Lowrance electronic Mapping GPS and Multimedia Player User Manual

Pub. 988-0160-451
Mapping GPS and Multimedia Player
Operation Instructions
All rights reserved.
No part of this manual may be copied, reproduced, republished, trans­mitted or distributed for any purpose, without prior written consent of Lowrance. Any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual is strictly prohibited.
is a registered trademark and XOG is a trademark of Navico,
Points of Interest Data in this unit are by infoUSA, copyright © 2001­2007, All Rights Reserved. infoUSA is a trademark of infoUSA, Inc.
Mapping Database, copyright © 2007 NAVTEQ. NAVTEQ ON BOARD is a trademark of NAVTEQ.
Lowrance Electronics may find it necessary to change or end our poli­cies, regulations and special offers at any time. We reserve the right to do so without notice. All features and specifications subject to change without notice. All screens in this manual are simulated.
For free owner's manuals and the most current information on this product, its operation and accessories, visit our web site:
Lowrance Electronics Inc.
12000 E. Skelly Dr.
Tulsa, OK USA 74128-2486
Printed in USA..
Table of Contents
External Connections ............................................................... 4
Map Mode..................................................................................... 7
Creating and Saving Contacts............................................ 10
Saving Symbols On-screen.................................................. 11
Music Mode................................................................................ 14
Pictures, Gauge and Options ................................................ 17
Options Pages .......................................................................... 18
Directions List ......................................................................... 18
Categories Drawn.................................................................... 19
Route Via Destinations ........................................................... 20
Cancel Navigation ................................................................... 24
My Trails.................................................................................. 27
Language.................................................................................. 28
Safety Mode ............................................................................. 28
Sound and Voice Setup ........................................................... 28
Interface Setup ........................................................................ 29
Routing Options....................................................................... 32
Turn Preview ....................................................................... 33
GPS Simulator......................................................................... 34
Current Position Lock ......................................................... 35
EPE (Estimated Position Error)......................................... 35
Satellite Display .................................................................. 35
Lat/Lon Coordinates............................................................ 35
Searching, Finding and Navigating .................................... 36
Auto Complete ......................................................................... 37
Name Filter.............................................................................. 40
Navigating to a Selected POI ................................................. 41
Recent Destinations ................................................................ 41
Finding Intersections .............................................................. 42
Choosing New Destinations while Navigating...................... 43
Point-to-Point Navigation ..................................................... 44
Create Waypoint at Current Position .................................... 46
Create Waypoint with Cursor ................................................ 46
Go To Cursor............................................................................ 47
Red Course Line ...................................................................... 48
Index......................................................................................... 56
When showing turn-by-turn navigation data, a GPS unit will show the shortest, most direct route to the destination. There are times when it may give directions, such as a U-turn, that may be prohibited in some loca­tions. While navigating, a driver is responsible for noting all traffic signs and obeying all local traffic laws. When following turn-by-turn directions, a driver must take advantage of all available navigation tools, and must visually check to make sure a clear, safe path to the next destination is available.
Do not attempt to configure, adjust or enter information into this unit while driving. Driver assumes all responsibility for using safe and prudent driving and navigation methods. When a GPS unit is used in a vehicle, the vehicle operator is solely responsible for operating the vehicle in a safe manner. Vehicle operators must maintain full surveillance of all pertinent driv­ing conditions at all times. An accident or collision resulting in damage to property, personal injury or death could occur if the operator of a GPS-equipped vehicle fails to pay full attention to travel conditions and vehicle operation while the vehicle is in motion. Do not attempt to configure, adjust or enter infor­mation into your GPS unit while driving.
External Connections
Section 1 includes information on external connections.
SD card slot
Reset button
power socket
Left side of unit Right side of unit
SD card slot: To insert an SD card, hold it so the label faces forward and
slide it into the slot, pushing with the tip of the finger until the card locks in place. To remove the card, again use your finger tip to push on the card, releasing the catch and ejecting the card. When Music Mode or the Pictures slideshow is selected, the unit will automatically search the SD card for the related files.
Reset button: If the unit is not responding, use the Reset button located
on the right side of the unit. Use the tip of a pen or something pointed to firmly press the Reset button recessed in the hole. Pressing the Re­set button will force the unit to power off so it can be restarted.
