Linear 8157 Owner's Manual

User Manual
D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Link”) provides this limited warranty for its product only to the person or entity who originally purchased the product from D-Link or its authorized reseller or distributor.
Product Type Warranty Period
Product (excluding power supplies and fans), if purchased and delivered in the fifty (50) United States, or the District of Columbia (“USA”)
Product purchased or delivered outside the USA
Power Supplies and Fans One (1) Year Spare parts and spare kits Ninety (90) days
D-Link’s sole obligation shall be to repair or replace the defective Hardware at no charge to the original owner. Such repair or replacement will be rendered by D-Link at an Authorized D-Link Service Office. The replacement Hardware need not be new or of an identical make, model or part; D-Link may in its discretion may replace the
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As long as the original purchaser still owns the product
One (1) Year
defective Hardware (or any part thereof) with any reconditioned product that D-Link reasonably determines is substantially equivalent (or superior) in all material respects to the defective Hardware. The Warranty Period shall extend for an additional ninety (90) days after any repaired or replaced Hardware is delivered. If a material defect is incapable of correction, or if D-Link determines in its sole discretion that it is not practical to repair or replace the defective Hardware, the price paid by the original purchaser for the defective Hardware will be refunded by D-Link upon return to D-Link of the defective Hardware. All Hardware (or part thereof) that is replaced by D-Link, or for which the purchase price is refunded, shall become the property of D-Link upon replacement or refund. Limited Software Warranty: D-Link warrants that the software portion of the product (“Software”) will substantially conform to D-Link’s then current functional specifications for the Software, as set forth in the applicable documentation, from the date of original delivery of the Software for a period of ninety (90) days (“Warranty Period”), if the Software is properly installed on approved hardware and operated as contemplated in its documentation. D-Link further warrants that, during the Warranty Period, the magnetic media on which D-Link delivers the Software will be free of physical defects. D-Link’s sole obligation shall be to replace the non­conforming Software (or defective media) with software that substantially conforms to D-Link’s functional specifications for the Software. Except as otherwise agreed by D-Link in writing, the replacement Software is provided only to the original licensee, and is subject to the terms and conditions of the license granted by D-Link for the Software. The Warranty Period shall extend for an additional ninety (90) days after any replacement Software is delivered. If a material non-conformance is incapable of correction, or if D-Link determines in its sole discretion that it is not practical to replace the non-conforming Software, the price paid by the original licensee for the non­conforming Software will be refunded by D-Link; provided that the non-conforming Software (and all copies thereof) is first returned to D-Link. The license granted respecting any Software for which a refund is given automatically terminates.
What You Must Do For Warranty Service:
Registration Card. The Registration Card provided at the back of this manual must be completed and returned to an Authorized D-Link Service Office for each D-Link product within ninety (90) days after the product is purchased and/or licensed. The addresses/telephone/fax list of the nearest Authorized D-Link Service Office is provided in the back of this manual. FAILURE TO PROPERLY COMPLETE AND TIMELY RETURN THE REGISTRATION CARD MAY AFFECT THE WARRANTY FOR THIS PRODUCT. Submitting A Claim. Any claim under this limited warranty must be submitted in writing before the end of the Warranty Period to an Authorized D-Link Service Office. The claim must include a written description of the Hardware defect or Software nonconformance in sufficient detail to allow D-Link to confirm the same. The original product owner must obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from the Authorized D-Link Service Office and, if requested, provide written proof of purchase of the product (such as a copy of the dated purchase invoice for the product) before the warranty service is provided. After an RMA number is issued, the defective product must be packaged securely in the original or other suitable shipping package to ensure that it will not be damaged in transit, and the RMA number must be prominently marked on the outside of the package. The packaged product shall be insured and shipped to D-Link, 53 Discovery Drive, Irvine CA 92618, with all shipping costs prepaid. D-Link may reject or return any product that is not packaged and shipped in strict compliance with the foregoing requirements, or for which an RMA number is not visible from the outside of the package. The product
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owner agrees to pay D-Link’s reasonable handling and return shipping charges for any product that is not packaged and shipped in accordance with the foregoing requirements, or that is determined by D-Link not to be defective or non-conforming.
