, or via remote access (e.g. from another switch in
the network). No other features can be used by entering an authorization code in
this fashion.
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xxiRelease 6.0 Enhancements
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
New Features and Enhancements
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xxiiRelease 6.0 Enhancements
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Prior Release s: Features and Enhancements
Prior Release s: Features and
Release 3.1 Enhancements0
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xxiiiRelease 3.1 Enhancements
Release 3.1 includes all Release 3.0 functionality, plus the enhancements listed
Call Restriction Checking for Star Codes0
Beginning with Release 3.1, a system manager can add star (*) codes to Allowed
and Disallowed Lists to help prevent toll fraud. Star codes, typically dialed before
an outgoing call, enable telephone users to obtain special services provided by
the central office (CO). For example, in many areas, a telephone user can dial
*67 before a telephone number to disable central office-supplied caller
identification at the receiving party’s telephone. You must contract with your
telephone service provider to have these codes activated.
When users dial star codes, the system’s calling restrictions determine whether
the codes are a ll o w ed . If the y are allowed, the s yst em’s calling res t r ic tio n s are
reset and the remaining digits that the users dial are checked against the calling
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Set for Each Extension0
This enhancement to the Transfer feature enables the system manager to allow or
disallow trunk-to-trunk transfer on a per-extension basis. In Release 3.1 and later
systems, the default sett i ng for all exte ns ions is restricted.
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Prior Release s: Features and Enhancements
Programmable Second Dial Tone Timer0
The system manager can assign a second dial tone timer to lines/trunks, in order
to help prevent toll fraud (for example, when star codes are used). After receiving
certain digits dialed by a user, the CO may provide a second dial tone, prompting
the user to enter more digits. If this second dial tone is delayed, and the user dials
digits before the CO provides the second dial tone, there is a risk of toll fraud or
misrouting the call. The second dial tone timer enables the system manager to
make sure that the CO is ready to receive more digits from the caller.
Security Enhancements0
The sections below outside security measures that are implemented in Release
3.1 and later systems.
Disallowed List Including Numbers Often
Associated with Toll Fraud0
A factory-set Disallowed List 7 contains default entries, which are numbers
frequently associated with toll fraud. By default, Disallowed List 7 is automatically
assigned to both generic and integrated VMI (voice messaging interface) ports
used by voice messaging systems. The system manager can manually assign this
list to other extensions.
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xxivRelease 3.1 Enhancements
Default Pool Dial-Out Code
Restriction for All Extensions0
The default setting for the pool dial-out code restriction (Hybri d/PBX mode only) is
restricted. No extension or remote access user with a barrier code has access to
pools until the restriction is removed by the system manager.
Default Outward Restrictions for VMI Ports0
Ports assigned for use by voice messaging systems (generic or integrated VMI
ports) are now assigned outward restrictions by default. If a voice messaging
system must be allowed to call out (for example, to send calls to a user’s home
office), the system manager must remove these restrictions.
Before removing restrictions, it is strongly recommended that you read
Appendix A, “Customer Support Information.”
Default Facility Restriction
Level (FRL) for VMI Ports0
The default Automatic Route Selection (ARS) FRL for VMI ports is 0, restricting all
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Prior Release s: Features and Enhancements
Default for the Default Local Table 0
The default Automatic Route Selection (ARS, Hybrid/PBX mode only) FRL has
changed to 2 for the Default Local table. System managers can easily change an
extension default of 3 to 2 or lower in order to restrict calling. No adj ustment to the
route FRL is required.
New Maintenance Procedure for
Testing Outgoing Trunks0
Technicia ns must enter a password in order to perform trunk tests.
The enhancements in Release 3.1 help increase the security of the MERLIN
LEGEND System. To fully utilize these security enhancements, be sure to
read and understand the information in these upgrade notes and in the
relevant system guides.
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xxvRelease 3.1 Enhancements
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Prior Release s: Features and Enhancements
Release 4.0 Enhancements0
Release 4.0 includes all Release 3.1 functionality, plus the enhancements listed
Support for Up to 200 Extensions0
An expanded dial plan supports up to 200 tip/ring devices.
