Welcome to Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager. This chapter provides an introduction
to the structure and assumptions of this manual. It includes the following sections:
The purpose of this manual
intended audience.
Organization of the manual
various chapters of the manual.
Starting Cajun M770 ATM Switch
Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager from your management platform.
Using the Zoom View
Manager Zoom View, including instructions on how to select elements, and how to
use the menu bar and the toolbar buttons.
The Purpose of this Manual
The Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager manual contains all of the information needed
to use the system efficiently and effectively. For information on managing Cajun M770
ATM Switches using a command line interface, refer to the
User's Guide
- A description of the goals of the manual and the
- A brief description of the subjects contained in the
Manager - Instructions on how to access
- A brief introduction to the Cajun M770 ATM Switch
Cajun M770 ATM Switch
Who Should Use This Manual
This manual is intended for network managers familiar with network management and
its fundamental concepts.
Organization of this Manual
This manual contains the following subjects:
•Chapter 1,
purpose and organization and gives instructions on starting the Cajun M770 ATM
Switch Manager and using the Cajun M770 ATM Switch Zoom View.
•Chapter 2,
explains how to view agent configuration and designate managers.
•Chapter 3,
Cajun M770 ATM Switch configurations.
•Chapter 4,
the agent.
Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide1
Welcome to Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager
Agent Configuration
ATM Switch Configuration
Fault Management
, describes the Master Agent and Sub Agents and
, explains how to view and modify the different
, explains how to configure traps and view traps sent by
•Chapter 7,
their use with the Cajun M770 ATM Switch.
•Chapter 8,
•Appendix A,
structure of the menus in the Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager.
•Appendix B,
mentioned in this manual.
•Appendix C,
•Appendix D,
•Appendix E,
•Appendix F, Reference Guide, provides in-depth descriptions of networking terms
and concepts.
Monitoring Performance
Managing Switch VCs
Managing LANE Services
Managing Routing
Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager Menus
Configuration Fields
Counter Fields
Trap Fields
, provides definitions for many of the terms and concepts
, provides a description of the trap fields.
, explains how to view Port counters, CPU
, explains how to list all SVC connections for a
, provides an overview of LANE services and
, explains how to manage the static routes table and
, provides a description of the configuration fields.
, provides a description of the counter fields.
Starting Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager
The following sections provide instructions for starting the Cajun M770 ATM Switch
Manager from the various supported management umbrellas.
, provides the full menu
What To Do First
1Login to the system using your account name.
2Ensure that the management platform system is running correctly.
Running Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager from Windows
To start Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager from HP OpenView:
1Double-click the icon representing the Cajun M770 ATM Switch you wish to work
1Select the Cajun M770 ATM Switch.
2Open the
Running Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager from UNIX
If you are using
1From the Management platform map, select the Cajun M770 ATM Switch you
wish to work with.
2Open the
2Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide
menu and select
menu and select
Device Manager
1Right-click on the Cajun M770 ATM Switch you wish to work with.
If you are using
1From the management platform map, select the ATM Switch you wish to work
2Click in the OpenView toolbar.
Open the
1Right-click on the Cajun M770 ATM Switch you wish to work with.
Using Zoom View
The Cajun M770 ATM Switch Zoom View displays only the modules installed in the
ATM Switch now being managed. This does not include DomainX modules and ATM
modules of another switch in the same hub.
In order to manage DomainX modules, change the overall device configuration, and
view hardware configuration:
1Click .
Open the
Multifunction Switch Manager application appears.
For more information, refer to the
or on line-help.
Within the Zoom View, you can select the following elements:
To select an element, click it using the left mouse button. The selected element is
highlighted. To select multiple elements, press the CTRL key while clicking on each
element to be selected.
Using Zoom View Features
The Zoom View consists of a graphical representation of the hub, a Menu bar, and a
Toolbar. The Toolbar provides shortcuts to the main Zoom View functions.
In a Windows environment the toolbar may be displayed as a floating horizontal toolbar
or as a docked, vertical toolbar. To display the toolbar, open the
. A check is placed next to the Toolbar option when it is activated. To
menu and
dock the toolbar, drag it to the right edge of the Zoom View. To hide the toolbar, open
Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide3
Chapter 1Welcome to Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager
menu and select
Figure 1.1Zoom View
The table below describes the Toolbar buttons and gives the equivalent menu options.
Table 1.1Zoom View Toolbar
IconDescriptionMenu Item
Exit the application.
View M770 ATM Switch
Exit Zoom
Device Information...
4Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 1Welcome to Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager
Table 1.1Zoom View Toolbar (Continued)
IconDescriptionMenu Item
View the Managers table.
View M770 ATM Switch
Managers Table...
agent information.