Headphone socket: Used to connect headphones. Listening to music or
turn-by-turn instructions with headphones can seriously impede your ability to drive. Check local laws before using headphones.
USB-to-PC/External power socket: The unit operates on an internal re-
chargeable battery. When the external power cable is connected the unit draws power directly through the power cable and recharges the battery. The unit also comes with a USB-to-PC cable. The XOG acts like a removable disk drive when connected to a computer. The USB cable is used to transfer files from a computer to the SD card. Addi­tional SD cards will be needed to store music, picture and GPS files.
The external power
cable (top left) is
used to power the
unit in a vehicle. The
USB-to-PC cable
(bottom left) is used
to transfer data from
a computer to the
XOG's SD card.
Portable Battery Charger
With a full charge, the internal battery will power the unit for approximately
2.5 hours. To extend battery time, try turning down the backlight. You can also save power by turning off the satellite receiver from the Satellites screen. See the topic Enable-Disable GPS on page 34.
An external power pack can be used to recharge the unit. There are two main types of external power packs. One runs on replaceable AA batteries. The other contains a built-in rechargeable battery. The external power pack must have a USB connection and output 5 volts. In the case of replaceable AA types, the power pack must hold 4 AA batteries.
Map Mode
Section 2 addresses on-screen commands, power button, and creating and saving contacts.
Power Button
The Power button turns the unit on and off and controls the map screen's backlight. The unit has three preset backlight levels. Repeatedly pressing
POWER will cycle
through the backlight settings. To turn the unit off, press and hold the
POWER key.
Touch Screen
The touch screen is used to enter commands. On-screen toolbars, menus and text lists are used to select entries and change features. From time to time there may be a slight delay between pressing a command and seeing the unit respond. The delay may be necessary while the unit retrieves information from the hard drive. Close menus and dialogs by pressing
X in the top right corner of the screen.
Use an optional microfiber towel to clean the unit’s screen. DO NOT use cleaning chemicals on the screen or damage may occur. Cleaning fabrics other than a microfiber towel may scratch the screen. Damage caused by incorrect cleaning is not covered by the warranty. To check
the availability of optional accessories go to our web site at www.lei- extras.com.
Power button
Opening Warning Dialog and Language Menus
The unit will display an Alarm dialog when powered up. Press
X to close the dialog box.
The Language – Text menu will appear. Select the text language the unit will dis­play and press
NEXT. The Language – Voice
menu will appear. Select the spoken lan­guage for turn-by-turn voice instructions. The unit will speak a short test message.
BACK to reselect the text language or
DONE to continue to the map screen.
On-Screen Commands
When the map screen is touched, the cursor and Map Screen Toolbar will appear. Use the cursor and Map Screen Toolbar to move around the map screen. When the unit is navigating the cursor and Map Screen Toolbar are hidden.
Main Menu button
Speak button
Auto Zoom button
Overlay Data Hide
Information button
Map Screen Toolbar
Map Orientation
Main Menu button: Map, Music, Find and Options are all available from
the Main Menu.
Location-POI Information button: Brings up the Location Information or
POI Information screen which is explained under the topic "Creating and Saving Contacts."
Speak button: Push to repeat the current navigation instruction or to
bring up the on-screen volume control slider.
Auto Zoom button: As the map screen moves to track your position, Auto
Zoom will enlarge the map based on your speed and the distance to the next turn. If you prefer to manually control the zoom level, turn the Auto Zoom feature off by pressing the
AUTO ZOOM button. Turn the fea-
ture back on by touching the button again.
Map Screen Toolbar: Controls the map screen. Cursor: Use to highlight map POI (Point of Interest) symbols. Overlay Data Hide button: Clears Overlay Data Boxes from the screen.
Press it again to bring them back.
Map Orientation button: Toggles between three different map views. By
default, the unit displays the map in 3D view.
3D View North Up Track Up
3D View displays the map from a position above, and slightly behind, the black arrow icon which represents you on-screen. North Up always shows the map with North at the top of the screen. Track Up rotates the map so that the direction you are traveling is always at the top of the screen.