What Is Not Covered:
This limited warranty provided by D-Link does not cover: Products that have been subjected to abuse, accident, alteration, modification, tampering, negligence, misuse, faulty installation, lack of reasonable care, repair or service in any way that is not contemplated in the documentation for the product, or if the model or serial number has been altered, tampered with, defaced or removed; Initial installation, installation and removal of the product for repair, and shipping costs; Operational adjustments covered in the operating manual for the product, and normal maintenance; Damage that occurs in shipment, due to act of God, failures due to power surge, and cosmetic damage; and Any hardware, software, firmware or other products or services provided by anyone other than D-Link. Disclaimer of Other Warranties: EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY SPECIFIED HEREIN, THE PRODUCT IS PROVIDED “AS-IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IF ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY CANNOT BE DISCLAIMED IN ANY TERRITORY WHERE A PRODUCT IS SOLD, THE DURATION OF SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTY SHALL BE LIMITED TO NINETY (90) DAYS. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY COVERED UNDER THE LIMITED WARRANTY PROVIDED HEREIN, THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY, SELECTION AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT IS WITH THE PURCHASER OF THE PRODUCT. Limitation of Liability: TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, D-LINK IS NOT LIABLE UNDER ANY CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE THEORY FOR ANY LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCT, INCONVENIENCE OR DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER, WHETHER DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, LOSS OF INFORMATION OR DATA CONTAINED IN, STORED ON, OR INTEGRATED WITH ANY PRODUCT RETURNED TO D-LINK FOR WARRANTY SERVICE) RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, RELATING TO WARRANTY SERVICE, OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, EVEN IF D-LINK HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE SOLE REMEDY FOR A BREACH OF THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY IS REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF THE DEFECTIVE OR NON-CONFORMING PRODUCT. GOVERNING LAW: This Limited Warranty shall be governed by the laws of the state of California. Some states do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the foregoing limitations and exclusions may not apply. This limited warranty provides specific legal rights and the product owner may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise
1. Bitte lesen Sie sich diese Hinweise sorgfältig durch.
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2. Heben Sie diese Anleitung für den spätern Gebrauch auf.
3. Vor jedem Reinigen ist das Gerät vom Stromnetz zu trennen. Vervenden Sie keine Flüssig- oder Aerosolreiniger. Am besten
dient ein angefeuchtetes Tuch zur Reinigung.
4. Um eine Beschädigung des Gerätes zu vermeiden sollten Sie nur Zubehörteile verwenden, die vom Hersteller zugelassen sind.
5. Das Gerät is vor Feuchtigkeit zu schützen.
6. Bei der Aufstellung des Gerätes ist auf sichern Stand zu achten. Ein Kippen oder Fallen könnte Verletzungen hervorrufen.
Verwenden Sie nur sichere Standorte und beachten Sie die Aufstellhinweise des Herstellers.
7. Die Belüftungsöffnungen dienen zur Luftzirkulation die das Gerät vor Überhitzung schützt. Sorgen Sie dafür, daß diese
Öffnungen nicht abgedeckt werden.
8. Beachten Sie beim Anschluß an das Stromnetz die Anschlußwerte.
9. Die Netzanschlußsteckdose muß aus Gründen der elektrischen Sicherheit einen Schutzleiterkontakt haben.
10. Verlegen Sie die Netzanschlußleitung so, daß niemand darüber fallen kann. Es sollete auch nichts auf der Leitung abgestellt
11. Alle Hinweise und Warnungen die sich am Geräten befinden sind zu beachten.
12. Wird das Gerät über einen längeren Zeitraum nicht benutzt, sollten Sie es vom Stromnetz trennen. Somit wird im Falle einer
Überspannung eine Beschädigung vermieden.
13. Durch die Lüftungsöffnungen dürfen niemals Gegenstände oder Flüssigkeiten in das Gerät gelangen. Dies könnte einen Brand
bzw. Elektrischen Schlag auslösen.
14. Öffnen Sie niemals das Gerät. Das Gerät darf aus Gründen der elektrischen Sicherheit nur von authorisiertem Servicepersonal
geöffnet werden.
15. Wenn folgende Situationen auftreten ist das Gerät vom Stromnetz zu trennen und von einer qualifizierten Servicestelle zu
überprüfen: a – Netzkabel oder Netzstecker sint beschädigt. b – Flüssigkeit ist in das Gerät eingedrungen. c – Das Gerät war Feuchtigkeit ausgesetzt. d – Wenn das Gerät nicht der Bedienungsanleitung ensprechend funktioniert oder Sie mit Hilfe dieser Anleitung keine
Verbesserung erzielen.
e – Das Gerät ist gefallen und/oder das Gehäuse ist beschädigt. f – Wenn das Gerät deutliche Anzeichen eines Defektes aufweist.
16. Bei Reparaturen dürfen nur Orginalersatzteile bzw. den Orginalteilen entsprechende Teile verwendet werden. Der Einsatz von
ungeeigneten Ersatzteilen kann eine weitere Beschädigung hervorrufen.
17. Wenden Sie sich mit allen Fragen die Service und Repartur betreffen an Ihren Servicepartner. Somit stellen Sie die
Betriebssicherheit des Gerätes sicher.
18. Zum Netzanschluß dieses Gerätes ist eine geprüfte Leitung zu verwenden, Für einen Nennstrom bis 6A und einem
Gerätegewicht gr ßer 3kg ist eine Leitung nicht leichter als H05VV-F, 3G, 0.75mm2 einzusetzen.
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Copyright 1999 D-Link Corporation. Contents subject to change without prior notice. D-Link is a registered trademark of D-Link Corporation/D-Link Systems, Inc. All other trademarks belong to their respective proprietors.