Launch Cajun M770
Launch Hub Manager...
Multifunction Hub for
viewing Ethernet modules,
device information, and
power supply
View Static Routes
Static Routes...
View Switch VCs
Switch VCs...
Open on-line Help.
When placing the cursor on a toolbar icon for 1 second, a label appears with the name of
the button.
To open context-sensitive help, press ALT + H.
Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide5
Chapter 1Welcome to Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager
6Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 2
Agent Configuration
In order to ensure that your network or Cajun M770 ATM Switch works properly, your
network agent must be configured correctly. This chapter helps you manage your agent
and includes helpful configuration notes for the different types of agents. The following
sections are included:
•Overview of Master Agent and Sub Agents
•Overview of Agent Configuration
•Viewing Agent Configuration Information
•Designating Managers
Master Agent and Sub Agents
The Cajun M770 Switch is a fully distributed switch. Each module has its own
switching and CPU power supply. In order to present the switch as a single and united
entity, one module is automatically elected as a Master Agent while the other modules
are Sub Agents. The NMA (Network Management Agent) LED is lit on the module
which has been elected to be the Master Agent.
The Master Agent is the one hosting the Management LEC with all of its functionality:
IP Address and switch-wide information.
All the information configured on the Master Agent is backed up by the Sub Agents. If
the Master Agent is removed or reset, another module will be elected, and all previous
configuration settings will be kept.
Overview of Agent Configuration
The Master Agent is responsible for managing the modules contained in the hubs. The
Master Agent enables handling many of the Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager
features, such as statistical reporting, configuration information and trap reporting.
If your agent is not properly configured for your network or can not communicate with
Cajun View, your network will not achieve its maximum functionality. Therefore, it is
essential that your agent is configured correctly.
Downloading New Agent Software
Downloading agent software is done using the Cajun Download Manager. For
instructions, refer to the on-line help for the Cajun Download Manager, or the
Download Manager User’s Guide
Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide7
included in the
Additional Applications User’s Guide
Chapter 2Agent Configuration
Viewing the Agent Information Box
Every agent has an Agent Information window that provides details about the agent. To
view the configuration of an agent:
1Open the Cajun M770 ATM Switch Zoom View.
2Click .
Open the
Figure 2.1Agent Information Window
menu and select
. The Agent Information window is
The Agent Information window provides detailed information about the agent such as
the agent type, the versions of its software, the agent’s addresses, and LEC information.
For a full description of the configuration fields in the Agent Information window, refer
to Appendix B,
Configuration Fields
Designating Managers
Agents send alarms to Manager workstations that are included in the agent's Manager
list. Alarms are not sent to any other network management stations (NMS).
If you wish to properly manage an ATM Switch, your station should be one of its
designated Managers. The Manager can be a Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager station
or any other SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) management console.
Managers list using the command line interface.
8Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide
Refer to the
Cajun M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide
for a method of editing the
Viewing the Managers Table
To view the Managers list of a Cajun M770 ATM Switch:
1Open the Cajun M770 ATM Switch Zoom View.
2Click .
Open the
Figure 2.2Managers Table
menu and select
Chapter 2Agent Configuration
Managers Table
. The Managers Table is
The dialog box lists the IP addresses and device names of the managers, and their trap
reporting status.
Adding Managers to the Managers Table
To add managers to the list:
1Click on the IP address field and enter the IP address of the designated
management station. After the changes take effect, the management station’s name
will be displayed automatically in the
Device Name column, if available.
2Repeat the procedure for each manager.
. The change takes effect immediately.
Removing Managers from the Managers Table
To remove managers from the list:
1Click on the IP address field.
Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide9
Chapter 2Agent Configuration
Press DEL.
3Repeat the procedure for each manager.
Editing the Managers Table
To edit the managers list:
1Click on the IP address field and change the IP address of the designated
management station. After the changes take effect, the management station’s name
will be displayed automatically in the
. The change takes effect immediately.
3Repeat the procedure for each manager.
Device Name
column, if available.
It is recommended to keep the list limited to actual and relevant managers, so as
not to place undue stress on the agent.
The indicated manager receives trap reports only when the Trap Report check
box for that manager is checked.
10Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 3
ATM Switch Configuration
This chapter explains how to view and set the various configuration parameters relevant
to the ATM Switches on your network. It includes the following sections:
•Viewing information about the Cajun M770 ATM Switch.
•Viewing configuration information for the Cajun M770 ATM modules.
•Viewing configuration information specific to the ports on the Cajun M770 ATM
•Viewing PNNI information specific to a selected port.
•Resetting various elements of the Cajun M770 ATM Switch.
•Viewing Neighbor Information.