Creating and Saving Contacts
Use the POI Information screen to view information on POI symbols and save contacts in the Address Book. Touch the map screen and the cursor will appear. Use the cursor to select and highlight a POI symbol. Press the will appear. To save the POI in the Address Book select
LOCATION-POI INFORMATION button. The POI Information screen
in the POI Information screen.
The cursor (left) has been used to highlight a POI symbol. When the
Location-POI Information button is selected the POI Information
screen (right) will appear.
ADD TO ADDRESSBOOK is selected, the Edit Contact screen will ap-
pear with the option to Go To the selected location or add an on-screen symbol by pressing the
SYMBOL button.
The Edit Contact screen (left) shows a saved contact. The Find By
Name screen (right) is the screen for saved contacts in the unit's Ad-
dress Book.
Saving Symbols On-screen
To save a symbol on the map, place the cursor where you want the sym­bol to appear on-screen. Press the the Location Information screen press
will be added to the Address Book and the Edit Contact screen will ap­pear. Press the
SYMBOL button in the Edit Contact screen. The Symbol
Window will appear. Highlight and select a symbol. Close the screen. The Edit Contact screen will appear. The symbol will appear in a small window in the bottom right of the Edit Contact screen. When the Edit Contact screen is closed the symbol will appear on-screen.
In the Edit Contact screen (left) press the Symbol button to bring up
the Symbol Window screen, shown at right.
The symbol will remain on-screen until it is deleted or changed. To delete or change a symbol, go to the Address Book. In the Address Book highlight and select the con­tact to be edited. When the Address Book entry is selected the Contact Information screen will appear. The Contact Informa­tion screen has four buttons on the right side: Go To, Find On Map, Edit and Delete.
Go To: Makes the unit navigate to the Address Book entry. Find On Map: Displays the location on the map screen. Edit: Changes information about an Address Book entry. Delete: Deletes an icon or Address Book entry.
To change information about a saved contact touch the entry header
in the Edit Contact screen and a keyboard will appear. The Name
header was selected in the Edit Contact screen, at right, and a key-
board (left) appeared.
To manually change the latitude or longitude, press either the Lati-
tude or Longitude header and a numbers keyboard will appear.
Music Mode
Use SD cards to store music and picture files. When Music Mode is se­lected the unit automatically searches the SD card for the specified media files. Insert an empty SD card into the unit and use the USB-to­PC cable to connect the unit to a computer. Once connected, the unit acts like a removable disk.
The Music screen has a central area for visualization effects with a set of play control buttons along the right side and bottom of the screen. When a song is playing the name of the song will appear at the top of the screen along with the song's length and quality in kbps.
Find Music
Now Playing box
Visualization effects screen
Music screen
Song Position slider
Play / Pause
Volume slider
Play control buttons
Previous: Skips to previous song. Play/Pause: Starts a song or play list. If a song is playing, pressing this
button will pause the song.
Next: Skips to next song. Stop: Stops the song. Volume slider: Adjusts volume. Song Position slider: Indicates the playback position of a song. Quickly
skip to any point in a song by pressing and dragging the blue button on the Song Position slider.
Now Playing box: Displays the name, position and quality of the song.
Touch the screen inside the Now Playing box to open the Browse Music Files screen.
Find Music: Opens the Audio Search screen. To find a specific song or
play list by its filename, press the
FIND MUSIC button and touch any-
where inside the Name Filter box to open a keyboard. Enter all or part of a song's filename and press
DONE. The Audio Search screen will pro-
vide a list of all audio files that match the text entered in the Name Filter field.
Visualization Effects: Takes up the center of the Music Mode display and
provides either a Waveform Analyzer or Spectrum Analyzer effect. To switch between the available visualization effects press the screen in­side the Visualization Area.
Shuffle: When this feature is on, at the end of a song, the unit will ran-
domly choose another song to play next.
Repeat: When this feature is on, at the end of a song, the unit will start
playing the play list again from the beginning.
Equalizer: Use this feature to customize audio levels.
Browse Music Files screen
Touch inside the Now Playing box to launch the Browse Music Files screen. The Browse Music Files screen shows the location of any music file being played. Press
PLAY ALL to play all of the music files in a se-
lected folder.
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