Copyright Statement
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from D-Link Corporation/D-Link Systems Inc., as stipulated by the United States Copyright Act of 1976.
CE Mark Warning
This is a Class B product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures
Dies ist in Produkt der Klasse B. Im Wohnbereich kann dieses Produkt Funkstoerungen verursachen. In diesem Fall kann vom Benutzer verlangt werden, angemessene Massnahmen zu ergreifen.
Advertencia de Marca de la CE
Este es un producto de Clase B. En un entorno doméstico, puede causar interferencias de radio, en cuyo case, puede requerirse al usuario para que adopte las medidas adecuadas.
Ceci est un produit de classe B. Dans un environnement domestique, ce produit pourrait causer des interférences radio, auquel cas l`utilisateur devrait prendre les mesures adéquates.
Il presente prodotto appartiene alla classe B. Se utilizzato in ambiente domestico il prodotto può causare interferenze radio, nel cui caso è possibile che l`utente debba assumere provvedimenti adeguati.
FCC Warning
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
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will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.
VCCI Warning
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction.................................................................................1
1.1 Functions and Features.................................................................... 1
1.2 Packing List..................................................................................... 2
Chapter 2 Hardware Installation..................................................................3
2.1. Panel Layout................................................................................... 3
2.2. Installation Requirements ............................................................... 4
2.3. Procedure for Hardware Installation .............................................. 5
Chapter 3 Network Settings and Software Installation ...............................7
3.1 Make correct network settings to the computer.............................. 7
Chapter 4 Configuring The DI-707 .............................................................9
4.1 Start-up and Log in .......................................................................... 9
4.2 Status ............................................................................................. 10
4.3 Tools ...............................................................................................11
4.4 Setup .............................................................................................. 12
4.5 DHCP Server................................................................................. 14
4.6 Virtual Server................................................................................. 15
4.7 Special AP ..................................................................................... 16
4.8 Access Control............................................................................... 17
4.9 Misc Items..................................................................................... 18
Appendix A Console Mode.......................................................................19
Appendix B TCP/IP Configuration for Windows 95/98............................20
B.1 Install TCP/IP protocol into your PC............................................ 20
B.2 Set TCP/IP protocol for working with the DI-707 ....................... 21
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Chapter 1 Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the DI-707 Broadband Router. The DI-707 is specifically designed for Small Office and Home Office needs. It provides a complete solution for Internet surfing and office resource sharing, and is easy for non-technical users to configure and operate. Instructions for installing and configuring the DI-707 can be found in this manual. Before you install and use the DI-707, please read this manual carefully to fully understand the functions of the DI-707.
1.1 Functions and Features
l Cable/DSL modem and IP sharing
Connects multiple computers to a broadband (cable or DSL) modem or an Ethernet router to surf the Internet.
l Auto-sensing Ethernet Switch
Equipped with a 4-port 10/100Mb auto-sensing Ethernet switch.
l VPN supported
Supports multiple PPTP sessions and allows setup of a VPN server and VPN clients.
l Firewall
All unwanted packets from outside intruders are blocked to protect your Intranet.
l DHCP server supported
All of the networked computers can retrieve TCP/IP settings automatically from the DI-707.
l Web-based configuring
Configurable through any networked computer’s web browser using Netscape or Internet Explorer.
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l Access Control supported
Allows you to assign different access rights for different users.
l Virtual Server supported
Enables you to expose WWW, FTP and other services on your LAN to be accessible to Internet users outside of your LAN.
l User-Definable Application Sensing Tunnel
User can define the attributes to support the special applications requiring multiple connections, like Internet gaming, video conferencing, Internet telephony and so on, then the DI-707 can sense the application type and open a multi-port tunnel for it.
l DMZ Host supported
DMZ Host fully exposes a networked computer to the Internet. Use this feature when the special application sensing tunnel feature does not allow an application to function properly.
1.2 Packing List
l One DI-707 l One power cord l User Manual l Quick Installation Guide l Two CAT-5 UTP Fast Ethernet cables
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Chapter 2 Hardware Installation
2.1. Panel Layout
2.1.1. Front Panel
All LED indicators and RJ-45 connectors are allocated to the front panel.
Figure 2-1 Front Panel
WAN: the port where you will connect your cable (or DSL) modem or Ethernet router. Port 1-7: the ports where you will connect networked computers and other devices. LED indicators:
LED’s Function Color Status Description
POWER Power indication Green On Power is being applied to DI-707.
M1 System status 1 Orange Blinking DI-707 is functioning properly
M2 System status 2 Orange
WAN port
LAN port
Serial port
Green Blinking
On The WAN port is linked
On The LAN port is linked
The WAN port is sending or receiving data
The LAN port is sending or receiving data
DI-707 is working for some service
DI-707 is being configured or upgraded. Don ’t turn it off !
Data transfer is in progress through COM port
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