Lift-master RESIDENT User Manual

Resident Instructions
for EL Models
How a Visitor Contacts the Resident:
Single Family Residence: When a visitor presses the “CALL” button, the system rings your telephone.
Multi-Tenant Complex: A visitor enters your Directory Code on the unit keypad. The system dials your telephone number. The
visitor never sees your telephone number.
Visitor presses call button to contact resident Resident can grant access to visitor by pressing “9”
or deny access by pressing “4” on the resident telephone
Visitor gains entry
Visitor presses call button to contact resident Resident can grant access to visitor by pressing “9”
or deny access by pressing “4” on the resident telephone
Visitor gains entry
When You Answer the Visitor’s Call
The call time is limited. When 10 seconds of talk time remain the unit will emit 10 beeps. After access has been granted or denied, the system will automatically end the call to ensure the system is available to other visitors.
CALL WAITING (Single Family Residence ONLY):
Press “2” on your telephone keypad to toggle between another telephone call and the visitor call at the gate/door.
If you are opening a door, the system will unlock it for a preset period of time. The system will also emit audio feedback or play a message.
Extend Talk Time
Activate ALL Entry Devices on Door #4 Relay(s)
Hang Up and Deny Access to the Visitor
Toggle Between Visitor and Another Phone Call
Activate ALL Entry Devices on Door #3 Relay(s)
Activate ALL Entry Devices on Door #2 Relay(s)
Activate ALL Entry Devices on Door #1 Relay(s)
Using Entry Codes
An Entry Code allows access to a controlled area by entering a numeric code on the unit keypad.
Enter your assigned Entry Code (3-9 digits). If you make an error while entering your code, press “” to cancel.
Resident Instructions (continued)
Speaking Through the Unit:
This feature is used to initiate communications from the resident phone through the unit at any time. The communication is two-way. You may use your phone as described in “When you answer the visitor’s call.”
Press from the residence phone.
Enter the Unit ID code (if applicable).
Press then and begin speaking. Hang up when finished.
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