To view agent configuration, refer to Chapter 2,
Viewing ATM Switch Information
The Device Information window provides high level information about the Cajun
M770 ATM Switch. To view information about the Cajun M770 ATM Switch:
1Open the Cajun M770 ATM Switch Zoom View.
2Click in the toolbar.
Open the
Information window is displayed.
menu and select
Agent Configuration
Device Information
. The Device
Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide11
Chapter 3ATM Switch Configuration
Figure 3.1Device Information Window
The Device Information window provides high level switch information, such as the
ATM Switch type, system name, contact, location, and description, and its ESI (MAC)
after the switch is reset.
For a full description of the fields in the Device Information dialog box, refer to
Appendix B,
The Current ATM Prefix will be updated with the Configured ATM Prefix only
Configuration Fields
Viewing Module Configuration
The Module Configuration window provides information about the selected module.
To view the configuration of a Cajun M770 ATM module:
1Open the Cajun M770 ATM Switch Zoom View.
2Select a module by clicking its label.
3Open the
Double-click the module label.
Right-click the module’s label and select
Configuration window is displayed.
menu and select
Module Configuration
. The Module
12Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide
Chapter 3ATM Switch Configuration
Figure 3.2Module Configuration
The Module Configuration window provides module information such as the module
type and software version, slot number, serial number, and information about the
module’s configuration.
For a full description of the fields in the Module Configuration window, refer to
Appendix B,
Configuration Fields
Viewing Port Configuration
The Port Configuration dialog box provides you with information specific to a selected
port. To view the configuration of a port:
1Open the Cajun M770 ATM Switch Zoom View.
2Select a port by clicking on its symbol.
3Open the
Double-click a port symbol.
Right-click a port and select
is displayed.
Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide13
menu and select
Port Configuration
. The Port Configuration dialog box
Chapter 3ATM Switch Configuration
Figure 3.3Port Configuration
The Port Configuration dialog box provides information such as the type of port and its
functionality, the current state of the physical port and the virtual port, and any faults
that occurred on the port. The fields in the Port Configuration dialog box may change
according to the type of port selected.
must be set to
Port Admin Status
To change the physical parameters of a port, the
. To change the root virtual parameters of a port, the
must be set to
Physical Port Admin Status
Root Virtual
For a full description of the fields in the Port Configuration dialog box, refer to
Appendix B,
Configuration Fields
Enabling Physical Ports
To enable a port:
1Select the port in the Zoom View.
2Open the
menu and select
Enable Port
. A confirmation box is
14Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide
1Right-click the port and select
1Open the Port Configuration dialog box.
2Change the Admin Status of the Physical Port to “
selected port is enabled.
To enable more than one port:
1Select multiple ports by holding down the CTRL key as you click the ports.
2Open the
Disabling Physical Ports
To disable a port:
1Select the port in the Zoom View.
2Open the
1Right-click the port and select
1Open the Port Configuration dialog box.
2Change the Admin Status of the Physical Port to “
selected port is disabled.
Enable Port
menu and select
. The selected ports are enabled.
menu and select
Disable Port
Chapter 3ATM Switch Configuration
. A confirmation box is displayed.
Enable Port
Disable Port
” and click
. A confirmation box is
. A confirmation box is
. The
. A confirmation box is displayed.
” and click
. The
To disable more than one port:
1Select multiple ports by holding down the CTRL key as you click the ports.
2Open the
menu and select
Disable Port
. A confirmation box is
. The selected ports are disabled.
Port PNNI Information
The Port PNNI dialog box provides you with PNNI information specific to the selected
port. To view the Port PNNI dialog box:
1Open the Cajun M770 ATM Switch Zoom View.
2Select a port by clicking on its symbol.
Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide15
Chapter 3ATM Switch Configuration
3Open the
Right-click a port and select
Figure 3.4Port PNNI Dialog Box
The Port PNNI dialog box provides information about the port’s link type, number of
Hellos sent and received, and information about the calculation of the cost of routing to
and from the port. The weight of various cost factors may be edited in the dialog box.
To apply any changes to the fields in the dialog box, click
For a full description of the fields in the Port PNNI dialog box, refer to Appendix B,
Configuration Fields
Resetting Elements
menu and select
. The Port PNNI dialog box appears.
Modules in the Cajun M770 ATM Switch may be reset without resetting the entire
ATM switch.
Resetting the ATM Switch
To reset the entire Cajun M770 ATM Switch with all its modules and subsystems:
1Open the
menu and select
. A confirmation box is
. The entire switch is reset.
Resetting the Module
To reset a module:
1Select a module.
2Open the
menu and select
Right-click a module and select
16Cajun M770 ATM Switch Manager User’s Guide
. Only the selected module is reset.
. A confirmation box is displayed.
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