Support for National ISDN BRI Service 0
This service (Hybrid/PBX and Key modes) provides an alternative to loop-start
and ground-start lines/trunks for voice and digital data connectivity to the central
office. Each of the two B-channels (
voice and one data call at any given time. The data speeds on a B-channel are up
to 28.8 kbps for analog data and up to 64 kbps for digital data, which is necessary
for videoconferencing and other high-speed applications. Releas e 4.0 supports
the IOC Package “S” (basic call handling) service configuration and Multiline Hunt
service configuration on designated CO switches.
bearer channels
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xxviRelease 4.0 Enhancements
) on a BRI line can carry one
New Control Unit Modules0
Release 4.0 supports a new NI-BRI line/trunk module and a higher-capacity
tip/ring module.
800 NI-BRI Module0
This new module connects NI-BRI trunks to the MERLIN LEGEND system for
voice, high-speed data, and video transmission.
016 Ti p/Ring Module0
This new module supports a 200-extension dial plan by providing 16 ports for
tip/ring devices. Applications that use a tip/ring interface can connect to this
board. All 16 ports can ring simultaneously. Four touch-tone receivers (TTRs) are
included on the module as well. The module’s ringing frequency (default 20 Hz)
can be changed through programming to 25 Hz for those locations that require it.
Downloadable Firmware for the
016 and NI-BRI Modules0
The Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA)
technology introduced in Release 3.0 continues to support these two new boards
for installation and upgrade in Release 4.0. A Release 3.0 or later processor is
required for PCMCIA technology.
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Prior Release s: Features and Enhancements
Support for 2B Data Applications 0
A Lucent T echnologies-certified group and desktop video application can use two
B-channels to make video/data calls when connected to a single MLX extension
jack programmed for 2B data. The 2B data devices must be equipped with
ISDN-BRI interfaces. NI-1 BRI, PRI, or T1 Switched 56 facilities support 2B data
communications at 112 kbps (using two 56-kpbs channels) or 128 kbps (using two
64-kbps B-channels). This feature is available for Hybrid/PBX and Key modes
only .
Support for T1 Switched 56
Digital Data T rans mission 0
For Hybrid/PBX and Key mode systems, Release 4.0 expands support of T1
functionality by providing access to digital data over the public switched 56-kbps
network, as well as to digital data tie-trunk services. Users who have T1 facilities
for voice services can now use them for video or data calls at rates of 56 kbps per
channel (112 kbps for video calls using 2B data). The Release 4.0 offering also
includes point-to-point connectivity over T1 tie trunks, allowing customers to
connect two MERLIN LEGEND Communications Systems or a MERLIN LEGEND
Communications System with a Lucent Technologies DEFINITY
Communications System or DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server. The
two communications systems can be co-located or at different sites.
February 1998
Issue 1
Page xxviiRelease 4.0 Enhancements
Forwarding Delay Option0
Each user can program a Forwarding Delay setting for the Forward, Remote Call
Forwarding, or Follow Me features. The forwarding delay is the number of times
that a call rings at the forwarding extension before the call is sent to the receiver.
The delay period gives the original call recipient time to answer or to screen calls
by checking the displayed calling number (if available). The delay can be set at 0
up to 9 rings. The factory setting for the forwarding delay is 0 rings (no delay).
Voice Announce on Queued Call Console0
The system manager can enable the fifth Call button on a QCC console
(Hybrid/PBX mode only) to announce a call on another user’s speakerphone
(providing the destination telephone has a voice announce-cap able SA button
available). A QCC cannot receive voice-announced calls; they are received as
ringing calls. The factory-set status for the fifth Call button is Voice Announce
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Prior Release s: Features and Enhancements
Time-Based Option for
Overflow o n Calling Group0
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xxviiiRelease 4.0 Enhancements
Release 4.0 has added a
number of calls
limit. If the Overflow Threshold Time option is set to a valid
limit for calls in queue in addition to the previous
number between 1 and 900 seconds, calls that remain in the calling group queue
for the set time are sent to the overflow receiver. If the overflow threshold time is
set to 0, overflow by time is turned off. The factory-set time limit is 0 seconds (off).
Single-Line Telephone Enhancements0
The following changes enhance the performance of single-line telephones:
■Disable Transfer. Through centralized telephone programming, the
system manager can disable transfer by removing all but one SA or ICOM
button from the extension.
■No Transfer Return. When a handset bounces in its cradle, the system
interprets this as a switchhook flash and attempts to transfer a call. When
the transfer attempt period expires, the user’s telephone rings. Release 4.0
eliminates this unintended ringing by disconnecting the call in situations
where a switchhook flash is followed by an on-hook state and a dial tone is
■Forward Discon nec t. All ports on 008 OPT, 012, and 016 modules now
send forward disconnect to all devices connected to them when forward
disconnect is received from the CO. This enhancement prevents the
trunk/line from being kept active when one end disconnects from the call. If
an answering machine is connected to the port, it does not record silence,
busy tones, or other useless messages. This operation is not
Seven-Digit Password for SPM0
Release 4.0 has increased system security by requiring a 7-digit password for
system managers or technicians who use SPM to perform programming or the
Trunk Test procedure. This password is for use in addition to a remote access
barrier code.
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Prior Release s: Features and Enhancements
Release 4.1 Enhancements0
Release 4.1 includes all Release 4.0 functionality, plus the enhancements listed
below. There are no hardware changes in Release 4.1.
Coverage Ti mers Programmed for
Individual Extensions0
Beginning with Release 4.1, coverage timers, which control the duration of the
delay before calls are sent to each level of coverage, are changed as follows:
■The Group Coverage Ring Delay (1–9 rings) is programmed on individual
extensions and replaces the Coverage Delay Interval programmed
systemwide in previous releases.
■The Primary Cover Ring Delay (1–6 rings) and Secondary Cover Ring
Delay (1–6 rings), programmed on individual extensions, replace the Delay
Ring Interval programmed systemwide in previous releases.
These enhancements allow the system mana ger to customize cov erage call
delivery to match individual extensions’ call-handling requirements.
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xxixRelease 4.1 Enhancements
Night Service with Coverage Control0
Beginning with Release 4.1, a system manager can enable the Night Service
Coverage Control option to automatically control the status of telephones
programmed with Coverage VMS (voice messaging system) Off buttons,
according to Night Service status.
When Coverage Control is enabled and the MERLIN LEGEND Communications
System is put into Night Service, all programmed Coverage VMS Off buttons are
automatically turned off (LED is unlit) and all eligible outside calls are sent to the
assigned voice messaging system calling group with normal ringing delay. When
Night Service is deactivated during the day, all programmed Coverage VMS Off
buttons are automatically turned on (LED is lit) and voice mail coverage is
disabled for outside calls.
Users can override the Coverage VMS Off button status at any time by pressing
the programmed Coverage VMS Off button to turn the LED on or off.
Night Service Group Line Assignment0
Beginning with Release 4.1, a system manager can assign lines to Night Service
groups to control handling of after-hours calls received on individual lines. This
capability replaces the automatic assignment to Night Service groups of only
those lines that ring on the Night Service operator console. An outside line must
be assigned to a Night Service group to receive Night Service treatment.
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Manager’s Guide
Prior Release s: Features and Enhancements
With this enhancement, Night Service can be activated and deactivated on lines
that do not appear on operator consoles (for example, personal lines), and lines
appearing at operator positions can be excluded from Night Service.
Forward on Busy0
Beginning with Release 4.1, the Forward, Follow Me, and Remote Call Forward
features are enhanced to remove the requirement that a call be ringing at an
extension before it can be forwarded. With the Forward on Busy enhancement, a
call to an extension with no available SA (System Access) or ICOM (Intercom)
buttons is forwarded immediately to the programmed destination, preventing the
caller from hearing a busy signal from the intended call recipient’s extension.
Maintenance Testing for BRI Facilities that Are
Part of Multiline Hunt Groups (MLHGs)0
Beginning with Release 4.1, the NI-1 BRI (National Integrated Services Digital
Network-1 Basic Rate Interface) Provisioning Test Tool is enhanced to include
testing for BRI facilities that are part of Multiline Hunt Groups (MLHGs).
Issue 1
February 1998
Page xxxRelease 4.1 Enhancements
The NI-1 BRI Provisioning T est Tool is used by Lucent Technologies maintenance
personnel on MERLIN LEGEND Communications Systems that include a 800
NI-BRI module. Technicians use the tool during system installation and
maintenance to test the functionality of the BRI lines and to report analyzed
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